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20 | The Ozerrar Insurance Co. Lr v. Drcirex Fiatsinn Lr. Wncment Daren 13 Novemecn 2019 im Cin. Areenr No. 655,207 mibatient _ Daten _ 13__Novemacr_ of ol tn _C.ivit_viPe ar“. 0959," Fact | The appellant insured. Slamdanl Pre amd Sheu! Ral Reg fo Doster" y in Osder fo cover the stock q gre eS qricem ak Thane, Madamohin by three stfemic endersenenh, The Onerdat Imcewrmmee irsused Ro 13 Cone or thin , Clause 13 4 the. agreement Oncluded am arbrbition douse. Due jee entne Btecke psa lentroyeeL and Dict Claimed Ro. 14.89 Crmes. Hewever ct Sumeyer —abpbointtdl by Oriental Cigaramce estvmnlad A damage woth Ro. 12.93 Gme . Dicitex requenlid Hak Us claim should be reotlued «oon prime a d wos in femancia! cunhers. Following Hus Ovientas Ec ourlied ae ~ Deapie we opp ayer. Deoblle. request: gon Dieter alle the chim on pumbg the unsuarr and stave | delayed ta valuation. The Uourer gent a deschange —vouchur woth Re Gove offer 36 rerille, 4 ae & awd said jek y (Dele died wok aceeph dunchange , Hlon Hu Uosurer woud wet f Dus bo qrancial dinheas , Diol acuptss the dachange voucher ! However , widhim 12 doy Dreabx wane a dabule urluch san denied by the suerte ground ek Dieter had syed om untond- crhowl des voucler amd demied to apboonk and anbyhilsr. | Diol fd a palin belo the Bernbay Hala Court unde | Se liens 1© fh te ade stig the appoutmenk: ah am aera. i | The Hygh Count: netid Hab the dispute ean arbiter ao he | dascharge Yourke teas agred by Doles tonal duc. 40 | Reanerad duvhes, The deesoten Nah Count war _chalfengeel by the Lisweer bef the Supreme Cour. Tssve WheHur Dieta hap prima facie sled tha umeondihond descharge uucler unr eeculed dus do coercion] tnd ipflucvee Cemamic. dure Herefoe iadieg oh te dispute be drtsihable ? | -Prouments Or Petitioner see | The Abella unger Flak he topugncd gudgourh b> ommrens Dicite could we fave tnveled Ha arbrhttion clawe , since te bed gully and qoally accepted He amueuk offered be avuf | wrdhdnaum — ds poles awd reaemebions , by the Luttr dated | o6.o¢.2et4 . De cites the deaisims tw Beghane Ply , Master | Gonehrucbian and Crem Fewer (‘sufre) tn this regard « | Arowments Op Kesronpent | Coumsel or Diciix urges tla thin cant so'sheuld. wt bale [with He tinpugmed fucdgwemh © TE was urged that Diattss twas ing. Saree fwewcisd ovinin and har the portengel proceas f | selileront cat conshrained ck co tow the saud Leltin of 6-06-19 However , he oct veraimed Hol ab the relevant “Hime » freee Pa cris 4 eristine . Ts acceplames wan under oonced compulsion a (22% tohieh amour fo ccononue Coercion . Therefore He learned single fye very property yered cs j Ye ey prapenty avalgesel ll sve make amd tld Hoa 2) | pow hein Thene tan no ell amd danod Settlement or dischonge, Tupsement -_ The Cour bets cab Hak the inners quak sumeyer frfewc 0 Pays gf mac then 12 ore tin cfu gf the ropondere, The Unurer jor whakeer you vapor cb atprove the stay aud abbeivked a nas Suaveer . The Cow take role of a adlions of te naw Sunveyor ad fle demand for unpolfud eora, vole the reported” towutd do the aun ag) Stoo dovmembs, The abbhean uaa Seemed wh a cour notice alegong ak the de beweon was exfperiewcing eumenie Vandal gry The Lusk -heo yeas «Te wo tn qpromaial dushem dua do te de in rorking the Luasuih Ruther, the court brome ak am afppbcation dor anbdaction Cat be dined — exclusi er even maingy becauine othe applied han aired 0 medialion arrargemenr ov discharge vouclers A oer allgibion a bribery coercion , dures ov unfriper Lailefereme roy insufficient. The gooupp malring he allegation musk preve ib pene oe by prewidng evidence fo the Cup] Yeslice «J the Cig) Taster bebieves the claim lan Subsline. , he wl wet. em de ov refer ue de Has Frbihal Trbural. The Count slated Hab le cenanckis. acuspled “He foo! bay > compile ond abrolute salifation ¢ a ue yoponabilils i Th wos decided. Ihab -thore warn no need or an avbiral heancng im thin sitialion . Concvusion This cane has beem reolationany because UF given iomnuuiby 40 puts oread. fo atid eleas “ake + or have. ” deals , allowing Bem & ppb dom tir Sing od dromig Sin When a grerfp nlbsshe> fardma. qacle- evidence Gf duress or bntarmes. bn the Louing 4 deharge vouchers the malin beumuer Arbitable and Ha. plant hao te obpetiunity fo aenobve Ha cha a> though ta topline vst coun.

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