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Sybca – 2019017000320287 – More Pratik

- software Engineering practical( cmp710)

A software requirements specification (SRS) is a description of a software
system to be developed. It is modeled after business requirements
specification (CONOPS), also known as a stakeholder requirements specification (StRS).
The software requirements specification lays out functional and non-functional
requirements, and it may include a set of use cases that describe user interactions that the
software must provide to the user for perfect interaction.
Software requirements specification establishes the basis for an agreement between
customers and contractors or suppliers on how the software product should function (in a
market-driven project, these roles may be played by the marketing and development
Software requirements specification is a rigorous assessment of requirements before the
more specific system design stages, and its goal is to reduce later redesign.
The software requirements specification document lists sufficient and necessary
requirements for the project development.To derive the requirements, the developer
needs to have clear and thorough understanding of the products under development.
2). Dfd

In Software engineering DFD(data flow diagram) can be drawn to represent the

system of different levels of abstraction. Higher-level DFDs are partitioned into low
levels-hacking more information and functional elements. Levels in DFD are numbered
0, 1, 2 or beyond. Here, we will see mainly 3 levels in the data flow diagram, which are:
0-level DFD, 1-level DFD, and 2-level DFD.

0-level DFD:
It is also known as a context diagram. It’s designed to be an abstraction view, showing
the system as a single process with its relationship to externa
l entities. It represents the entire system as a single bubble with input and output data
indicated by incoming/outgoing arrows.

1-level DFD:
In 1-level DFD, the context diagram is decomposed into multiple bubbles/processes. In
this level, we highlight the main functions of the system and breakdown the high-level
process of 0-level DFD into subprocesses.

2-level DFD: 2-level DFD goes one step deeper into parts of 1-level DFD. It can be used
to plan or record the specific/necessary detail about the system’s functioning.
3). Justification for selection of suitable model
The software process model framework is specific to the project. Thus, it is
essential to select the software process model according to the software which is to be
The software project is considered efficient if the process model is selected according to
the requirements.
It is also essential to consider time and cost while choosing a process model as cost and/
or time constraints play an important role in software development.
The basic characteristics required to select the process model are project type and
associated risks, requirements of the project, and the users.
One of the key features of selecting a process model is to understand the project in terms
of size, complexity, funds available, and so on.
In addition, the risks which are associated with the project should also be considered.
Note that only a few process models emphasize risk assessment.
Various other issues related to the project and the risks are listed in table.
Software is developed for the users.
Hence, the users should be consulted while selecting the process model.
The comprehensibility of the project increases if users are involved in selecting the
process model.
It is possible that a user is aware of the requirements or has a rough idea of the
It is also possible that the user wants the project to be developed in a sequential manner
or an incremental manner (where a part is delivered to the user for use).
Various other issues related to the user’s satisfaction are listed in Table.
4). What is ment by quality assurance?
Quality assurance (QA) is a way of preventing mistakes and defects in
manufactured products and avoiding problems when delivering products or services to
customers; which ISO 9000 defines as “part of quality management focused on providing
confidence that quality requirements will be fulfilled”.
This defect prevention in quality assurance differs subtly from defect detection and
rejection in quality control and has been referred to as a shift left since it focuses on
quality earlier in the process (i.e., to the left of a linear process diagram reading left to

The terms “quality assurance” and “quality control” are often used interchangeably to
refer to ways of ensuring the quality of a service or product.
For instance, the term “assurance” is often used as follows: Implementation of inspection
and structured testing as a measure of quality assurance in a television set software
project at Philips Semiconductors is descrproduce.
The term “control”, however, is used to describe the fifth phase of the Define, Measure,
Analyze, Improve, Control (DMAIC) model. DMAIC is a data-driven quality strategy
used to improve processes.

Quality assurance comprises administrative and procedural activities implemented in a

quality system so that requirements and goals for a product, service or activity will be
It is the systematic measurement, comparison with a standard, monitoring of processes
and an associated feedback loop that confers error prevfulfilled.
This can be contrasted with quality control, which is focused on process output.

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