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This free PDF is a compilation of best 25 questions from the CRACK HIGH LEVEL
LOGICAL REASONING course which is a paid course consists of quizzes from all topics
of Puzzle & Seating. For more questions, check CRACK MAINS LEVEL LOGICAL

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Logical Reasoning Mains Monthly PDF - June 2022

Directions: (1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given

In a certain code,
‘Great People Challenges’ is written as ‘U@12 F#10 G@20’
‘Broad Minded society’ is written as ‘V#10 V#12 A@14’
‘Industrial Development Despite’ is written as ‘F#22 N#20 U@14’

1. What is the code for ‘Energetic”?

a) W#16
b) X@18
c) W#18
d) W@18
e) None of these

2. What is the code of ‘Quarantine’? ‘Quarantine’

a) U@18
b) U@20
c) R@20
e) None of these

3. What is the code for ‘Excess Knowledge’?

a) V@12 T@18
b) G@12 U#18
c) V#4 U#5
d) G#12 U@18
e) None of these

4. What is the code of ‘Great Success’?

a) F#10 G#14
b) F@4 G#4
c) F#4 G#4
d) F@4 G@4
e) None of these

5. What is the code for ‘Discrimination’?

a) L#26
b) L#28
c) M@28
d) M#9
e) None of these

Directions: (6-10): Read the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically
follows from the given statements, degrading commonly known facts.

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6. Statements:
Only a few class is Lab
All Lab is (a) No Hall is Library
Some (b) is Ground

All Hall can be (C)
Some classes can be Library

Which of the following options to suitably fill the blank (a), (b), and (c) respectively to make the
conclusion as both follow.
a) Class, Lab, Ground
b) Hall, Library, Ground
c) Library, Hall, Library
d) Library, Hall, Class
e) None of these

7. Statements:
Only a few Pen is Pencil Some Pencil is Book
All Book is Note No Note is Paper
Some (a) is not a Paper
All Pencil can be (b)

Which of the following option to suitably fill the blank (a), and (b) respectively to make the
conclusion as both follow.
a) Pencil, Book
b) Book, Note
c) Note, Pen
d) Pencil, Pen
e) All of the above

Direction (8-10): Each of the questions below consists of some statements followed by some
conclusion. You have to decide which of the option correctly fill the blanks such that the
conclusion must be definitely true:

8. Statements:
Only a few BOB is PNB
Some SBI is PNB
All BOB is RBI
Some (P) are (Q)
Some (Q) can ever be (R)
b) P: HDFC; Q: RBI; R: SBI
c) P: RBI; Q: PNB; R: HDFC
d) Both a and c
e) None of these

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9. Statements:
All Chairs are Wall.
No Wall is Wood
Some Chairs are Table
Only Tables are Window

All (P) can never be (Q) .
No (Q) is (R) .
Some (P) are not (R) .

a) P: Table; Q: Wood; R: Chair

b) P: Wall; Q: Wood; R: Table
c) P: Wood; Q: Chair, R: Wall
d) Both A and B
e) None of these

10. Statements:
Only a few Dogs are Cat.
All Cats Are Rat.
No Tiger is Rat
Some cows are tigers.
Some (P) are not (Q)
All (Q) are not (R)
Some (P) are not (R)
a) P: Dog; Q: Rat; R: Cow
b) P: Dog; Q: Cat; R: Tiger
c) P: Cow; Q: Rat; R: Dog
d) Both B and C
e) None of these

Directions (11-15): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given
A number and word rearrangement machine rearranges given input step by step into final
output following certain rules.

Input: Fabric 29 Organic 54 Crowd 28 Award 39 72 Hang 43 Enough

Step I: Waadr Fabric 29 Organic 54 Crowd 28 39 72 Hang Enough 46

Step II: 69 waadr Fabric 29 Organic 54 28 39 Hang Enough 46 dworc
Step III: Neouhg 69 waadr Fabric 29 Organic 54 39 Hang 46 dworc 25
Step IV: 32 neouhg 69 waadr organic 54 39 Hang 46 dworc 25 cirbaf
Step V: gnah 32 neouhg 69 waadr Organic 39 46 dworc 25 cirbaf 51
Step VI: 42 gnah 32 neouhg 69 waadr 46 dworc 25 cirbaf 51 roganci
Step VI is the last step of the above given input.

Based on the above rule, find the appropriate step-by-step output for giving input.

Input: Energy72 Bring 25 Motion Angle 36 Insert 21 34 Rough 35

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11. Which of the following elements is fifth to the left of the second number from the right end
in step V?
a) 36
b) 39
c) Nagel
d) 28
e) gnirb

12. Which of the following correctly represents step III?

a) Neeryg 28 nagel 27 Motion 33 Insert Rough 35 24 gnirb 31
b) Neeryg 28 nagel 72 Motion 36 Insert Rough 35 24 gnirb 31
c) Neeryg 28 nagel 72 motion 36 Insert Rough 32 24 gnirb 31
d) Neeryg 31 nagel 72 Motion 36 insert Rough 35 24 gnirb 28
e) None of these

13. If all the words in step VI are rearranged in alphabetical order from left to right then, how
many words remain unchanged its positions?
a) One
b) Three
c) Two
d) More than three
e) None

14. Which of the following word is second to the right of the second-lowest number in step IV?
a) Motion
b) 35
c) Rough
d) Nagel
e) 24

15. Which of the following elements is Third to the left of the second even number from the right
end in step III?
a) neergy
b) 28
c) Nagel
d) 72
e) None of these

Directions (16-20): Study the given information carefully and answer the questions based on it.
A letter and number arrangement machine when given an input line of numbers and letters rearranges
them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and


C18Y V13D L06E

A15S H22P X23T

J12R B20U N11G

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Step I:


Step II:
Z14D M19W F5F

O17B Q18I X25V

S8K U3W G15J

Step III:
5 10 5
8 9 7
8 3 6

Step III is the last step of the above input.

As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate
steps for the given input.


P24C M21Q I19K

A26T R22L N25E

X16N O14U S01U

16. Which among the following elements appears in the 2nd column of 2nd row in step II?
a) Y17E
b) U25N
c) M18S
d) U16M
e) B7U

17. What is the difference between the numbers present in 1st column of 2nd row in step II and
2nd column of 3rd row in step III?
a) 15
b) 2
c) 10
d) 3
e) 0

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18. Which element is diagonally and immediately faced to the number which is in the uppermost
left corner in step III?
a) 9
b) 7
c) 10
d) 6
e) 8

19. Which among the following elements appears in front of ATV in row 2 of step I?
a) NPV
b) YOF
c) PYO
d) UNR
e) ZBU

20. How many non-repeated numbers are there in step III?

a) 3
b) 8
c) 9
d) 5
e) 6

Direction (21-23): The question below consists of two statements labelled I and II. You must
decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the questions. Read
the given statements and give your answer.

21. If Anand ranks 25th from the top in his class, what is his rank from the bottom?
Statement I: Vijay who is 3 ranks above Anand is 22nd from bottom
Statement II: Vishal is 7 ranks below Anand in a class of 43 students.
a) Data in statement I alone is sufficient to answer the question
b) Data in statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question
c) Data in either statement I or II is sufficient to answer the question.
d) Data in both statements I and II together are sufficient to answer the question.
e) Data in both statements I and II together are not sufficient to answer the question.

22. Among friends S, T, U, V and W each having a different weight, who among them is the
Statement I: V weighs more than only two people. W weighs more than S but less than T.
Statement II: S weight more than U but less than W. W is not heavier than T.
a) Data in statement I alone is sufficient to answer the question
b) Data in statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question
c) Data in the statement either I or II is sufficient to answer the question.
d) Data in both statements I and II together are sufficient to answer the question.
e) Data in both statements I and II together are not sufficient to answer the question.

23. Six students viz. Mala, Naga, Oviya, Priya, Yadav, and Ratha were given the seminar in the
same week starting from Monday to Saturday, one on each day. How many of them are given
seminars before Oviya?
Statement I: Priya has given the seminar before at least three students. Mala gave the seminar
on Tuesday.

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Statement II: Yadav has given the seminar before at least one of them. Oviya gave immediately
after Priya.
Statement III: Oviya has not given the seminar on Monday.
a) Data in statements I and II are sufficient to answer the question
b) Data in statements II and III are sufficient to answer the question
c) Data in statements I and III are is Sufficient to answer the question
d) Data in all the statements I, II and III together are sufficient to answer the question.
e) Data in all the statements I, II and III together are not sufficient to answer the question.

24. Sangeetha is standing in a position where she is 18th from either end in a row of students.
How many students are there in the row?
a) 31
b) 32
c) 33
d) 34
e) 35

25. Among the five Watermelons, Watermelon A, Watermelon B, Watermelon C, Watermelon D

and Watermelon E, the weight of Watermelon D is more than Watermelon B and Watermelon A.
Watermelon C’s weight is less than Watermelon B but more than Watermelon A. Watermelon E’s
weight is more than Watermelon A but less than Watermelon B. Which Watermelon are the
lightest and the heaviest among all?
a) Watermelon A, Watermelon D
b) Watermelon D, Watermelon B
c) Watermelon C, Watermelon E
d) Watermelon A, Watermelon C
e) Watermelon B, Watermelon A

Directions: (1-5):

1. c) W#18
2. b) U@20
3. d) G#12 U@18
4. a) F#10 G#14
5. b) L#28
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Directions: (6-10):

6. b) Hall, Library, Ground

7. e) All of the above

8. c) P: RBI; Q: PNB; R: HDFC

9. a) P: Table; Q: Wood; R: Chair

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10. b) P: Dog; Q: Cat; R: Tiger

Directions: (11-15):
One word and one number are arranged in each step following the below rule.
For word: Words are rearranged in alphabetical order in such a way that, if the first letter is vowel then
interchange the first and second letter from the left end, and interchange the first and second letter
from the right end are written within the same position, similarly, if the first letter of the word is a
consonant them, letters of the word are written in reverse order.
For number: The product of the digits within the number is taken and then all the original numbers
are arranged in ascending order according to the resultant product value in such a way that, if the
original number is odd then add ‘3’ in that number, else if the original number is even then subtracted
‘3’ from that number.
Based on the above given rule we have the output for the given input as follows:
Input: Energy72 Bring 25 Motion Angle 36 Insert 21 34 Rough 35
Step I: nagel Energy 72 Bring 25 Motion 36 Insert 34 Rough 35 24
Step II: 28 nagel Energy 72 Motion 36 Insert 34 Rough 35 24 gnirb
Step III: neeryg 28 nagel 72 Motion 36 Insert Rough 35 24 gnirb 31
Step IV: 69 neeryg 28 nagel Motion 36 Rough 35 24 gnirb 31 nisetr
Step V: noitom 69 neeryg 28 nagel 36 Rough 24 gnirb 31 nisetr 38
Step VI: 33 noitom 69 neeryg 28 nagel 24 gnirb 31 nisetr 38 hguor

11. c) Nagel
12. b) Neeryg 28 nagel 72 Motion 36 Insert Rough 35 24 gnirb 31
13. c) Two
14. a) Motion
15. c) Nagel

Directions (16-20):
Detailed Explanation:
Step I:
First, we take the alphabet for the middle number, then the immediately following alphabet for the first
and last alphabet respectively.
So, for the given input:

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C18Y V13D L06E

A15S H22P X23T

J12R B20U N11G

In first cell: C18Y

Respective alphabet for 18 is R
And C+1 = D, Y+1 = Z; So RDZ is the first cell of Step I.
So, step I is:



Step II:
Consider each alphabet with a number. This number is the alphabet’s position in the list of alphabet
series e.g. A – 1, B – 2, etc.
Find the sum in each cell by adding numbers associated with each alphabet.
If the sum is a multiple of 2, then in the cell decrease the first and last alphabet by 1, and interchange
the resultant. Then take the remaining letter as a respective number and write that number in the middle
of the alphabet.
E.g., for KOH; K=11, O=15, H=8; 11+15+8 = 34 K-1 = J, H-1 = G, O=15; So, G15J.

If the sum is a multiple of 3, then in the cell, increase the first and last alphabet by 1. Then write the
letter for a respective number and write that number in the middle of the alphabet.
E.g., for TCV; T=20, C=3, V=22; 20+3+22= 45 T+1 = U, V+1 = W, C=3; U3W.

If the sum is both the multiple of 2 and 3, then in the cell, exchange the position of the second and third
alphabet. Then take the remaining letter as a respective number and write that number in the middle
of each cell by subtracting by 4.
E.g., RDZ; R=18, D=4, Z=26; 18+4+26 = 48 18-4 = 14; Z14D.
If the sum is a prime number, then subtract 3 and then divide by 2. Then write the resultant in the
middle of each first and second alphabet by eliminating the third alphabet.
E.g., for MWE; M=13, W=23, E=5; 13+23+5 = 41 41-3 = 38; 38/2 = 19; M19W.

If the sum is a perfect square number, then take the square root of the number. Then write the resultant
in the middle of the alphabets by eliminating the middle alphabet.
E.g., for FMF; F=6, M=13, F=6; 6+13+6 = 25
25 = 5; F5F.
So, step II is:
Z14D M19W F5F
O17B Q18U X26V
S8K U3W G15J

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Step III:
The digits of each number are added and written in the cell by eliminating all the alphabet. E.g., 14→
1+4=5, 19→1+9=10 and so on.
step III is:
5 10 5
8 9 8
8 3 6

Similarly, INPUT:
P24C M21Q I19K

A26T R22L N25E

X16N O14U S01U

Step I:




Step II:

Y17E U25N S19J

Z7U M18S E15X

N25O U16M A20T

Step III:

8 7 10

7 9 6

7 7 2

16. c) M18S
17. e) 0
18. a) 9
19. b) YOF
20. d) 5

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Direction (21-23):
21. Answer: c) Data in either statement I or II is sufficient to answer the question. Solution:
Statement I: Vijay who is 3 ranks above Anand is 22nd from bottom. So, The rank of Vijay from bottom
= 22
The rank of Anand from top = 25 The rank of Vijay from top = 22
Total number of students in class = 22 + 22 - 1 = 43 Rank of Anand from bottom = 43 - 25 + 1 = 19
Statement (II): Vishal is 7 ranks below Anand in a class of 43 students So,
Total number of students in class = 43
Rank of Anand from bottom = 43- 25 + 1= 19
Therefore, Data in statements either I or II is sufficient to answer the question.

22. Answer: d) Data in both statements I and II together are sufficient to answer the question.
Statement I: V weighs more than only two people. W weighs more than S but less than T. So,
Statement II: S weight more than U but less than W. W is not heavier than T. W > S > U
On combining both the statements, T > W > V > S > U
Therefore, Data in both statements I and II together are sufficient to answer the question.

23. Answer: a) Data in statements I and II are sufficient to answer the question Solution:
Statement I: Priya has given the seminar before at least three students. Mala gave the seminar on
Tuesday. So,
Monday Priya/
Tuesday Mala
Wednesday Priya/
Statement II: Yadav has given the seminar before at least one of them. Oviya gave immediately after
On combining both the statements,
Tuesday Mala
Wednesday Priya
Thursday Oviya
Therefore, Data in statements I and II are is Sufficient to answer the question

24. Answer: e) 35
Total = Left + Right -1
= 18+18-1

25. Answer: a) Watermelon A, Watermelon D Solution:

Watermelon D > Watermelon B > Watermelon C/E > Watermelon C/E > Watermelon A

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