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*** These are actual unsolicited testimonials in our files.

They are not to be considered as a claim of medical efficacy and should be considered as anecdotal in nature. You should always consult your physician before beginning any treatment program. ***

These are actual unsolicited testimonials in our files. They are not to be considered as a claim of medical efficacy and should be considered as anecdotal in nature. You should always consult your physician before beginning any treatment program. These letters have been
retyped from the originals to facilitate copying.

For additional testimonials and to purchase products, check out our blog at an Unfranchised Partner of Market America

*** These are actual unsolicited testimonials in our files. They are not to be considered as a claim of medical efficacy and should be considered as anecdotal in nature. You should always consult your physician before beginning any treatment program. ***

Talk to your doctor before changing any of your medications. This testimony does not claim nor imply cures for any diseases of the body. OPC-3 Miracles
April Martin, my daughter, age 12, was diagnosed systemic juvenile rheumatoid arthritis in 1987. She has been taking 120 mg of Motrin daily and 21 mg of methotrexate per week for the last eighteen months. We have been told by two different specialists that April is facing hip replacement surgery when she is older. She has a pronounced limp in her walk. In September 1995, April had very little range of motion in her hips (left side: eighty degrees, right side: fifty degrees). April desperately needed to get back into physical therapy. April became very, very ill. She was spiking temperatures at 105 degrees; she had horrible stomach pain and was very pale. I was afraid it was the medication she was taking. After all, who's stomach could withstand that much for that long? Soon the lab results were coming in; this really puzzled the doctor. He was not sure what was happening April's white cell count was extremely high and she was anemic. The doctor kept using the term "aplastic anemia" and "bone marrow." He said she was losing her clotting factor. I must admit, I didn't understand a lot of what he was saying, but I knew my little girl was gravely ill. The doctor decided not to make any changes in April's medication until he had a better understanding of the problem. We were to keep a close eye on April and bring her back at the first sign of trouble. I, as a mother, was terrified. I did the only thing I could; I followed the doctor's orders and I prayed. I asked God to heal April; almost in the same breath I was told about a product called OPC-3 and the many people it had helped. I thought hard about starting April on OPC-3. After all, her doctor had requested that we make no changes. I started April on OPC-3 around the first of October 1995. I remember the first day or two April would say "I'm not sure what it is but I feel good." April started looking better also. Her color was returning. By the third and fourth week, we could see a noticeable difference in her walk. She seemed to have more flexibility. On October 31,1995, April saw her doctor for a checkup. He said she looked great. The range of motion in her hips had really improved (left side: 110 degrees, right side: 100 degrees). He ran more lab work. This was the clincher: the doctor called to let us know that whatever was happening before was gone, all numbers were back in normal range. He said her anemia level is the highest it has been since April has had the arthritis (eight years). In November, April saw a physical therapist. She gave April the once over; her comment to us was, "I could see April every week and be making real easy money." April is in great shape, she is in full range of motion in all her joints and good muscle strength for her age. We ended the session with, "Call me if you need me." April takes her OPC-3 faithfully every morning. She can't wait to see her doctor again so he can reduce her other medications. April is looking forward to a time when OPC-3 is all she has to take. April says, "God works in mysterious ways. He sent me a miracle...OPC-3" Cris C an Unfranchised Partner of Market America

*** These are actual unsolicited testimonials in our files. They are not to be considered as a claim of medical efficacy and should be considered as anecdotal in nature. You should always consult your physician before beginning any treatment program. ***

================================================================ Rheumatoid Arthritis / Varicose Veins - Shear Don't have one written yet But I have a customer who suffers from Rheumatoid Arthritis and was on Bactsra how ever you spell it and was afraid to continue with it as they did take it off the market this summer how ever she has been on the OPC only, for One yr and a hafe... And wont be with out it.. If she doesn't take any thing for the arthritis she's down in two days.. The Opc keeps her going medication free and has a good cholesterol level and blood pressure... and can show her legs now, She had varicose veins... So she got the other results also.. Now she only takes the OPC... Crystal S Milton, Delaware =====================================================================================

Rheumatoid Arthritis Degenerative Discs Anxiety Attacks (Mothers) Fibromyalgia-Weeks I'm writing to tell you how important OPC-3 is to my health. I was introduced to OPC-3 two years ago by a co-worker. At the time, I was suffering from severe arthritic pain as well as pain caused from degenerated discs. A nerve block on the lower back gave me some relief from pain caused by the degenerated discs. As the effects of the nerve block gradually wore off, the pain became more severe. In addition, I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. For 10 years I tried dozens of anti-inflammatory drugs, which were either ineffective or caused me to suffer from their unpleasant side effects. The more I learned about these drugs and what they could do to your body, the more reluctant I was to take them. I finally reached the point where I refused to take them at all, preferring to live with the pain rather than the side effects. Tylenol 3 was the only medication that I continued to take. From previous experience, I knew how addictive it could be and how it's effectiveness lessened the more you took and the longer you took it, so I restricted myself to just two Tylenol 3 after supper to give me a couple of hours of relief. I started taking a double dose of OPC-3 in the morning. Within a week I was amazed that my pain had lessened. After three weeks I was "Tylenol 3 Free", and feeling better than I had in ten years. Being somewhat skeptical, I stopped taking the OPC-3, and after only a few days my pain returned. Naturally, I started taking it again. As the weeks went by, I noticed I was thinking clearer, anxiety attacks had disappeared, and I had greater mobility. I've been taking OPC-3 for two years, and for all intents and purposes I am pain free, and for me, that's remarkable! OPC-3 has given my mother greater mobility and pain relief from her fibromyalgia; customers suffering from arthritis are getting relief; others find they have more energy; people working night shift now find it easier to adjust. I thank Market America for bringing this product to market. Charles W Oxford, N. S.

Rheumatoid Arthritis I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis in my feet and ankles. It wasn't the news I wanted to hear, but there it was. I was put on steroids and other aggressive drugs for inflammation and pain, but nothing ever seemed to slow the progressiveness of the disease; the pain got worse and the bones started to deteriorate. I have been on a number of aggressive treatment drugs and though they helped to some extent, the pain never went away, it was an Unfranchised Partner of Market America

*** These are actual unsolicited testimonials in our files. They are not to be considered as a claim of medical efficacy and should be considered as anecdotal in nature. You should always consult your physician before beginning any treatment program. ***

only more tolerable. I also began to have bouts with pleurisy that would last for days, which I have been told is also related to arthritis. I had surgery on my right foot to correct joint deformity because of bone deterioration. They fused my big toe and cut the joints from the other four toes. Needless to say, my mobility is somewhat limited. It took me 8 weeks to recover from that surgery. I went back to work and being on my feet more, my foot swelled everyday. I figured the process of healing was going to take even longer. Friends introduced me to OPC-3. I started taking one capful a day for about a week. After the first 3 days, I noticed that the swelling in my right foot had stopped. After about 2 weeks, I hadn't noticed a significant change in the actual pain of my arthritis. I spoke to someone about it and found out that I could be taking more, so that is what I did. I saturated my system with 6 capfuls a day: 2 in the morning, 2 in the afternoon, and 2 before bed. Within 4 to 6 days, I noticed a dramatic change. And within the days and weeks to come, I was able to walk normally again. People noticed I wasn't limping anymore. I no longer have to take baby steps down the stairs, I can bound out of bed in the morning without having to wait for my joints to wake up and stop aching, I can pick up my 2 year old son without pain and even walk barefoot. I no longer have any pain in my chest from the pleurisy. I am now taking one capful a day. .Occasionally, if I do experience some achiness, I just take 2 capfuls a day for 2 or 3 days and I'm pain-free again. OPC-3 has made a tremendous impact on my quality of life. Nancy P. K =============================================================================== Rheumatoid Arthritis We had a customer who my wife works with in a nursing facility, whos been on the OPC now for just about 2 months, and has suffered from rheumatoid arthritis for a significantly long period of time. Shes only 31 years old. She gave us a call last week, all excited. She had just gotten back from her doctor, who could not believe that almost the entire effects of her rheumatoid arthritis have disappeared. He was so impressed, in fact, that we actually have set up a meeting to go speak with him because he definitely wants to know what shes been taking and what shes been doing in order to offset the effects of the rheumatoid arthritis because he just couldnt believe it. He was absolutely amazed. So the products do work they work fantastic and I just wanted to pass that along to the field. Jim S Green Bay, WI ===============================================================================
Rheumatoid Arthritis Hi, my brother has the same problems with inflamation in his knees and also near the heels. He was not able to walk properly and walk long time. He also was unable to work. I bought him OPC3 2 cap or more several time per day Mutivitamins several time a day 2 caps Minerals one time a day 1 Cap Calcium 2 caps Glucosatrim 2 capsule 3 time per day. He also eliminate milk, red meet to eliminate Uric Acid and drank water several time a day. He started in October 2007 and today DEC 27 he can walk normaly and went back to work. an Unfranchised Partner of Market America

*** These are actual unsolicited testimonials in our files. They are not to be considered as a claim of medical efficacy and should be considered as anecdotal in nature. You should always consult your physician before beginning any treatment program. ***

In his job hi has to stand six hours. Regards Angelo R an Unfranchised Partner of Market America

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