Patil Academy Mehkar

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Patil Academy Mehkar

Shivaji Nagar,Mhada Colony Mehkar

Date:- 01/04/2022 Sub:- Sci (MCQs) Class:-10th Time:- 1Hr Marks:-50

1. Up to which element, the Law of Octaves was found applicable?

A) Oxygen B) Calcium C) Cobalt D) Potassium

2. At the time of Mendeleev, the number of elements known was__________

A) 63 B) 65 C) 62 D) 64

3. Carbon belongs to the second period and Group 14. Silicon belongs to the third period
and Group 14. If atomic number of carbon is 6, the atomic number of silicon is_________

A) 7 B) 14 C) 24 D) 16

4. Which of the following forms the basis of the modern periodic table?

A) Atomic mass B) Atomic number

C) Number of nucleons D) All of these

5. The electronic configuration of an element M is 2, 8, 4. In modern periodic table, the
element M is placed in__________

A) 4th group B) 2nd group C) 14th group D) 18th group


6. What is the other name for group 18th elements?

A) Noble gases B) Alkali metals C) Alkali earth metals D) Halogens

7. Which of the following is the most reactive element of the group 17?

A) Oxygen B) Sodium C) Fluorine D) Magnesium


8. Which group elements are called transition metals?

A) Group number 1 to 2 B) Group number 13 to 18


C) Group number 3 to 12 D) Group number 1 to 8

9. Vertical columns are called as _______

A) groups B) periods C) rows D) none

10. Name the most electronegative element of Periodic table ?

A) Chlorine B) Bromine C) Fluorine D) Iodine

11.The law of octaves is given by _______

A) Mendeleev B) Newlands C) Bohr D) Mosley

12. Electronegativity depends upon ?

A) size of an atom B) nuclear charge on atom C) electrons in an atom D) all

13. What type of oxide would eka-Aluminium form ?

A) EO₃ B) E₃O₂ C) E₂O₃ D) EO

14. Three elements B,Si and Ge are ___

A) Metals B) Non metals

C) Metalloids D) Metal,non metal ,metalloid respectively

15. Which of the following gives the correct order of atomic radii of O, F and N?

A) O,F,N B) N,F,O C) O,N,F D) F,O,N

16. Pick out the odd one ______

A) Argon B) neon C) Barium D) helium

17. Among halogens the highest boiling point is of__________

A) Flrorine B) Chlorine C) Bromine

d D) Iodine

18. Isotopes means________

A) Similar physical property ,different atomic masses

B) Similar chemical property ,different atomic masses


C) Similar physical property ,different atomic Number

D) Similar chemical property ,different atomic Number.

19. Atomic radius _______ in moving from left to right along a period.

A) Decreases B) Increases C) Same D) None of the above


20.The symbol Au stands for what element?

A) Gold B) Silver C) Copper D) Tin


21.The first alkali metal is _________

A) hydrogen B) lithium C) sodium D) francium

22. The properties of eka-aluminium predicted by Mendeleev are the same as the properties
of later discovered element:
A) Scandium B) Germanium (C) Gallium (D) Aluminium

23. Lanthanides and actinides are also called ___________.

A) Normal elements B) Transition elements C) Noble gases D) Inner transition elements
24. The number of electrons in the valence shell is equal to its ________.
A) Atomic mass B) Group number C) Period number D) Atomic volum.
25. The first alkali metal is _________.
A) Hydrogen B) Lithium C) Sodium D) Francium
26. Which of the following is a displacement reaction?

27. Magnesium ribbon is rubbed before burning because it has a coating of

(a) basic magnesium carbonate (b) basic magnesium oxide
(c) basic magnesium sulphide (d) basic magnesium chloride
28. Oxidation is a process which involves
(a) addition of oxygen (b) addition of hydrogen

(c) removal of oxygen (d) removal of hydrogen
29. The process of reduction involves

(a) addition of oxygen (b) addition of hydrogen
(c) removal of oxygen (d) removal of hydrogen
30. Give the ratio in which hydrogen and oxygen are present in water by volume.
(a) 1:2 (b) 1:1 (c) 2:1 (d) 1:8
31. MnO2 + 4HCl → 2 + 2H2O + Cl2 d
Identify the substance oxidized in the above . equation.
(a) MnCl2 (b) HCl (c) H2O (d) MnO2
32. When Ag is exposed to air it gets a black coating of
(a) AgNO3 (b) Ag2S (c) Ag2O (d) Ag2CO3
33. Which of the following is an endothermic process?

(a) Dilution of sulphuric acid (b) Sublimation of dry ice

(c) Condensation of water vapours (d) Respiration in human beings
34. What type of chemical reactions take place when electricity is passed through water?
(a) Displacement (b) Combination

(c) Decomposition (d) Double displacement

35. A substance added to food containing fats and oils is called:

(a) Oxidant (b) Rancid (c) Coolant (d) Antioxidant

36. The condition produced by aerial oxidation of fats and oils in foods marked by
unpleasant smell and taste is called:

(a) antioxidation (b) reduction (c) rancidity (d) corrosion

37. When S02 gas is passed through saturated solution of H2S, which of the following
reaction occurs?
(a) SO2 + 2H2S → 2H20 + 3S (b) SO2 + 2H2S → H20 + 3S
(c)SO2 + H2S → H2O + S (d) SO2 + H2O → SO3 + H2
38. Name the products formed when iron filings are heated with dilute hydrochloric acid
(a) Fe (III) chloride and water (b) Fe (II) chloride and water
(c) Fe (II) chloride and hydrogen gas (d) Fe (III) chloride and hydrogen gas
39. Pb + CuCl2 → PbCl2 + Cu The above reaction is an example of:
(a) combination (b) double displacement
(c) decomposition (d) displacement
40. Which of the following gases can be used for storage
(a) Carbon dioxide or Oxygen (b) Nitrogen or Oxygen
(c) Carbon dioxide or Helium (d) Helium or Nitrogen
41. Identify ‘x’, ‘y’ and ‘z’ in the following balanced reaction

(a) 2, 4, 2 (b) 2, 2, 4 (c) 2, 4, 4 (d) 4, 2, 2

42. Which of the following reactions will not take place ?
(a) Zn + CuSO4 → ZnSO3 + Cu (b) 2KBr + Cl2 → KCl + Br2
(c) Zn + MgSO4 → ZnSO4 + Mg (d) Mg + FeSO4 → MgSO4 + Fe
43. Which of the following involves combination of two elements ?

(a) N2(g) + 3H2(g) → 2NH3(g) (b) CaO(s) + CO2(g) → CaCO3(g)
(c) 2SO2(g) + O2(g) → 2SO3f(g) (d) NH3(g) + HCl(g) → NH4Cl(s)

44. The formula of Ammonium phosphate is
(a) NH4PO4 (b) (NH4)2PO4 (c) (NH4)3PO4 (d) (NH4)3(PO4)2
45. Which of the following is a thermal decomposition reaction ?
(a) 2H2O → 2H2 + O2 (b) 2AgCl → 2Ag + Cl2
(c) ZnCO3 → ZnO + CO2 (d) H2(g) + Cl2(g) → 2HCl(g)
46. The brown gas evolved on heating of copper nitrate is
(a) O2 (b) NO2 (c) N2 (d) NO
47. Zinc reacts with silver nitrate to form which compounds?
(a) Zn(NO3)2 + Ag (b) ZnNO3 + Ag
(c) AgNO3 + Zn(NO3)2 (d) Ag + Zn(NO3)3

48. Which of the following does not corrode when exposed to the atmosphere-
(a)Iron (b)Copper (c)Gold (d)Silver
49) Rusting of an iron is an example of
a)Reduction b)Ionization c)Oxidation d)Dissociation

50. A redox reaction is one in which

(a)Both the substance are reduced (b)Both the substance are oxidized

(c)An acid is neutralized by the base

(d)One substance is oxidized while the other is reduced

Patil Academy Mehkar

Shivaji Nagar,Mhada Colony Mehkar

Answer Key
1-B 11-B 21-B 31-D 41-B
2-A 12-D 22-C 32-B 42-C
3-B 13-C 23-D 33-B 43-A

4-B 14-C 24-D 34 -C 44-C

5-C 15-D 25-B 35 -D 45-C
6-A 16-C 26-B 36-C 46-B
7-C 17-D 27-A 37-A 47-A
8-C 18-B 28-A 38-D 48-C

9-A 19-A 29-B 39-D 49-C


10-C 20-A 30-A 40-D 50-D


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