Họ và tên: Nguyễn thu Trang Mã sinh viên: 21111204024 A. Introduce Yourself B. Topic Module 1: Leisure And Lifestyle Topic 1: Talk about your way(s) of keeping fit

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Họ và tên: Nguyễn thu Trang

Mã sinh viên: 21111204024


Topic 1: Talk about your way(s) of keeping fit
today, i will talk about ways of keeping fit of me
Everyone know, health is one of the most important proplem that everyone is
concerned about it.
There are many ways to keep fit but I usually these ways.

Firstly, To have good health, everyone pay attention to your meals, nutrition:
should have a balanced diet and never skip meals and especially breakfast . You
should also eat a lot of vegetables, which will provide fiber and maintain a
healthy for you

Secondly, we should more exercises. you can: walking, jogging, running,.or

you can play sports: going swimming, playing soccer and playing volleyball
because they make you stronger, taller and healthier

You should sleep about eight hours a day and go to bed early because it is good
for skin, helps you to be more optimistic, and always keep the smile on your
These are some ways to keep fit and I think it's very important for a person who
want to have a good healthy.


Topic 2: Talk about your first time doing something
Topic 3: Describe a job you would like to do in the future
today, i will talk about job i would like to do in the future
Since high school, I have realized that I want to work and study in a dynamic
and creative environment
that is also the reason why I chose marketing.
becoming a good person in the media marketing, industry requires not only a
degree but also a certain amount of experience and creativity.
That's why I chose to start my career as a ... student and a communications staff
now, the marketing and media are becoming the trend, the internship from the
first year is also my advantage.
Studying and working in a dynamic and creative environment has also become
a pressure for me, but since then it has trained me to self-study, plan, find
information, balance my emotions, ...
Although this career has many challenges, I still have a long way to go to reach
my dream.
Topic 4: Talk about a special occasion in Vietnam or in the world
Tet, also known as the Lunar new year festival, is the biggest ( bít kíp)
traditional festival in Viet Nam.
Tet is usually from the end of January ( jun nơ ny)to early February.
Before Tet, the Vietnamese prepare (pi pe) many things for the three main days.
They clean their house and decorate ( de cơ rết) with flowers such as a kumquat
( căm quát) tree or peach (bít) blossom ( bờ lót sừm). A huge ( hiu) amount of
food will be bought before Tet for making traditional dishes. Banh Chung, Banh
Tet, Gio cha, Xoi and Mut, …and candies cen đết) are the foods that must be
eaten on Tet holidays.
During Tet, people visit their relatives’ homes and give wishes. However, the
Vietnamese believe that the first visitor a family receives in the year determines
their fortune for the entire ( en thai) year, people never enter any house on the
first day without being invited first. Another custom ( cát từm) is giving lucky
money, which is put into a red envelope ( en vơ lớp) as a symbol of luck and
wish for a new age. Traditionally, elders will give lucky money to children and
the oldest people in the family.
However, nowadays, people can give it to anyone including (in câu ding)
friends, parents, neighbors ( nây bờ),… Besides ( bi sai), Vietnamese usually go
to pagodas ( pơ gâu đờ) or temples to pray for health, wealth, success,…
To Vietnamese, Tet is the happiest (háp pi nít) time of all year round, members
in a family can gather together, which is a meaningful message( me sêts)of the
Lunar New year festival. All in all, Tet is all about going back to origins, being
good to others, enjoying the precious ( pre chớt) moment, and wishing for the
best to come.
Topic 5: Describe one of your family member
I have one lovely elder sister and her name is
She is 25 years old now and She is working at an architecture firm in HN
Although 25 years old, with a young face, big eyes and a smile that can brighten
up the whole sky. All of that makes my sister look younger
You can say that she is the most influential person in my life.
why do i say that????
maybe because she is much older than me, her perspective is also different from
a child like me. And since then has helped me realize more lessons about this
That's one thing I really like about her
sometimes I find her quite strict with me and I don't like it very much but as I
get older I think back and feel happy because those things make me more
after all i love my sister so much
Topic 6: Imagine you are going to have a holiday and talk about your plan
I’m going to have a trip on summer holiday. I want to have a great holiday with
company in QN so I need prepare a perfectplan. Our trip will start from HN to
QN about 165 km by car. After, we will hire room in a hotel and have lunch in a
restaurant near hotel and have lunch in a restaurant near hotel with the
specialties of that place. In the afternoon we will hang out near our hotel. The
next day, we are going to Bai Chay and we will participate in games there. In
the evening, we will have dinner on the beach. The third days, we going to
museum QN and going to the souvenir market to buy gifts relative. Finally,
we’ll prepare luggage to return to HN. During trip, camera, smartphone, money,
clothes, footwear,… are indispensabll for me. I hope the trip will leave good
memories with me.

Topic 7: Talk about your ambition/ dream you would like to achieve

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