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. 1 f ‘. Work and motivation

1 Work and responsibility

la Vocabulary

TO iltfipirc. £n induLe. tn give a reaxnn Or in'C'CntiW to SiZReufH• tO dn sOrrH•thing

A muiivalc B promote C prrivuke
A person employed by szrmconc else. working For nt‹›ney.

KelatirsnS between employers and employees, managers and wnzKcrs,

managgmcnl and uzzi
A fluman Fc9Jllcn R lab€sur zelaE nn
Staying cunt r‹rl uf snrrmthing asppart you fi @}x
A comtriand B power C ponsibility
J\ tuney paid Iper Your or day or week) to manual wurkcrB.
A ea rnings R smart C wagcx

7 Advantages tkat come with a jnD apart Frc›m wages or salary.

A benefc• or p'ezks B prufiu C supplemencs
Tu be za›smJ to a hig?tcr rank nt bcttCt jnb.
A motivation b promotion

A hutcuucracy 8 tnb safery C jnb -acuriry

IO Having purli u I ar abilities. acquimd bv crain i n@.
łb discussion

Włń cb of the fol4owžszg ecatemezsts seem to you to be genwaLty czuc3'

1 People didikc work und avuiü it i£ Ehey <on.
2 \Vrrrk is neressary tx pci›pIe’s psychological well-beitig.
I Peøplc øvoid rcspnnsibili iy und mould rat h< r I e told whnt In dv.
I Pmpie are riuitívatcd mate !Y * <<w
4 Most people are fiar mum ircaiivc anal itigerii‹itis thari tlteir empİciyrrs realize.
6 People are m •fivat¢d by anxiefv abuuc zhc ir purity.
7 Prxtplc wanc tn be i nlcrest•d in ‹hci r wnh and, given the right «undit inc hy
wiJÎ rntr›y ‹t.
8 Under the right <wndnzoits, m‹›st peupI< will accc{•t tcspønsib ility and wpn1 t‹›
rcatzz¢ țheir own p‹›tenríaI.

1c Reading
¥ou mc}rkave noticed ¢h•t €łsø 5€atements øbove caas be sepereTed iztto era groups
rcBoctžag zoo wry dif m•»t ways in wlzècžs eazpJoyezs <ars Tzøas cłtežr empl
Tb¢ez fwo approaches wex sommaxšze2d by weM-kztown Amrricaxt khcorîat of
zbø psydiołogy obsork. Œougtaz ßtcGrcgor, who ctoroed them 3tzœsry X aod
T6eazy Y. head zh< foJlówing zext azzd chcrt c3asai£y the stațemeots above
acœrdźag to wkźcłs €żzcof”y țhcy rapport.
In 7he Hum0n fiidfi of £nterpfi X•. Dougla3 Mcortgor outlincd two opgosing thcor.ile d
work and moń ation. What he calls Thcory X is the tradióonal approach to workrrs ad
warking which assumts that people »re lą¿y and dislike wor k, and that they to lx
both thrcatened (for example, with losing their job) and rewardcd. it assumcs that mc
people are incapable 0f tating responsibility fór themsz'Ivcs.and have to bc lootcd aha'
Theory Y. on tle c0ntrary, assumcs Ehat people havr a psychological need to work 8Ł4
want ackievemertt and responsibiliry'.
Many pooplc a ssum‹ that Thcory Y is morc 'progressive' and an advance on Thcory k
but latdr thcorisl:s afgucd that it makts m•ch groater d cmands on bob workcrs aziś
managers than McGrzqor realized. Abraham Maslow, for examglc, spgnt a ycar studyirc
a Californian company Shat uscd Thtory Y. and concluded that its demands hi ,
reponsibiJ ity and achi‹vemcnt crc cxccssive for many people Hc pointtd out that they .
are always we8£ 8nd vulncrabłe people, with litge srlf-d\scipline, who nccd protccti0r
aqainst the burdc’n of rosponsibility. Ewn strong and hcal¢hy people need th security d
Drdcr and direction Managefs cannot simpły substitutć Thcory Y for Thcory K They ha«t ,
ta rcplacr thc security provldćd by Theory X with a different structurc of sctpriły
and cortainty.

&ead the tezt cgażzs aod cozap6mc Łlzc fóI1os«ótg ecotznczs, using yow own wotda

I According Eo Theory X. cmpluyem have zo threaten workers tcaus< . . -

2 According u› Tfieory Y, employers should give their wuzkers responsibilities

5 M \cnv critic Thcory Y be use . . .

4 uw argued that even h••gh tlzxy might sam to & g, ven rcsponu6i3itłc‹ at

J e Diwussi4n

• good admincstratżao and good

c jo6 sccurity
\abour rełations
e a ckallengiztg, interesting and
• good working cunditions: cnough
crestivc job
Jpace, fight, kcat and time, not t-
much nozse. and so un • resppnsibility
o an adcqtutte wagc or salary. and • conhzcl with peuple
beccfiM such as yaid holida sick • opp¢uttznities tu t rayc)
pat, a pension. and so on e hużidays
A•c £bcze odior im rt oc f•ctors that
1f fint"ïng

1g Rœding


II is logical to sMpposg that things like good labour relations, good working con-dìtioriș
gœd wages and benefits, and j‹fl› security motivaŒ waters. But in Iń/órź gnd rhe No fuyr
of Can, Ftedorick Herzberq argued that suCh oondiüons do not motivate worŁPm They
aæ merely ’sztİsfiers' or, more imponantly. 'dissatisficrs' wh¢rc they do not exisc
'Metivatozs‘. on the contrary include thİngs such as haying p challenging and inttrcsting
jqb rec‹gnition ••á responsibíliry: promotion, and so on.
However. even with the development of computers and robotics, thcte arc. and alwaÿs
will be pl¢nty of boring. m‹ndJe repetitive ą nd mechani cal jobs in all three sectors. of
the economy, and tale oF unskilled people yvho five Lo do them.
So how do managers motivate people in such jobs* One solution is to giuc them somr
rzsgorrsîbilitios, rrol as individuals but os part Of a tCam. For example, sóme supermarțgştg
œmbinę oferco staff, the people who 7iIT the shrlvzs, and tito people who work on the
čfizckout tills into a team and let them dœide what product lines to st¢icłc. how to display
Mem, an Ö so on. OEher rmpioyers ensure tńat people in rcpctizivp j-obj changr.thëm every
œuplć of hour as doing Your different repet1țivg j0t¥$ a day iS bettgr than doińg oniy owe.
Many people nods talk about the importance of a Company's shared vclues or corporal
culture, wițh which all the staff can idCa tify: for example, being the best hotel chain. or
hamburger regEaurant chaìn, or airline. or making the best. the safest, the most u r-
fńcndly, the most ¢¢ologicaf or the most reliable products in ą particular fi id. Such valuzs
äre more fiL¢ly to motivate workers than fi nønciąl tørgęd which ultimately only cone'erń
a fzn pzoplr. Unfortunately, tnere is only a limited numbgr of su‹n gaals to go round,
ard õy definition, not all the competing companies in an inğU5try can szriouaIy Claim to

1h 5u›smarizing

J Herzbc g auggeszcd that good labour rcJacżons and working condiciun* . . .
2 A‹xørding to Llezzbcrg, thr kind o£ change that motivace . . .
ã 3 n pnsbìem with saying that unly challenging intemšiìrig aö d respønsibłc jobs
•re motivating is that
4 \Yays of moóvatîng people in unskilled jubs include . . .
t Thr problem with irying rn motivate wnrknrs by the ò elief ihai their cmm paity is
the best is that . ..
2 Motivating stafl

Tou wttl henr 5te«c MQ the mansg r of the /vtarks é‹ Bpcnoer etore izi

2a listening d
Ltcscn to the Rrelpart of rite \ntczview aad aztswer cbe follawtng questions
i Which of the fuJI‹wing things does Steye ktnody szy' Jf W rtafemen r do nut
match what Moody says, what dprs he actualiy say
A People require an acceptable saJary.
B People need a nice work1ng environment.
C \•copJc must understand what they zrc supposed to do.
D PCOp!c fEEU6£ app/ECId.IC khcil bD3s -&Dd k@CIE COMCagL€C5.
E Petsple must nnt r cxpecc<t tp dn che same thiztg MLx of times.
2 What is the reason he given why somr of his sfafT prefer working on the till or
cash wgister to olltcr tasks!
3 What in the advaiztagr uf this f‹sr the stnrc?
4 Sgt 2re the mhm two tad‹s ttc mcntinn6 thaE arc equally important in any
3 Srcvv Moody says that the work of management involves ’zailozing iru2ividuais'
needs and abilities lO the o}›rralinne1 needs uf the store' Give aux ther word fu!

6 1Yhy docs iVt&S also need .•¢aIYwhtr like to perfuzm all sorts of different tasks?

2b Listening @
£iicrn in the secend pwi of the interview, ct rut the perks M&S givn their taffi
I Mske a iist ‹if five i›r six fucturx ihat Steve Moody says moiivate MMT staff.
2 What docs he say is the effect uF giving scat' an anouJ bonus shunly bcforr
Drirs wfjat 5!eve Mandy says cuirttidt wirh the views nf fir¢dcricL.Flcrrhcrg Ihat
'a read about abov¢2 Whzl abuut the views nf Dnuglzs ktcL”regur!
2 In Jnur wntkiiig cxprritnce, even if it is only Saturday or lemp‹›rsry sonimtr
holiday jobi, bave ynur supervisors secmrd to believe Theory X or Theary ¥!

34 Case swdy: N«iv&ion

Acmnllog to irhai p:ni have read end heard, hurry would you attempt to motivate
p•eptt with the following poiitiorql
ea bt• drip in « big city. who has t‹› wnrk irregular
lxiun, including early rriorning,'evcning, end

aa nurx whu works with wiously iñ chil4rm

a abcs rcpr¢scntacivc fur t pharmaceutical company,
whu visits inspirals and-fun
a mmual wiirker in the Prinlitig House at Cambridge

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