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The three pie charts illustrate the comparison in terms of water consumption among
three areas namely San Diego, California, and the other states in the world.
As can be obviously seen from the chart, that the amount of used water used for
residential purpose in San Diego and California accounts for the highest. By
contrast, the rest of the world gets the highest amount for of water consumption
which is used in agriculture but gets the lowest one for residential reason. This
fact has led to a complete contrast between the rise and the fall of all three
purposes mentioned.
For the most part, the percentage of water usage for residential purpose in San
Diego is precisely 60%. This feature is over 20% higher than the proportion in
California and much lower than that in the other states. Besides, people who live
in the rest of the world use water for agriculture most (69%), this rate is quite
high and significant. This proportion is 30% and 20% higher than in California
and San Diego,  nearly 30% and 20% respectively. 
Another crucial and noteworthy reason for water consumption is Industry, which
is apparently seen as the main reason people use water in California (33%).
Furthermore, there is a similarity between the percentage of the consumption of
water in San Diego and the other states, which are all is at 23% in total and .
This figure is 10% lower than that in California.
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The first obvious feature of this chart is that a similar pattern is witnessed in the
residential water absorbed in SD and Cali, standing at 60% and 39%
respectively. By contrast, It is larger than the rates of water usage for the rest of
the world - at merely 8%. In addition to this, the opposite trend is also seen in
the use of water for agriculture: accounting for 69% of global figure. On the
contrary, agricultural water consumption constitutes only 17% in SD and 28% in
California state sequentially.
Another striking feature is that there aren't any significant differences when we
look at the water consumption figures for the industry. SD and the the rest of the
world have  the same percentage of industrial water use,  at 23%,in SD and the
world as a whole compared to 33% in California. It is 10% higher than the

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