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The first thing that hit me was the smell. I inhaled a minty, breath-like scent.
Almost like someone was breathing right on to my face. The sweet perfume
was interrupted by the nauseating odor of a dirty body. I felt the intense,
cold glare of a strange, young, woman pierce through me. She was
dressed in a black, oversized trench coat with dark sunglasses tight on her
My eyes scanned the room to see the woman now sitting on a chair in front
of me, looking amused. Once I took in her presence, fear became a
tangible, living force that crept over me like some hungry beast,
immobilizing me. My gaze shifted to the right, to see a cart filled with all
kinds of torture weapons. Upon seeing this, my heart started to race, beads
of sweat had began to form on my forehead. I was anxious.
A throbbing discomfort took over me, my eyes closing against the dull pain.
I choked out a cough, and lifted my arm to inspect the damage- except that
it didn’t move. Something was restraining my arms. My legs too, they were
immobilized. I quickly looked to my left to see the peculiar woman now
pacing across the room, growing agitated. My lips parched and hunger
growled in my stomach, how long had I been here? A tremor of panic
vibrated in my core, I was as good as dead. I tried to wrench my arms free
and felt narrow straps dig into my arms. I was trapped.
I heard an ear-wrenching cackle from the front of the room, it was the
woman. She took long strides towards me, her face as cold as ice. I tried to
scream for help but my throat was raw and my lips were liquid-deprived,
making my scream come out as nothing more than a whisper. As the
woman reached my chair, she spoke. “You’re awake”? Her voice was crisp
and cool, all warmth drained of compassion. I stayed silent. This made her
grow impatient, and saunter away from me.
The woman came back holding a long batog, an ear-to-ear grin plastered
on her face. She raised the weapon and began to beat me with it. I gasped
and groaned, eyes rolling to the back of my head. I tried to close my eyes,
but it was as if an invisible force was keeping them open. Froth danced on
my lips, my whole body shivering, all the disobedience had faded away.
Defeat slowly accepted me into his grasp. Blackness engulfed me, and
soon enough, my body went limp.

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