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1. Strength training may increase our quality of

life and our ability to perform daily tasks.
It can also help to keep our joints healthy.
Building muscle can also help us maintain our
balance and lower our chance of falling. This
can assist us in maintaining our independence
as we grow older. This activities assist keep
or enhance muscle mass, strength, and power,
which are important for bone, joint, and
muscle health as we age, according to the HHS
physical activity guidelines. In a study
published in the Journal of Bone and Mineral
Research in October 2017, just 30 minutes of
high-intensity resistance and impact training
twice a week was shown to improve functional
performance, as well as bone density,
structure, and strength in postmenopausal
women with low bone mass — with no negative
side effects.
2. Resistance training (also known as strength
training or weight training) involves applying
resistance to muscular contractions in order
to increase skeletal muscle strength,
anaerobic endurance, and size. Strength
training is for people who want to gain muscle,
enhance joint function, and improve their
general endurance and fitness.It can help us
manage or reduce weight by increasing our
metabolism, which allows us to burn more
calories. Improve our standard of living. It
has the potential to improve our quality of
life and our ability to do daily tasks. It can
also help to prevent harm to your joints.
Strength training, aerobic exercise,
flexibility, and balance exercises are all
part of a well-rounded fitness program.
Strength training improves joint function,
bone density, muscle, tendon, and ligament
strength.Your muscles develop stronger when we
practice resistance training on a regular
3. Multiple sets of the same exercise can
increase strength and improve fitness as
effectively as a single set of 12 to 15
repetitions with the right weight. The main
thing is to use our muscles until they are
fatigued, which means we can no longer lift
with that muscle group. It depends on our
goals, 1 to 3 sets of an exercise might be
beneficial, and even just one exercise per
muscle group can yield improvements. Stick to
a few foundational exercises and concentrate
your reps and sets there to increase strength.
If it’s beneficial for me I will do it to
improve my body.

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