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Features Gathered from both the White Wolf Dark Ages Forum (pre-2.

0) and the Faerie Well Forums. I am

unsure of the authors of each individual feature, though if you recognize one as yours or a friends, please
alert me so that I may update my list. My main site is
Dark Ages: Fae is copyrighted 2004 by White Wolf Publishing Inc.

Lesser Features

*Autumnal Gusts: Slightly chilly winds constantly surround the Fae in question. These gusts may make
others uncomfortable, but inflict no penalties of any sort on others.

*Seasonal Locks: Faint traces of the character's Seasonal Court are evident in their hair. Spring Fae will
have tiny flowers sprouting in various places. Summer Fae will either have hair which sheds sand or small
bright green plants blooming. Autumn Fae will often have sprouts of brown, red, or yellow leaf showing
through their hair, and Winter Fae tend to collect frost on the ends of their locks. These sprouts of plant and
inorganic material can be removed just as easily as normal hair can (or in the case of sand or frost, be
brushed off), but it will always come back by the next day.

*Seasonal Footsteps: The character's footsteps are trailed by some mark of their Seasonal Court. Spring
Fae have small flowering plants blossom in their passing. Summer Fae often leave trails of dried ground,
sand, or other marks of hot environs. Autumn Fae generally leave trails of fallen, dried leaves, and Winter
Fae will usually leave frost, ice, or other marks of cold.

*Animal Affinity (Lesser): Any small animals of a specific type in an area (examples: birds, squirrels, cats,
etc) will follow the character around. They will never harm the character, but nor will they actively help
them in any way, they are simply drawn by the character's Fae Mien.

*No Reflection: The character casts no reflection in reflective surfaces. This effect may not be turned off,
meaning the character must go to great lengths to actually see their own face (such as having an artist create
a portrait of them). Many Fae who possess this Feature forge Oaths with mortals requiring the mortal in
question to visit them daily and ensure they appear clean and proper.

* Creature Feature: This Feature gives the Fae one animalistic feature, but not the bonuses associated
with the animal feature. Examples include, feathers growing in the hair, skin that is scaley to the touch,
porcupine quills in the hair, and so on.

* Dragon's Eyes: The Fae's eyes are slitted, and the glow when magic is used.

* Piscine Body: The Fae with this Feature does not have legs, instead she has a long fish tail that ends in
powerful flukes; alternately, the Fae could have tentacles like a squid or an octopus. This Feature does not
give the Fae any bonuses to swimming rolls; but all movement scores for walking are instead applied to
swimming. Only Firstborn and Changelings can take this Feature.

*Bleeding the Season - As the Inanimae bleed their element, so your blood carries a hint of Faerie magic.
For Spring Court fae, this means that if you bleed upon the ground, not long after small, blood-red flowers
spring up from wherever your blood fell. For Summer, this may mean your blood is not red, but a liquid
gold colour. For Autumn, you may not bleed blood at all, but a rusty, loam-scented sap. For Winter, your
blood freezes once it hits the ground, and any growth that it falls upon withers and dies within moments,
causing the land to be barren where it fell. (This lesser feature is not in affect if a Changeling is in her
mortal mien, and is not available to Inanimae characters. Fae shrouded by the Mists may still exhibit this
Feature at the Storyteller's Discretion.)
*Season's Breath - During all seasons but the one you are allied with, your breath betrays your magical
heritage. For Summer Court Fae, this often manifests as a barely-noticeable but powerful heat-haze upon
every exhalation. For Winter, it appears only in warm weather, an icy breath similar to a human's
exhalation in coldest Winter. Spring, a faintly stirring breeze on the stillest of days, and a scent of
honeysuckle or blossoms. Autumn, the sound of rustling fallen leaves and the faint scent of decay.

*Courtly Touch - Often combined with Bleeding the Season, this lesser feature allows the magical blood
burning (or freezing) within you to make itself ever more apparent. For Summer fae this manifests as an
unnaturally high skin temperature, enough to blister mortals with extensive, prolonged contact. For Spring,
a tingling sensation, gentle warmth spreading from the touched area, and slightly enhanced regeneration or
growth. Plants touched by the Spring fae will regain a measure of their vitality and mortals may be healed
of bruised bashing damage after prolonged contact with the affected area. Autumn, a sapping of vitality,
tiredness for mortals in prolonged contact and slight withering for plants. For Winter, clammy skin and a
rime of frost will spread from the Fae's touch.

*Animal Habits - The fae's body language speaks of a more feral nature. She may move with bird-like
head-bops, or have a habit of perching. He may freeze suddenly like a rabbit when he hears a noise. She
may walk in a circle three times like a dog before lying down or try and scratch her ear with her hind legs.
Using msts to upgrade this to a Greater feature might give bonuses to Animal Ken, Steallth, or Survival

*Mocking Voice - The character's voice has a habit of taking on the same timber and sound of people she's
talking with. This may be indicative of a high subterfuge or performance score.

*Turning Mien - Although your Court affiliation is not brought into question by it, you exhibit qualities of
the current season in your Mien. For example, a Winter Court Ice Inanimae might, during Spring, begin to
sprout small flowers and grass from under the ice upon his back. During Summer, his body might refract
the light, making him glow with a golden warmth, causing him to sweat uncomfortably, et al. Other fae of
your Court may consider this slightly suspicious, but most will simply understand that your connection to
the turning seasons is deeper than others.

*Living System - Your body is home to a number of animals, be they cuckoos that nest within your chest
cavity or a small family of shrews that has burrowed into your torso. The animals do not pain you in any
way, and in fact their presence brings you a certain feeling of well-being. This has no mechanical effects, as
the creatures have not undermined the structural integrity of your body, but are actually -meant- to be a part
of you. (This feature is especially appropriate for Spring Court fae, but can easily be adapted to suit any
[Winter Fae are very well known for with this feature, commonly having various vermin such as insects or
rats within their body. The most common of these vermin are Spiders of all types. Spring Fae are the Fae
most likely to have this feature, holding almost any creature known for spring within them from
chipmunks to bluebirds. The most common types though are definatly butterflies, a spring Fae can
commonly house hundreds of butterflies or bees which can often startle opponents if awoken from their
Autumn Fae are among the least likely to have this feature, only beaten by the summer. The few Autumn
Fae who house animals within them generally have those animals that go into hibernation. Squirrels are
known, as are Hawks.
Summer Fae are virtually unknown to have this feature, it is anyones guess exactly what one would choose
if they gained this feature.
*Unholy Miasma
Primarily a feature for Winter Fae or Dark Inanimae, a Fae with this feature has a dark aura of blackness
and dark emotions. For some this will be presented as a dark mist obscuring both vision and truth, on others
a black halo and hateful winds that cut through the soul. Regardless the Darkness granted through this
Feature is not affected by light, actually absorbing light rather then being banished by it.

*Hole in the Back: Trademark of the White Women of northern Europe. The faerie has a hole in their
back, revealing a hollow inside that she fills with mulch.

*Trail of the Sprites: The character always leaves multiple sets of footprints: his own, and several others
that might appear adult, child-sized, or not human at all.

*Vermin's Bounty: The Fae is always covered in a specific type of pest or vermin. Some examples include
maggots, flies, mice, roaches, slugs, etc which seep through all the Fae's orifices and from under its

*Forge's Mark: The Fae who possesses this feature is always covered in soot and smells of forge work.
Everything s/he touches will show the marks of those who work in the bowels of the earth forging wonders
from fire (black soot footprints, smudged fingerprints, etc.).

*Phantom Voices- The character is surrounded by barely audible voices with no visible source, whispering
in an unkniwn language. As the Fae grows excited or aggitated the voices grow louder, eventually shouting.
Upgrading this to a greater feature might reduce enemies dice pools in combat, due to distraction or cause
sonic bashing damage.

*Beloved of Clouds - Rain clouds follow the fae where ever he goes. The weather change isn't enough to
bring rain to a desert or a cure a drought, but its enough to cast cold gray shaodws across the land.
Upgraded to a Greater Feature, this fature might cause actual rain and storms (the Fae cannot dirct the
actions of the storm).

*Gloom - shadows deepen where ever the character stands. Candles burn low and clouds pass over the sun.
This feature might be indicative of high stealth scores.

*Dancing Shadow - Your shadow acts of its own accord and does not always your actions. The shadow
may display truer instincts/ intentions (ala being lewd in movement, making violent gestures, etc.) or
emphasizing aspects of your Fae's actions. A variant of this and of no reflection would be "No Shadow"
common. Another variant is Monsterous Shadow - Your shadow imitates your movements normally but
appears to be some unusual form of creature instead of conforming to your character's physical shape. This
shadow may conform somehow to your court affiliation or "true nature", or may embody all the lives
you've killed and souls you've taken.

*Webbed Hands and Feet- For Selkies and Merfolk mostly. Your hands and feet are webbed like an otter
(maybe with tiny but ineffectual claws) or frog. While this doesn't give any benefit, this could be used to
support dots in an athletics speciality of swimming. There might also be a dexterity penalty on some fine
motor skills when in fae form but the webs might be low enough on the hands to sidestep this. Plus could
be used for a mean bitchslap.

*Trail of Pretty Things (needs a better name or maybe it falls under Elemental Blessing)-For those who
want a fae of a Bishonen/Shojo persuasion, your fae is followed by a trail of beautiful petals which swirls
around him or her. Other "trails" could include spider webs, dew drops, snowflakes, feathers, leaves,
fireflies/ladybugs and other delacate things of nature.

*Sublime - Your outline appears to be continually evaporating as fine mist or smoke. This mist may be
anything from inky black tongues oozing forth, to entwining green tendrils, to acrid whisps of thin white.
*Lightness of Being - Your character's feet don't touch the ground. In more haunting versions of this
Feature your character appears to be standing and walking but their lower body simply fades out of being
somewhere below the knees. In more "normal" versions the character's body is intact but simply floats off
the ground.
This Feature can not be used for higher flight however (at least not without expending an effort to
temporarily turn into a Greater
Feature). Characters can not float their body higher than the head of a moderately tall human, nor move
faster than they would be able
to if running. Nor can this feature overcome any handicaps which have been taken as Flaws (if the handicap
hasn't been purchased with a Flaw then this feature can overcome it).

*Ancient Markings - the fae in question has across his face and/or body marlings, whether they be Pictish
Woads, War Paint, or Scars. While this does not add any benefits to the fae with this feature in question
(unless made a Greater Feature). It does give of an aura of intimidation that can be felt as a chill down the
back of mortals.

*Faerie Weight - A faeries weight is as fickle as the rest of them. Those with this feature are unnaturally
heavy or light (one half or 2x) This has no affect but can be pushed even farther as a greater feature until
the fae is featherlight or an unmoveable object.

Greater Features

*Persuasive Voice: The Fae's vocal tones and inflection take on an odd characteristic, always just slightly
noticable. This can range from a slightly lyrical quality to the ever so faint secondary voice that mirrors
their own. Regardless of how it manifests, however, it makes others more inclined to believe the Faerie in
question and obey them. Anytime the Faerie makes a Manipulation roll to either lie to someone or trick
them into doing something, lower the difficulty by 2.

*Flowing Form: Primarily an Inanimae Feature. The Faerie's body of highly compressed Air, Water, or
Sand can flow through small opening or around bars, etc. etc. The cost of doing so is one unsoakable health
level of bashing damage OR the expenditure of a point of Weaving (in order to keep one's conciousness
structured enough to rebuild their elemental body unharmed). If cold iron passes through the flowing
inanimae form, the character automatically takes a level of aggravated damage, so be careful if escaping
from an iron cage.

*Vitality of the Mists: The fae acquires the ability to swiftly regenerate bodily harm. The character heals
bashing damage at the rate of one level per turn of resting, one Health Level of lethal damage per hour, and
one level of aggravated damage per day (except wounds inflicted by cold iron or an Echo). Rates are
doubled in fae realms, or for inanimae in presence of significant amounts of their element.

*Animal Affinity (Greater): As Animal Affinity (Lesser), except the character may communicate with the
animals in question. They are not forced to obey the character, but can fairly easily be persuaded to perform
simply deeds in return for food or attention.

*Incarnation of Famine: The character's presence in Fae Mien causes hunger in the pits of the stomaches
of others. This hunger is uncomfortable, giving them a +2 difficulty modifier on all mental and social rolls
as their bellies draw their attentions. No matter how much an individual eats, they will continue to be
hungry in the presence of the Fae. The Fae may cause this Feature to NOT affect specific individuals at
will, ensuring their allies or companions do not suffer needlessly if they wish it. It should be noted,
however, that most Fae who possess this Feature lack the compassion to ever do so.
*Entracing Gaze: The character's eyes appear to be bottomless pools of stars, and any who gaze into them
risk losing themselves momentarily. Those who look directly into the Fae's eyes must make a Willpower
roll (difficulty 8 ) to stop staring into them. So long as they are transfixed by the Fae's gaze, they may make
no actions other than to try to free themselves, but they may make a new roll each turn in attempt to do so
(or every minute, in non-combat situations). If the individual takes damage, the effect automatically ends.

* Aquatic: This feature allows the fae to live underwater indefinitely. She gains the ability to breath water,
either with gills, or by absorbing oxygen like a frog. This Feature also gives the fae the ability to withstand
extreme temperatures below the oceans surface, and it also makes the fae immune to the "bends" (nitrogen

* Cold-Blooded: In both your faery and human forms, you have no natural ability to regulate your body
temperature. In warm weather, you get +1 Dexterity, but after each hour of exertion you must rest or cool
yourself or lose a Health Level. If it grows too hot, high temperatures alone have the same detrimental
effects of exertion. In cold weather you suffer -1 Dexterity and -1 to Mental Attributes. In below-freezing
weather you take one Health Level of damage per hour from the cold, and you continue to get colder until
you fall unconscious. You may reverse this by heating yourself, such as with cantrips, or a hot bath. This
Greater Feature cannot be taken by fae of the Winter Court.

* Crittershape/Beast Shape: This Feature works the same as Monster Shape, except that the fae can only
take the shape of mundane creatures; mammal, avian, reptilian, or piscine.

* Darksight: With this Feature, the Fae can see in total darkness without aid. Everything is black, but
objects, people, and creatures are outlined in white; if there is even a little light, the Fae can see normally.
This Feature does not give the Fae any bonuses to perception, and does not allow her to see through any
obstacles, such as fabric, smoke, or fog.
*Gaze of the Beast
This greater feature gives animal sight to a Fae. This sight can manifest in as many differant ways as there
are animals. Choose 2 from among these effects or create your own; Nightvision, +2 to Kenning,
Ghostsight, ect.

* Lethal Breath: Fae with this Greater Feature can breathe deadly breath in their faery-form. The breath-
weapon can either be flame, scalding hot water, or super-heated steam. It shoots from your mouth and can
be controlled, although wind speed and direction should be noted, for the protection of your allies. If the
lethal blast strikes its intended target it causes up to 3 points of aggravated damage.

* Monster Shape: This Feature allows the fae to shapeshift into a monstrous shape (such as a dragon).
Unlike the Mantle cantrip, this feature allows for only one magical animal shape. While in this form, the
fae does not have access to any magic, or any of her abilities, except those that come with the animal shape;
this is not the fae's faery-form, but an alternate shape. To shapeshift from the faery-form, she must roll
Weaving (difficulty 6), from the human form, roll Mists (difficulty 6). In either case, at least two successes
must be gained. Botching has the same effects as if she was trying to switch from human to faery-form. To
return from monster-form, she must make the same type of rolls: Mists to shift to faery-form, Weaving to
human form.

* Monster's Mien 2.0: The fae has a tail, it can have either spikes on the tip like a dragon, or a stinger, like
a wyvern. Alternately, the fae can have a tail that does not have a defensive measure at all, along with one
of the other additions; horns, claws, or sharp teeth.
*Skin of the Beast: The Fae has a second skin which is that of a mundane animal. By donning this skin,
they effectively become the animal in question, taking on its physical attributes and capabilities. To become
humanoid again, they must merely remove the skin. This skin IS a part of them, and damaging the skin
does damage the Fae, even when removed. A classic example of this Feature is the Seal Skin of a Selkie in
folklore, and Fae who possess this Feature are often VERY cautious where they leave their second skin.
The Fae has a second skin, which is that of a mundane animal. Since this second skin is a part of the Fae,
they can tell when it is being touched with a simple Wits + Kenning roll (difficulty 6). Should the Fae's
beast skin be destroyed, she must make a Stamina roll, (difficulty . If the roll fails she is reduced to
Crippled (this can't be soaked), and if the roll fails, she dies from the stress of having her second skin
destroyed; should she survive this horrific experience, she might want to die anyway…

* Wings: The fae with this Feature has functional wings that allow flight at a speed of 10 yards per turn.
The fae's Court dictates the wing's appearance. Spring: the wings are feathery, and can be of any type of
songbird. Summer: the fae's wings can be either angelic looking (white feathers), or they can be the wings
of a predatory bird, such as a hawk. Autumn: the wings are usually leathery and bat-like (though they can
also be feathered), but can be of autumnal colours, usually brown or russet. Winter: the wings of this fae
can be either bat-like wings or feathery wings, but are either black or dark blue.

*Glacier's Progress: Although Winter fae are oft-times impulsive and rash, those with this feature are less
ramshackle in their approach to things. Deliberative and determined, you are capable of applying yourself
to a long (and sometimes boring) task with little effort. In fact, the longer a task takes, the easier it becomes
for you. All extended actions (not extended and resisted, however) are the same on the first roll, however
on the second roll you recieve a -1 difficulty, and from the third roll onward it is at -2.

*Husking: The falling leaves and shriveling stalks of Autumn call out to you to join their deaths, if only in
a symbolic manner. Your skin, papery and crisp year-round, must be shed every Autumn. To undergo this
process, the fae tends to dig a burrow or find a hollow tree to sleep in. He then curls up in the darkness and
his skin and hair begin to harden overnight. Upon waking, the fae cracks open his skin and is reborn. Any
bodily damage is healed during this process, and he is hairless and healthy upon awakening. This process
takes approximately 12 hours. It is also possible for fae to go through this process "out of season," but it is
more risky, requiring a Mists roll, diff 8, to begin the process, and a Strength roll, diff 7, to rip out of his
husk. Needless to say, oathmates may be shocked to come upon a mostly-intact husk closely resembling
their friend...

*Wolf Amongst the Sheep

Even while in Fae form animal do not shy away from you, you are treated just as you would be as an
animal of that type (for better or worse). The manifestation of this is an animalistic aura that frightens most
normal humans, also giving a +2 bonus to intimidation.

*Shape of the Hearts Eye

The Fae may choose a single animal which seems to personify their personality best. The Fae may
shapeshift into this form as a full turn action. This feature is not availible to Naturae as their birthright is
too similiar an ability

*Wallwalker-Whether your hands are covered with the suction cups of a squid, you're some sort of spider
or insect aspected fae or you are just blessed with this ability, you can climp up walls and hang from the
ceiling just like a fly on the wall. You might be able to cling to things and keep from being swept away in
high wind storms and woe the opponent who you can get a grip on, they might need a crowbar to get you
off. However, you have to keep both your hands and feet uncovered in order to use this feature, though you
can will it on and off.
*Devour the Flames
Devour the flames is primarily an Inanimae feature thoughother elementaly aligned Fae have taken it.
Despite the name this is usable, in differant ways, for every element. Whenever an Inanimae is in the
presence of a large amount of her element they can get certian advantages by absorbing the element into
Fire aspects when surrounded by at least a campfire sized flame may spend an action to absorb the flames,
extinguishing them, into himself. This heals a full health level, no matter what kind of damage is in it.
Earth aspects when surrounded on all sides by earth can absorb earth even if he isn't in contact with it. Any
earth within 30ft can be devoured, which can cause cave-ins, unblock previously closed corredors, and
even cause opponents to stumble and fall.
Air aspects, though surrounded by air regularly, the air is not in it's purest form and thus is useless to
devouring. When among the clouds or in the highest skies you can use this ability to absorb the air in front
of you, increasing your movement by about five times your normal speed as it sucks you into the empty
Water aspects can regain two levels of bashing damage by absorbing their body weight in water.
Wood aspects, when presented with their element, can spend a turn and dissolve it with a with a simple
touch. This can destroy doors, walls, and with a few turns work even small buildings. In addition if they
sacrifice their defensive action for the turn they can dissolve any wooden weapon that strikes them, though
they are delt the damage before the weapon disintergrates.
Other versions of this exist for the para-elements, such as Lightning, Ice, and Magma but those are not
common enough for most Fae to know their effects.

*Second Arms - In your fae mein you have a second set of arms which may sprout out from either your
sides or your back or other parts of your body based on your imagination. These extra limbs allow you one
additional action per you combat turn at no dice pool penalty for multiple actions. You also gain an
additional two die in grappling rolls due this extra set of limbs.

*Satyr Kinship: The character has obvious hooves with horse- or goat-like legs that bend forwards at the
knees [1]. Hooves are noisy add +1 onto the difficulty when trying stealthy movement. However, hooves
can inflict Strength +2 Bashing damage on a kick.
[1] editor's note: The original name of this Feature was "backward facing knees" or something like that. But
horses et. al. do not actually have backwards facing knees; they are merely digigrade which means they
walk on their toes. Thus, the "backward knee" is actually the heel of the foot.

*Enchanting Gaze: The fae has got the most fascinating eyes. People find it hard to avoid them. Even if
the fae's gaze is sort of unearthly, it is most seductive and captivating, and others cannot help find it
intriguing. Alternatively, the fae's eyes have a most powerful quality that makes his gaze forceful and
menacing. Those who meet his eyes must look away or else are captured, almost entranced, by his gaze.
This Feature subtracts two from the difficulty of any Social roll where the fae is able to make and maintain
eye contact with the person he is dealing with. This means being at fairly close quarters (a few yards or
less), and it only affects one person at a time.

*Enchanting Voice: The Fae's vocal tones and inflection take on an odd characteristic, always just slightly
noticeable. This can range from a slightly lyrical quality to the ever so faint secondary voice that mirrors
their own. Regardless of how it manifests, there is something about the fae's voice that others cannot
ignore. When she commands, they are cowed. When she seduces, they swoon. Lies and glib assurances
pass the fae's lips like the Gospel truth, and people tend to believe what the fae says, no matter how
incredible her stories. Whether thunderous, gentle, persuading, the fae's voice commands attention, and it
makes others more inclined to believe the Faerie in question and obey them. Anytime the Faerie makes a
Social roll involving the use of the voice to lie, persuade, charm, or command, the base difficulty is reduced
by two. This only works at fairly close quarters (a few yards or less), and requires the faeries voice to be
clearly audible.
*Regal Bearing: The fae has the bearing and manner of a true monarch, or a person blessed by
supernatural forces to lead and inspire. He carries himself with otherworldly grace and dignity, and his
words ring with irresistible purpose and passion. The difficulty of any Social roll is reduced by two in any
situation where the fae's otherworldly nobility and greatness can show through, such as at court, seducing
someone, or taking command on the field of battle.

*The Dragon's Aura: The fae has an aura of primal command about him, a raw, forceful presence of
animal awe and magnetism that others find difficult to avoid, like the leader of a wolf pack or one of the
great magical beasts of the world. Others turn to the fae as a leader in times of conflict or whenever
physical action is required, and the fae radiates an aura of feral sexual magnetism that is hard for others to
ignore. Mortals instinctively submit to the fae's leadership in times of stress or physical threat, and find her
attractive on an animal level that they are not entirely aware of. The difficulty of all Social rolls are reduced
by two when dealing with stressful situations or conflicts, or when the fae is attempting to seduce someone.

*Seasonal Radiance: the fae is literally glows with an otherworldly Inner Light.
Spring faerie emanate with the crisp pale glow of the full moon, that lets the Fae set onlookers at ease.
Adding +1 to Appearance and lowering the difficulty by 2 of Expression, Performance, and any roll that
calls for a soothing influence.
Summer Fae shine with the golden splendor of the sun radiating awe into all that see. Add +1Charisma and
lower the difficulty by 2 for rolls of Ettiqute, Performance and those to impress those around the faerie.
Autumn kin take on the eerie orange-red glow of a bonfire, it's lights constantly flickering across them.
+1Manipulation and reduce the difficulty by 2 for rolls of Subterfuge, Performance, and those requiring
trickery on part of the Fae.
Winter Fae burn with a pale blue aura of bitter cold, radiating their contempt for life, and those who harbor
it. Add +1 to Wits, and reduce the difficulty by 2 for rolls involving Intimidation, performance, and any roll
that makes the fae seem like a heartless brutal creature.

*Ophidian Grace: This fae, like the mythical naga has a thick snake's body instead of legs below her
abdomen that are 10-15feet long. The snake half of the body may look like any particular type of snake the
player wishes, but the lower half of the body is quite quick and strong beyond its appearance. The balance
granted by the tail adds +1 to Dexterity, while the strong flexible sinews of the tail make it adept for
grappling reducing the difficulty of such maneuvers by 1.

*Virility's Mien: This faerie carries upon him some animalistic representation of his virility. Be it an
impressive rack of antlers, a corkscrewing pair of horns, or vibrant and colorful plumage. These impressive
icons give the Fae an almost animalistic magnetism with the appropriate sex, add +1 to the Faeries
Appearance and add three dice to any rolls to seduce the appropriate sex.

*Non-Humanoid Mien
Unlike the majority of the First born, your Fae Mien is non-humanoid, perhaps you are a dragon, or a
unicorn, or perhaps something else entirely. You may purchase up to 5 points of appropriate merits/special
features from the Bygones book. At the Storytellers discretion this Greater Feature may be purchased
multiple times.

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