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Unit 1 – Fundamentals of Communication

1.1 Communication
The term communication emerged from a Latin word ‘communicare' which means ‘to share'.
we may define communication as the interchange of ideas, facts, information , knowledge etc.
between the sender and the receiver through an accepted media ,channel or symbol. While defining
communication Keith Davis compared it to a bridge of meaning which helps a person to cross a river
of misunderstanding. This definition highlights the purpose of communication in ones personal and
professional life. Thus the main objectives of communication are:-
a) Exchange of information
b) Persuasion
c) Counselling
d) co- ordination
1.2 Process of communication
The process of communication is always a two party factor, it needs the sender and the receiver, the
sender encodes the message and sends it through a channel. This channel is nothing but the
language used – words , actions, signs, objects or a combination of these. The receiver receives the
message, decodes it and acts on it. If the message received is the same as the message sent, there
will be a response, if not there has been a breakdown of communication and this may happen
because of noise.
The communication cycle is shown in fig. 1.1

• noise- it may be defined as any unplanned interference in the communication environment

which causes hindrance in the transmission of the message. It distorts the interpretation or the
decoding part of the communication process. It can be classified as 'channel noise’ and
'semantic noise’. ‘channel noise ‘is any interference in the mechanics of the medium used to
send a message. It develops externally. 'semantic noise' is generated internally resulting from
errors in the message itself.
• The process of communication needs a well defined setup and this is called the ‘ communication
• In the communication process feedback is essential as it is a barometer for effective
• When you are sending a message to someone , your communication cycle is complete only
when you get a response from the recipient of your message, and then only the communication
is called effective communication.
• Essentials for effective communication:-
a) A common communication environment
b) Cooperation between the sender and the receiver
c) Selection of an appropriate channel
d) Correct encoding and decoding of the message
e) Receipt of the desired response and feedback
1.3 General and Technical communication environment
• General communication
a) Contains a general message
b) Informal in style and approach
c) No set pattern of communication
d) Mostly oral
e) Not always for a specific audience
f) Doesn’t involve the use of technical vocabulary or graphics etc.
• Technical communication
a) Contains a technical message
b) Mostly formal
c) Follows a set pattern
d) Both oral and written
e) Always for a specific audience
f) Frequently involves jargon, graphics etc.
1.4 Technical Communication
• Technical communication is a purposeful transaction between sender and receiver that
provides specific information for practical and specific purposes and is usually focused
towards the needs of a specific audience. Thus it is a highly designed form of
communication that requires awareness towards the conventions and rhetorical situations
in which they are communicating
• Purpose of technical communication
a) Exchange of information
b) Persuasion
c) Counselling
d) Co-ordination
e) control or influence
• characteristics of technical communication
a) accurate
b) clear
c) concise
d) coherent
e) appropriate
f) objectivity
g) technical vocabulary
1.5 Language as a tool of communication
In a communication process, language is used as a means to convey information and arguments to
one another. It employs a combination of words to express ideas in a meaningful way.
Though we can also use physical gestures, signs etc. as the medium of expression but language is the
most acceptable and most convenient way of expressing our ideas. The use of language along with
gestures forms the best combination for an effective communication.
• Characteristics of language
-As per the ideas provided by eminent linguists such as Noam Chomsky and
Ferdinand de Saussure language is
a) Artificial- language is not a natural phenomenon, it is created by human beings as
per their need every word every symbol is attached to a particular word or thing,
called a referent
b) Restricted-language is restricted as it has its own limitations. No symbol or word
can transmit the exact reality, some meaning is lost in the process itself. To lessen
this limitation we use non verbal cues along with the language to explain things
c) Abstract- to be abstract is to generalize, and to generalize is to leave out many
details. Abstractness is an essential feature of language, which makes all
generalizations possible. This helps us to group similar items labelling their common
features so that we need nit constantly redefine the new information we receive.
d) Arbitrary- there is no direct relationship between a word and the idea or object it
represents. Language has evolved as a cultural system of agreements in which
words represent certain symbols or thoughts, and learning these agreements is part
of learning the language.
e) Creative – language is indeed very creative and you can marvel at its ability to
generate so many words every day. Time and again innumerable words are added
to the dictionary
f) Repetitive- whenever language is used, it has the capacity for redundancy or
repetition. This may either improve or impede effective communication. Sometimes
excessive and unnecessary repetition or redundancy, may lead to verbosity or
wordiness without contributing to the meaning.

1.6 Levels of Communication

a) Extra personal communication- it is the communication between human beings and non human
entities. E.g. When you communicate with your pet dog or cat

b) Intra personal communication- it is the communication within the individual itself. This kind of
communication pertains to thinking which is the basis of information processing. Without this internal
dialogue process we cannot move further to other levels of communication. Even while communicating
to other people, this interpersonal communication continues concurrently.

c) Inter personal communication- this level of communication deals with the sharing of information or
ideas among people. In inter- personal communication there are few participants involved, the
interaction takes place in close physical proximity, there are many sensory channels used, and feedback
is immediate. Also the roles of sender and receiver keeps alternating . inter- personal communication
can be both formal and informal

d) Organizational communication- communication in an organization takes place at different hierarchical

levels. Due to the involvement of large number of employees, the need of communication becomes
greater in an organization.

internal operational – all communication that occurs in conducting work within an
• external operational -the work related communication that an organization does
with people outside the organization.
• personal- all communication in an organization that occurs without a purpose as far
as business is concerned
e) Mass communication
For this kind of communication we require a meditator to transmit information. Being addressed
to large audience, the approach is impersonal. There are several mass media such as journals,
books, television and newspaper. This type of communication is always impersonal and it has a
large reach of audience. It requires a gate keeper or meditator to transmitting the message from
the source to the targeted audience.
1.6 Dimensions of communication
a) Verbal / non verbal – verbal dimension encompasses the use of language and the
choice of words.
Non verbal dimension talks about facial expressions, gestures and bodily movement.
These dimensions must be used together to clearly impart the message to the receiver.
A misunderstanding may happen when words contradict actions.
b) Oral/ written dimension
Oral dimension is the spoken communication that imparts the message with the use of
proper delivery.
Written dimension is the transcription of ideas and thoughts. Here also
misunderstanding happens when oral and written facts contradict each other
c) Formal/ informal dimension
Formal dimension is the meticulous observation of appropriateness in dress language
and setting.
Informal dimension uses more casual approach with no regard for the formalities.
d) intentional/ unintentional dimension
intentional is something said or done on purpose
unintentional dimension is something which is not intended or planned
*there are two factors that can influence the four dimensions of communication a)
culture b) gender
* miscommunication- it is the failure to communicate clearly or to understand a
message or idea that can lead to a sudden or a total cessation of interaction. It is also
known as communication breakdown.

1.7 Technical Writing

Technical writing is a genre of non fiction writing that encompasses nit only technical materials such as
manuals, instructions, specifications and software documentation, but it also includes writing produced
in day to day business operations such as correspondence, proposals, internal communications, media
releases etc. Sentence and paragraph are important parts of writing.

a) Sentence- a sentence is a grammatical order of words presenting a complete and meaningful

idea. It is the largest grammatical unit in language. Sentence carries a noun or a pronoun
component called subject and a verb part called the predicate.
Types of sentence:-
• Declarative – this type of sentence makes basic statements. Its basic job is to present
information. E.g.he kicked the ball.
i bought a dress when i went to the market.
• Interrogative- in this type of sentence we ask questions or interrogate. These are direct
questions punctuated with a question mark. E.g. are uou going to the market?
I don’t have his contact number so can you call him?
• Exclamatory-it expresses strong emotions. These kind of sentences are similar to
declarative sentences providing information but here it ends with an exclamation point
instead of a period. Eg. How well he sings! ; wow! ; hurrah! Etc.
• Imperative sentences – it is telling someone to do something. This can be in the form of
friendly advice, basic instructions or forceful commands. E.g. put your phone away and
listen to me. ; stop bothering me; please shut the door when leaving. Etc.
b) Paragraph-a paragraph is a sentence or a group of sentences that deals with one domain idea.
There are mainly four parts in the structure of paragraph:-
• Topic sentence-a clear idea of statement of what the paragraph is all about
• General statement-explanation and further details of topic sentence .
• Specific examples-presenting examples quotes statistics to support the domain idea
• Commentary- your assessment about the examples and the idea
• Conclusion – summing it up or giving a connecting statement for the next paragraph
*while dealing with technical writing we should adhere to some basic methodology or
technical style. Moreover the style of writing depends on the type of technical writing
we are dealing with. Still there are some basic tips to be kept in mind:-
• Keep the main idea at top.
• Use normal word order
• Use active voice
• Use parallelism
• Repeat for emphasis
• avoid wordiness
• Choose a tone
• Use positive words and verbs
• Tune to the audience
1.8 The flow of Communication.
a) Upward communication- it refers to the flow of information from lower levels to higher
levels within an organization., such as messages containing information, requests,
proposals, reports etc.
b) Downward communication- it refers to the flow of information from the superiors to
subordinates. It comprises information, instructions, directions or orders , that is
instructing subordinates what they should be doing.
c) Horizontal communication- when communication takes place among the members of
the same work group, along members of the working groups at the same level, among
any laterally equivalent personnel , it is called lateral of horizontal communication.
d) Spiral or diagonal communication – it is when the communication flows in a circular
diagonal direction. For e.g. when the management circulates the copy of a new bonus
and incentive scheme
When communication flows between persona belonging to different levels of hierarchy
and who have no direct reporting relationship.
1.9 Communication Barriers
Communication process fails when the message received is not same as the message sent. There are
many barriers that cause communication failure .
a) Organizational structure
b) Difference in status
c) Lack of trust
d) Closed communication climate
e) Incorrect choice of medium.
f) Information overload
g) Message complexity
h) Unethical communication
i) Physical distractions.

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