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STUDENT NAME : Ahmad Hummeid

STUDENT NUMBER : 201112411

17 / 06 / 2019

In addition to their conventional role as a conduit system for gases, nutrients, waste products or
cells, blood vessels in the skeletal system play active roles in controlling multiple aspects of bone
formation and provide niches for hematopoietic stem cells that reside within the bone marrow. In
addition, recent studies have highlighted roles for blood vessels during bone healing. Here, we
provide an overview of the architecture of the bone vasculature and discuss how blood vessels
form within bone, how their formation is modulated, and how they function during development
and fracture repair.

Coronary bifurcation lesions are frequent in routine practice, accounting for 15–20% of all
lesions undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). PCI of this subset of lesions is
technically challenging and historically has been associated with lower procedural success rates
and worse clinical outcomes compared with non-bifurcation lesions. The introduction of drug-
eluting stents has dramatically improved the outcomes. The provisional technique of implanting
one stent in the main branch remains the default approach in most bifurcation lesions. Selection
of the most effective technique for an individual bifurcation is important. The use of two-stent
techniques as an intention to treat is an acceptable approach in some bifurcation lesions.
However, a large amount of metal is generally left unopposed in the lumen with complex two-
stent techniques, which is particularly concerning for the risk of stent thrombosis.

The blood flow in human arterial system can be considered as a fluid dynamics problem.
Simulation of blood flow in the arterial network system will provide a better understanding of
the physiology of human body. Hence, hemodynamics plays an important role in the
development and progression of arterial stenosis, leading to the malfunctioning of cardiovascular
system. Simulation studies of blood flow in the diseased condition can diagonise the health
problem easily and also have many applications in the areas such as surgical planning and design
of medical devices. This paper presents a review on the existing scenario of the simulation
studies of blood flow, starting with a brief overview of the structure and function of arteries and
veins followed by a discussion on pressure wave propagation, blood flow models and Fluid
Structure Interaction in the arterial system.

I would like to express my deep gratitude to my supervisor Asst. Prof .Dr . Fuat Yilmaz for his
effective guidance, remarks and engagement throughout the researching process of this
graduation project thesis.

Also I have to thank to my family for all their supports and presents during all my education life.

The main function of cardiovascular system is to transport nutrient and waste throughout the
body. The
majority of deaths reported in the developed countries result from cardiovascular diseases.
Earlier, most of the cardiovascular disease affects the aged group, but, that situation is different
now. There are several other risk factors for heart diseases like age, gender, use of tobacco, high
blood pressure and cholesterol etc., causing the development
of stenosis. Hemorheology is an area of science concerned with the blood flow and its interaction
with the blood vessel through which the flow occurs. The human blood circulatory system
provides essential substances such as nutrients and oxygen to the cells and transports metabolic
waste products away from the same cells. Human blood is composed of blood cells suspended in
blood plasma. Plasma, which constitutes 55% of blood fluid, is mostly water
92% by volume), and contains dissipated proteins, glucose, mineral ions, hormones and blood
cells themselves. The blood cells are mainly red blood cells (also called RBCs or erythrocytes)
and white blood cells, including leukocytes
and platelets. The red blood cells are small semisolid particles, increase the viscosity of blood
and will affect the behavior of fluid. It has been pointed out that plasma behaves as a Newtonian
fluid whereas whole blood, shows non-Newtonian character
Healthy blood vessels are complex in structure. There are three major types of blood vessels: the
which carry the blood away from the heart at higher physiologic pressures, the capillaries, which
enable the actual exchange of water and chemicals between the blood and the tissues, and the
veins, which carry blood from the capillaries back toward the heart at lower physiologic
pressures. Because of their different roles, their structures and wall constituents are also
different. The wall of large blood vessels has a circumferentially layered structure. The most
important layers are intima, media, and adventitia. The internal intima, composed of the
endothelium cell.
The media, which is a layered one, is responsible for most of the vessel mechanical properties.
The outer layer is adventitia. Veins have a different layered configuration than arteries. They
have a thinner wall, a less elastic media,
and a thicker collagenous adventitia. The walls of the capillaries are extremely thin, constructed
of single-layer, highly permeable endothelial cells
The important feature of the arterial blood flow is its pulsatile nature. The left ventricle chamber
of heart.
ejects the blood intermittently to the whole body system. Normally arterial flow is considered as
a laminar flow. But the development of stenosis, stiffening of arterial wall etc., will cause
turbulence and reduce the required blood flow, leads to the malfunctioning of various organs.
Hence detailed knowledge of blood flow is a fundamental key concept in the detection of arterial
diseases. The principal quantities which describe the blood flow are the
flow velocity u and pressure p. But, in the fluid-structure interaction problems, the displacement
of the vessel wall due to the action of the flow field is also to be considered.

Blood vessel : The blood vessels are part of the circulatory system and function to transport
blood throughout the body. The most important types, arteries and veins, carry blood away from
or towards the heart, respectively. All blood vessels have the same basic structure. The inner
lining is the endothelium and is surrounded by subendothelial connective tissue.Around this
there is a layer of vascular smooth muscle, which is highly developed in arteries. Finally, there is
a further layer of connective tissue known as the adventitia, which contains nerves that supply
the muscular layer, as well as nutrient capillaries in the larger blood vessels.

Blood flow in blood vessel is dominated by unsteady flow phenomena. The cardiovascular
system is an internal flow loop with multiple branches in which a complex liquid circulates. A
nondimensional frequency parameter, the Womersley number, governs the relationship between
the unsteady and viscous forces. Normal arterial flow is laminar with secondary flows generated
at curves and branches. The arteries are living organs that can adapt to and change with the
varying hemodynamic conditions. In certain circumstances, unusual hemodynamic conditions
create an abnormal biological response. Velocity profile skewing can create pockets in which the
direction of the wall shear stress oscillates. Atherosclerotic disease tends to be localized in these
sites and results in a narrowing of the artery lumen—a stenosis. The stenosis can cause
turbulence and reduce flow by means of viscous head losses and flow choking. Very high shear
stresses near the throat of the stenosis can activate platelets and thereby induce thrombosis,
which can totally block blood flow to the heart or brain. Detection and quantification of stenosis
serve as the basis for surgical intervention.

Blood flows through the bifurcating artery from the inlet (to the left in the graph above) and exits
from the two outlets (to the right). The diameter of the artery at the inlet is around 6.3mm. The
diameter of outlet 1 is around 4.5mm and the diameter of outlet 2 is around 3.0mm. The density
of blood is 1060 kg/m^3 . As blood is a non-newtonian fluid, the coefficient of viscosity of
blood is not a constant, but rather, it is a function of velocity gradients. Here we use the Carreau-
model to model blood’s viscosity. Since blood flow is pulsatile and cyclic, the velocity profile at
the inlet is a function of time. The pressure at the outlet is defined to be constant (100 mmHg)
Recent advancements in vascular biology have increased our understanding and knowledge of
blood vessels and their characteristics during various physiological and pathological conditions.
Blood vessels not only act as a transport conduit system but also play important roles in organ
development, tissue morphogenesis, inflammation, barrier formation, and wound healing. In
addition, active involvement of blood vessels in the pathogenesis of a number of diseases
suggests a fundamental need to understand these versatile transport networks in the body. Blood
vessels form an integral part of the skeletal system playing multiple roles in the maintenance of
bone homeostasis. The importance of blood vessels in bone was initially recognized by surgeons
during repair and healing of bone fractures. The essential role played by the bone vasculature
during skeletal development and fracture repair has been an intense field of research. Further, the
cell-specific contributions in pleiotropic functions of bone such as regulating whole body
metabolism, brain functions, and mineral homeostasis still need to be understood.
Types of blood vessels:

The arteries (red) carry oxygen and nutrients away from your heart, to your body's tissues.
The veins (blue) take oxygen-poor blood back to the heart.

 Arteries begin with the aorta, the large artery leaving the heart.
 They carry oxygen-rich blood away from the heart to all of the body's tissues.
 They branch several times, becoming smaller and smaller as they carry blood further
from the heart.


 Capillaries are small, thin blood vessels that connect the arteries and the veins.
 Their thin walls allow oxygen, nutrients, carbon dioxide and waste products to pass to
and from the tissue cells.


 These are blood vessels that take oxygen-poor blood back to the heart.
 Veins become larger and larger as they get closer to the heart.
 The superior vena cava is the large vein that brings blood from the head and arms to the
heart, and the inferior vena cava brings blood from the abdomen and legs into the heart.

This vast system of blood vessels - arteries, veins, and capillaries - is over 60,000 miles long.
That's long enough to go around the world more than twice!

Blood flows continuously through your body's blood vessels. Your heart is the pump that makes
it all possible.

Bifurcating Artery:

Blood flows through the bifurcating artery from the inlet (to the left in the graph above) and exits
from the two outlets (to the right). The diameter of the artery at the inlet is around 6.3mm. The
diameter of outlet 1 is around 4.5mm and the diameter of outlet 2 is around 3.0mm. The density
of blood is 1060 kg/m^3 .

As blood is a non-newtonian fluid, the coefficient of viscosity of blood is not a constant, but
rather, it is a function of velocity gradients. Here we use the Carreau-model to model blood’s
viscosity. Since blood flow is pulsatile and cyclic, the velocity profile at the inlet is a function of
time. The pressure at the outlet is defined to be constant (100 mmHg)

Parameter Input Value

Area(m^2) 0.0013245

Density(kg/m^3) 1060

Velocity (m/s) 0.1


Governing Equations

The blood flow in arteries is commonly laminar. For an unsteady laminar flow of an
incompressible, Non-Newtonian fluid, the mass and momentum equations can be written as
Continuity equation: 𝜵.𝒖=0
The Navier – Stokes equation: 𝜌(𝜕𝑢𝜕𝑡+𝜵.𝒖𝒖)= −∇𝑃+ 𝜵.𝝉
Following are the properties of blood Carreau model is represented by the following
correlation: 𝜂(𝛾̇ )=𝜂𝑖𝑛𝑓 +(𝜂0− 𝜂𝑖𝑛𝑓) (1+(𝜆𝛾̇ )2))𝑛−12 𝜏= 𝜂 (𝐷̅)

Blood properties 𝐷̅ =
Density (kg/m3) 1060 12[∇𝑢+
Time constant (λ) (s) 3.313 (∇𝑢)𝑇]

Power-law index (n) 0.3568 Here, we

Zero shear viscosity (kg/m-s) 0.056 the blood
Infinite shear viscosity (kg/m-s) 0.0035 using the
model is
used for non-Newtonian shear thinning fluids. It is characterized by an apparent viscosity η
which gradually decreases with increasing shear rate. At low shear rates, the apparent viscosity
approaches a Newtonian plateau where the viscosity is independent of shear rate (zero shear
viscosity, ηo). Furthermore, a similar plateau at very high shear rates (infinite shear viscosity,
ηinf). This model is mostly used for food, beverages and also blood flow applications.
Boundary conditions and numerical schemes

Pulsatile flow at inlet implemented using user-defined function (UDF) which mimics blood flow
in the human body. The pulsatile profile within each period is considered to be a combination of
two phases. During the systolic phase, the velocity at the inlet varies in a sinusoidal pattern. The
sine wave during the systolic phase has a peak velocity of 0.5m/s and a minimum velocity of
0.1m/s. Assuming a heartbeat rate of 120 per minute, the duration of each period is 0.5s. This
model for pulsatile blood flow is proposed by Sinnott M. et al., 2006. The transient mode has
been used for simulation with the time step of 0.05s. At outlet pressure boundary has been given.
Value of pressure at the outlet is zero. No slip boundary condition has been given to wall.
Simulations were performed for flow time up to 20 seconds. PISO scheme was used in the
simulation for pressure-velocity coupling and second order discretization scheme for pressure
and second-order upwind for momentum.
Geometry and meshing

As shown in Fig. the geometry consists of mother tube and two daughter tubes with an angle
between bifurcation (α) are 45ᴼ. The diameter of mother tube is 0.005 m and length 0.008 m
whereas daughter tubes having the diameter at the outlet is 0.004 m and 0.003 m which linearly
decreasing from bifurcation point. Length of daughter tubes is double of that mother tube. A
commercial CFD code ANSYS Fluent 14.5 was used for simulation. The geometry was created
using ANSYS workbench tool and Meshing was done by using ANSYS Meshing. Grid
independence study has been carried out for establishing the accuracy of the solution. So the
final grid comprises about 310000 tetrahedral and prism elements. It was found that solution
becomes independent of the grid size of 300000 cells onwards.

Physics Setup steps :

General -> Change from "steady" to "transient" Materials -> Fluid -> Change "Name" to "Blood"
-> Change "Density" to 1060 kg/m^3 -> Select "Carreau" for Viscosity

Define -> Injections -> Create -> Change "Particle Type" to Massless -> Input the coordinates
(see the table below)
Setting Up Physics > Model Specific > Discrete Phase Models > Injections > Create > Change
"Particle Type" to Massless > Input the coordinates

coordinates for injections:

Injection x y coordinates z coordinates


injection-0 0.001183 0.006242 -0.0318313

injection-1 0.002758 0.004548 -0.0318313

Details for Carreau Model:

Coefficients: Input Value

Infinite Shear Viscosity (kg/m- 0.0035


Zero Shear Viscosity (kg/m-s) 0.056

Power-Law Index n 0.3568

Time Constant, lambda (s) 3.313

Time Constant, lambda (s) 3.313

Power-Law Index n 0.3568

Zero Shear Viscosity (kg/m-s) 0.056

Infinite Shear Viscosity (kg/m- 0.0035

Mesh process and its steps :
The meshing process is:
1. Create virtual topology to merge surfaces in order to simplify the geometry.
2. Create named selections (inlet, outlet1, outlet2, wall artery and fluid zone).
3. Add constraints to the automatic mesh (inflation mesh and body sizing).
4. Preview automatically generated inflation mesh and finally, generate volume mesh.


This study was carried out for the case which is having an angle between bifurcation is 45ᴼ, in
which velocity distribution and wall shear stresses are calculated. Velocity and length are
normalized with respect to their maximum values. As shown in Fig. 3(a) the velocity before
bifurcation is parabolic in nature, Fig. 3(b) shows that at bifurcation maximum value of velocity
shifts towards inside of bifurcation. At outlet again parabolic nature of velocity has been
developed as shown in Fig. 2. Wall shear stress value at the inside of bifurcation is higher than
the value at outside as shown in Fig. which is in strong agreement with the Chatzizisis and
Giannoglou, 2006. Outside side wall is having low WSS area predisposed to plaque formation.
According to figure 3 and 4, our results are in good agreement with the literature. We have
shown the secondary velocity vector at the plane perpendicular to flow in figure 5. The
secondary velocity vector is very low before entering into the bifurcation and after passing
through the bifurcation there is the significant increase in the secondary velocity as shown in
figure 5. Secondary velocity decreases as the flow travels towards the outlet. Vortex formation
takes place at bifurcation near to the wall, but while it travels downward vortex core region move
from wall to center of daughter tube. Results which we have shown in figure 5 are in good
agreement with the literature.

The active and passive deformation of a blood vessel is related to the stress in it. Any analysis of
stress and strain must begin with the zero-stress state. Recent reports on large blood vessels such
as the aorta, pulmonary arteries, and vena cava have shown that, at zero-stress state, blood
vessels are not tubes, but opens sectors. This report presents data on the zero-stress state of small
blood vessels with lumen diameters down to approximately 50 microns. Zero-stress state of a
vessel was obtained by cutting the vessel into rings and then the rings into sectors; each sector is
characterized by an opening angle, alpha. In rat ileal and plantar arterioles, the opening angles
are in the order of 100-250 degrees; those in the venules are in the order of 50-100 degrees. The
effect of norepinephrine on the opening angle alpha is minor; it decreases alpha of the superior
mesenteric artery, and increases alpha of the ileocecocolic and ileal arteries. EDTA has little
effect on alpha of arteries greater than 100 microns in diameter, but decreases alpha of arteries
less than 100 microns. The physiological meaning of the opening angle is demonstrated in terms
of the residual strains in a vessel at the no-load state and homeostatic strains at normal blood
pressure. The strains in real vessels are compared with those in hypothetical vessels having an
opening angle of zero. It is shown that ignoring the opening angle will cause a large error in
strain evaluation

The pictures below are showing the results of total deformation, Equivalent elastic strain,
Equivalent stress, and strain energy

It shows the elasticity of the Bifurcating Artery when the blood flows inside it with given
velocity and based on the information given in the tutorial

The heart and blood vessels form an intricate network throughout the human body.  The anatomy
of the four-chambered heart is central to the network and functions to maintain blood moving
throughout the body.  Arteries, capillaries, and veins work in conjunction to keep all tissues
healthy by providing oxygen and other nutrients while removing carbon dioxide and other waste
through continuous blood flow.  As the body encounters parasites or infections, the immune
response is triggered and the appropriate blood components initiate a response to remove the
undesirable items.  In cases of mutations or injuries to the circulatory system, other systems in
the body can be affected, thus demonstrating the importance of how the body requires the
interaction of all the systems to maintain proper function

The velocity and wall shear stress profiles tested for pulsatile blood flow. At the entrance of the
bifurcation the maximum of the velocity profile is shifted towards the inner wall of the artery and
thus the shear stresses at the inner wall are higher than the outer wall. This is in agreement with
literature in human arteries and it means that the outer wall of an arteriole is more vulnerable to
atherosclerosis than the inner one. There is an increase of secondary velocity at bifurcation and
shift towards the central region of daughter tube as passes towards the outlet. As the flow passes
from bifurcation to outlet there is attenuation of secondary velocity. The role of this study is
important to understanding, diagnosis, and treatment of cardiovascular diseases

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