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TAN231(GD2-HK2-2122)mien4KN.51- writing assignment 24.5.

Happiness means different things to different people, and there is no clear link between
wealth and happiness.
In your opinion, do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Write an essay of at least 250 words, and give reasons for your view.

Your essay must include:

- Clear point of view;

- Single focus;
- Logical organization;
- Strong support, clear and complete explanations;
- At least 250 words in length.

Many people hold the view that happiness is difficult to define because it means something
different to each individual and there is no relationship between wealth and happiness. From my
perspective, I am in agreement with this opinion and this essay will address the reasons for my
It is undeniable that defining happiness is quite challenging because the requirements to achieve
it is not fixed. While someone dreams that his economic freedom would make him happy, a
very rich man dreams about having a caring family to be happy. Similarly, a couple who do not
have any child think about having a baby all the time and would be ready to do anything for
that. On the contrary, many poor families, mostly in poor countries, find more children to be
their burden. The practical world is quite puzzling and the humankind wants more than they
have. When a person’s aim or expectation is fulfilled, he wants more and this is a never ending
process. This is why happiness is not a simple word that we can describe with a neat and precise
There are elements that lead a human to happiness based on priorities of each people in their
life. It could be the well-being, quality of life or economic freedom. However, many individuals
believe that money, or material wealth, maybe a prime mover, but it is not the foundation of our
happiness. Making lots of money will not inevitably boost your happiness, instead, how you
spend, save, and think about money shapes how much joy you get from it. For example,
winning the lottery may give a rush of joy and excitement but does not ensure long-term
contentment. It seems that winners soon get habituated to their money, while at the same time
they have distanced themselves from their former lives and identities by leaving jobs, friends
and lifestyle.
In conclusion,  it can be rated that money do not play an indispensable role in providing
happiness to mankind and people need to realise that their own attitudes to wealth can affect
their chances of acquiring both money and happiness.

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