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Fill in the correct form of the words:

1. My sun looked at the puppet with _________. ADMIRE

2. Did you see the last football _________? CHAMPION
3. Our _________ to Paris will be in two days. FLY
4. This information is very _________ for the test. USE
5. Can you describe your friend’s ________? APPEAR
6. My first story was very ________. SUCCESS
7. Let’s speak about it at the ________ of June. BEGIN
8. What is your ________? CHOOSE
9. We were sure that Tom was _________. INNOCENCE
10. Your grandmother needs your ________. ASSIST
11. What is the _________ of this street? LONG
12. This device is _________, I think. HARM
13. The situation on the road was _________. DANGER
14. The conference was about the _________. EDUCATE
15. We heard the _________ at the station. ANNOUNCE
16. Our new car is very _________, COMFORT
17. I’m ________.Could you give a glass of water? THIRST
18. Your advice was very ________. HELP
19. Who can tell me the ________ of this lake? DESCRIBE
20. I apologized for the late ________ of the bus. ARRIVE
21. _________ is very important for all the people. POLITE
22. He didn’t want to show his _________. WEAK
23. Pam saw that he understood her _________. FEEL
24. In some countries people live in _________. POOR
25. Have you read anything about the __________? DISCRIMINATE
26. The movement of the youth was __________. PEACE
27. Have you taken part in that ___________? DEMONSTRATE
28. By the way, what is your __________? WEIGH
29. I think this price is ___________. REASON
30. It was very __________ in the room. NOISE
31. Your behavior is simply _________. HORROR
32. Have a look! That girl is very _________. BEAUTY
33. The Statue of _________ meets you in New York. FREE
34. What is your _________? DECIDE
35. Tom has a big _________ of butterflies. COLLECT
36. The _________ channel is very interesting. DISCOVER
Fill in the correct form of the words:
1. My sun looked at the puppet with _________. ADMIRATION
2. Did you see the last football _________? CHAMPIONSHIP
3. Our _________ to Paris will be in two days. FLIGHT
4. This information is very _________ for the test. USEFUL
5. Can you describe your friend’s ________? APPEARANCE
6. My first story was very ________. SUCCESSFUL
7. Let’s speak about it at the ________ of June. BEGINNING
8. What is your ________? CHOICE
9. We were sure that Tom was _________. INNOCENT
10. Your grandmother needs your ________. ASSISTANCE
11. What is the _________ of this street? LENGTH
12. This device is _________, I think. HARMLESS/
13. The situation on the road was _________. DANGEROUS
14. The conference was about the _________. EDUCATION
15. We heard the _________ at the station. ANNOUNCEMENT
16. Our new car is very _________, COMFORTABLE
17. I’m ________.Could you give me a glass of water? THIRSTY
18. Your advice was very ________. HELPFUL
19. Who can tell me the ________ of this lake? DESCRIPTION
20. I apologized for the late ________ of the bus. ARRIVAL
21. _________ is very important for all the people. POLITENESS
22. He didn’t want to show his _________. WEAKNESS
23. Pam saw that he understood her _________. FEELING
24. In some countries people live in _________. POVERTY
25. Have you read anything about the __________? DISCRIMINATION
26. The movement of the youth was __________. PEACEFUL
27. Have you taken part in that ___________? DEMONSTRATION
28. By the way, what is your __________? WEIGHT
29. I think this price is ___________. REASONABLE
30. It was very __________ in the room. NOISY
31. Your behavior is simply _________ . HORRIBLE
32. Have a look! That girl is very _________. BEAUTIFUL
33. The Statue of _________ meets you in New York. FREEDOM
34. What is your _________? DECISION
35. Tom has a big _________ of butterflies. COLLECTION
36. The _________ channel is very interesting. DISCOVERY

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