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Name: _______________________

11 Physics Roll #:
Time: 30Min; Marks: 17 for video lectures, past papers and other helping material
Q1) Choose the most appropriate option. Cutting / overwriting is not allowed: 08 Marks
i) If the magnifying power of magnifying glass in 3, then focal length will be ____
A) 25cm B) 12.5cm C) 5cm D) 3cm
ii) The area under the curve of force-displacement graph represents ____
A) force B) work C) power D) displacement
iii) Two vectors to be combined have magnitudes 60N and 35N. The correct answer will be ____
A) 15N B) 20N C) 70N D) 100N
iv) → →
Work done will be maximum when angle between F and d is:
A) 180 B) 90 C) 60 D) 0
∘ ∘ ∘ ∘

v) The percentage uncertainty in measurement of mass and velocity are 2% and 3%. The maximum uncertainty in the measurement
of kinetic energy is ____%
A) 11 B) 8 C) 6 D) 1
vi) The dimensional unit of impulse is ____
A) MLT B) MLT−1 C) ML−1 T−1 D) M−1 L−1 T−1
vii) Which of the following is least multiple?
A) pico B) femto C) nano D) atto
viii)The equation of Michelson's Interferometer is ____
A) L = mλ B) L = mλ C) L = mλ D) L = 2mλ
2 4

11 Physics Name: _______________________

Roll #:
Time: 2:30Hr; Marks: 68 for video lectures, past papers and other helping material
Q2) Write short answers of ANY SEVEN (07) of the following: 14 Marks
i) What do you mean by scientific notation? Give an example.
ii) Differentiate between precise and accurate measurements.
iii) What are the main frontiers of fundamental sciences?
iv) Define base quantities and derived quantities.
v) Differentiate between static and dynamic equilibrium.
vi) Can a body rotate about its center of gravity under the action of its weight?
vii) Define position vector and give its mathematical expression.
viii) What is projectile motion? In what direction acceleration is zero in this motion?
ix) Show that the range of projectile is maximum when projectile is thrown at an angle of 45 degrees with the horizontal plane.
x) When a body is dropped from a height 4m, calculate its velocity.
Q3) Write short answers of ANY SEVEN (07) of the following: 14 Marks
i) A person holds a bag of groceries while standing still. A car is stationary with its engine running. How are the two situations
similar from the point of view of work?
ii) Define power. Write its S.I. unit.
iii) Define escape velocity. Write its value.
iv) What is polarization of light?
v) How would you distinguish between unpolarized and plane polarized lights?
vi) How can the distance between interference fringes affect by the separation between the slits of Young's experiment? Can
fringes disappear?
vii) If a person was looking through a telescope at the full moon, how would the appearance of the moon be changed by covering
half of the objective lens?
viii) Find the magnifying power of a convex lens of 10cm focal length.
ix) Why we use infrared light in a fiber optic communication system?
x) What is simple microscope? Write down the equation for its magnifying power.
Q4) Write short answers of ANY SIX (06) of the following: 00 Marks

Give explanatory answers of (both parts of) ANY THREE of the following: 24 Marks
5A)Define scalar product. Write down its any four characteristics.
5B) Define rectangular components of a vector. How two vectors can be added by rectangular component method?
6A)A football is thrown upward with an angle of 30 with respect to the horizontal plane. To throw a 40m pass, what must be the

initial speed of ball?

6B) A 100g golf ball is moving toward right with a velocity of 20m/sec. It makes a head on collision with an 8kg steel ball, initially at
rest. Compare velocities of the balls after collision.
7A)Define gravitational field. Show that work done in the Earth's gravitational field is independent of the path followed.

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