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M e l i s s a S. Barker
D o n a l d I. Barker
Nicholas F. Bormann
K r i s t a E. N e h e r

• * CENGAGE Learning-

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Contents rate

Preface xii
About the Authors xiii
Acknowledgement xv

Chapter 1 j Why Social Media? 1

Finding a Way Through Social Media 2
What Is Social Media Marketing? 3
Case Study: Fiskars Creates a Social Media Community around Scrapbooking 4
The Seven Myths of Social Media Marketing 5
Case Study: United Breaks Guitars 9
The History of Social Media Marketing 13
Why Social Media Marketing is Different 15
What are the Characteristics of a Successful Social Media Marketer? 16
Careers in Social Media Marketing 17
Exercise Case Study: JetBlue Uses Social Media to Connect with Customers 18
Notes 20

Chapter 2 j Goals and Strategies 25

What is a Social Media Marketing Plan? 26
Social Media Marketing Planning Cycle 26
Listen and Observe: Five Stages 27
Setting Goals 29
Case Study: Dell Reinvents Itself Through Social Media 30
Determining Strategies 35
Case Study: HubSpot Gets Results from Strategic Social Media Marketing 37
Linking Goals with a Call to Action 39
Self-Promotion vs. Building an Army of Advocates 40
Exercise Case Study: The Kryptonite Bike Lock Fiasco 41
Notes 43

Chapter 3 I Identifying Target Audiences 45

The Persona Development Cycle 47
Determining the Optimal Target Audience 48
Example of Persona Development: Finding the Optimal Target Audience 49
Developing Specificity within Personas 50
Case Study: How Wahoo's Fish Taco Created a Social Media Persona that Attracts a
Unique Target Market 51
The Social Technographics Profile 53
Case Study: Using Video and Social Networks, Colgate-Palmolive Reached
the Mobile Generation Y Target Market 55

Where Is the Audience Participating Online? 57
What Does the Target Audience Talk About? 58
Exercise Case Study: Lego's Market Segmentation Strategy 59
Notes 61

Chapter 4 I Rules of Engagement for Social Media 64

r ————————————————————^
Permission vs. Interruption Marketing 65
Case Study: Pepsi's Transition from Interruption to Permission Marketing 67
Initial Entry Strategy: Passive vs. Active 70
Principles for Success 70
Case Study: Trials and Tribulations: Walmart's Struggle with Social Media Marketing 72
Rules of Engagement 74
Defining Social Media Marketing Ethics 76
Making Ethical Decisions 78
Global Perspective 78
Exercise Case Study: British Petroleum Runs the Social Media Gauntlet 80
Notes 82

Chapter 5 I Publishing Blogs 84

What Is a Blog? 85
Case Study: Robert Scoble: The First Prominent Corporate Blogger within a
Large Corporation (Microsoft) 86
Everyone Is a Publisher 89
Case Study: The Marriott CEO Blog 90
Marketing Benefits of Blogging 91
Linking a Blog to Marketing Objectives 91
Creating a Content Strategy 92
Case Study: Engadget Engages 93
Tips for Successful Blogging 94
Monitoring the Blogosphere 96
Exercise Case Study: The Huffington Post: How a Single Voice Became Many 97
Notes 101

Chapter 6 I Publishing Podcasts and Webinars 104

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A Brief History of Podcasting 105

Creating and Sharing Podcasts 106
Case Study: The Podfather 106
Marketing with Podcasting 111
Case Study: MuggleCast Makes Podcast Magic 112
Hosting Webinars 114
Marketing with Webinars and/or Podcasts 116
Exercise Case Study: Inspired Marketing LLC Generates Sales from Webinars 117
Notes 119
Chapter 7 I Publishing Articles, White Papers, and E-Books 123
Publishing and Distributing Articles 124
Case Study: Using EzineArticles to Raise Awareness about Math Education 125
Creating White Papers and E-Books 128
Case Study: The Mises Institute Advances Knowledge of Economics through Online
Articles and E-Books 132
Marketing with Articles, E-Books, and White Papers 134
Exercise Case Study: Soroptimist International of the Americas: Using White Papers to
Raise Awareness about Issues Affecting Women and Girls Worldwide 136
Notes 140

Chapter 8 I Sharing Videos 143

A Brief History of Video Sharing 143
Benefits of Marketing with Online Videos 144
Case Study: Blendtec: Will it Blend? 145
How to Create Appealing Video Content 147
Case Study: The "Old Spice Guy" Viral Videos 149
Sharing Online Videos 151
Encourage User Generated Content 153
How to Monetize Online Video Sharing 153
Exercise Case Study: Home Depot Shows You How 154
Notes 159

Chapter 9 I Sharing Photos and Images 162

A Brief History of Photo Sharing 163
Benefits of Marketing with Online Photos and Other Images 165
Case Study: Flickr and the Library of Congress Create a Commons for Cultural
Heritage Collections 166
Marketing with Photo Sharing Sites 169
The Future of Photo Sharing 171
Exercise Case Study: Who Are You with Nikon? 172
Notes 175

Chapter 10 I Social Networks 178

A Brief History of Social Networks 179
Case Study: How Two Coke Fans Brought the Brand to Facebook Fame 181
Benefits of Marketing with Social Networks 184
Marketing with Social Networks 185
Case Study: Quantivo Uses Linkedln for Lead Generation 189
What Is a White Label Social Network? 192
Pros and Cons of Creating a White Label Social Network 193
Case Study: Starbucks's Social Network Gathers Feedback from Its Customers 194

How Nonprofit Organizations Can Benefit from a Private Social Network 197
The Future of Social Networks 198
Exercise Case Study: Anvil Media Uses Linkedln for Brand Building 198
Notes 201

Chapter 11 I Microblogging 207

What Is Microblogging? 208
A Brief History of Microblogging 208
Different Uses for Microblogging 209
Tips for Brand Building with Twitter 210
Case Study: Zappos Tweets Its Way to Customer Service Nirvana 213
Build a Twitter Following 216
Case Study: Dell Uses Sina to Reach Chinese Professionals 218 •
Crafting an Effective Twitter Channel 220
Marketing with Microblogging 222
Exercise Case Study: TurboTax Experts Take Over Twitter 222
Notes 225

Chapter 12 I Discussion Boards, Social News, and Q&A Sites 228

What Is a Discussion Board? 229
Discussion Forum Structure 229
A Brief History of Discussion Boards 230
Discussion Board Netiquette 231
Marketing with Discussion Forums 232
Guidelines for Moderators of Online Discussion Groups 233
Get Product Creation Ideas from Discussion Forums 234
Case Study: Lenovo Turns to Discussion Forums to Cut Customer Service Costs,
Attain Feedback, and Improve Productivity 235
What Is a Social News Site? 238
A Brief History of Social News Sites 239
Marketing with Social News Sites 241
Case Study: Digg: How News Became Social! 242
What Is a Q&A Site? 245
A Brief History of Q&A Sites 247
Marketing with Q&A Sites 247
Future of Discussion Boards, Social News, and Q&A Sites 248
Exercise Case Study: How Business Pioneers Take Advantage of Quora 249
Notes 253

Chapter 13 I Mobile Computing and Location Marketing 261

What Is Mobile Computing? 261
A Brief History of Smartphone Growth and Adoption 262
Social Networks Go Mobile 263

Marketing with Mobile Computing 264
Case Study: Dunkin' Donuts Gets You Running with Mobile Marketing 266
What Is a Location-based Social Network? 268
Location-based Social Networks and Gaming 269
The Growth of Location-based Social Networks 271
Marketing with Location-based Social Networks 271
The Future of Mobile Computing and Location Marketing 272
Exercise Case Study: Conan O'Brien Flies High with Foursquare
Blimp and Badges 273
Notes 276

Chapter 14 I Social Media Monitoring 280

A Brief History of Social Media Monitoring 280
Tracking 281
Measuring 282
Qualitative Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) 287
The Net Promoter Score 295
Return on Investment 296
Evaluation 297
Case Study: Pfizer Tracks and Measures Adverse Drug Effects with
BuzzMetrics 298
Selecting Social Media Monitoring Tools 301
Case Study: Using Radian6, AAA Monitors and Interacts with the
Social Web 303
The Future of Social Media Monitoring 305
Exercise Case Study: SAS Social Media Analytics: Monitoring a
Brand with a Brand 305
Notes 312

Chapter 15 I Social Media Marketing Plan 317

Creating an Informative and Eye-Catching Title Page 318
Automatically Generating a Table of Contents 318
Writing a Compelling Executive Summary 319
Composing a Brief Overview 320
Observing Social Media Presence 322
Conducting a Competitive Analysis 323
Setting Goals 327
Determining Strategies 328
Identifying the Target Market 329
Selecting Tools 330
Implementing 330
Monitoring 342
Getting C-Suite Buy-In 349
Notes 350

Appendix | XYZ Coffee Company Social Media Marketing Plan 353
Executive Summary 355
Brief Overview 355
Social Media Presence 356
Competitive Analysis 356
Goals 359
Strategies 359
Target Market 360
Tools 361
Implementation 361
Monitoring 366
Tuning 369
Budget 369
Return on Investment 369
Notes 370

Index 371

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