Presentation Skills: Assignment 1

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Assignment 1
COURSE TITLE: English Language Skills
SUBMITTED BY: Muhammad Safyan Tariq
ROLL NUMBER: 21011598-033

Sr# Table of Content Pg#
1 Main presentation skills 3
2 Planning 3
3 Preparation 4
4 Consistency 4
5 Practice 4
6 Five ways in which you can practice your presentation skills 4
7 Performance 5
8 What to avoid during presentation 5
9 Components of a good presentation 5
11 Reference 6

“Presentation skills can be defined as the combination of abilities that enables an
individual to interact with the audience Transmitting messages clearly Engaging the audience in
the presentation And interpreting and understanding the mindset of the listeners.”

Main presentation skills:

The Five main presentation skills are:

1_ Planning:
An effective presentation makes the best use of the relationship between the presenter
and the audience. It takes full consideration of the audience’s needs in order to capture their
interest, develop their understanding, inspire their confidence and achieve the presenter’s
objectives. So careful planning is essential
There are seven stages in planning a presentation:
 Preparation
 Choosing your main points
 Choosing your supporting information
 Establishing linking statements
 Developing an opening
 Developing a conclusion

 Reviewing your presentation
2_ Preparation:
Preparing for a presentation can help you feel more confident and improve your chances
of a successful presentation. In this article, we explain why presentations are important and list
eight helpful tips to prepare for a presentation.
Here are eight tips to help you prepare for your next presentation:
 Outline your presentation.
 Practice your presentation ahead of time.
 Read and revise your presentation.
 Write with your audience in mind.
 Take ques from professional speaker.
 Arrive early.
 Practice your hand gesture.
 Take some deep breaths.

3_ Consistency:
Consistency in communication usually means two things: repetition and frequency.
Don’t be afraid to repeat your key messages—it’s hard for people to miss a point when they’ve
seen or heard it multiple times.
Make sure you communicate on a regular basis. Depending on the project or situation, this may
involve creating a set communication schedule to provide updates. Or, it can simply mean being
proactive and responsive in terms of how you communicate by email, over the phone, or in

4_ Practice:
"Practice makes perfect." We have all heard the clutch over and over again, but as speakers
we can use it as a tool in preparation. Although perfection should not be the ultimate goal it is
clear that practice and preparation before the presentation can make all the difference. In order to
be more confident, and even to get rid of some of these nerves it is important to be well prepared
for the presentation.
Here are five ways in which you can practice your presentation skills.
 Rehearse in front of a crowd. Standing in front of a group of people, giving your speech
and seeing their reactions is a great way to boost your confidence in your material and
delivery. ...
 Take notes.
 Experiment.
 Time yourself.
 Record yourself.

5_ Performance:
Performance skill involves the ability to communicate physically and vocally to a given
audience. It involves dealing with the images and stereotypes that people have developed from
actors portraying lawyers in movies and on television while learning from these actors’ clear and
concise presentations. It means reducing fear of speaking.
Proper preparation and rehearsal can improve performance and help reduce fear by about
75%. Proper breathing techniques reduce fear by another 15%. Mental state accounts for the
remaining 10%,

"There are two types of speakers: those that

are nervous and those that are liars".
Mark Twain

What to avoid during presentation?

The things that we should avoid during a
presentation are:
 You're not engaging the audience.
 You're reading from the screen.
 Your PowerPoint is too busy.
 You didn't personalize your presentation.
 You didn't rehearse.
 You forgot to smile.
 You didn't expect the unexpected.

Components of a good presentation:

The components of a good presentation are:

 Have an agenda. ...
 Keep it simple. ...
 Use visuals. ...
 Be honest and conversational. ...
 For in-person presentations, master non-verbal behavior. ...
 Rehearse and don't be afraid to ask for help!


Effective communication skills are a valuable life skill, which will help you in your further
education and in your future careers. Here are our top reasons why public speaking courses can do
nothing but good to help you on your journey to success.

Presentation skills are important because they help the presenter:

 Communicate complex information in simple and interesting ways to keep the audience
 Communicate thoughts and feelings effectively.
 Develop self-confidence.
 Gain real-world skills, such as the ability to present accomplishments and skills during a
job interview


Successful Presentation Skills

By Andrew J. Bradbury

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