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College of Engineering
Mechanical Engineering Department

Synthetic Fiber Production using Waste Bottles in Atimonan Quezon

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the
Subject MCE23 Industrial Plant

Presented by:
Bautista, Kent Tyrone D.

Presented to:
Engr. Dona B
Republic of the Philippines

Southern Luzon State

University College of


Letter of Transmittal

Dr. Renato R. Maaliw III

Dean, College of Engineering

Dear Sir,

In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the subject MCE23 – Industrial Plant

Engineering in BS Mechanical Engineering this proposal entitled “Synthetic Fiber Production

using Waste Botttles in Atimonan Quezon” was humbly submitted to satisfy your requirements.

We are certain that you would deny us as we look forward to the mission and vision of

this institution of producing competent professional of the future. Any comments, suggestions

and recommendations will be highly appreciated.

Thank you very much,

Respectfully yours,

Kent Tyrone D. Bautista





Background of the Study 1


Related Studies 2


Manufacturing Process 4

Factors affecting the selection of plant

site Water disposal

Fire Protection System

Warehouse and Storage

Facilities Qualitative Flow

Diagram Quantitative Flow


Equipment Design and Specification


Manpower/Personnel Direct Labor, Supervision,

Management and Marketing 26

Fixed Capital Investment

Cost Manufacturing cost

Total Production Cost


Economic Analysis (cost and profit) 30

Income taxes

Profitability Analysis

Payout Period

Breakeven Analysis


Conclusion 32



Chapter 1

Background of the Study

Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is a versatile material and has a broad range of

applications such as food packaging, plastic bottle, beverage bottles, clothing, sportswear,

agricultural equipment’s, nonwovens, sheets and films, straps, resins, packaging materials,

reinforcement in building construction etc. Among these products, bottle grade PET is

generally used for water and beverage packaging due to its lightweight, inexpensive price,

resistance to microorganisms, and light [1]. Bottles of water, soft drinks, and other beverages

constitute 83– 84% of global PET resin requirement. Furthermore, the projected demand for

PET packaging materials is forecasted to reach 20 million tons by 2019 with an annual

increase of 4.6% [2]. There are two main types of plastics including thermoplastics and

thermosets. Thermoplastics are the plastic materials that can be formed into other products by

re-melting or reprocessing into different shapes by the application of heat and pressure. These

are easily recyclable into other products. These thermoplastics include polyethylene

terephthalate (PET), polyethylene, low and high density (LDPE, HDPE), polypropylene (PP),

polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polystyrene (PS) etc. Thermoset plastic includes components like

alkyd, epoxy, ester, melamine formaldehyde, polyurethane, etc. Which upon applying heat

can’t be soften thus will not allow the formation of different shapes. At present Bangladesh

have a very small amount of work going on about recycling of plastic. There are bulk amounts

of plastic wastes and no orderly process is present to recycle it. If there is a methodological

way to recycle that waste plastic and manufacture different kinds of products it will create

more job opportunity and that it can also help the economy of our country.

So, in this study we are implementing extrusion process to recycle PET bottle into

synthetic fiber as PET bottles are made of thermoplastic resin.

1.1 Problem Statement

Since plastic is a non-biodegradable product and cannot be dumped in the ground, plastic

recycling is a very important issue in protecting the nature. Use of plastic is increasing and

plastic waste becoming a major obstacle to greener technology. Waste plastic is often the most

visible component in waste dump and landfill. Recent studies say to us that plastic bottle

remains for 450 years long on the earth and since plastic waste is growing rapidly hence the

improper disposal of plastics causes problems as distant as breast cancer, reproductive

problems in humans and animals, genital abnormalities and much more. Plastics wastes are

found in different forms which almost 5% of the municipal solid wastes which is toxic in

nature. It is a common sight in both urban and rural areas to find empty plastic bags and other

type of plastic packing material littering the roads as well as drains. If current trends continue,

our oceans could contain more plastic than fish by 2050.

While the United States, Japan and many European countries generate significant amounts of

plastic waste, they’re also relatively good at managing it. About half of all of the plastic

waste that ends up in the oceans comes from just five countries: China, Indonesia, the

Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam. These countries are experiencing rapid economic

growth, which is reducing poverty rates and improving the quality of life for hundreds of

millions of people. But as these economies grow, consumption booms — and so does the use

of plastic goods [3].

A million plastic bottles are bought around the world every minute and the number will jump

another 20% by 2021, creating an environmental crisis some campaigners predict will be as

serious as climate change. New figures obtained by the Guardian reveal the surge in usage of

plastic bottles, more than half a trillion of which will be sold annually by the end of the

decade. The demand, equivalent to about 20,000 bottles being bought every second, is driven
by an apparently insatiable desire for bottled water and the spread of a western, urbanized “on

the go”
culture to China and the Asia Pacific region. Most plastic bottles used for soft drinks and

water are made from polyethylene terephthalate (Pet), which is highly recyclable. But as their

use soars across the globe, efforts to collect and recycle the bottles to keep them from

polluting the oceans, are failing to keep up.

Fig 1. 1: Global PET bottle production

In the UK 38.5m plastic bottles are used every day – only just over half make it to recycling,

while more than 16m are put into landfill, burnt or leak into the environment and oceans each

day. “Plastic production is set to double in the next 20 years and quadruple by 2050 so the

time to act is now,” said Tag Holm. Animals like birds or fish can mistake plastic in the

ocean for food. In addition, because plastic can come in sizes large or small, even the

smallest organisms like plankton could be affected. When an animal consumes enough

plastic, their digestive

systems could get clogged up, eventually starving them to death. Sometimes, the uneven

shape of plastic pieces could even choke animals, like sea turtles, to death.

Fig 1. 2: Effect of plastic pollution on animals

Fig 1. 3: Global plastic production

There has been growing concern about the impact of plastics pollution in oceans around the

world. Last month scientists found nearly 18 tons of plastic on one of the world’s most

remote islands, an uninhabited coral atoll in the South Pacific [4]. Production of Plastic

Bottles Requires Fossil Fuels. One big problem with plastic, of course, is that its production

requires the use of non-renewable fossil fuels. Plastic bottles are no exception to this. Most

plastic bottles are made from a plastic known as PET (polyethylene terephthalate), which is

produced using oil. Worse yet, the production of plastic bottles isn’t the only time when

energy is wasted. In fact, energy is used during the entire lifespan of a plastic bottle: This

includes the energy used for transportation, storage, and the final disposal of the bottle.

Plastic bottles are not biodegradable in order to fully understand what this means, it is

important to understand the difference between biodegrading and degrading.

Biodegrading is when an object gets broken down (digested) by living organisms. This means
that the object can be naturally recycled (by decomposers like bacteria and fungi) into new
organic molecules and new life.

On the other hand, degrading is just the process of breaking down into smaller pieces [4].

So, this paper will concern about, plastic wastes and how plastic waste can be recycled and

1.2 Objectives

1. To find out how to utilize PET bottle waste.

2. To find out how PET bottles can be recycled.
3. To explore PET recycling situation in Bangladesh.
4. To explore the field of Thermoplastic Extrusion.
5. To explore various PET extrusion process.
6. To assess the need of synthetic fiber in Bangladesh.
1.3 Organization of the Report

This thesis is organized with five chapters. First chapter is about research background,

Problem statement and objective of this study. In chapter 2, elaborated literature review is

presented about harmful effect of plastic pollution and how effectively we can recycle plastic

bottle. Chapter 3 contains materials, design of machine and methods for this study with detail

experimental setup. Chapter 4 includes experimental result, presented with data collection

and analysis of obtained results respectively. Conclusion of this research work is drawn in

chapter 5 along with our limitation and potential possibilities for further study.

Economic and population growth and industrialization in the world together cause an increase

in the amount of plastic waste. Plastic pollution is the accumulation of plastic objects and

particles (e.g. plastic bottles, bags and microbeads) in the Earth's environment that adversely

affects wildlife, wildlife habitat, and humans [5]. As a consequence of all these, while the

more intensive use of natural resources is inevitable, the plastic wastes created by the ever-

increasing consumption tendency have reached the huge amounts that threaten the

environment and human health due to their quantity and harmful contents. For this purpose,

plastic waste policies should be developed and waste management studies should also be

carried out, especially in the field of recycling these plastic wastes, because of long

decomposition time of these wastes in the environment causing landfill and water logging

problem [6, 7]. Waste management system enables collection, categorization, reduction,

recycling, and reuse of plastic waste. At present, countries’ intensive efforts on waste

management are striking. Currently, there is an increasing focus on the importance of

recycling and reuse in an effort to save the environment from the harmful substances that

result from plastic waste disposal. Many cities have created a new system for waste collection

where recyclables go in one bin, non-recyclables in another and food scraps go in a third.

Also, in an effort to reduce the disposal of plastic bottle in landfills the city of Toronto, for

example, requested all retailers to charge customers a fee for these bottles and have been

encouraging retailers to use bottles made from biodegradable material and customers to use

reusable bottles [8]. The thought of plastics first came in the late 1950s and early 1960s. The

idea of plastic recycling on the other hand began to take shape in the 1990s in United States

and elsewhere. At that time this process was run only to destroy the plastic wastes. Between

1960 and 1970, the average person bought between 200 and 250 packaged drinks ever year,

Elizabeth Royte reported in her book Bottlemania, citing data from the Container Recycling
Institute. Most of those purchases, she added, involved refillable
bottles. As of 2017, on a global scale a million plastic beverage bottles were purchased every

minute, according to data from Euromonitor International’s global packaging trends report,

published in 2017 by The Guardian. Today, plastic bottles and jars represent about 75 percent

of all plastic containers, by weight, according to the Plastics Industry Association. Now-a-

days many products are coming out of recycling plastic PET bottle. Once bottles have

become trash, entrepreneurs around the world are turning them into printer ink cartridges,

fence posts, roofing tiles, carpets, flooring, and boats, to name only a few items. Even houses

have been constructed from bottles. The latest is a three-story modern on the banks of the

Meteghan River in Nova Scotia, promoted as able to withstand a Category 5 hurricane. It

only took 612,000 bottles. Waste management, which has an important place among

environmental protection policies, should prevent the rapid depletion of natural resources and

minimize the potential risks of the wastes to the environment and human health [8]. With the

widespread application of PET, large quantities of PET waste were inevitably created. PET

has no side effects on the human body and does not pose a direct threat to the environment.

On the other hand, it is regarded as a harmful material because of its high volumetric fraction

in the waste stream and high resistance to atmospheric and biological agents [9]. Due to poor

biodegradation of PET bottle, it is difficult to remove it from our environment. Beverage

companies have pledged to use more recycled bottles in manufacturing, a goal that aims to

reduce the production of new resin and boosts recycling numbers by adding value to bottle

recovery. PepsiCo pledged to increase recycled content in all its plastic packaging 25 percent

by 2025. Nestle Waters vowed to make all of its packaging recyclable by 2025 and increase

recycled content in bottles to 35 percent by 2025 globally and to 50 percent in the United

States, focusing on Poland Spring. Additionally, recycled content for European brands will

increase to 50 percent by 2025. Coca-Cola pledged to recycle a used bottle or can for every

one the company sells by 2030 and increase recycled material in plastic bottles to 50 percent
by 2030.
For example, Brazilian team’s total outfit wearing T-shirts made from recycled plastics

bottles in the last world cup. There are two acceptable solutions; burning and recycling.

Burning method arises releasing toxic fumes into the atmosphere, causing environmental

pollution and health risks. As an acceptable solution, the recycling of PET bottles enables the

conservation of natural sources such as fossil fuels and energy, solving landfill problem,

reducing greenhouse gas emission, lowering carbon footprint, creating new business

opportunities as well as a contribution to the national economy [10, 11]. In addition,

recycling processes are the best way to economically reduce PET waste [12]. With both

reduced energy costs and raw material costs, recycling fiber production has become a form of

production with a significant economic advantage [12]. PET flakes are obtained from PET

bottle wastes after a series of procedures such as sorting, washing, grinding, drying, etc. Most

of the recycled PET flakes produced worldwide are utilized for staple fiber applications in

textile sector [13]. Because of environmental reasons initially, the recycling of PET bottles to

textile fibers has now become commercially attractive [14]. Worldwide, approximately 7.5

million tons of PET were collected in 2011. This gave 5.9 million tons of flake. In 2009 3.4

million tons were used to produce fibre, 500,000 tons to produce bottles, 500,000 tons to

produce APET sheet for thermoforming, 200,000 tons to produce strapping tape and 100,000

tons for miscellaneous applications [15]. Petcore, the European trade association that fosters

the collection and recycling of PET, reported that in Europe alone, 1.6 million tonnes of PET

bottles were collected in 2011 - more than 51% of all bottles. After exported bales were taken

into account,

1.12 million tons of PET flake were produced. 440,000 tons were used to produce fibres,

283,000 tons to produce more bottles, 278,000 tons to produce APET sheets, 102,000 tons for

strapping tape and 18,000 tons for miscellaneous applications. (Source: PCI for Petcore and

EuPR). In 2008 the amount of post-consumer PET bottles collected for recycling and sold in
the United States was approx. 1.45 billion pounds [16]. In 2012, 81% of the PET bottles sold
in Switzerland were recycled [17]. In 2018, 90% of the PET bottles sold in Finland were

recycled. The high rate of recycling is mostly result of the deposit system in use. The law

demands a tax of 0.51 €/ for bottles and cans that are not part of a refund system. Thus

encouraged by the law, products are included to have a 10¢ to 40¢ deposit that is paid to the

recycler of the can or bottle [18]. Increasing prices may increase the volume of recycling PET

bottles [19]. In Europe, the EU Waste Framework Directive mandates that by 2020 there

should be 50% recycling or reuse of plastics from household streams [20]. In the United

States the recycling rate for PET packaging was 31.2% in 2013, according to a report from

The National Association for PET Container Resources (NAPCOR) and The Association of

Postconsumer Plastic Recyclers (APR). A total of 1,798 million pounds was collected and

475 million pounds of recycled PET used out of a total of 5,764 million pounds of PET

bottles [21]. Furthermore, as petroleum prices increase, recycling of PET becomes more

financially feasible rather than a virgin PET. It is expected that the recycling of the PET

bottle will be estimated up to annually 13 million tons in 2018 and up to 15 million tons in

2020 [22]. The plastic industry in Bangladesh is relatively new compared with the textile and

leather industries. The plastic industry began its journey as a small industry in 1960. The

plastic industry in Bangladesh uses imported polymer granules. During the period 1989 to

2007, the import of polymers increased from 10,000 tonnes to 289,000 tonnes per year. At

present total consumption of polymers including imported polymers and recycled plastic

wastes is 750,000 tonnes in 2010-2011. This corresponds to the per capita consumption of

plastics in Bangladesh 5kg per year against the world average 30kg. Per capita consumption

in India and ASEAN countries are 8kg and 17kg respectively. There are about 3000

manufacturing units in the plastic sector of which 98% belongs to the Small and Medium

Enterprises (SMEs). The plastic sector contributes 1.0percent of GDP and provides

employment for half a million people [23]. The PET recycling technology has been
developed better and better across the world. There are mainly two methods: chemical
recovery and physical recovery. Compared with the method of chemical recovery, the

physical recovery has made less secondary pollution on the environment. It is easier to

implement the process and start large-scale industrial production. Thus, the method of

physical recovery has been widely applied. In thermoplastics, processing techniques can be

classified into either batch or continuous process. Batch process includes injection moulding

and roto-moulding. Extrusion of plastics is a continuous process. However, blow moulding is

available both in batch and continuous process. Extrusion process is the most commonly used

process in the world and accounts for ~60% of total consumption by downstream plastic

processing industries. Injection moulding is the other popular process accounting for ~25% of

the consumption. Blow moulding is used for ~5% while Roto moulding 1% while the rest of

the plastic is processed through other processes [24]. At present, many developed countries,

such as the United States, Japan and Germany, have made much research on the high-quality

precision extrusion recycling technologies like the automatic sorting technology, efficient

cleaning and melting equipment, developing "bottle to bottle" technique, and made a great

achievement. In 2007, the German Battenfeld Extrusion Technic company developed a new

PET single-screw extrusion system. The extruder was equipped with specially developed

planetary geared degassing parts which can be directly processed without drying materials.

The productivity of the system is 800- 1000kg/h [25]. China is very good at making high

capacity recycling machines like Palletizing Machine, High speed Single Screw Extruder,

Twin Screw Extruder etc. China once bought about 45 percent of the world’s plastic waste. In

2017, the government started to cut way back on plastic trash imports. Then the big

bombshell: In January 2018, it banned almost all imports. Last year, China took in less than 1

percent of its 2016 total. That means a huge amount of plastic is looking for a place to go. So,

with rapidly growing textile industry in Bangladesh, recycling plastic bottle into synthetic

fiber is very viable.

Chapter 3

Technical Feasibility

Manufacturing Process

Plastic extrusion is a manufacturing process in which raw plastic is melted and

formed into a continual shape. By feeding plastic material (pellets, granules, flakes) from a

hopper into the barrel of the extruder the process can be started. A cylindrical rotating screw

shaft is placed inside the barrel which forces out molten plastic through a die in our case we

blow the molten plastic with air to make continual fiber. The extruded material takes shape

according to the cross-section of die. The material is gradually melted by the mechanical

energy generated by turning helical screw shaft and by heaters arranged along the barrel. The

molten polymer is then forced into a die, which shapes the polymer into a shape that hardens

during cooling. There are two types of plastic extrusion:

1. Ram Extrusion.

2. Screw Extrusion.

3.1.1 Ram Extrusion

A ram extruder is an extruder where, instead of extrusion screw, a ram or plunger is

used and a plunger goes through a barrel and pushes out the material under pressure. The ram

extruder was the earliest extruder to be used in the plastics industry. This typical process is

applied for producing profiles, sleeves, rod, block, tubing, lining sheet bars, etc. The ram

extrusion process is very effective for specific materials like PTFE which are not extruded

successfully using screw extruder because of its low friction. In this process plastic material

in powder form is gravity fed into a chamber. In the extraditing chamber the resin powder is

heated on sintering temperature. Ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene becomes

gelatinous as it melts so it can be extruded with this type of processes. A hydraulic ram

pushes the resin materials like PTFE,

UHMW, etc. from the chamber to the die. The die actually gives the shape of the desired

plastic like a rod, tube or a profile shape with the requisite internal or outer diameter. When

the material comes out of the die, it moves the length of the conveyor. The profiles can be

manufactured endlessly and cut by the continuous extruding of each length.

3.1.2 Screw Extrusion

Screw extrusion involves a helical feed screw that turns inside a barrel. This is often

called the feed screw or the extruder screw. The screw is a single shaft with helical flights.

Sometimes, when more thorough mixing is needed, two screws are used. The constantly

turning screw moves the resin through the heated barrel where it is heated to proper

temperature and blended into a homogeneous melt. Extrusion screw design has been

improving over the years, with new innovations and ideas. Nowadays, single screws are

available that have a secondary flight that improve speed by enabling faster melting. This

process of extrusion serves two functions: it heats the plastic material above its melting point

and puts the melt under pressure. The molten plastic material can then be forced through an

orifice, commonly known as the die. This process is common to all types of extrusion. Most

screws have these three zones, Feed zone (also called the solids conveying zone): this zone

feeds the resin into the extruder, and the channel depth is usually the same throughout the

zone. Melting zone (also called the transition or compression zone): most of the polymer is

melted in this section, and the channel depth gets progressively smaller. Metering zone (also

called the melt conveying zone): this zone melts the last particles and mixes to a uniform

temperature and composition. Like the feed zone, the channel depth is constant throughout this

zone. A great advantage of extrusion is that profiles such as pipes can be made to any length. If

the material is sufficiently flexible, pipes can be made at long lengths even coiling on a reel.

Another advantage is the extrusion of pipes with integrated coupler including rubber seal.
Factors affecting the selection of plant site

The Sub-urban Location for a Factory:

Such a location generally provides advantages of both the large city
and small towns.

Benefits of such a locality may be summarized as follows:

(i) Land is easily and cheaply available in comparison to big cities.

(ii) Lower tax rates in comparison to big cities and urban areas.

(iii) Transportation facilities equal to big cities available.

(iv) Good living accommodation to enjoy advantages of big cities

available for workers/employees.

(v) Unskilled labour cheaply available.

(vi) Recreational facilities of cities available due to easy transport

3.1.1 Symbols of plastics

There are many kinds of plastics. Some of them are recyclable and some of them are not

properly recyclable. So, when someone knows about the symbol and the number which is on

the products in every item s/he can keep that plastic in right place.

Fig 3. 2: Symbol for recyclable plastic container

3.1.2 Properties of Polyethylene terephthalate (PET)

Polyethylene terephthalate (sometimes written poly(ethylene terephthalate)), commonly

abbreviated PET, PETE, or the obsolete PETP or PET-P, is the most common thermoplastic

polymer resin of the polyester family and is used in fibers for clothing, containers for liquids

and foods, thermoforming for manufacturing, and in combination with glass fiber for

engineering resins.
Table 3. 1: Properties of PET

IUPAC Name Poly(ethyl benzene-1,4-dicarboxylate)

Chemical formula (C10H8O4)n

Solubility in water Practically insoluble

Melting point > 250 °C; 482 °F; 523 K

Boiling point > 350 °C; 662 °F; 623 K

3.2 Design of Machine

Our extrusion machine has single screw shaft design with Different parts of Machine is

listed below-

1. Screw Shaft

2. Hopper

3. Barrel

4. Induction Motor

5. Circular Heater

6. Heat Controller

7. Thermocouples

8. Air Compressor

9. Belt and pulley arrangement

3.2.1 Schematic diagram of Machine

Fig 3. 3: Extrusion Machine

Fig 3. 4: Actual Image of Machine

3.2.2 Screw Shaft Design:

The design of screw is important for plastic processing. It has mainly three different functions

namely, feeding mechanism; uniform melting and mixing of plastic and finally it generates

the pressure to push the molten material through die. A screw length (L) is referenced to its

diameter (D) as L/D ratio. Generally, L/D ratio is used as 24:1, but for more mixing and

output, it may increase up to 32:1. The Screw is made of mild steel. There are three possible

zones in a screw length i.e. feed zone, melting zone, and metering zone.

(a) Feed zone: In this zone, the resin is inserted from hopper into the barrel, and the

channel depth is constant.

(b) Melting zone: The plastic material is melted and the channel depth gets progressively

smaller. It is also called the transition or compression zone.

(c) Metering zone: The molten plastic is mixed at uniform temperature and pressure

and forwarded through the die. The channel depth is constant throughout this zone.

Fig 3. 5: Screw Shaft

In addition, a vented (two-stage) screw has:

(a) Decompression zone: In this zone, about two-thirds down the screw, the channel

suddenly gets deeper, which relieves the pressure and allows any trapped gases (moisture,

air, solvents, or reactants) to be drawn out by vacuum.

(b) Second metering zone: This zone is similar to the first metering zone, but with greater

channel depth. It serves to re-pressurize the melt to get it through the resistance of the

screens and the die.

Each zone is equipped with one or more thermocouples in the barrel wall for temperature

control. The "temperature profile" i.e., the temperature of each zone is very important to the

quality and characteristics of the final product.

Table 3. 2: Dimension of helical screw shaft

Length 2 feet

Major Diameter 1.5 inch

Minor Diameter 1 to 1.4 inch

Pitch 0.4 inch

Helix Angle 15° to 25°

Depth 0.5 to 0.1 inch

Pulley Diameter 10 inch

R.p.m. 110
3.2.3 Hopper

Our hopper is a pyramidal shaped device used to feed plastic flakes into the screw shaft.

Fig 3. 6: Dimension of hopper

3.2.4 Pipe Barrel

Barrel houses the screw shaft. The helical screw shaft rotates inside the barrel. The barrel is

made of Mild Steel. Has a length of 22.5 inch.

3.2.5 Induction Motor

The machine uses an induction motor or an AC electric motor in which the electric current in

the rotor needed to produce torque is obtained by electromagnetic induction from the

magnetic field of the stator winding. It is used to rotate the screw shaft that is housed in pipe


Table 3. 3: Specification of Induction Motor

Voltage 220 volt

Ampere 4.25 amp

R.p.m 1400

Power 0.935 kW
3.2.6 Circular Band Heater

The circular band heater is an electrical device that converts an electric current into heat

energy. There is three circular band heaters placed around the pipe barrel. The diameter of the

heater is 2.5 inch and length are 2.8 inch. The resistance of three heater wire is 144 Ω, 136 Ω,

136 Ω accordingly.

Fig 3. 7: Circular band heater

3.2.7 Temperature Controller

It is widely used for measuring temperature and auto control temperature in different

machinery. We are using one temperature controller for three circular band heaters.

Table 3. 4: Specification of Induction Motor

Input signal K type thermocouple

Power supply 110v or 220v

Sensitivity range 0º C to 400º C

Output Relay
3.2.8 Thermocouple

A thermocouple produces a temperature-dependent voltage which results in thermoelectric

effect, and this voltage can be used to measure temperature. Thermocouples are a widely used

temperature sensor. We are using K type thermocouple. It has sensitivity range of -200º C to

+1350º C.

Fig 3. 8: K type thermocouple

3.2.9 Air Compressor

An air compressor is a device that converts power (using an electric motor, diesel or gasoline

engine, etc.) into potential energy stored in pressurized air (i.e., compressed air). An air

compressor forces more and more air into a storage tank, increasing the pressure. When tank

pressure reaches its engineered upper limit, the air compressor shuts off. The compressed air

then, is held in the tank until called into use.

Fig 3. 9: Air
Specification of air compressor is given below-

Table 3. 5: Specification of Air compressor

Operating Voltage 220v

Power 0.55 kW

Speed 2850 r/min

Ampere 4.2 amp

3.2.10 V-Belt and Pulley arrangement

The belt and pulley arrangement are used to transmit the rotation from motor to helical screw

shaft. We have used two v-belt and three pulleys. The motor pulley has a diameter of 3 inch

and the other two has 12 inch and 10 inches accordingly. The arrangement is made in a way

that it reduces the motor’s 1400 r.m.p into 110 rpm in the screw shaft.
3.3 Working principle

Before actual extrusion process can take place, the PET bottle is need to be processed for

extrusion. Flow chart of the process is given below

Fig 3. 10: Flow chart for PET extrusion

There are mostly three important steps to be considered before extrusion process:

 Melting temperature of plastic

 Speed of the screw

 Extrusion pressure required

In extrusion process, plastic in the form of pellets or granules is gravity fed from the

hopper into the barrel. The plastic material enters through the feed throat and comes into

contact with the rotating screw, rotating in 110 rpm. The rotating screw pushes the plastic

pellets forward into the barrel. The barrel is heated using the circular band heater up to

the melting temperature of the plastic, which is 260º C. There are three zones in a rotating
screw shaft

which are feed zone, melting zone, and metering zone. In the feed zone, the plastic pellets
melt gradually as they are pushed through the barrel. In the melting zone plastic pellets

are completely melted. A thermocouple is used to maintain the temperature of the mild

steel barrel. The overheating of plastics should be minimized which may cause

degradation in the plastic properties. At the front of the barrel, the molten plastic leaves

the screw shaft and then it is blown with the help of air compressor to make the continual

synthetic fiber.

Fig 3. 11: Extrusion process


4.1 Calculation of Current consumption

We are using 3 types of electrical component which are listed below-

1. Induction Motor.

2. Three Barrel Heater.

3. Air Compressor.

4.1.1 Electricity consumption of Induction Motor

From motor specification list we get,

Voltage – 220 v

Current – 4.25 amp

So, Power = V × I =220×4.25 = 935 watt

= (935÷1000) kW

= 0.935 kW

Electricity Consumption = Power × time

= (0.935 × 1) kW h

= 0.935 kW h

4.1.1 Electricity consumption of Barrel Heater

As we have three-barrel heater, measuring heater resistance and ampere with the help of

multimeter we get,
R1 = 144 Ω, I1 = 0.67 amp

R2 = 136 Ω, I2 = 0.56 amp

R3 = 136 Ω, I3 = 0.56 amp

So, Voltage = I × R

So, V1 = 96.48 v , V2 = 76.16 v , V3 = 76.16 v

Again, Power = V × I

Power consumption of barrel heater B1, B2, B3 is 64.641 watt , 42.649 watt, 42.649 watt


So, electricity consumption of barrel heater B1, B2, B3 is 0.065 kW h , 0.043 kW h, 0.043 kW

h accordingly.

4.1.3 Electricity consumption of Air Compressor

From Air Compressor specification list, we get,

Power – 0.55 kW

Voltage – 220 v

Current – 4.2 amp

Electricity Consumption = Power × time

= (0.55 × 1) kW h

= 0.55 kW h
Table 4. 1: Total Electricity Consumed per hour

Electrical Component Electricity Consumed (kW h)

Induction Motor 0.935

Barrel Heater, B1 0.065

Barrel Heater, B2 0.043

Barrel Heater, B3 0.043

Air Compressor 0.55

Total 1.635 kW h

4.2 Calculation of cost of fiber

Small industry electricity tariff per unit is 7.66/- tk

So, electricity cost per hour to run the machine is = 1.635 × 7.66 = 12.532/- tk per hour

At present, our machine can produce up to 936gram synthetic fiber from 1kg PET flakes per

hour. PET Flakes costs 35/- tk per kg.

So, Cost for making 936g synthetic fiber will be = 12.532+35 = 47.532 tk/-

As we can see, initially we are making synthetic fiber at a very cheap price excluding any

overhead cost. Compering to other synthetic fiber that we import, we can make our synthetic

fiber for half of the price. As we improve our machine and bulk production of synthetic fiber

will reduce the price furthermore.

4.3 Result Analysis


y = 0.978x + 0.419
Fiber output in gram





0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Flakes input in gram

Fig 4. 1: Flakes input vs Fiber Output


y = 0.0018x + 0.1023
Power Consumption in kW h





0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Fiber output in gram

Fig 4. 2: Fiber Output vs Power Consumption






-2 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
-0.2 Cost of electricity

Fig 4. 3: Cost of electricity per hour






Recycled Fiber Felt/Flock Imported Fiber
Cost of different fiber

Fig 4. 4: Price point of Imported and Recycled Fiber



Flakes input in gram




-200 0 200 400 600 800 1000

Fiber output in gram

Fig 4. 5: Synthetic fiber from PET flakes per kg

From, above graphs and figures we can see the price of fiber production and comparison of

foreign fiber. At present, Bangladesh imports the felt, flock and synthetic fiber to fulfill the

countries demand. With huge amount of plastic waste already in our environment we can

collect and recycle PET bottle with ease. With the advantage of cheap raw material and

labour, small or medium enterprise can easily open up recycling plant. As we can produce

synthetic fiber for half of price compering to others. Operating a recycling plant will easy and

profitable. Our country has a rapidly growing textile industry. We can process this synthetic

fiber to make polyester yarn to meet the demand of our textile industry. So, we can see that

our recycling machine can help in achieving sustainable environment and also have economic


Population growth and rapid pace of urbanization pose several environmental challenges for

Bangladesh. One of the challenges is the waste management, and especially plastic waste

management. Mechanical recycling of PET bottles is the most preferred recovery route for

relatively clean plastic waste stream. It is well suited for developing countries like

Bangladesh since it is less cost-intensive. Collection process is the key to successful recycling

of PET bottles and plastic waste. It lies on consumers that must become educated and

motivated through designed community educational program so that identification and

collection of recyclables containers becomes a routine activity. Result shows with the

abundance of plastic bottle waste we can make synthetic fiber in a very cheap price

compering with the other fiber.

Currently we have some limitation in fiber collecting method. The fiber should be collected

in a perforated large industry grade bag as the molten plastic is blown with the air

compressor. Our future work is consisting of adding industry grade air blower, stainless steel

barrel to house helical screw shaft and a breaker plate to get continuous fiber profile.

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