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St Claret School

Physi cs/ Class IX/ F·

trst Assessment/ Session 2017-18/ FM: 80
Section A
~ t fon 1. Answer all quest ions from this section
', ~ rigid body when d
' h~ ' acte upon by a force , can have two kinds of motion Name
them. [2]
V' / !)efin e moment of force and state its S.l . unit .
. (2)
'--~ Expla in why t00 I l"k
~ s 1 e spanners and wrenches have long handles. [2]
Explain why a door does not open ifwe push at the hinge.
~Y A, B, C and D are four forces eac_h of
magn itude ION acting in the plane of the
paper as shown in the diagram . The point O
lies in the same plane. Calcu late the ~
result ant torque about the point 0 . C

,~ i o n 2 .
/ W h a t is sound ?
~ t e two prope rties of air which allow it to propa
gate sound . [2)
~ a t kind of waves create
~ Comp ressio ns and rarefa ctions
/ ~ Crests and trough s
~ /hy can radio waves travel in vacuum but sound waves cannot? [2]
\ jf The veloc ity of a wave is 3 x 10 8 m s" 1• Its wavel ength
is 3 x 103 m. How much time will it
take for this wave to cover a distan ce of I 0 16 m? What
is the frequ ency of this wave ? [2)

yen will an electr ic curre nt flow in a wire?
. · (2]
\.WState two differences between a primary and a secondary cell.
~ m e one conductor of electricity and one insulator.
\7 : . . curren t is flowi ng throu gh a length of coppe r wire. The
wire is then heated by 50° C. lf ·
. [2]

the potential difference remains the same, will more current flow
through the wire or less?
Give a reason for your answer.
(}../ Calculate the potential difference across the ends of a wire
of resistance 4 n when a current
of 20 A passes throu gh it.

Page 1 of 4
Physics/ Class IX/ First Assessment/ Session 2017-18
\ ~on4. ·
~. oar magnet is broken into throe pieces, . How mnny poles. II
• w, thcr . •
Why are magnets used m compasses to indi'cnt d' . c be in total''
· e 1rect1on? < '
~ a t are electromagnets? l2 \
✓, Gi:ve hvo ·reasons why electromagnets nre consider d li.1
e more useful thn . (21
V ,,./ Give
any two uses of electromagnets . ' n nnturnl rr .
iagn cts?
Section B
. / Answer am1 four questions from this section
\\-/'Question 5.

&' ~ In what medium does sound have the greatest velocity, solid, liquid or gas?
\.~ Why does sound travel faster whvn the air is humid than when the air is dry? .ms
/ State any one property of ultrasound.
[31 e:
b) State three points of difference between light waves and sound waves.
VAn o b r r sees a gun being fired and hears the sound 5 seconds later.

\.,l{ lfthe speed of sound is 340 m s· 1, how far is the observer from the man firing
the gun?
_ ,✓
_ If the incident had happened on a colder day, in what way would the above
/ observation change? Give a reason for your answer. - -
\j>i1' If the incident had happened on a windy day, with the wind blowing from the
man with the gun towards the observer, in what way would the above
o_b servation change? Give a reason for your answer. [4]

. L3/'
~ '{2/'Draw to show how a cell is represented in a circuit diagram.
. ~ r a w to show how a rheostat is represented in a circuit diagram. What is the
function of a rheostat? [3]
-~ S~~ ~use of the following devices:
'\.ef Ammeter
/voltmeter ·
~alvanometer. [3]
Ley ~State Ohm's law. Express the law mathematically.
· ~ t a t e two ways how the strength of an electromagnet can be, increased. [4]

Page 2 of 4 Physics/ Class IX/ First Assessment/ Session 2017-18

Question 7.
i) Why does a freely d
suspen ed mag net always align itself in a north-south directi
If given three ide 't' , I · on?
n ica pieces o f .iron, two of them bemg
. .
magnets and the third
being a non~magnet, how will you distinguish betwe en
the magnets and the non
magne t?
b) State any three [3)
· .
proper ties . .
of magnetic Imes of force.
c) i) [3]
What are neutral points in a magne tic field?
Two bar magne ts of equal strength are kept in such a '
position that the south poles
face each other. With the help of magne tic lines of force,
plot the position of the
neutra l point that lies betwe en the two south poles.
i. a
IN sj N \, a
[4] ' l"
\ ~on8. eC

~unifor m metre rule balanc es horizo ntally on a pivot placed at the {,

60 cm mark when a
weigh t of 4 N is suspe nded from one end. 11
~ w a diagra m of this arrang ement .
\iiy What is the weigh t of the rule?
·\. _,V ~ what two factors does the position of the centre of gravity of a body depen

~ : w a diagram to show when the centre of gravity of

a body is situated outside its
/ [3]
~ Ji State the two conditions that must be satisfied for a body to
be in equilibrium.
$G ive an example of static equilibrium and 'one
example of dynamic equilibrium. (4] ·

~ t i ,,9.
~ ~ Give an example of a motion in which speed remains const
ant, but the velocity
/.,,- ~p lai n the motion of planets around the sun in
a ci~ul ar path.
\.--t,) A boy is whirling a pebble at the end of a string.
i) Will the string be taut or slack? Give a reason for your answ
-Jj{ Draw a diagram and shov., the direction of force acting on the
string and on the
. '

· · Page 3 of 4
• Physics/ Class IX/ First Assessment/ Session 2017-18
~ m a l l ball ti ed
at on e end of the strin
g is placed near th e pe
th e ce nt re o f w hi ch riphery of a ci rc ul ar disc at
th e ot he r end of the
strin g is tied. Th e disc is
passing through its ce rotated ab ou t an axis
ntre. .
\Y 'W h a t w il l be
yo ur ob se rv at io n w
he n you are standing
~ a t w ill be ou ts id e th e di sc ? Ex
yo ur ob se rv at io n w pl ai n.
hen you are standing
fa ci ng the ba ll? Ex at th e ce nt re of the
pl ai n. disc,

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