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Banking Operation Division

Head Office. Dhaka

lnformation Circutar llo: U 12022 May 1 2,2022

All Heads of Branches (lncluding SME & Krishi)

All Divisional Heads & Offshore Banking Unit of Head Office
Jamuna Bank Limited

Sub: Virtual Business Development Meetinq with all branches.

A virtual business development meeting is going to be held with all branch managers alongwith
all officials on 18th May 2022 (Wednesday) 4.30 PM to 6.30 PM. Al-Haj Nur Mohammed, the
honorable Chairman of Jamuna Bank Limited and Jamuna Bank Foundation has given kind
consent to attend the program as Chief Guest. Mr. Mirza Elias Uddin Ahmed, the Hon'ble
Managing Director & CEO of Jamuna Bank Limited will preside over the program.

Therefore, all participants are instructed to make it convenient and join the virtual meeting well
in time.

To join the virtual meeting:

Google Meet joining info
Video ca I I I i n k: https ://meet. g oo g le. com/f d r- npek-tbx

Please bring the contents of the circular to the notice of all concerned.


Saleh Kabir Chowdhury Mirza Elias Uddin Ahmed

Sr. Asstt. Vice President Managing Director & CEO

Copy to:
1. P.S to the Managing Director, Jamuna Bank Ltd., Head Office, Dhaka for kind information.
2. P.S to the Deputy Managing Directors, Jamuna Bank Ltd., Head Office, Dhaka for kind information.
3. Head of ICTD, Head Office, Dhaka for necessary arrangements for the virtual meeting.

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