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Inside Out Episode 2 Episode begins with RORIE lounging on the sofa, watching TV.

Its night time and LAURENCE is not home yet. She is watching a ROMANCE movie. Her expression is clearly interested as she watches and her eyes widen as the main characters kiss. Her hand moves to her lips in response. RORIE [v.o] I wonder what its like to kiss someone... Sure, Ive seen it on TV so many times but... I guess I just want to experience it myself. She picks up the remote control to turn the TV off and sighs. RORIE [v.o] But I never will. I cant even go into the courtyard for goodness sake! Well, maybe I can... Can I? She slowly gets to her feet and looks out the window. The street is empty. She takes a deep breath before walking slowly to the door. In the next scene, the camera is outside and watches RORIE step out. Suddenly, the camera turns to first person and zooms in and out manically from different areas of the courtyard. It then turns back to RORIE who is hyperventilating and looking faint. Back from RORIES POV, everything is greyscale and blurry. NOAH Hey! Are you okay? Woah! Oh God! Cut scene with black. RORIE has fainted. Scene starts in a different house. The layout is similar but the wallpaper, carpet and furniture are different. The house is clean and tidy but a little grubby around the edges. Everything looks old and well used. Some stuff is still in boxes so its clear that hes only moved in recently. RORIE sits up on the sofa, a little disorientated but glad to be in a room somewhat familiar in layout. RORIE stands up and wraps her arms around herself. No one is there. She looks towards the door but is too afraid to go back outside. She looks up at a portrait of a red haired girl on the wall, admiring the handiwork. The artists strokes are so fine that it looks like a photo.

NOAH Oh, youre awake! RORIE turns a little to the right and sees NOAH. NOAH is twenty-two years old and a college dropout. Hes just moved here. Hes about six feet two inches and well built. Hes pale with freckles and choppy black hair. RORIE glances at the ground, her strong shyness kicking in. She hasnt talked to anyone outside her house since she was five. Sure, shes talked to delivery men and a couple of her dads friends and their daughters the odd time... but this is different. NOAH watches RORIES awkwardness. He is confused. NOAH Are you okay? RORIE Um, I think so. NOAH What happened back there? One minute you come out the door, the next youre on the ground. RORIE Do you know what agoraphobia is? NOAH Is that when youre scared of going outside? RORIE Thats me. I havent left my house in twelve years... till now. There is a hint of a smile on RORIES lips as she speaks that last line. NOAH picks up on this and smiles a little too. He finds RORIE attractive and isnt freaked out by her weird phobia. NOAH Why dont we celebrate then? Want a beer? Wait... how old are you? RORIE [smiling] Seventeen. NOAH moves to the fridge and pulls out a bottle of beer. NOAH [sarcastic]

Damn, so much for celebration. I knew there was a reason why I was gonna move to England. RORIE I mean, Ive had beer before. I can handle it. NOAH [grinning] Really? Cos I dont think you can... RORIE takes the bottle from NOAH. They realise then how close they are to each other. They move back awkwardly and Noah goes to retrieve a can of beer from the counter. It was the one he was drinking before he went to the toilet. He then sits on the sofa and turns on the TV. RORIE stands there awkwardly. NOAH Cmon then. Make yourself comfy. Were gonna celebrate the good old fashioned way! With a cheesy horror movie and beer! Want chips? RORIE [shaking head] No thank you. RORIE takes a seat on the recliner next to NOAH. They sit in silence for a moment and watch the horror movie. NOAH Im NOAH ANGEL by the way. Twenty two, janitor and college dropout. RORIE [smiling] AURORA SPARROW, or RORIE. Seventeen, single, artist. NOAH smiles and they go back to watching the movie in a comfortable silence.

FLASHBACK A red haired woman is walking toward the exit in a subway. She is alone. The subway is almost empty, except for two men standing next to the stairs. The woman ignores them. She starts to walk up the stairs and the two men following her. She walks through the empty station, scared. Her pace increases but she trips over a box in her rush. The men stand over her before one of them lifts their foot and everything goes black. END FLASHBACK

LAURENCE stands on the same platform that the woman had previously stood on. This was his wife, DAHLIA. He is waiting for a train. He watches a ghost of his wife walking towards the stairs and the two men following her. LAURENCE Oh DAHLIA, where are you? *pause* Ill find you. Someday. Scene begins in a dirty chamber of sorts. Inside, MIGUEL is on the phone standing next to a young girl who is wearing very little clothing. Shes hunched down on the ground in her underwear, with a blindfold around her eyes and tears rolling down her cheeks. She has brunette hair, light freckles, slim and very pretty. However her face is covered in cuts and scabs, which suggests she has been abused. MIGUEL makes no note of her as he speaks on the phone. She is crying softly in the background. MIGUEL Yeah, we got another one. The dad is willing to pay sir. The other guy? Oh Sparrow, yeah. Ive brought the paintings over. Can I go home now? Yeah, bye. MIGUEL hangs up his phone and puts it in his pocket. ALICE Please let me go, Ill do anything. I swear! Oh God, Im so scared! MIGUEL Sweetheart, theres nothing to be afraid of. I wont hurt you. I cant say the same for ERIK, though. He has a bit of a bad temper sometimes... ALICE MIGUEL! Dont let him hit me again! Please! God, dont let that man hurt me! MIGUEL

Alice, darling. With whats gonna happen to you, youre gonna wish you were here with only ERIK beating you. MIGUEL leaves the room and looks at ERIK, who had been standing outside the room. They watch each other for a moment before ERIK enters the room. A scream echoes from the chamber. MIGUEL Fuck, I hate this.

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