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Unit 1: Present time

I, usAGE

1. General truths The earth moves around the Sun.

The left- hand side of the brain controls
the right- hand side of the body.
2. Current habits She brushes her teeth three times a day.
3. Permanent situations and states My father works for the Ministry of
Education and Training.
4. Telling jokes and other informal stories So, a man goes to see his psychiatrist…
5. Live sports commentary Quang Hai passes to Cong Phuong. It’s
Bình luận thể thao trực tiếp a goal.
6. Newspaper headlines HANOI DEPLOYS NEW COVID
7. Reviews and summaries The film ends with us not knowing
Phê bình phim, sách báo, tóm tắt nội whether they have been successful or
dung not
8. Instructions and directions You turn left at the end of the road and
Chỉ dẫn và dẫn đường the school is up ahead
9. Proverbs and sayings Too many cooks spoil the broth.
Thành ngữ, tục ngữ
10. Fixed events (the future) Term ends on 21st the December.
Các sự kiện trong tương lai có thời gian
theo lịch trình, thời khóa biểu
11. In times clause (the future, trong mệnh I’ll be so relieved when I finish this
đề tương lai có các từ như when, as crossword.
soon as, before, after, until/til, while,
II, Word and phrases often used with the present simple.

1. Always Luôn luôn I always love her.

2. Usually Thường thường I usually go to bed at
3. Generally Thông thường, chung His attitude to me was
chung generally unfriendly.
4. Often Thường I often dream about
5. Sometimes Thỉnh thoảng Sometimes, I still miss
6. Rarely Hiếm khi I rarely hang out with
7. Seldom Hiếm khi I seldom go to the
8. Never Không bao giờ I never talk to him
9. Whenever Bất cứ khi nào Call me whenever you
10. Nowadays Ngày nay Nowadays, people tend
to have nuclear family,
rather than extended
11. These days Ngày nay These days, teenagers
pefer texting to talking
face to face.
12. From time to time Thỉnh thoảng I still think of him from
time to time.
13. Every now and then Thỉnh thoảng She comes to London
every now and again.
14. Most/much of the time Hầu hết thời gian He plays video games
most of the time.
15. It’s/ That’s the last time Lần cuối cùng That’s the last time I go
to the club
I, usAGE

1. Actions happening now The boys are playing the video games.
2. Actions happening around now What book are you doing in English at
the moment.
3. Temporary situations and series of We aren’t having any exams while the
actions lecturers are still on strike.
4. Changing and developing situations More and more people are recognizing
the advantages of being able to speak a
foreign language.
5. Annoying and amusing habitss My brother’s always making weird
6. Background information in jokes and A man goes to see his psychiatrist. He’s
other stories carring a bag full of honey…
7. The future (for arrangements) When are you taking your driving test?
8. The future (in time clauses) sự dụng I’ll probably be a bit scared when I’m
trong mệnh đề tương lai chỉ thời gian waiting outside for the exam to start.
thay thế cho thì tương lai
II, Word and phrases often used with the present simple.
Now/ right now/for nơ/ currently/ at the moment/At present/ to day/ this week/ect/
It’s/That’s the last time


1. Situations and states that started in the I’ve learned English for about 4
past and are still true years.
Hành động bắt đầu ở quá khứ nhưng
vẫn tiếp diễn ở hiện tại
2. A series of actions continuing up to now My sister has done IP so far.
Một chuỗi sự kiện kéo dài từ quá khứ
đến hiện tại
3. Completed actions at a time in the past Have you ever read any books by JK
which is not important or relevant Rowling.
Hành động xảy ra ở 1 thời điểm trong
qk, mà thời điểm nào k quan trọng hoặc
k liên quan
4. Completed actions where the important She’s been awarded a scholarship to
thing is the present result study at UWC.
Hành động kết thức ở quá khứ nhưng
cái quan trọng là kết quả ở hiện tại
5. Actions completed recently I’ve just received my exam results.
Hành động kết thức gần đây
6. The future( in time clauses) Tell me when you’ve finished the
II, Word and phrases often used with the present Perfect simple.
Since It’s the Already Ever
first/second/ect time
for before yet just
still recently Up to now (Up) until now
1. Actions and situations continuing up to We’ve all been wondering what to get
the present (or just before the present) Tony for his birthday and we just
can’t decide.
2. The future (in time clause) I won’t take my driving test until I’ve
been having lessons for at least two

Sự khác nhau nhau giữa hai thì:


I’ve written two essays this week I’ve been working here for five years
(emphasises the duration)
Khi chúng đc dùng để mô tả trạng thái, các động từ sau thường được dùng ở Simple
tenses hơn các continuous tenses

Communication Agree, deny, disagree

Thinking Believe, consider, doubt, expect, imagine, know, mean, realise,
suppose, suspect, think, understand
Existence Be, exist
Emotions Adore, appeal, appreciate, desire, despise, detest, dislike, envy,
fear, feel, forgive, hate, like, love, mind, need, pity, prefer, satisfy,
trust, want, wish
Perception Appear, hear, look, notice, recognise, resemble, see, seem, smell,
sound, taste
Possession and Belong, concern, consist, contain, cost, depend, equal, fit, have,
relationships include, involve, lack, measure, owe, own, possess, suit, weigh
between things
Other Deserve, matter
Many of the verbs above can be used in continuous tenses when they describe actions
rather than states.

These verbs include: appeal, be, consider, depend, feel, have, include, look, mean, mind,
see, smell, taste, think, weigh

I think it’s important to learn a foreign language. (think= believe)

I’m thinking about going to the cinema with him. (Think= consider)

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