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Ultrathin aluminum sample cans for single crystal inelastic neutron scattering

M. B. Stone, M. J. Loguillo, and D. L. Abernathy

Citation: Review of Scientific Instruments 82, 055117 (2011); doi: 10.1063/1.3593374

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Ultrathin aluminum sample cans for single crystal inelastic

neutron scattering
M. B. Stone, M. J. Loguillo, and D. L. Abernathy
Neutron Scattering Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831, USA
(Received 24 March 2011; accepted 3 May 2011; published online 27 May 2011)
Single crystal inelastic neutron scattering measurements are often performed using a sample environ-
ment for controlling sample temperature. One difficulty associated with this is establishing appropri-
ate thermal coupling from the sample to the temperature controlled portion of the sample environ-
ment. This is usually accomplished via a sample can which thermally couples the sample environment
to the sample can and the sample can to the sample via an exchange gas. Unfortunately, this can will
contribute additional background signal to one’s measurement. We present here the design of an
ultrathin aluminum sample can based upon established technology for producing aluminum bever-
age cans. This design minimizes parasitic sample can scattering. Neutron scattering measurements
comparing a machined sample can to our beverage can design clearly indicate a large reduction in
scattering intensity and texture when using the ultrathin sample can design. We also examine the pos-
sibility of using standard commercial beverage cans as sample cans. © 2011 American Institute of
Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3593374]

I. INTRODUCTION material relative to the mass of the can. In contrast, single

crystal measurements are very often sample mass limited, and
Neutron scattering is used for probing the excitations and
require much larger diameter cans to accommodate sample
structure of materials.1 The utility of the neutron as a scat-
mounting hardware. This paper focuses upon improving the
tering probe stems from its fundamental properties of mass,
sample can used for single crystal inelastic neutron scattering
nuclear spin, and a highly variable cross section as a function
of the scattering nuclei. The constant development of neutron
sources and neutron scattering instrumentation using neutron
beams since the conception of the technique is further testa- II. DESIGN
ment to the usefulness of the neutron as a probe of materials. There are two common choices of material used for con-
For nearly all neutron scattering measurements, there is struction of sample cans for neutron scattering: vanadium
a container for holding the sample in the neutron beam. This and aluminum. These are used because of their availability,
container or sample can resides within a sample environment machinability, good thermal conductivity, and the specifics of
which provides an additional independent variable to study their cross sections. Aluminum has a relatively small cross
the material of interest.2 The sample environment may be a section compared to vanadium. For 1 Å neutrons the ratio of
furnace,3, 4 pressure-cell,5, 6 magnet,7, 8 cryostat,9, 10 etc., or a the total scattering cross section is σ T (Al)/σ T (V) = 1.631 b
combination of these.11 The sample can and sample environ- / 7.925 b = 0.206 (1 b = 10−24 cm2 ).12 However, vanadium
ment also scatter neutrons and contribute to the measured has almost no coherent cross section σ coh (V) = 0.0184, σ inc
scattering intensity during an experiment. It is possible to (V) = 5.08, σ coh (Al) = 1.495, and σ inc (Al) = 0.0082 b,
measure the scattering intensity of an empty sample can and and thus has very little contribution from Bragg scattering,
use this as a measure of the background for the measurement. making it especially useful as a sample can for structural
This is a reasonable approximation; however the empty can studies of powder materials.13 Figure 1 illustrates the mea-
measurement does not account for the absorption of the sam- sured integrated scattering intensity as a function of scatter-
ple or multiple scattering events between the sample and the ing angle (2θ ) for vanadium and aluminum normalized per
sample can and sample environment. If the scattering inten- mole of material. While vanadium has a very smooth signal,
sities from the empty can and sample environment are large, integrating the entire measured cross section indicates that
then the subtraction technique will deteriorate the ratio of sig- vanadium’s cross section is a factor of 1.33 times larger than
nal to noise. Furthermore, time and effort measuring an empty aluminum’s with a significant inelastic contribution. How-
sample can often be better spent examining other materials ever, because the density of vanadium is 2.22 times that of alu-
with the neutron scattering instrumentation. A clear way to minum, this measurement indicates that comparable sample
improve the measurement is to reduce the cross section of the cans of vanadium will contribute a background which is ap-
sample can and sample environment through a proper choice proximately three times that of a comparable aluminum can.
of materials and reducing the amount of these materials in Because of its smooth wave vector, Q, dependent cross sec-
the neutron beam. Powder inelastic neutron scattering mea- tion vanadium sample cans are often used for neutron diffrac-
surements are often performed in small diameter aluminum tion measurements, while aluminum cans are more often used
sample cans and often with a significant amount of sample for inelastic neutron scattering measurements. Our focus is to

0034-6748/2011/82(5)/055117/5/$30.00 82, 055117-1 © 2011 American Institute of Physics

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055117-2 Stone, Loguillo, and Abernathy Rev. Sci. Instrum. 82, 055117 (2011)

Intensity (arb. units / mol.)

0. 1


0 40 80 120
Scattering angle (deg.)

FIG. 1. (Color online) Scattering intensity plotted as a function of scattering

angle for a vanadium and aluminum sample. A machined aluminum can typ-
ically used for powder neutron scattering measurements (12.7 mm (0.5 in.)
inner diameter and 0.381 mm (0.015 in.) wall thickness) and a 6.35 mm
(0.25 in.) diameter vanadium rod were used for the measurement. Data have
been normalized per mole of material in the incident neutron beam. Data
are integrated for energy transfers between −50 and 50 meV. Measurements
were made using the ARCS instrument with an incident energy of 80 meV.

improve the sample can used for inelastic neutron scattering

measurements, thus we choose to focus upon the use of alu- FIG. 2. (Color online) Our aluminum beverage exchange gas sample can
minum as a sample can material. used for inelastic neutron scattering measurements of crystalline materials.
Our primary goal is to reduce the amount of aluminum in (a) Rendering of sample can with suspended post and plate mounted within
the can. Samples are typically mounted to such plates for measurements.
the neutron beam while providing good thermal conductivity
(b) Dimensioned cross section of our sample can design. (c) Expanded view
to the sample. The thermal conductivity from the sample en- of the location of the interfaces between the can, the flange, and the lid. The
vironment to the sample will be provided by an atmosphere can is shown as a solid red line. The electron beam weld is located where the
of helium exchange gas sealed within the sample can along can meets the flange at the top portion of the flange. The blue horizontal lines
are the location of indium grooves used for the indium o-ring seals.
with the sample. Exchange gas sample cans for single crys-
tal inelastic measurements are typically cylindrical in shape
to provide a uniform background within a strong container.
Typical limits for machined aluminum wall thicknesses are surfaces are scuffed with a fine emery cloth and are wet with
between 0.25 and 0.51 mm (0.01 and 0.02 in.) with increas- epoxy before carefully assembling and baking at a tempera-
ing difficulty as the height and width of the cylindrical sample ture of 74 ◦ C for 2 h to cure the epoxy.
can increases. Another approach to achieving a thin-walled The second and preferred method requires a more com-
aluminum vessel is to press the can from a single flat sheet plicated machined flange and must be made from a compati-
of aluminum. This “deep-draw” procedure is currently used ble aluminum alloy such as Al-5083. This method uses elec-
by the beverage industry to produce aluminum cans.14 Wall tron beam welding to fuse the flange to the aluminum can. A
thicknesses of 0.076 mm (0.003 in.) are typically used for detail of the interface is shown in Fig. 2(c). This process pro-
these cans, a factor of 3 to 7 times less than a typical ma- duces a flawless leak tight all-aluminum seam. This welding
chined sample can. Because of their availability, thickness, process requires the use of an expanding mandrel inside the
and variety of sizes, we chose to base our sample can design can to prevent the can from shrinking away from the flange.
around the use of an aluminum beverage can. Additionally, the can flange inner diameter must be machined
Our can design incorporates a beverage can which has oversized by no more than 0.025 mm (0.001 in.) of the can’s
been provided without interior or exterior varnish coatings or outer diameter.
a crimped top, known as “washer cans.” To this raw polished With this can assembly, we use a machined lid which can
aluminum can, we attach a machined aluminum flange. The be repeatedly sealed using an indium wire o-ring. There are
flange is carefully machined to tight tolerances such that a two indium wire o-rings, one in the lid of the can and one
mating re-sealable lid can be attached using machine screws located in the flange. These are illustrated in Fig. 2(c). We
and an indium seal o-ring. Figure 2(a) shows a rendering of find that placing indium in both of these positions distributes
our design with a sample holder mounted in the center of indium over the electron beam weld and also the flange-lid
the can. interface improving the sealing reliability of the can. The lid
We have tested two methods of attaching the can flange has a 6.35 mm (0.25 in.) diameter socket used for suspend-
to the can body. The simplest method is to use an epoxy ing samples on an aluminum post into the beam center po-
adhesive.15 Using this epoxy requires a gap of 0.051 mm to sition. Using these cans with a helium exchange gas we reg-
0.076 mm (0.002 to 0.003 in.) between the flange and can ularly obtain leak rates less than 6.7 × 10−9 Pa m3 /s (5.0
body. We find that joining reliability improves if both mating × 10−8 torr-l/s) at pressures of 1.3 × 10−1 Pa (1 × 10−3 torr)
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055117-3 Stone, Loguillo, and Abernathy Rev. Sci. Instrum. 82, 055117 (2011)

as measured with a helium leak detector. Cans made using the ter (ARCS) at the Spallation Neutron Source at Oak Ridge
electron beam welding method have proven reliable to use re- National Laboratory.16 This instrument is a direct geometry
peatedly and have been in regular use for more than a year. time-of-flight neutron spectrometer. It measures scattering in-
Typical measurements range between T = 4 K and T = 325 K tensity as a function of energy transfer, ¯ω, and wave vector
with the can suspended in a cryogenic vacuum of 2.6 × 10−4 transfer, Q. The incident neutron beam of the instrument was
Pa (2.0 × 10−6 torr). set to the fully open size of 50 mm wide by 50 mm tall (1.97
by 1.97 in.), and incident neutron energies of 60, 100, and
700 meV were used for the measurements. All data shown
III. MEASUREMENTS were acquired at room temperature.
Although readily available, commercial beverage (cb) Figure 3 illustrates the measured scattering intensity17 as
cans are often painted on the exterior and the interior is lined a function of energy and wave vector transfer for the cb can
with a food-grade hydrocarbon to prevent interactions be- (a) and the ub can (b) for an incident energy of 100 meV. The
tween the can and the contents. We obtained unlined bever- data in Fig. 3(b) clearly shows the aluminum phonon spec-
age cans direct from a can manufacturer. These washer-cans tra; although in (a) this spectra is obscured by a large scat-
or unlined beverage (ub) cans were pressed and washed, but tering intensity due to the organic molecule coating the in-
did not have any external paint, internal coating, or lid ap- terior of the commercial can. Hydrogen has a large neutron
plied. We present here measurements comparing the cb and cross section σ T (H) = 82.353 barns. The molecule coating
the ub cans. We then present a comparison between a typ- the interior of the cb can is very likely a polycarbonate resin
ical machined aluminum sample can (mac) (outer diameter with both CH3 and OH groups. The large hydrogen cross sec-
51.38 mm (2.023 in.) and wall thickness 0.28 mm (0.011 in.)) tion (both elastic incoherent and inelastic vibrational modes)
and our ub sample can. is thus overwhelming the signal due to the aluminum lattice
Inelastic neutron scattering measurements were per- excitations. Figure 3(c) illustrates the wave-vector integrated
formed using the wide Angular-Range Chopper Spectrome- scattering intensity for these two samples for an incident en-
ergy of 700 meV. Here one can clearly see two higher energy
modes. These are most likely a stretching CH3 –C mode at
(a) 172(2) meV and an OH stretching mode at 370.1(7) meV.18
75 Clearly, a cb can is not appropriate for neutron scattering mea-
ω (meV)

Figure 4 shows the measured scattering intensity for a
25 typical machined aluminum sample can (a) and our ub can (b).
These data were acquired with an incident energy of 60 meV.

(b) 0.01
ω (meV)

ω (meV)

25 0
0 0

0 4 8 12
Q (Å ) -40
(b) 0.02
(c) 40
Intensity (arb. units)

unlined can 0.01

ω (meV)

0.008 commercial can

0 0


0 -40
-600 -400 -200 0 200 400 600 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
ω (meV) Q (Å )

FIG. 3. (Color online) Inelastic neutron scattering measurements of an (a) FIG. 4. (Color online) Inelastic neutron scattering spectra of the (a) ma-
commercial beverage can (cb) and a (b) unlined beverage can (ub). Spectra chined aluminum can (mac) and (b) unlined beverage can (ub) sample can
from the ub and cb can were measured with an incident energy of 100 meV. as a function of energy and wave vector transfer. Measurements were per-
Both panels are shown on the identical intensity scale. (c) Wave- vector in- formed with an incident energy of 60 meV using the ARCS instrument as
tegrated scattering intensity of the ub and cb can measured with an incident described in the text. Color bar in panel (b) indicates intensity scale of the
energy of 700 meV. two measurements.

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055117-4 Stone, Loguillo, and Abernathy Rev. Sci. Instrum. 82, 055117 (2011)

(a) (111) 2 θ=22.4±0.7 deg.

-1 2
10 4 (c)

Q (Å )
Intensity (arb. units)

10 3

-4 -2 -1
0 2
-3 2 Q (Å )

Machined can

Intensity (arb. units)

Unlined Beverage can
-4 1

-40 -20 0 20 40
ω (meV) 0
(b) (002) 2 θ=25.9±0.7 deg.
FIG. 5. (Color online) Intensity as a function of energy transfer for the two machined can
sample cans: the machined aluminum sample can and the unlined beverage unlined beverage can
can sample can. Data correspond to inelastic neutron scattering spectra shown 1.5
in Fig. 4 integrated between Q = 4 and 6.5 Å−1 . Note that the vertical axis is
a logarithmic scale.


Both measurements clearly show the nuclear Bragg peaks at

the ¯ω = 0 position, and the phonon excitations for both
neutron energy gain (¯ω < 0) and neutron energy loss (¯ω 0.5
> 0). These data are normalized to the incident flux of neu-
trons and thus represent a true comparison of the background
for using these two different sample cans. Figure 5 shows 0
the wave-vector integrated scattering intensity based upon 0 45 90
Ψ (deg.)
the data shown in Fig. 4. Again, both spectra show the alu-
minum phonon density of states extending out to ∼38 meV. FIG. 7. (Color online) Characterization of sample can texture for both mea-
The offset between the two measurements is essentially mul- sured sample cans: the machined aluminum sample can and the unlined bev-
tiplicative; scaling with the mass of each can. The machined erage can sample can. Data were acquired using an incident neutron energy
can has approximately a factor of three times more scattering of 100 meV using the ARCS instrument as described in the text. The data
have been integrated between energy transfers of ¯ω = −1 and 1 meV. Panel
intensity. Figure 6 shows the intensity as a function of wave (a) shows the scattering intensity of the (111) aluminum Bragg peak as a
vector transfer for these two sample cans. The ratio of the function of azimuthal angle . Panel (b) shows the scattering intensity for
thicknesses of the machine sample can and the ub can is ∼3.7, the (002) aluminum Bragg peak. Panel (c) shows the scattering intensity of
and the ratio of the total integrated scattering intensity for the the machined sample projected onto the cylindrical detector geometry of the
ARCS instrument. The horizontal and vertical axes are in Å−1 , and the angle
two measurements shown in Fig. 4 is 2.8. The machined sam-  is defined in panel (c). Higher scattering intensities are shown as darker
ple can has broader nuclear Bragg peaks than the ub can, for shades of gray. Solid lines in (a) and (b) are simple Gaussian fits to further
illustrate the texture measurement.

Machined can example, in the vicinity of Q = 2.5 Å−1 . There also appears
Unlined Beverage can to be additional Bragg peaks near Q = 4.0 and 5.8 Å−1 . These
Intensity (arb. units)

broader and potentially additional structural peaks may be a

1 consequence of the alloy used to produce the mac (6061-T6)
compared to the alloy used for the ub can (3xxx series).
The large detector coverage of the ARCS instrument,
0.1 allows us to characterize the texture of the nuclear Bragg
peaks for both cans. Figure 7 shows data corresponding to
a texture measurement for Ei = 100 meV. Figure 7(c) shows
0.01 the first several powder rings of aluminum. These are, from
smallest to largest Q, the (111), (002), (220), (311) etc. nu-
0 2 4 6 8 10 clear Bragg peaks. The angle  is the angle between the in-
Q (Å )
strument horizontal, and the detector of interest:  = 90o
corresponds to the detectors located above the Q = (0, 0)
FIG. 6. (Color online) Intensity as a function of wave vector transfer for the position in Fig. 7(c). We integrate the scattering intensity
two sample cans: the machined aluminum sample can and the unlined bev-
erage can sample can. Data correspond to inelastic neutron scattering spectra for the (111) and (002) Bragg peaks and plot this scatter-
shown in Fig. 4 integrated between ¯ω = −0.5 and 0.5 meV. Note that the ing intensity as a function of  in Figs. 7(a) and 7(b), re-
vertical axis is shown using a logarithmic scale. spectively. Once again, the scattering intensity due to the
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055117-5 Stone, Loguillo, and Abernathy Rev. Sci. Instrum. 82, 055117 (2011)

unlined beverage can is less than the machined can. The an- sives; Alan Fredrick and Roger Miller at the ORNL Materi-
gular dependence of the (111) peak is very similar for these als Joining Lab; and the Custom Can sales department of the
two cans, c.f. Fig. 7(a). However, the angular dependence of Ball Corporation of America. This Research at Oak Ridge Na-
the (002) peak is quite different, c.f. Fig. 7(b). There are two tional Laboratory’s Spallation Neutron Source was sponsored
peaks in the texture measurement of the machined sample can, by the Scientific User Facilities Division, Office of Basic En-
and only one significant texture peak in the measurement of ergy Sciences, (U. S.) Department of Energy (DOE).
the unlined beverage can.

1 G. L. Squires, Introduction to the Theory of Thermal Neutron Scattering

IV. CONCLUSIONS (Dover, Mineola, NY, 1978); B. T. M. Willis and C. J. Carlile, Experimen-
tal Neutron Scattering (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2009); D. L. Price
We have designed and constructed a re-sealable ultrathin and K. Sköld, “Neutron scattering,” in Methods of Experimental Physics
aluminum exchange gas sample can based upon the unlined (Academic Press, Inc., London, 1987), Vol. 23.
2 I. F. Bailey, Z. Kristallogr. 218, 84 (2003).
aluminum beverage can. These cans are especially useful for
3 C. Landron, L. Hennet, J.-P. Coutres, T. Jenkins, C. Alétru, N. Greaves, A.
inelastic neutron scattering measurements of single crystal
Soper, and G. Derbyshire, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 71, 1745 (2000).
samples. We find that the commercial beverage cans are not 4 R. Haynes, S. T. Norberg, S. G. Eriksson, M. A. H. Chowdhury, C. M.
appropriate for this purpose because of the large scattering Goodway, G. D. Howells, O. Kirichek, and S. Hull, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser.
cross section of the interior liner of the can. We also made 251, 012090 (2010).
5 R. Done, M. Chowdhury, C. Goodway, M. Adams, and O. Kirichek, Rev.
comparisons to a typical aluminum sample can produced from
Sci. Instrum. 79, 026107 (2008).
machining a solid piece of aluminum. In addition to the added 6 W. Bao and C. Broholm, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 66, 1260 (1995).

background due to the greater mass of material in the ma- 7 R. B. E. Down, G. Kouzmenko, O. Kirichek, R. Wotherspoon, J. Brown,

chined can, there were additional structures in the texture of and Z. A. Bowden, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 251, 012092 (2010).
8 F. J. Brown, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 251, 012093 (2010).
the machined aluminum can and its diffraction pattern. Based 9 W. Kockelmann, W. Schafer, G. Will, J. Chazipetros, B. Dujka, and
upon the amount of scattering intensity and the reduction in W. Schuster, Nuc. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A 305, 435 (1991).
10 C. R. Chapman, B. E. Evans, M. P. Dudman, J. Keeping, R. B. E. Down,
texture, the ub can is an excellent choice of material to build a
single crystal exchange gas can. We are currently developing O. Kiichek, and Z. A. Bowden, Cryogenics 51, 146 (2011).
11 K. Knorr, K. Futterer, B. Annighofer, and W. Depmeier, Rev. Sci. Instrum.
a single axis goniometric mount which will be built into the 68, 3817 (1997).
interior lid of our can. We are also planning on adding electri- 12 Cross sections in units of barns (b) are from tables listed in neutron news

cal feedthroughs to the lid of the can. This will allow one to 3, 29 (1992).
13 S. Susman, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 64, 587 (1993).
mount a thermometer within the exchange gas and provide a 14 W. F. Hosford and J. L. Duncan, Sci. Am. 271, 48 (1994).
more accurate measure of sample temperature. One may also 15 See for Armstrong A-12T
use these feedthroughs for simultaneous electrical19 or ther- epoxy adhesive.
16 See D. L. Abernathy, Notiziaro Neutronie Luce di Sincrontrone 13, 4
mal transport measurements or application of electric fields
or light to the sample being measured in the neutron beam. (2008), see
17 The scattering intensity for all data shown (except those of Fig. 1) are nor-

malized to the flux of incident neutrons on the sample. The data in Fig. 1
are further normalized to the moles of material in the neutron beam.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 18 D. S. Kemp and F. Vellaccio, Organic Chemistry (Worth Publishers Inc.,

New York, 1980).

The authors would like to thank John Brock and Dwayne 19 T. E. Engin, A. V. Powell, R. Haynes, M. A. H. Chowdhury, C. M. Good-
Griffith of the machine shop at Oak Ridge National Labora- way, R. Done, O. Kirichek, and S. Hull, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79, 095104
tory (ORNL); K. Herwig for suggestions concerning adhe- (2008).

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