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I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer
to each of the following questions.
1. The teacher asked you if you finished your homework that day, ?
A. hadn’t he B. didn’t he C. didn’t you D. hadn’t he
2. It is compulsory for the students in this school to wear
uniform. A The students in this school must wear uniform
B. The students in this school can't wear uniform
C. The students in this school may wear uniform.
D. The students in this school needn't wear uniform.
3. We hope you a good time at the moment in Japan!
A. have had B. ’ll have C. are having D. have
4. The boy was so lazy that he couldn’t stay up late to learn his lessons.
A. The boy was lazy enough not to stay up late to learn his lessons.
B. The boy was too lazy to stay up late to learn his lessons.
C. The boy was lazy enough but he stayed up late to learn his lessons.
D. The boy was lazy enough to stay up late to learn his lessons.
5. I always prefer to have a(n) when I'm travelling, so I know all the
stages of my journey.
A. destination B. path C. journey D. itinerary (hành
6. As we know, Britain four nations – England, Scotland, Wales and
Northern Ireland- each with its own cultural values.
A. is consisted of
B. is made up of (được tạo bởi)
C. has comprised of
D. has composed of
7. “I went back to work last week," said Harry.
A. Harry said that he had gone back to work last week.
B. Harry said that I went back to work the week before.
C. Harry said that he had gone back to work the week before.
D. Harry said that he went back to work the week before.
8. It’s a waste of time asking Peter for help because he is too busy.
A. Peter is too busy that he can’t help anyone.
B. You shouldn’t ask Peter for help as he will refuse.
C. There’s no point (vô ích) asking Peter for help because he is too busy.
D. It takes your time when you ask Peter for help because he is too busy,
9. This movie a Golden Palm; it was an absolute flop (thất vọng).
A. may have won B. can't have won
C. mustn't have won D. should have won

10. Sue finds her job as a sales assistant too , so she's looking for
another one. (không quen với cv nhàm chán)
A. manual B. boring C. exciting D. well-paid
11. After he had recovered (from – phục hồi khỏi cái gì) the disease, his parents
noticed that he didn’t react (to – phản ứng với) the surroundings.
A. on/ with B. from/ at C. from/ to D. out / to
12. The first port of on our Greek Islands cruise is Santorini.
A. guide B. tour C. ship D. call
13. Nobody discussed this topic, ?
A. didn’t they B. did they C. didn’t he D. didn’t he
14. People say that failure is the mother of success.
A. It is told (said) that failure is the mother of success.
B. Failure is said to be the mother of success.
C. Failure is to have said to be the mother of success.
D. A and B are correct.
15. Whether a piece of clothing someone was not an issue.
A. Suited(phù hợp) B. developed C. impressed D. afforded
16. "I participated in a volunteer program last summer," said Martha.
A. Martha said that she was going to participate in a volunteer program
that summer.
B. Martha said that I participated in a volunteer program the previous summer.
C. Martha said that she had participated in a volunteer program the previous
D. Martha said that she had participated in a volunteer program last summer.
17. The man has just fallen down the stairs and there’s everywhere.
A. skin B. cut C. bone D. blood
18. We to our hotel, unpacked our bags and then explored the town.
A. drop off B. checked out C. checked in D. got around
19. His habit of eating moderation may also contribute (to – góp phần
vào) his lifespan.
A. on/ to B. in/ to C. in/ with D. with/ with
20. Without my teacher’s advice, I wouldn’t have participated in the competition.
A. If my tutor hadn’t advised me, I would have participated in the competition.
B. If my teacher didn’t advise me, I wouldn’t have participated in the competition.
C. If it hadn’t been for my teacher’s advice, I wouldn’t have participated in the competition.
D. But for my teacher’s advice, I would have participated in the competition.

21. The careers advisor reminded the student to include references in her job
A. application B. interview C. motivation D. vacancy
22. Jeremy can't blame anyone but himself being late for the
A. with B. by C. for D. at
23. We didn’t realize how long since we last met our uncle. (- QKHT)
A. it is been B. it had been C. it was been D. it was being
24. A lot of businesses around the world are serious debt.
A. with B. on C. at D. in
25. At the job interview, the applicant said that she economics at
Monash University.(- Câu gián tiếp – lùi thì)
A. is studying B. will be studying C. studies D. had studied
26. Her younger brother didn’t begin to play badminton until he was ten years old.
A. It was not until her younger brother was ten years old that he began to
play badminton.
B. When her younger brother was ten years old, he didn’t know how to
play badminton.
C. Her younger brother didn’t begin to play badminton when he was ten
years old.
D. Not until her younger brother played badminton, he was ten years old.
27. A typical poor person had one set of clothing for every day and one other
for special occasions- not that there were many of those.
A. nappy B. collection C. outfit (quần áo) D. accessory
28. If employees choose to work fewer hours, they cost the company less in
A. money B. income C. wages(lương) D. payments
29. We go on hol ida y on a small island to g e t the crowds.
A. along with B. out of C. into D. away from(tránh xa..)
30. Jewellry of chains and safety pins - often worn through the nose.
(30. Đồ trang sức bao gồm dây xích và chốt an toàn - thường được đeo qua
A. contained B. consisted (bao gồm) C. insisted D. included
31. Mary is more intelligent than her brother.
A. Mary's brother is more intelligent than she is.
B. Mary is less intelligent than her brother.
C. Mary isn't as intelligent as her brother.
D. Mary's brother isn't as intelligent as she is.

32. Mobile phones, computer screens and flat-screen TVs emit large amount of
blue light. So those devices at bedtime.
A. turn off B. turn up C. turn down D. turn on
33. Travellers can get foreign at the airport bank.
A. cuisine B. currency(tiền) C. luggage D. accommodation
34. “I’m sorry I gave you the wrong number”, said Paul to Susan.
A. Paul thanked to Susan for giving the wrong number.
B. Paul accused Susan of giving him the wrong number.
C. Paul apologized to Susan for giving the wrong number.
D. Paul denied giving Susan the wrong number.
35. Scien-Tech is the best journal in the field of science and technology
available today. (Scien-Tech cho đến nay là tạp chí tốt nhất trong lĩnh vực khoa
học và công nghệ hiện nay.)
A. by far(cho đến lúc này) B. more C. further D. much
36. Her colleague said: ‘There was a problem with the elevator in my
company yesterday’. (câu trực tiếp  câu gián tiếp)
A. Her colleague said there has been a problem with the elevator in her
company the previous day.
B. Her colleague said there had a problem with the elevator in her company
the day before.
C. Her colleague said there had been a problem with the elevator in her
company the day before.
D. Her colleague said there was a problem with the elevator in my company
the previous day.
37. Diabetes is a disease that occurs your blood glucose, also called blood
sugar, is too high.
A. that B. where C. in D. when
38. Peter is getting engaged Mary although they have very little
A. for/ about B. into/ in C. with/ at D. to/ in
39. The politician tried to keep the story secret from the .( Chính trị gia đã
cố gắng giữ bí mật câu chuyện với báo chí)
A. press B. print C. newsagent D. article
40. It is compulsory for all the students to hand in their assignments on time.
A. All the students must hand in their assignments on time.
B. All the students can't hand in their assignments on time.
C. All the students may hand in their assignments on time.
D. All the students needn't hand in their assignments on time.

41. She started doing exercise the age of 40. “I am willing give
up my eating habits to live longer.” she says.
A. at / on B. at / to C. to / at D. on / to
42. The for the car is expected to increase its sales.
A. supplement B. advertisement C. photojournalism D. subscription
43. In a reality show, the contestants were made on a desert island.
A. to live B. to living C. live D. lived
44. His sister finds playing football difficult.
A. His sister is not used to playing football.
B. His sister can’t play football.
C. His sister didn’t use to playing football.
D. His sister is familiar with playing football.
45. When the snow finally stopped , people had to dig themselves out
of their homes.
A. falling B. fall C. having fallen D. to fall
46. The teacher explained the theory clearly. However, the students found it hard to
understand it.
A. Despite the teacher’s clear explanation of the theory, students had difficulty
understanding it.
B. In spite of explaining the theory clearly, students themselves found it hard to
understand it.
C. Although the teaching theory was clear, there was a real challenge to the
D. Though explained clearly, the theory of teaching was difficult to students.
47. The longer the tsunami victims have to wait for help, their situation
A. worse B. the worst C. worst D. the worse
48. Emotions have a physical on our body. It’s true that that happiness
our whole body in a positive way.
A. affect/ effects B. impacts/impact C. effect/ affects D. effects/ affect
49. They had of that country that they would never forget in their life.
A. so wonderful memories B. such a wonderful memories
C. such wonderful memories D. so a wonderful memories
50. My cousin last phoned his girlfriend three weeks ago.
A. My cousin didn’t phone his girlfriend three weeks ago.
B. My cousin hasn’t phoned his girlfriend for three weeks.
C. My cousin has phoned his girlfriend for three weeks.
D. My cousin has three weeks to phone his girlfriend.

II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s)
CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following
1. I didn't think his comments were very appropriate at the time.
A. correct B. right C. suitable D. exact
2. The new movie was a big hit as tickets for most of the showings were sold out.
A. beat B. failure C. success D. threat
3. Bacterial and viral infections of the larynx can cause the vocal cords to swell.
A. widen B. inflame C. get larger D. get infected
4. After air has passed down the trachea to the lungs, it enters two branches.
A. tertiary bronchi B. bronchioles
C. primary bronchi D. secondary bronchi
5. When I was a child, I always looked up to my father. He was a real role model for me.
A. understood B. liked C. trusted D. admired
6. The labyrinth of the ear contains organs of the senses of hearing and equilibrium.
A. The internal ear B. The middle ear C. The external ear D. The malleus
7. It divides into two main bronchi, the left and the right, below the base of the neck.
A. primary B. secondary C. tertiary D. lobar
8. Most autoimmune diseases have periods of flare-up and latency.
A. exacerbations B. discomfort C. dysfunction D. prognosis
9. Most autoimmune diseases have periods of flare-up and latency.
A. recovery B. return C. remission D. repeat
10. His cancer has spread to the rest of the body and becomes dangerous for
his health.
A. has diagnosed B. has detected
C. has metastasized D. has treated
III. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheer to indicate the word(s)
OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following
1. With so many bruises over the body, it is obvious that the child has had a bad fall.
A. unfair B. unclear C. known D. correct
2. There's no need to feel guilty about it.
A. lonely B. relaxed C. innocent D. worried
3. Although we suspected that he was guilty, he went scot-free.
A. was fined B. was freed without any fine
C. was released from prison D. was not charged with murder

4. Question 26: The band had an outstanding performance at the Grand Theatre
last night.
A. good B. excellent C. gentle D. bad
5. My little daughter would spend an inordinate amount of time in the shop,
deciding exactly which 4 comics she was going to buy.
A. excessive B. limited C. required D. abundant
6. It is impolite when you ask Alex about her age, marriage and income.
A. rude B. friendly C. thoughtful D. courteous
IV. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined
part that needs correction in each of the following questions.
1. If Al had come sooner, he could has eaten dinner with the whole
family. A B C D
2. Caroline refused taking the job given to her because the salary was not good.
3. Employees who break the rules and are repeatedly late or absent are only going
to A B C
get out of trouble.
4. There have been a report of several bombings by terrorist groups.
5. A tornado with wind speeds of 110 km an hour can sweep for entire houses.
6. Why don’t you congratulate our son about passing his final
exam? A B C D
7. We train “service dogs” to help people against physical disabilities.
8. No computer has the brain’s incredible ability to be coped with the amount
of A B C
information coming from the eyes, ears and other sensory organs. (to cope) ©
9. It says that the eyes are the window of the soul, but did you know that according to
the ancient Chinese art of face reading, all your facial features reveal secrets about
your personality?

10. While the Brows were away on holiday, their house was broke into.


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