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Applied Radiation and Isotopes 163 (2020) 109210

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Review of recent radon research in Ireland, OPTI-SDS project and its impact
on the National Radon Control Strategy
Marta Fuente a, b, c, Stephanie Long d, David Fenton d, Le Chi Hung a, b, c, Jamie Goggins b, c,
Mark Foley a, *
School of Physics, National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland
Civil Engineering, School of Engineering, National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland
Centre for Marine and Renewable Energy (MaREI), Ryan Institute, National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland
Office of Radiological Protection, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Ireland


Keywords: Radon is a radioactive gas originating from uranium, present in all rocks and soils in the Earth’s Crust; emanating
Radon research from the ground, radon can be released into the atmosphere. It is the greatest source of natural radioactivity
Lung cancer exposure for the population and, as declared by the World Health Organization (WHO), the leading cause of lung
National radon control strategy
cancer only after smoking. Although radon is a natural gas, its accumulation provoking elevated indoor radon
levels is a result from building practices and thus, not natural. In Ireland, exposure to radon is estimated to be
responsible for approximately 14% of all lung cancers, which is equivalent to around 300 lung cancers annually.
In 2011, an interagency group was established in Ireland to develop a strategy to address indoor radon exposure,
considered a significant public health concern. In 2014 a National Radon Control Strategy (NRCS) for Ireland was
first published, giving a list of recommendations to be accomplished in a 4-year period Phase 1. A series of
research actions to achieve the effective implementation of the strategy were conducted, including the devel­
opment of a research project (OPTI-SDS) on the optimum specifications for radon mitigation by soil depres­
surisation systems. An overview of Phase 1 of the NRCS is presented, including outcomes from the research work
carried out.

1. Introduction widely depending on different factors such as the underlying geology,

water, atmospheric conditions or the building type. Average indoor
Radon (222Rn) is a natural radioactive gas, invisible, with no odour radon level is estimated globally on 40 Bq/m3 and in Ireland the national
and no taste, originating from the uranium (238U) decay series. In the average indoor radon concentration for residential buildings is 77
outdoor environment concentration of radon is not considered a health Bq/m3 (UNSCEAR, 2000; Dowdall et al., 2017). Exposure to radon in
risk, because the radon that diffuses into the atmosphere normally dis­ homes is responsible for approximately 20,000 lung cancer deaths each
perses rapidly. However, accumulation of radon indoors gives rise to year in the European Union alone, and in Ireland it is responsible for
high radon concentration, which can lead to health problems in the 14% of all the lung cancer cases, i.e. approximately 300 lung cancers
respiratory system. Radon is identified as a carcinogen agent by the every year (NRCS, 2019).
World Health Organization (WHO), considered the second greatest There are several prevention and mitigation strategies aimed at
cause of lung cancer disease after smoking. Inhalation of the short lived reducing indoor radon levels both for new and existing buildings. These
alpha decay products of radon, e.g. 218Po and 214Po, is shown to induce techniques are focused on preventing radon entry by sealing entry routes
pulmonary cell DNA damage (WHO, 2009). or reversing the pressure gradient between the soil beneath and the
Although radon is natural, elevated radon levels indoors are not indoor occupied space through soil depressurisation (SD). Frequently, a
natural, but a direct consequence of the building practices. The global combination of several measures is the best option to achieve the highest
radon concentration in the outdoor environment is estimated between 5- radon reductions, but the choice can be based on the analysis of cost-
15 Bq/m3 (WHO, 2016). However, indoor radon concentrations vary effectiveness (WHO, 2009).

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M. Foley).
Received 21 February 2020; Received in revised form 8 April 2020; Accepted 29 April 2020
Available online 11 May 2020
0969-8043/© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
M. Fuente et al. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 163 (2020) 109210

Since the scale of the radon problem was recognised, an increasing period, designated as Phase 1 of the NRCS. A total of 31 actions were
number of national action plans have been carried out to reduce the set out in Phase 1, carried out from 2014 to 2018, of which 18 are fully
overall population exposure to this carcinogenic agent and to raise complete, 7 are on-going and the remaining 6 are incorporated into
public awareness of the risk associated with indoor radon. From Phase 2 of the NRCS (NRCS, 2019).
February 2018 the European Union requires all Member States to Additionally, a research working group was established to identify
develop national programmes to address building protection against the existing knowledge gaps that would affect the effective imple­
radon, as per the Council Directive 2013/59/EURATOM, which also mentation of the strategy and to highlight the areas where research
requires to establish reference levels not exceeding 300 Bq/m3 (Council should be focused to promote the effective delivery of the NRCS. The
of the European Union, 2014). research working group gathered the research ideas and classified them
The WHO advises that national programmes should be developed to into four themes: establish baseline values, better targeting of measures
reduce the population’s exposure risk to radon, based on a cooperative and resources, enhance prevention and mitigation measures for new and
effort involving different technical experts, public bodies, government existing buildings, and improve radon risk communication strategies to
departments and other stakeholder. A wide range of policy interventions raise radon awareness (NRCS, 2019b). Research on each of the four
are required and according to the WHO, radon action plans should focus themes was tasked and conducted from researchers of different agencies
on identifying high radon exposure potential areas and on special risk and Universities, such as Trinity College Dublin (TCD) and National
communication, in order to inform the general public about health risks University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG).
and the appropriate action to reduce indoor radon levels. Key elements
for the design of successful radon programmes consist of collaborating 3. Results: research outcomes
with existing health promotion programmes and involving building
professionals and radon prevention and mitigation related stakeholders The research actions lead to important outcomes such as the design
(WHO, 2009). of new resource efficient survey protocols to update the geographic and
Experience in Ireland includes a National Radon Survey conducted population weighted national average radon concentrations, later
by the RPII (Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland) during the established as 77 Bq/m3 and 98 Bq/m3, respectively (Dowdall et al.,
1990s, with measurements in over 11,000 homes (Fennell et al., 2002). 2017). A high-resolution radon risk map including geological parame­
From the survey results, a radon in dwellings’ map for Ireland was ters, published by researchers at TCD, to be validated and merged with
developed identifying high radon areas. In the following years after the existing radon map (Elío et al., 2017, 2018). A project to investigate
completion of the national radon survey, more than 44,000 additional radon and ventilation in Irish energy efficient buildings conducted by
measurements were carried out, all together resulting in a reliable guide researchers at NUIG, finding that where energy retrofitting measures
to Irish indoor radon levels. Since 1998, it is required under the Building reduce ventilation, there is a corresponding increase in radon and where
Regulations for all new buildings to incorporate protection measures ventilation levels are maintained, radon levels are unaffected (McGrath
against radon. In the identified as high radon areas, a membrane over and Byrne, 2019). Another key outcome was the recommendation to test
the building footprint must be provided along with a potential means of remediated buildings every 5 years, from a study on long-term effec­
radon extraction, e.g. a sump with connecting pipework that can be tiveness of radon remediation systems by TCD, which fed into the
activated later if needed. In the areas not identified as high radon, only a development of a re-testing policy. A review of the EPA radon awareness
potential means of extraction for radon must be provided (Long et al., campaigns concluded that stronger government regulation is required to
2013; DEHLG, 2008; NRCS, 2014). effect real change on the responsibilities for addressing radon, that
By the 2000s, significant progress was already made in Ireland in shouldn’t rest only on the householder. Also, a market research survey
terms of addressing the radon problem, but still significant challenges revealed that although 75% of the Irish public have heard of radon, only
remained. The Government of Ireland announced in November 2011 the a 21% would have their home tested for radon (NRCS, 2019b).
decision to commend an interagency group to develop a national radon Among the research conducted, a three-year project to investigate
action plan, so called National Radon Control Strategy for Ireland the optimum specifications for soil depressurisation systems that take
(NRCS), aiming at reducing the radon exposure for people in Ireland and account of Irish Building Practices was carried out at NUIG, called OPTI-
to decrease incidence of radon related lung cancers. The objective of this SDS, which was funded by the EPA and conceived under the NRCS
paper is to outline the research outcomes from the first phase of the within the research theme target to improve radon preventive measures
NRCS, including the research from the EPA (Environmental Protection effectiveness in new buildings. The OPTI-SDS project examined the
Agency) funded project OPTI-SDS in relation to the optimum specifi­ characterisation of the Irish granular fill material T1 Struc and T2 Perm
cations for radon soil depressurisation techniques and its impact on the (see Fig. 1) and its influence on the effectiveness of soil depressurisation
NRCS. systems for radon mitigation.

2. Methods: National Radon Control Strategy for Ireland 3.1. OPTI-SDS project

The National Radon Control Strategy for Ireland was published in The project included experimental tests in the laboratory under
February 2014, after the interagency group was established in 2011,
initially formed by representatives from four Government Departments
and six agencies, with the DECLG (Department of Environment, Com­
munity and Local Government) at the head. The members of the inter­
agency group worked together between November 2011 and September
2013 to identify the main issues to tackle and to develop policies in
different thematic areas, considering the variety of interventions
necessary to effectively face the problem (NRCS, 2014).
The recommendations contained in the NRCS were divided in
different thematic areas including prevention in new buildings, aware­
ness raising, using property transaction to drive testing, dealing with
radon in workplaces and public buildings, supporting individuals and
promoting confidence in radon services. The implementation of the Fig. 1. Photographs of Irish standard T1 Struc and T2 Perm granular fill ma­
strategy envisaged to address the recommendations over a 4-year terials (modified from Hung et al., 2018a).

M. Fuente et al. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 163 (2020) 109210

controlled conditions, numerical modelling using Computational Fluid flow through standard T1 Struc and T2 Perm granular fill materials were
Dynamics (CFD) simulations and a case study in an experimental house developed and then validated using experimental tests data. Among the
to quantify the performance of SD by studying radon concentration re­ findings from CFD simulations, it was confirmed that the key input pa­
ductions as function of the pressure field extension. rameters to simulate the materials’ flow behaviour are effective particle
The experimental tests in the laboratory were divided in two phases. size, air permeability and porosity. Transient CFD simulations were
Phase 1 consisted of a series of small-scale lab tests to characterise T1 performed to investigate the pressure field extension (PFE) of the SD
Struc and T2 Perm standard materials used in the sub-slab aggregate systems, leading to the observation that T2 Perm material aggregate
layer. The characterisation included grading tests, compaction tests and layer induces a better soil PFE than T1 Struc, which suggests that the
measurement of air permeability and porosity. A novel test apparatus standard T1 Struc material is not the optimum to be used for the sub-slab
was designed and assembled to test the air permeability of the aggre­ layer of a SD systems. Thickness of the aggregate material layer and
gates for different compaction degrees (see Fig. 2a). hybrid granular fill layers was also investigated in order to obtain a
From the test results for Phase 1, T1 Struc material could be classified better PFE (Hung et al., 2018b).
as well-graded, meanwhile T2 Perm is classified as poorly-graded. To investigate the effectiveness of soil depressurisation for radon
Regarding air permeability and porosity, for T1 Struc both perme­ prevention and mitigation within the international context of Europe,
ability and porosity decrease with the compaction degree, showing a work was conducted together with European collaborators. A bench­
strong influence of the changes of moisture. However, for T2 Perm the mark study of granular fill material was carried out with Spanish stan­
air permeability is found not dependent of the compaction degree and dards, finding some similarities between the Irish T2 Perm material and
moisture content variations (Hung et al., 2018a). some of the Spanish materials analysed (Fuente et al., 2019a). Therefore,
Phase 2 consisted of a series of large-scale tests (see Fig. 2b) to although the results obtained apply to the considered conditions used in
analyse the airflow through T1 Struc and T2 Perm materials for active the study, it could be assumed that outcomes from Irish granular fill
and passive depressurisations, in comparison with results from Phase 1. materials tested might have application to similar characteristics gran­
The aggregates were compacted using a field compactor and tested at ular fill materials, such as the analysed Spanish standards.
various thicknesses, resulting in a higher compaction degree compared Besides laboratory tests, a monitoring study was carried out in an
to the induced using a standard small-scale compactor in Phase 1. The experimental house with extremely high levels of radon, located in a
air permeability (kah) values obtained from the active depressurisation Spanish old mine exploited to extract uranium (see Fig. 3). The case
tests showed a decrease trend when the compacted thickness of the study in the house examined the ability of active and passive SD systems
materials increased, which is compatible with the values obtained from and their efficiency. Different testing phases were alternated to build up
the small-scale tests. Furthermore, passive depressurisations tests were radon concentration by closing the house completely and then testing
performed to investigate performance of several common chimney performance of the SD system. Several active radon monitors (Fuente
cowls available in the market, to be used in passive depressurisation et al., 2018) and a system formed by various pressure sensors were used
systems. From the test results, the best performance was observed for to monitor variations of indoor radon concentration as a function of the
rotating cowls, followed by the static open pipe and lastly, performance depressurisation induced and the PFE under the house slab in relation to
of the pipe with a cap (Hung et al., 2019). radon reductions.
CFD simulations for the design of soil depressurisation systems in A relatively homogeneous pressure distribution was found under the
practice were conducted. Numerical models to simulate behaviour of house slab and from the analysis of the pressure field induced, it was

Fig. 2. a) Diagram of test setup for Phase 1 and picture of the air permeability test apparatus in the lab; b) experimental configuration for Phase 2, test tank setup
with compacted granular fill materials (modified from Hung et al.. 2018a and Hung et al., 2019).

M. Fuente et al. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 163 (2020) 109210

Fig. 3. a) Map of Spain locating the experimental house and recent photograph of the house; b) Section view of the experimental house and basement’s plan view
(modified from Fuente et al., 2019b and Frutos et al., 2011).

obtained that linear drop of the pressure induced at SD system suction of a national grant scheme was conducted, based on assessment of the
point is linearly proportional to the depressurisation in the sub-slab response to free radon testing offered in conjunction with a 50% grant
layer. Reductions of the radon levels reached for all the SD system towards necessary remedial work (NRCS, 2019c).
variations tested were the over 85%, and from the active SD system Additionally, significant body of research was conducted. Key find­
performance, under the given conditions of the experimental tests, a 20 ings from research include the knowledge that 1998 Building Regula­
W mechanical extractor was found to be sufficient to obtain optimal soil tions implementation resulted in a 13% reduction of the radon exposure
depressurisation achieving 85% radon reduction (Fuente et al., 2019b). average level, the updated figure of 300 radon related lung cancers per
To summarise, the monitoring study at the Spanish experimental year, and the development of a high-resolution radon risk map matching
house makes a contribution to the specifications for the optimal per­ radon measurement data with geological parameters that is envisaged to
formance of soils depressurisation systems and the research outcomes replace the existing radon map (NRCS, 2019c). Regarding the OPTI-SDS
apply to dwellings with similar sub-lab layer characteristics and com­ research project, suitability of standard types of granular fill materials
parable building type. for radon extraction by SD was characterised and initial work on passive
SD effectiveness was studied. Outcomes are expected to inform the
4. Conclusions revision of the Irish Building Regulations.
To be highlighted from the OPTI-SDS project, experimental tests and
A National Radon Control Strategy for Ireland was developed and numerical simulations conducted give insight to the air permeability
first published in 2014, with a four year implementation plan from 2014 granular fill materials characterisation. Therefore, contributing to the
to 2018. Phase 1 of the NRCS has finished and Phase 2 has been understanding of the optimal sub-slab aggregate layer to obtain the best
launched in 2019 to continue addressing radon exposure from the PFE when designing SD systems in practice. Besides, the case study on
public, fulfilling EU 2013/59/EURATOM Directive requirement that has the experimental house adds to the specification for SD systems in an
been implemented in the Irish S.I. Regulations (NRCS, 2019c). international broader context, in line with the implementation of the EU
Among the achievements accomplished in the NRCS phase 1, in Directive 2013/59/EURATOM.
relation to awareness raising, a dedicated website ( was National radon programmes mean an important effort to protect the
launched in 2016 and several awareness campaigns were held across the population from the arising dangers related to radon gas exposure,
country, focused on the twelve priority counties with higher radon which is considered a significant public health concern.
levels, including the establishment of an annual “Radon Day” in Indoor radon exposure is the most significant contribution to ionising
November. Several training courses were developed and are running, radiation exposure for the general public and the main cause of lung
one targeted to construction site staff on radon prevention and another cancer for non-smokers, being the responsible for 9% of lung cancer
on radon remediation for local authorities, public bodies and radon deaths annually in the European Union (Darby et al., 2005). Thus, the
contractors. Regarding the use of property transaction to drive testing, necessity to bring the radon problem to people’s attention as a risk to
now contract of sale for homes include 3 radon questions. Registration human health needs to be emphasised.
schemes for both radon remediation and radon measurement services
were established too, and a research survey to inform the development

M. Fuente et al. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 163 (2020) 109210

Declaration of competing interest Fuente, M., Mu~ noz, E., Sicilia, E., Goggins, J., Hung, L.C., Frutos, B., Foley, M., 2019a.
Investigation of gas flow through soils and granular fill materials for the optimisation
of radon soil depressurisation systems. J. Environ. Radioact. 198, 200–209. https://
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence Fuente, M., Rabago, D., Goggins, J., Fuente, I., Sainz, C., Foley, M., 2019b. Radon
the work reported in this paper. mitigation by soil depressurisation case study: radon concentration and pressure
field extension monitoring in a pilot house in Spain. Sci. Total Environ. 695, 133746.
Acknowledgements Frutos, B., Olaya, M., Santiago, L., Poncela, Q., Sainz, C., 2011. Experimental study of
effectiveness of four radon mitigation solutions, based on underground
depressurization, tested in prototype housing built in a high radon area in Spain.
This research was supported by the OPTI-SDS project, funded by the J. Environ. Radioact. 102 (4), 378–385.
Irish Environmental Protection Agency through Grant No. 2015-HW- jenvrad.2011.02.006.
MS-5. Hung, L.C., Goggins, J., Fuente, M., Foley, M., 2018a. Characterisation of specified
granular fill materials for radon mitigation by soil depressurisation systems.
Construct. Build. Mater. 176, 213–227.
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