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Sessional-2 Examination, Jan-2022

BBA – 5th Semester

Subject: PSPD


Time Allocated: 1 ½ Hours M.M. 30 Marks

Before answering the questions, candidates should ensure that they have been supplied
the correct and complete question paper. No complaint in the regard will be entertained
after examination

Note: 1. The students have to attempt any 3 questions in total out of 4.

2. Marks are depicted against each question.

Q1. What do you understand by brainstorming? What are its rules? (10)

Q2. Define symbols of self. Explain their role in day-to-day life and in the organization.

Q3. What is the role of self awareness in personality development? How do you develop self awareness?
Q4. Discuss different forms of stress. (10)

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