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Lovely Dorothy Rachel Tukuafu

Tonga Campus
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Sustainable Cities

Possible, examples, best practices.


Proquest Basic Search Google Basic Search

 - example AND best practices  - example and best practices of

AND sustainable cities. possible sustainable cities.

 - Keyword Search  Title search

 -Boolean operator AND  -Keyword Search

 - 105,319  - 16,300,000

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The effectiveness of this search This search strategy is effective
strategy is the ability to rapidly find because the results were relevant
relevant search results to the topic and related to the topic used to
and at the same time related results search for. At the same time, it
that match the topic and what I am helped narrow down information that
searching for. located the keywords used in the
search strategy.

Scholarly Journal Journal

Sustainable Cities and Society

Sustainable Public Procurement Best
Practices at Sub-National Level.
Mélon, L. 2020, "Sustainable Public Haghighat, P. F., 'Sustainable cities
Procurement Best Practices at Sub-
National Level: Drivers of Strategic
and Societies.' (2017).
Public Procurement Practices in
Catalonia and Barcelona", European
Procurement & Public Private
Partnership Law Review, vol. 15, no.
2, pp. 139-162.

Abstracting and indexing - Sustainable

Cities and Society |
by Elsevier

Sustainable Public Procurement Best

Practices at Sub-National Level:
Drivers of Strategic Public
Procurement Practices in Catalonia
and Barcelona - ProQuest
The positive indicator is that the search strategy covered the topic. The most important part Neutral
Limit Coverage of this topic coverage is that it would increase the quality and what the topic commits to.
Especially as it is important for research on an abstract level. Although, it only has limited
Topic Coverage coverage which is a negative indicator. The search results only covered a few such as the
sustainable cities and did not cover any other best examples as well. This does not indicate
the whole research process.
This information only has a positive indicator. The resource is fully covered with supported Very Good
Click or tap here to enter text. evidence as well as reference for citation in different citation styles such as Chicago, Harvard
etc. this increases the quality of the information resource and at the same very useful for
-Verifiable research information because the treatment of the information resource is presented very
-Supported by footnotes and well.
This information resource only has a negative indicator because the expertise and the Neutral
-Expertise or background of the background of the author is not mentioned except for his name and his editors. This affects
author not mentioned. the information resource in making it hard to find the author’s credentials and to know
whether if it was only one author it could be two more. The author’s credential are very
Author’s name and editor’s are important in evaluating an information resource so that it may increase the quality and the
mentioned. usefulness of the resource and to make sure if the author’s background and expertise have
relevance to the topic research.
This information resource only has a positive indicator. The resource is fully addressed Good
Click or tap here to enter text. relevant and related to the topic. This gives and apprehensive quality for the information
resource searched for and its result. Being able to know whether the resource addresses the
-Topic is addressed topic makes it easy for research and for concise and relevant use so that I would know
whether the resource I have found matches the topic I searched for.
This resource only has a positive timeliness indicator. This information resource is very up to Very Good
Click or tap here to enter text. date and also include recent updates as well. This information resource was published on the
2nd of July on the year of 2020. It also states that it was recently updated on the same year it
Resource is up to date was published later on. This increases the quality and usefulness of the information resource
and to better the research of users.

This information resource covers most of the Topic’s features. The topic refers to the possible Bad
Limit Coverage examples and best practices of and for sustainable cities. However, it only has limit coverage
of the topic. This information resource does not fully cover the entire topic and information
Covers features of the Topic given, yet only short details to the topic. This affects the usefulness and quality of the
information resource for researchers to use since it only gives a few insight of the topic
searched for.
This information resource is highly supported with a bibliography listed with references of Neutral
Information not verified. different authors and related information to the topic researched. This gives good insights of
the topic and the abililty to know that there is other related information to support the topic.
Supported by bibliography However, the information is clearly not verified yet and to clarify yet to be verified. This can
information affect the quality of the information but it is still very useful.
This information resource only depicts the names of the author’s. However, the author’s Neutral
Author’s credentials not credentials or background is not mentioned. This decreases the quality of the information
mentioned resource because it is needed for researchers to know whether the author or editor’s
expertise is related to the field of the topic.However, it is just slightly decreases the
Authors names are mentioned. information resource’s usefulness as well.
This information resource is relevant to the topic searched. It also has an abstract to have an Good
Click or tap here to enter text. insight of what the topic addresses as well. This increases the topic’s quality and usefulness as
well for researchers to know that the information that they are searching for matches the
Topic is addressed. results and is related to the topic searched for.
This information resource shows the publilcation date yet only the year yet no updated date Neutral
No updated date mentioned. This gives doubt to whether the information can be used or not. The resource was
created in 2017 but still remains the fact that there is no updated dates. This slightly
Published date mentioned decreases the information resource’s quality and usefulness for research use.
The information resource that I would prefer to use would be the information resource number 1. This is
because it is a scholarly journal. First of all it is already both required a peer reviewed and depicts a full
abstract of the information resource which gives good insights of the resource to use. From evaluating
resource 1, it definitely addresses and covers the topic as well. It is also clarified with supported evidence
and references listed along with related information to use. Resource 2 is very suitable to use for research
use because it is reliable, verified and supported with various related information.

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