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Atienza, Erica Jean Q.



A. Answer the following:
1. What is the significance of Antonio Morga’s book Sucesos de las Isla Filipinas?
He produced Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas in 1609 after being posted to Mexico, which is
regarded one of the most important books on the early history of the Spanish colonization of the
Philippines. He reinstated the audencia in the Philippines as Deputy Governor. He assumed the
role of judge or oidor. This is one of the earliest works on Philippine history. A book about
situations both inside and outside of the country.
2. When Rizal did annotate the Morga’s Sucesos?
Rizal annotated of Antonio de Morga's Sucesos in 1890.
3. Why did Rizal embark on the task of annotating Morga’s book?
He had been conceptualizing the Filipino as a people with a unique civilisation that had been
destroyed by colonization, rather than as a people who were equal to their Spanish colonizers.
Rizal discovered the answer to his question in Morga's book, which he chose to reprint with his
additions. Rizal's goal in publishing his annotated version of de Morga's Sucesos de las Islas
Filipinas was to show the Filipino people not only their pre-Spanish history, but also their own
true culture and identity.
4. Why did Rizal choose Morga?
Rizal felt Morga to be more “objective” than the religious writers whose accounts included many
miracle stories. Morga was more sympathetic to the indios than religious chroniclers; and finally,
Morga was not only an eyewitness but also a prominent player in the events he relates.
5. How did Morga describe the Visayan people?
The Pintados tatooed indigenous Cebuano Visayan people –as depicted on a page of boxer
codex, a manuscript written in 1590 containing illustrations of ethnic groups in the Philippine at
the time of their initial contact with the Spaniards.
6. How did Morga describe the culinary art of the ancient?
Morga describes the culinary art of ancient Filipinos. They prefer to eat salt fish that begin to
decompose and smell.
7. Do you think that Morga might have been biased when he wrote the Sucesos de las Isla
Filipinas? Why? Or Why not. Explain your answer.
Yes, Morga was biased in his writing of the Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas since he is a Spaniard,
and it is as though the idea that Filipinos are an inferior race is ingrained in their minds, leading
them to believe that they are superior to us. As a result, Morga is biased when writing the
Sucesos, imagining the work as very beneficial to their side and demonstrating their dominance.
I also believe that his work is prejudiced since I believe it is his approach of gaining greater
respect among his peers and for his country. Also, according to Rizal's annotation in Sucesos de
las Islas Filipinas, Morga described Filipino salt fish as "food that began to decompose and
smell," but he had no idea it was "bagoong" and not rotten. Another reason for his bias is because
he does not understand our culture and heritage, which causes him to be biased in his own

C. Write an essay with the aim of answering the following?
a. What is freedom?
Freedom is the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint,
and the absence of a despotic government.
b. How is the lack of freedom portrayed in the novel?
Lack of freedom is depicted in the novel Noli Me Tangere through Rizal's words on how the
Spaniards seek to govern us, as well as in the novel about the Spaniards' slavery of the Filipinos.
c. How is the situation in the novel different from today?
As a result, Rizal is still important to Filipinos today. Unfortunately, many of the social ills he
battled against have persisted in Philippine society more than a century after his martyrdom.
Neocolonialism, which is nothing more than a reorganization of old colonial connections, is
nevertheless characterized by uneven treatment of colonized states. Foreign countries, such as
the United States, treat our archipelago as if it were their own backyard, which is why American
forces are stationed here under the Visiting Forces Agreement, Balikatan Exercises, and the
Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement.

C. Comparison Between Noli and El Fili. Fill out the boxes in the table below.
1. Meaning Noli me tangere, meaning The Reign of Greed
"don't touch me"
2. Dedication Motherland and fatherland Rizal dedicated the new book
to the three priests, Gomez,
Burgos and Zamora, who
were executed because of
their supposed participation
in the first revolutionary
campaign of modern
Philippine nationalism, the
mutiny of Cavite.
3. Date of completion February 21, 1887 September 1891
4. Date of Publication 1887 1891
5. Place of Publication Berlin, Germany Ghent, Belgium
6. Savior Maximo S. Viola Valentin Ventura Ventura

D. Prove or contradict the following statements.

1. Noli is more superior than Fili.
The original intention of Rizal was to make the Fili longer than the NoliThe friends of Rizal and
our Rizalistas today differ in opinion as to which is the superior novel the Noli orthe Fili.
Rizal himself considered the Noli as superior to the Fili as a novel, thereby agreeing with M.H.
delPilar who had the same opinion.
2. Although there are striking differences between the Noli and Fili, there is a common
denominator between these two novels.
Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo have similarities in terms of aim and purpose. Both aim
to enlighten the Filipinos on what is happening in the country. They want the people to fight for
their country and have the total freedom.
One of the great books written by our national hero, Dr. Jose P. Rizal, is Noli Me Tangere. It is a
Latin word meaning "Touch Me Not". This book is a societal novel. He started writing it in
Madrid, Spain on 1884, continued in Paris, France and was finished in Berlin, Germany on
February 1887. Noli Me Tangere was dedicated to his Inang Bayan, the Philippines.
Another important writing of our hero is the El Filibusterismo. It comes from the word
"filibustero" which means a person who is against the Roman Catholic. This book is a political
novel. He started writing it on 1890 in London, England and was finished in Brussels, Belgium
on 1891. This was dedicated to the "Three Martyrs", GomBurZa (Fr. Mariano Gomez, Fr. Jose
Burgos, Fr. Jacinto Zamora). Dr. Rizal believed that the three martyrs was only a victim of
cruelty and loss of justice.

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