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Question 1. He refuses to _______ himself now because he’s uncertain of the situation.
A. charge B. invest C. promise D. commit
Question 2. Victoria _______ herself to go to the gym and do some workout at least 3 times a week in
order to keep fit.
A. punishes B. assesses C. disciplines D. conducts
Question 3. Thomas _______ himself with work so that he didn’t think about the issue.
A. occupied B. covered D. resided D. inhabited
Question 4. She gave us a detailed account of what happened, but it didn’t _______ with what the
eyewitnesses said.
A. approve B. agree C. accept D. support
Question 5. The government has been _______ to deal with rising inflation as well as other issues.
A. pursuing B. looking C. seeking D. searching
Question 6. Two scientists at the university of California have successfully _______ the theory of captive
A. speeded B. progressed C. accelerated D. advanced
Question 7. This small town has been _______ by an outbreak of diphtheria and many have been admitted
to hospital.
A. beaten B. struck C. knocked D. crashed
Question 8. Unless there are drastic measures to _______ the spread of the disease, the rising death toll will
be inevitable.
A. test B. check C. examine D. inspect
Question 9. Although inexperienced, she was able to _______ the students in her first lesson.
A. engage B. employ C. recruit D. contract
Question 10. He was sued for infringement of copyright because he _______ another writer’s ideas.
A. hunted B. sought C. poached D. pursued
Question 11. The company has failed to _______ its promise to build another cafeteria for employees.
A. distribute B. convey C. transfer D. deliver
Question 12. The president _______ his sympathy to all families whose relatives were killed in the flood.
A. expanded B. prolonged C. lengthened D. extended
Question 13. Martin has _______ himself as a leading actor in the film industry for many years.
A. formed B. created C. established D. instituted
Question 14. Her mother just _______ into rage when she told her that she had got pregnant.
A. erupted B. emitted C. bombarded D. attacked
Question 15. If the government is hesitant to impose a 2-week social distancing to stop the spread of the
virus, a lot of people will _______ the issue by demonstrating.
A. pull B. force C. push D. press
Question 16. Having heard the shocking news, Linda sat for a moment to _______ her thoughts.
A. compile B. pick C. assemble D. gather

Created by : Tran Truong Thanh 1


Question 17. It took them a long time to _______ the large scale of the problem.
A. hold B. capture C. seize D. grasp
Question 18. He had to explain the maths question again because it was too difficult for his students to
A. digest B. swallow C. consume D. inhale
Question 19. The new law in terms of higher taxes threatens to _______ the nation.
A. tear B. divide C. shred D. isolate
Question 20. At university, Luke felt that he didn’t have to _______ himself to do the tests.
A. extend B. enlarge C. expand D. lengthen
Question 21. She finds it very hard to talk calmly with her father because their viewpoints on almost
everything _______.
A. crack B. crush C. crash D. clash
Question 22. James was the first to _______ the idea of continuous assessment instead of one final exam.
A. swim B. float C. sail D. hang
Question 23. The tense atmosphere in the classroom virtually _______ when he walked into.
A. wasted B. dissolved C. melted D. softened
Question 24. Phong _______ a job as a content creator after graduating from university.
A. arrived B. reached C. landed D. jumped
Question 25. She was charged with the crime but she always _______ her innocence.
A. preserved B. protected C. persisted D. maintained
Question 26. He _______ at the age of 14 and was kept in a juvenile detention centre for 5 months.
A. upset B. annoyed C. hurt D. offended
Question 27. Social networking sites have _______ teenagers’ ways of thinking and behaviour a lot.
A. informed B. notified C. communicated D. told
Question 28. The famous author appeared on TV last night to _______ his newest book.
A. fill B. plug C. seal D. pack
Question 29. The email she received this morning _______ doubts about him on her mind.
A. sowed B. ploughed C. planted D. watered
Question 30. His face _______ deep anger when they returned his car in a bad condition.
A. enrolled B. listed C. recorded D. registered

Created by : Tran Truong Thanh 2



No Word/ Phr Type Meaning
1 commit v cam kết, hứa, phạm tội
2 discipline v phạt, nghiêm khắc với bản thân
3 occupy v khiến bản thân bận rộn
4 eyewitness n nhân chứng
5 agree v đồng ý, giống với
6 seek (to V) v cố gắng làm gì
7 advance v đề xuất
8 strike v tấn công
9 diphtheria n bệnh bạch hầu
10 check v ngăn chặn
11 inevitable adj tất yếu
12 engage v thu hút
13 infringement n vi phạm
14 copyright n bản quyền
15 poach v ăn cắp, ăn trộm
16 deliver v thực hiện, vận chuyển
17 extend v gửi tới
18 erupt v bùng nổ
19 pregnant adj có thai
20 demonstrate v biểu tình
21 grasp v nắm được, hiểu được
22 digest v hiểu thấu
23 divide v chia rẽ
24 extend v sử dụng hết khả năng
25 viewpoint n quan điểm
26 clash v mâu thuẫn
27 float v đề xuất, trôi nổi
28 dissolve v tan biến
29 land v có được, đạt được
30 maintain v khăng khăng cho rằng
31 offend v phạm tội
32 juvenile adj vị thành niên
33 inform v ảnh hưởng
34 plug v giới thiệu
35 plant v gieo rắc
36 register v biểu lộ, đăng ký

Created by : Tran Truong Thanh 3


No Structures Meaning
đưa ra quyết định, quan điểm mà không thể thay
1 commit oneself
đổi sau này
2 discipline oneself nghiêm khắc với bản thân
3 keep fit giữ dáng
4 occupy oneself khiến bản thân bận rộn
5 agree with something giống với thứ gì
6 admitted to hospital nhập viện
7 check the spread of something ngăn chặn sự lây lan của thứ gì
8 engage one’s interst/attention thu hút sự chú ý, hấp dẫn ai
9 deliver one’s promise thực hiện lời hứa
extend one’s welcome/sympathy to
10 gửi lời chào/sự cảm thông tới ai
11 establish oneself nắm giữ vị trí đủ lâu hoặc có thành công
12 force the issue ép buộc phải đưa ra quyết định
13 gather one’s thoughts xốc lại tinh thần
14 extend oneself sử dụng hết khả năng, nguồn lực
15 float the idea đề xuất ý tưởng
16 maintain one’s innocence khăng khăng rằng mình trong sạch
inform one’s ảnh hưởng tới sự lựa chọn/hành vi/quyết định của
choices/behaviour/decisions ai
18 plant doubt(s) on one’s mind gieo rắc sự nghi ngờ vào tâm trí ai
19 register a feeling biểu lộ cảm xúc nào đó

--- THE END ---

Created by : Tran Truong Thanh 4




Question 1. He refuses to _______ himself now because he’s uncertain of the situation.
A. charge B. invest C. promise D. commit
Question 2. Victoria _______ herself to go to the gym and do some workout at least 3 times a week in
order to keep fit.
A. punishes B. assesses C. disciplines D. conducts
Question 3. Thomas _______ himself with work so that he didn’t think about the issue.
A. occupied B. covered D. resided D. inhabited
Question 4. She gave us a detailed account of what happened, but it didn’t _______ with what the
eyewitnesses said.
A. approve B. agree C. accept D. support
Question 5. The government has been _______ to deal with rising inflation as well as other issues.
A. pursuing B. looking C. seeking D. searching
Question 6. Two scientists at the university of California have successfully _______ the theory of captive
A. speeded B. progressed C. accelerated D. advanced
Question 7. This small town has been _______ by an outbreak of diphtheria and many have been admitted
to hospital.
A. beaten B. struck C. knocked D. crashed
Question 8. Unless there are drastic measures to _______ the spread of the disease, the rising death toll will
be inevitable.
A. test B. check C. examine D. inspect
Question 9. Although inexperienced, she was able to _______ the students in her first lesson.
A. engage B. employ C. recruit D. contract
Question 10. He was sued for infringement of copyright because he _______ another writer’s ideas.
A. hunted B. sought C. poached D. pursued
Question 11. The company has failed to _______ its promise to build another cafeteria for employees.
A. distribute B. convey C. transfer D. deliver
Question 12. The president _______ his sympathy to all families whose relatives were killed in the flood.
A. expanded B. prolonged C. lengthened D. extended
Question 13. Martin has _______ himself as a leading actor in the film industry for many years.
A. formed B. created C. established D. instituted
Question 14. Her mother just _______ into rage when she told her that she had got pregnant.
A. erupted B. emitted C. bombarded D. attacked
Question 15. If the government is hesitant to impose a 2-week social distancing to stop the spread of the
virus, a lot of people will _______ the issue by demonstrating.
A. pull B. force C. push D. press
Question 16. Having heard the shocking news, Linda sat for a moment to _______ her thoughts.
A. compile B. pick C. assemble D. gather

Created by : Tran Truong Thanh 5


Question 17. It took them a long time to _______ the large scale of the problem.
A. hold B. capture C. seize D. grasp
Question 18. He had to explain the maths question again because it was too difficult for his students to
A. digest B. swallow C. consume D. inhale
Question 19. The new law in terms of higher taxes threatens to _______ the nation.
A. tear B. divide C. shred D. isolate
Question 20. At university, Luke felt that he didn’t have to _______ himself to do the tests.
A. extend B. enlarge C. expand D. lengthen
Question 21. She finds it very hard to talk calmly with her father because their viewpoints on almost
everything _______.
A. crack B. crush C. crash D. clash
Question 22. James was the first to _______ the idea of continuous assessment instead of one final exam.
A. swim B. float C. sail D. hang
Question 23. The tense atmosphere in the classroom virtually _______ when he walked into.
A. wasted B. dissolved C. melted D. softened
Question 24. Phong _______ a job as a content creator after graduating from university.
A. arrived B. reached C. landed D. jumped
Question 25. She was charged with the crime but she always _______ her innocence.
A. preserved B. protected C. persisted D. maintained
Question 26. He _______ at the age of 14 and was kept in a juvenile detention centre for 5 months.
A. upset B. annoyed C. hurt D. offended
Question 27. Social networking sites have _______ teenagers’ ways of thinking and behaviour a lot.
A. informed B. notified C. communicated D. told
Question 28. The famous author appeared on TV last night to _______ his newest book.
A. fill B. plug C. seal D. pack
Question 29. The email she received this morning _______ doubts about him on her mind.
A. sowed B. ploughed C. planted D. watered
Question 30. His face _______ deep anger when they returned his car in a bad condition.
A. enrolled B. listed C. recorded D. registered

Created by : Tran Truong Thanh 6



No Word/ Phr Type Meaning
1 commit v cam kết, hứa, phạm tội
2 discipline v phạt, nghiêm khắc với bản thân
3 occupy v khiến bản thân bận rộn
4 eyewitness n nhân chứng
5 agree v đồng ý, giống với
6 seek (to V) v cố gắng làm gì
7 advance v đề xuất
8 strike v tấn công
9 diphtheria n bệnh bạch hầu
10 check v ngăn chặn
11 inevitable adj tất yếu
12 engage v thu hút
13 infringement n vi phạm
14 copyright n bản quyền
15 poach v ăn cắp, ăn trộm
16 deliver v thực hiện, vận chuyển
17 extend v gửi tới
18 erupt v bùng nổ
19 pregnant adj có thai
20 demonstrate v biểu tình
21 grasp v nắm được, hiểu được
22 digest v hiểu thấu
23 divide v chia rẽ
24 extend v sử dụng hết khả năng
25 viewpoint n quan điểm
26 clash v mâu thuẫn
27 float v đề xuất, trôi nổi
28 dissolve v tan biến
29 land v có được, đạt được
30 maintain v khăng khăng cho rằng
31 offend v phạm tội
32 juvenile adj vị thành niên
33 inform v ảnh hưởng
34 plug v giới thiệu
35 plant v gieo rắc
36 register v biểu lộ, đăng ký

Created by : Tran Truong Thanh 7


No Structures Meaning
đưa ra quyết định, quan điểm mà không thể thay
1 commit oneself
đổi sau này
2 discipline oneself nghiêm khắc với bản thân
3 keep fit giữ dáng
4 occupy oneself khiến bản thân bận rộn
5 agree with something giống với thứ gì
6 admitted to hospital nhập viện
7 check the spread of something ngăn chặn sự lây lan của thứ gì
8 engage one’s interst/attention thu hút sự chú ý, hấp dẫn ai
9 deliver one’s promise thực hiện lời hứa
extend one’s welcome/sympathy to
10 gửi lời chào/sự cảm thông tới ai
11 establish oneself nắm giữ vị trí đủ lâu hoặc có thành công
12 force the issue ép buộc phải đưa ra quyết định
13 gather one’s thoughts xốc lại tinh thần
14 extend oneself sử dụng hết khả năng, nguồn lực
15 float the idea đề xuất ý tưởng
16 maintain one’s innocence khăng khăng rằng mình trong sạch
inform one’s ảnh hưởng tới sự lựa chọn/hành vi/quyết định của
choices/behaviour/decisions ai
18 plant doubt(s) on one’s mind gieo rắc sự nghi ngờ vào tâm trí ai
19 register a feeling biểu lộ cảm xúc nào đó

--- THE END ---

Created by : Tran Truong Thanh 8

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