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test cope 01254010 MAYIUNE 2013 CARIBBEAN SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE* EXAMINATION ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS Paper 01 ~ General Proficiency Lhour 30 minutes 06 JUNE 2013(p.m. READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. 1. This test consists of 45 items. You will have | hour and 30 minutes to answer them. 2. Imaddition to this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet. 3. Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item you are about to answer and decide which choice is best. 4, Aliist of formulae is provided on page 2 of this booklet. 5. On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below. ‘Sample Item wor(g) 16, a Sample Answer Be) 4 OQ # @O®O@®e@® @) # ‘The best answer to this item is “4, so (C) has been shaded. 6. Ifyou want to change your answer, erase it completely before you fill in your new choice. 7. When you are told to begin, tum the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can, If you cannot answer an item, go on to the next one. You can return to that item later. 8. You may use silent, non-programmable calculators to answer items. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. Copyright © 201 Caribbean Examinations Council All rights reserved. IINOUKATATA AM CSEC Add Maths June 2013 Paper 1 LIST OF FORMULAE Arithmetic Series T,=a+(n—I)d Geometric Series T= ar" 5,- a Circle Vectors Trigonometry Differentiation Statistics Probability Kinematics BHP YetIyte=0 +P Ot =F v a Ne = a aap | EVGA wherev=sityi in A cos B+.cos Asin B cos (A +B) = cos A cos BFsin A sin B tan d tan B_ tan (At B)= ‘AtanB Lees i= ana oy" tsins =cosx PUL B)= PCA) + PB)— PAB) veuta aw+2as smuttdat GO ON TO THR.NFXT PAGE. 1 The expression x —2 is a factor of 6. KS 44-22-56 ®) 48+2e-16 (©) 2+28-4x -8 (D) 3x*- 10-57 +4 ‘The expression ab + 3c — 3b — ac is equal to % (A) @+3) -8) ®) @+3) 6-0) (€) (@-3) b-o) ©) @-3) @+0) Given that x + 2 is a factor of Si) =23-3x*-Sx+p then p is equal to 8. (A) -18 @® 2 o 18 @) 33 2x3 +37 ~ Tx— 6 factorizes completely 2s (A) &+2)- Der-3) BG -24e-1)2e+3) ©, 26+ 2-3) DY —2Ke4 1Y2e+3) ‘The roots of the equation 5x7 + 6x-2=0 are (A) notreal and not distinct (£8) not real and not equal © real and distinct (D) real and equal “The range of vaiues for which BT 10<0is (A) 2>x>5 25 (@) x<-Sandx>-5 The set of values of x for which 3x+2>x2is @) (erx>2} @B) &erx<-2} © &:x> 0} (e:x>2} If,fix) = 3x—4 and f(x) = x, then g(x) is “@ ) © ) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 10. 4. Which one of the graphs below isa 11. function? y of aia 12. : y ® S- , © aa 13. y © = 14. A funotion h is defined by h: x > 5x +2. What is h(a + 3)? . (A) loa+15 2 2a+15 ) a+ 17 @) Sa+i7 “Afunction is defined by f:x— The value of J'() is aM 4 Daa: © -l @) 1 2 >> simplifies to e 7 “@ a ® v2 1 ae 1 @) a (6+V5)(2—V5) can be expressed as os 11-645 @) 21-65 @ +s @) 14105 ‘The value of x for which 4" = 2 is & - ®) © @) nize Nie GO ON TOTHE NEXT PAGE 15. 16. 17. 18. Given that log, X = 6 and log, ¥=4,the 19, value of log, (2) @) 10 8) tog,2 &es,6 20. © ; 2 Given that a and b are the roots of the equation x? + 3x +4 = 0, what is the value (a+ by? 9 oO & ® 1 SS 9 2. © 6 The common ratio of the geometric ‘sequence 8, 12, 1) wis 3 (A) - 4 22, 2 @®) 3 BS 2 1 @) 2 The sum of the ODD integers between 10 and 50is 23. (A) 60 600 © 630 @) = 1960 “For the arithmetic progression -12,~7,-2,3, 8... the n® term is given by 4) sn=17 @B) Sn-12 () -12-sn @) Sn+i7 A long-distance runner runs the first kilometre of a race in 3 minutes 45 seconds butfinds that his speed drops steadily so that each kilometre takes him 12 seconds more than the preceding one. The time taken to cover the first 12 kilometres is 4) 58 mins 12 sees ®) 31 mins 48 secs (C) 9 mins 18 secs (D) 63 mins 36 secs ‘The lines 7x — 4y +25 = 0 and 3x—y—5S=0 intersect at the point P. The coordinates of P is (A) G, 10) ®) 1,8) g ©, -32) (9,22) The line through the points P(k, 2) and (6, 8) is parallel to the line with equation 3x+y-21=0. The value of @ I @), 4 8 aS ‘The points of intersection of the line with equation x + y = 7 and the circle with equation 27 + y*'= 25 are A and B. The coordinates of A and B respectively are (A) @3,-4) and 4, -3) @) (3, Ajand 4, 3) ©, G,-4) and (4-3) wv 3, 4) and (4, 3) GO ON TO_THE NEXT PAGE . 3 ‘The vector a is given as Si+12j. Aunit 27. Given that cos x = [, the value of sin 2x vector parallel to 9 is is 5 (A) 15 + 365 A) 2 (B) 195i + 468) 4 gor ons iB e 4 oO F © Zorn 4 wo Ifx <0 < 2x and 2cos © = V3, then 0 is ; Item 28 refers to the following protractor & We which represents half of a circle. The cae protractor has a radius of 1.5 metres and the angle AOB measures 45°. Sn ®) a Ix Oye, rae 3 OE s ; 28. What is the are length, x, in metres, along ‘Theposition vectorsofAandBrelativetoan theouter edge ofthe protractor in the region origin O are (2) and (B)revestvety. of angle AOB? ‘The acute angle AOB is given by a x 4 aa & (za) : 6% aft a B) .. 4 cy BE «cos ( 3) o -( tr @ £ © «(& 6 (i @) cos (=) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. 29, 31. oe ‘The graph of y= sin x is @ a LA : 4 ®) 7 4 a ¥ 2 If sin G+ 20°) = cos x, then the value of x is WS 35 ®) 45 © 35 ©) 7 sin (a. + 459) is equal to OS Fz ina +coe09 ®) ff (os asin) © } Gin a—cos a) ©) ; (cos o.—sin a) 32. 33. % radians converted to degrees is @ 2 144 © 180 @) 288 Ifsin@= z and 0 is obtuse, then tan 0 = 12 (A) ‘a: A) B Bw AS 12 5 © @ 12 (D) = @) B The trigonometrical expression i sin_x sinx Troost Tress x iS identical to ‘cos () 2sinx @) 2tanx O as sin x ©) tan'x GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 35. 36. 37. Ity= JQ+2) , then Y = de x oO To o = are) 1 Oakey x o« arr) ‘The gradient at x = % on the curve y= sinxis 6 ® ¢ © 3 eo 2 2 The equation of a curve is given by 40- yr@+2)@=1), The gradient function, © i given by @) G-DGF-2+5 ® © @-EF-2-6) s ©) &-1F GF +246) (= 1) Ge -2+ 6) x 38... Ify=—2— then 2 is x43 (A) @) © a ~3x(x+2) e+ 3x(x4+2) . +3" =xG+6) (437 x46) (x43) 39. The curve C is given by the ants ye eels Tho second daivatve, SF is sien by “A a? coe 243 oO @) & @) © @) 12 2416 x 50 The valucofaforwhich fj @7—S)de = 5 6 8 10 GO ON TO-THE NEXT PAGE, 41. 3 8 -9- ‘The region bounded by the curve y ~ »3, the x-axis and the lines x = 0 and x = 1 is rotated 360° about the x axis. The volume of the solid generated can be found from: afta SP asinzse z © — 6x-sinx+e ‘ ws foe ©) 3P-sinx+e © fra 43. If y=3x?+cosxthen fy dr ~ A) x -sinx+e 44, f(sinx+2008x) de= ©) after (A) 2sinx—cosx+ce : (B) cosx+2sinx+e (©) cosx—2sinx +e lee ® 2sinx+cosx+e sy is a 45. The region R is enclosed by the x-axis, the i curve y=~x? +2, the lines x= 0 and x=1. @ SF ‘The area of Ris @ et x—5)* 6 sii os 3 © 2 Dic © 2 o 2 3 END OF TEST IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST.

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