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Placement Test

Ime i prezime:

Broj telefona:

Firma u kojoj radite:

Imam predznanje u učenju engleskog jezika: Da Ne

Učio/Učila sam engleski jezik: U okviru redovnog školovanja Na kursevima

I jedno i drugo Samostalno

Nivo znanja stečen do sada (upisati) :

Upišite odgovarajuću reč/reči u praznine ili reči iz zagrade stavite u odgovarajući oblik:
1. you happy?
2. How many books you buy yesterday? I two books.
3. Yesterday I (not see) your sister because she (be) at home.
4. She play the violin 10 years ago, but now she plays it very well.
5. (nalazi se) a car in front of my house.
6. She gave (njoj) a book last week.
7. She (go) to work bus every day.
8. Yesterday I (see) your sister, but she (not see) me.

9. On želi da studira u Novom Sadu.

10. Gde živi tvoj brat?

11. Novi Sad is not (big) as Belgrade, but it is (big) than Sombor.
12. Last year I (go) to Herceg Novi and I (meet) a lot of friends.
13. His car is (najskuplji) car the world.
14. She drives (pažljivo) but she does not drive (dobro).
15. I hate (cook) although it is nice make a good cake.
16. He is one of the (najbržih) players, but he is not (najbolji).
17. Yesterday I (sleep) in the morning, but I (work)
in the afternoon.

18. Promenidu posao.

19. Zašto sediš na podu?

20. Moram da ga posetim iako on ne želi da me vidi.

21. Your brother lives in Novi Sad. How long (he, live) in Novi Sad?
22. I (not be) to Italy yet.
23. She (cook) when I (come) yesterday.
24. While I (walk) I (see) an old friend.
25. She is pregnant. She (have) a baby soon.
26. Look at those clouds. It (rain) soon.
27. you come to the party if your friend (invite) you?

28.Upravo sam pojeo sendvič.

29. Čekaj me sve dok ne dođem.

30. Bidu ljut ako ona ne dođe.

31. I am a teacher. If I a doctor, I earn more money.

32. I don’t know the answer. If I ,I tell you.
33. I don’t know (what, do).
34. She told me (not open) the window.
35. She told me that she (go) to Belgrade the day before.
36. She goes to work on foot. She told me that she (not have) a car.

Napravite pasiv:
37. We serve breakfast from 8.00 to 10.00.

38. We organized the meeting on Friday.

39. Nažalost, kad smo došli na zabavu ona je ved otišla.

40. Zašto želiš da te ja posetim?

41. A: Why (you, look) at me?
B: Because you (look) lovely today.

42. A: When (the report, send)?

B: Tomorrow.

43. She (clean) for hours. So far she (clean) three rooms.
44. Your results depend many things.

Označite odgovarajući odgovor:

45. What is he like?
A He likes surfing.
B He is very handsome.
C He is smart and funny.

46. I saw a thief (run) away from the police.

47. Her clothes are always so _________________ .
A unformal
B disformal
C informal

48. Koliko dugo ved treniraš košarku?

49. Oduvek sam umeo brzo da trčim.

50. Kao deca, morali smo da idemo u krevet pre 10 sati.

51. If you (listen) to me, the accident (not happen),

and you wouldn’t be in hospital now.
52. I regret (listen) to you. That was a bad idea.
53. She is not very fond of (cook). She cooks very rarely.
54. I don’t know where she is. She could (sleep) in her room.
55. She wanted to know where I from.
56. If only it (not rain) last Saturday. We couldn’t go for a walk.
57. She forgot (buy) that book, so she bought it again.

58. Znaš li gde je centar grada?
59. Nije trebalo da razgovaraš tako sa njim.

60. Ona nije kod kude. Mora da je otišla kod frizera.

61. Have you ever thought about_____________ golf?

A taking up
B setting up
C taking off
D setting off

62. Just think, this time tomorrow we (write) our English exam and
will still have another hour to go.

63. By the end of 2050 the population on the Earth (reach) 7 billion.

64. John always comes ______________as being unfriendly. I don't know why.

A across
B above
C away
D over

65. The room was empty but I could smell cigarettes.

Somebody (smoke) there.

66. ________________ to work, I saw an accident.

A Having walked
B Walking
C Walk
D To walk

67. I want another piece of meat. This one is terribly _____________.

A subcooked
B recooked
C uncooked
D undercooked

68. On the ______________, results have been positive.

A all
B main
C general
D whole

69. There are a _______________ of strange-looking people here.

A amount
B several
C few
D number

70. ________________ of the people I know like this kind of music.

A None
B No
C Any
D No one

71. To my (amaze), no one was there.

72. Don't be so big-____________. You're not the only clever person here.

A headed
B minded
C brained
D faced

73. Bio si ovde ceo dan. Mogao si poslati izveštaje umesto mene.

Paraphrase the sentence:

74. My house was painted last week.
I had .

75. When I was young, we _____________ often go to the mountains.

A would
B did
C used
D use to

76. You've got to ______________ those bullies.

A face towards
B take over
C stand up to
D turn around

77. I'd prefer ________________ go out until I've eaten.

A don't
B not
C didn't
D not to
78. I'd rather he (study) English.

79. Have you ever considered (move) to the countryside?

80. I'm not used (get up) up so early.

81. I'll never forget (meet) her for the first time.

82. I don't mind (work) late.

83. He's very ____________- minded and always forgets things.

A narrow
B open
C broad
D absent

84. _____________ I want to do is go to the opera.

A Which
B That
C How
D What

85. No sooner had I finished one project ________________ I had to start the next.

A as
B then
C when
D than

86. Not only ______________ brilliantly but he's also a great actor.

A he does sing
B does he sing
C he sings
D he can sing

87. You could get a card to _____________ money from the ATM machine.

A extract
B stroll
C pull
D withdraw

88. Which is similar in meaning to "up-to-date"?

A Middle-of-the-road
B Run-of-the-mill
C State-of-the-art
D Top-of-the-range

89. Your flight is ______________________.

A likely to be delayed.
B to be likely delay.
C likely been delayed.
D likely being delayed.

90. What I'm really interested in is a good solid product that gives us no problems. So, I'm more
interested in ________________ than stylish designs.

A triviality
B accountability
C reliability
D facility

What are meetings really for?

We have all come out of a meeting thinking, ‘What was that all about?’ or ‘What a (91) ________
of time that was!’ Worse than that, many of us often have these thoughts during the meeting, in
which (92) ________ we either start daydreaming or we start thinking about other jobs that we
have to do. Some companies have even (93) _________ laptops and Blackberries from meetings
so that participants won’t be tempted to (94) __________ with other work.
So what’s the answer? How do we ensure that meetings are useful and (95) _________? The first
thing is to have very clear (96) ________. Is the aim of the meeting to collect ideas? Is it to present
new information? Is it to (97) _______ a decision on something? Or is it, as is often the case, to get
people to support a decision that has already been taken?
The next (98) _________ is to ask yourself if a meeting is the best way to achieve this aim. It could
be just as effective, and probably a lot cheaper, to communicate the message by e-mail or just by
calling the various people (99) ________.
If you do decide to call people together for a meeting, make sure of two more things: first, that,
before the meeting, you circulate the (100) _______, so that everyone can be prepared; and
secondly that during the meeting people speak (101) __________ and in clear, plain language.

91. A loss B waste C lack D occupation

92. A case B way C example D time
93. A cancelled B stopped C banned D prevented
94. A going on B get on C hold on D take on
95. A producing B produced C productivity D productive
96. A objectives B objects C meanings D points
97. A arrive B gain C agree D reach
98. A pace B step C phase D period
99. A implied B relevant C concerned D including
100. A menu B discussion C list D agenda
101. A briefly B shortly C rapidly D slightly
Starting a new business
There are five factors to consider when starting a new business. First, you must have a long-term
aim. That is what creates the focus and the identity of the company, and the exit strategy.
Secondly, write a clear business plan. Investors like (102) _________ facts, so work out the
projected profits of the company over a given period. You cannot attract capital without projecting
a realistic (103) ___________.
Thirdly, you must be able to demonstrate to your investors that you have understood the risks.
What will happen if a competitor (104) __________ a similar product or service? What is your
(105) _________ plan if an external event makes your product less attractive to consumers? You
must show what you plan to do to (106) ___________these risks.
Next, you must innovate. This could (107) ___________ selling a new invention or it could mean
finding a new way of operating an old business. Whichever it is, the most important thing is that
the market understands and (108) __________ your innovation.
Finally get the right team. No-one has all the skills necessary to run a successful business, so you
will need to (109) ___________ some of these skills in. You will need someone who can sell,
someone who is good (110) ___________ product development, someone who understands the
numbers and last, but not least, someone who has a good (111) _________ of contacts.

102. A true B hard C tough D account

103. A share B earnings C rate D return
104. A commences B runs C launches D manufactures
105. A temporary B substitution C marginal D back-up
106. A control B react C cancel D overpower
107. A imply B involve C consist D enable
108. A appreciates B is keen C realises D requests
109. A attract B recruit C bring D employ
110. A on B for C by D at
111. A basis B band C network D net

Read the article about the car industry. Complete it by writing ONE word in each gap.

In December, Toyota, Japan’s biggest carmaker, reported its first operating loss (112)
more than 70 years. The firm said (113) expected losses to the end of March to
reach ¥150bn (£1.1bn). This compares (114) its previous forecast of a ¥600bn
operating profit. Falling global demand has meant that Toyota and other Japanese carmakers have
(115) forced to cut production and lay off temporary and part-time workers.
Toyota (116) most of its profits in the US, (117) exports fell (118)
34% in November. The chairman said the slump in overseas sales had been much faster and
deeper (119) expected. He added, "This is not just a problem for Toyota.
(120) is good for Toyota is also good for the Japanese economy."

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