Dengue and Covid - Mei 2021

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© 2020 EDIZIONI MINERVA MEDICA count (thrombocytopenia) and lymphopenia. Because

Online version at dengue and COVID-19 are both RNA viruses, they can
Gazzetta Medica Italiana - Archivio per le Scienze Mediche 2021
May;180(5):250-1 make cross reactive by the same ADE (Antibody De-
DOI: 10.23736/S0393-3660.20.04494-0 pendent Enhancement), causing false positive results
on rapid dengue tests.5, 6 Failing to consider COVID-19
because of positive dengue rapid test results has serious
implications for the patient and public health care.7 It
Dengue and COVID-19: double would be a problem in Indonesia because of the lack of
burden for Indonesia health system specific diagnostic tests, especially real time RT-PCR,
and would also challenging to perform early detection
of important viruses and prevent onward transmission
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has been declared by of COVID-19.8
WHO as pandemic emergency due to rapidly increase Indonesia health system is provided by public and
and spread worldwide, affecting up to 216 countries. private funding, public funding refers to decentralized
Since first detected till July 20, 14,500,000 cases have government system, with the responsibility on provin-
been confirmed with 606,000 deaths.1 Human respiratory cial and district government. Indonesian Ministry of
system have been identified as primarily targets of Coro- Health is the central and has responsibility to manage
navirus, that firstly reported in Wuhan, Hubei Province, some tertiary and specialist hospital. During pandemic
China.2 As an archipelago and middle-income country, of COVID-19, management of health system is crucial
Indonesia also facing COVID-19 as a public health regarding to providing service of patient. The occur-
threat, with the number of 17,504 islands and 34 prov- rence of bed in hospitals must be addressed and priori-
inces, it is a challenging to break the transmission of CO- tized for severe cases. Since number of COVID-19 cas-
VID-19. Recent data showed the number of COVID-19 es and dengue cases continuously increase, the number
cases in Indonesia up to 88,214 cases, with 4239 deaths.1 of beds in hospital was limited. National government
Other than that, the number of dengue fever cases already provoke large-scale social distancing in some of
in Indonesia shows a drastic surge in early 2020. The regions with high cases of COVID-19, such as Jakarta
Ministry of Health noticed that number of dengue cases and Surabaya. Within this period, offices and schools
in Indonesia reached 68 thousand cases from January to practice work from home and online learning in order
early June 2020. Of these, 446 people were death. WHO to minimize community transmission, but it does not
in its report entitled WHO Global Strategy for Dengue shows significantly decreasing number of COVID-19
Prevention and Control 2012-2020 shows that most cases. In line with that, Indonesia now was on rainy sea-
countries in Southeast Asia are endemic of dengue. son that might perhaps increasing the number of mos-
WHO also explained existence of seasonal patterns of quito breeding habitats. Community health centre as a
dengue in various countries.3 In Indonesia, the increase primary health service provider in a community have
in cases did occur in January to February. The incidence responsibility to conduct surveillance on COVID-19
rate is an average of 49 dengue cases per 100,000 popu- patient with mild-symptoms that doing self-isolation in
lation each year in all regions. Since January 1, to June their home due to the prioritize of hospitals for severe
20, there were 68,753 dengue cases and 446 cases of cases. This can affects regularly observation of mos-
death were recorded. From March to the midst of a CO- quito breeding sites that usually were done by health
VID-19 pandemic, there was an additional 6500 cases workers in community health centre.
of dengue, so it is necessary to be aware of the pos- According to the data in 2018, the number of hospi-
sibility of coinfection of dengue and COVID-19 in one tals not evenly distributed with the highest distribution
patient. The requires special attention not only for the in East Java (381 hospitals), and the lowest in North
patient but also health workers. Kalimantan (10 hospitals). Additionally, number of
Recent studies reported that there are similarities in beds in hospital was 281,081, with the number of in-
clinical symptoms and laboratory results from dengue habitants around 270 million people, it can be estimated
and COVID-1.4 The common clinical symptoms are that in every 1000 person, only 1.04 beds that were pro-
fever, petechiae, and skin rash. Petechiae rash is a com- vided. Management of COVID-19 patient with severe
mon clinical finding in dengue. The difference symp- symptoms certainly need the occurrence of ventilators
toms in a COVID-19 patient, are respiratory problems and Intensive Care Units (ICU). Health authorities con-
such as shortness of breath, cough, and diarrhoea.4, 5 firmed that 8413 ventilators were provided (3.11 ven-
The laboratory examination between dengue and CO- tilators/100,000 inhabitants), while the number of ICU
VID-19 usually has the same results with low platelet beds was 3500 (1.29/100,000 inhabitants). If the num-

250 Gazzetta Medica Italiana - Archivio per le Scienze Mediche May 2021
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ber of severe patient with COVID-19 estimated at 5%, script conception and design. All authors read and approved the
severe dengue patients at <1%, and every COVID-19 final version of the manuscript.
patient need around three weeks till fully recovered, it Acknowledgements.—The authors acknowledge the Hibah Riset
can lead to the worst situation. Mandat Universitas Airlangga (HRMUA) 2016.
From this situation, it can be concluded that break- History.—Manuscript accepted: November 5, 2020. - Manu-
ing the community transmission is the best choice for script received: July 23, 2020.
decreasing burden of health system. The more people (Cite this article as: Fauziyah S, Aqauresta F, Sucipto TH, Ju-
interact closely, the higher transmission of COVID-19 nus HN. Dengue and COVID-19: double burden for Indonesia
health system. Gazz Med Ital - Arch Sci Med 2021;180:250-1.
will occur. DOI: 10.23736/S0393-3660.20.04494-0)

Shifa FAUZIYAH 1, Febriana AQUARESTA 2, 3,

Teguh H. SUCIPTO 4 *, Herisa N. JUNUS 5
1Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University, Surabaya,
Indonesia; 2Clinical Microbiology Specialist Program,
Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University, Surabaya,
Indonesia; 3Palembang Health Laboratory Center,
Kota Palembang, Indonesia; 4Institute of Tropical
Disease, Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia; © 2020 EDIZIONI MINERVA MEDICA
5Department of Clinical Microbiology, Abdul Aziz Online version at
Hospital Region, Singkawang, Indonesia Gazzetta Medica Italiana - Archivio per le Scienze Mediche 2021
*Corresponding author: Teguh H. Sucipto, Institute of Tropical DOI: 10.23736/S0393-3660.20.04559-3
Disease, Airlangga University, 60115 Surabaya, Indonesia.

Air-fluid level in a lung bulla

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3.  Global Strategy for dengue prevention and control, 2012– clinical evolution is unfavorable.1, 2 Percutaneous inter-
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5.  Joob B, Wiwanitkit V. COVID-19 can present with a nary disease (COPD) GOLD 4D, visited the emergency
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Conflicts of interest.—The authors certify that there is no conflict in blood cultures. Chest computed tomography revealed
of interest with any financial organization regarding the material
discussed in the manuscript. a bullous lesion with air-fluid level in the left lung and
Authors’ contributions.—Shifa Fauziyah has given substantial exuberant centrilobular and paraseptal emphysema
contributions to manuscript preparation, Febriana Aquaresta and (Figure 1). After a multidisciplinary discussion, percu-
Herisa N. Junus to literature review, Teguh H. Sucipto to manu- taneous intervention was not performed due to the high

Vol. 180 - No. 5 Gazzetta Medica Italiana - Archivio per le Scienze Mediche 251

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