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Lampiran C


Nama Sekolah: SK SERI CHERAS Kod Sekolah: WA0045

1. Nama Guru


4. Tarikh Pembentangan 5. Masa:

6. Tempat Pembentangan
7. Sinopsis

Covey’s seven habits of highly effective people revolves around the fundamental of self
discipline and core goal setting process in order to stay in track to achieve our desired
outcome. It has been composed of the primary principles of character upon which
happiness and success are based. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People puts forward a
principle-centered approach to both personal and interpersonal effectiveness. Rather than
focusing on altering the outward manifestations of our behavior and attitudes, it aims to
adapt our inner core, character, and motives.

The seven habits mentioned in this book will help us to move from a state of dependence,
to independence, and finally to interdependence. While society and most of the self-help
books on the market champion independence as the highest achievement, Covey argues
that it’s interdependence that yields the greatest results.
Interdependence is a more mature, advanced concept. It precludes the knowledge that we
are an independent being, but that working with others will produce greater results than
working on our own. To attain this level of interdependence, we must cultivate each of
the seven habits laid out in the book as below the list below:

1. Be proactive
2. Begin with the end in mind
3. Put first things first
4. Think win/win
5. Seek to understand first, before making yourself understood
6. Learn to synergize
7. Sharpen the saw
In a nutshell, Seven Habits of Highly Effective People; look at each of these habits and
show us how to put them into action to become more successful in whatever we want to
achieve. This is such a resourceful book for teachers while handling teaching and learning
process in classroom.
8. Nilai Pengetahuan / Pengajaran
1. Being responsible towards what you have started.
2. Importance of goal setting
3. Being preseverance

9. Aplikasi Ilmu Dalam Organisasi / P&P

1. Readers will be able to priorotize their task in order to complete the first thing first to avoid
procrastination that leads to the collapse of whole plan.
2. Readers are able to make choices within the tasks that they have to complete to make
sure things are well organized to minimize mistakes.

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