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8 Trip Assignment
Trip Assignment
The goal of this travel demand forecasting phase is to predict the traveler’s route choice
and, hence, the traffic on network links. For example, if a trip goes from a suburban to
downtown, the model predicts the specific streets or transit routes to be used.

Figure 7.7.1. Traffic Assignment

Basic Terminologies
Network – consists of a set of points and a set of lines connecting certain pairs of
Nodes – the points on the network
Supply Node – has the property that the flow out of the node exceeds that flow
into the node
Demand Node – the flow into the node exceeds the flow out of the node
Transshipment Node – satisfies conversation of flow, so flow in equals flow out.
Arc – the lines on the network
Directed arc – flow through an arc is only in one direction
Undirected arc – flow through an arc is in either direction
Links – are usually referred to as undirected arcs
Arc Capacity – the maximum amount of flow carried on a directed arc.
Path – A path b/n two nodes is a sequence of distinct arcs connecting these nodes
Directed Path – A directed path from node i to node j is a sequence of
connecting arcs whose direction is toward j
Undirected Path – An undirected path from node i to node j is a sequence of
connecting arcs whose direction can either toward or away from node j
Cycle – a path that begins and ends at the same node
Cycle – a path that begins and ends at the same node

Figure 7.7.2. Example of a graph and its link-path incidence matrix.

Shortest-Route Method
Objective: To determine the shortest path from the source node 1 to the sink node n

A network of ‘n’ nodes denoted by (1,2,...,n)
To each are (i,j), there is a nonnegative number dij called the distance or transit time
from node i to node
When there is no way of getting from i to j, we set dij = +

Dijkstra’s Algorithm

1. There is a direct distance between any two nodes (dij) in the network of n nodes.
2. All the distances are nonnegative


Initialize by assigning a label of zero to the source node.

All other node labels are temporary and are equal to the direct distance from the
source node to that node.
Select the minimum of these temporary labels and declare it permanent. In case of
ties, choose any one.

Step 1:
Step 1:

Let node K be the most recent node permanently labeled.

Considering the remaining nodes with temporary labels, compare one at a time the
temporary labels of each node, to the sum of the permanent label of node K and the
direct distance from node K to the node under consideration.
Assign the minimum of these two distances as the new temporary label for that

Step 2:

Select the minimum of all temporary labels, and declare it permanent.

In case of ties, select any one of them.
If this happens to be the sink node, then terminate
Otherwise, return to Step 1.

By retracing the path backwards from the sink node to the source node, the minimal path
can be constructed.

The municipal planning engineer would like to identify the shortest path coming from all
the 7 barangays of the municipality going to the municipal center and vice-versa. The
roads along these shortest paths will be made into all-weather roads to make them
passable all year round. The values along the links are in kilometers.

This is a shortest-route problem that can be solved using Dijkstra’s Algorithm.

1st Iteration:
2nd Iteration:

3rd Iteration:

4th Iteration:
5th Iteration:

6th Iteration:

7th Iteration:

8th Iteration:

Summary of Observation:
1. Road segments 1-3, 3-2, 3-4, 4-6, 6-5, 5-7, and 6-8 are roads to be converted to
all-weather roads.

2. Therefore, the shortest paths from the municipality (Node 1) to each barangays
are the ff:
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