FS1 Module 1 The School Environment

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The School Environment

Lesson 1


Any setting in which learning is supposed to take place is called a learning

This may be describe to a physical space like a classroom, laboratory, or any room. Bernard
(2012) conferred that this may also refer to a non-formal learning environment such as
distance learning and online or virtual learning where the teaching-learning takes place.
Thus, learning environment is more than just the physical components. This serves as the
venue for addressing student’s needs, active communication, and establish connections
amongst others to further effect learning.

According to Hannah (2013), environment plays a very important role for learning.
Learner’s attention toward their studies is affected when they are distracted with stuffs aside
from the lesson being taught. With this, to ensure learning, it is very vital to consider that
certain learner’s needs are met. Therefore, Abraham Maslov, a psychologist, strongly suggest
two of the basic needs – security and safety.


At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

1. determine the characteristics of a school environment that is safe, secure, and is

supportive of learning (PPST 2.1.1); and
2. reflect on a school environment that promotes learning and development;
3. suggest and make their own board display lay-out either through a hand-made drawing,
an electronic (computer) drawing, or a collage; and
4. present their idea of a good school learning environment through a graphic organizer.

Topic Outline
1. Exploring the School Campus
2. Observing Bulletin Board Displays

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TOPIC 1: Exploring the School Campus

Try this!

SCHOOL CAMPUS FLASHBACK: Recall the school premises of your previous elementary
or secondary school (NOTE: Choose only either). Remember the different areas and facilities
that your school have. Fill-out the given checklist. Check the column to indicate their
availability and give a brief description of those that were available. State how each have
contributed to your and other learners’ learning and development.

Name of the School Described: ____________________________________________________

Location of the School: ____________________________________________________________
School Year Attended: ____________________________________________________________

Will it contribute to the students’

Facilities Description learning and development?

Office of the Principal


Counselling Room

Canteen/ Cafeteria

Medical Clinic

Audio Visual/ Learning

Resource Center

Science Laboratory



Outdoor/ Garden

Home Economics Room

Industrial Workshop Area

PTA Office

Comfort Room for Boys

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Comfort Rooms for Girls

(Please specify)

Source: Field Study 1 – Observations of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment (Lucas et.al.,2020)

CLASSROOM THROWBACK: Picture out one of your previous classroom (either during
your elementary or secondary years). Then write your personal observation report on the
space provided.

Class Grade/Year Level: ___________________________________________________________

Section: ___________________________________________________________________________
Adviser’s Name: ___________________________________________________________________

Guide Question Classroom Observation Report

1. Describe the community or

neighbourhood where your
school is found.
2. Describe the school campus.
What colors did you see?
What was the condition of
the buildings?
3. What impression do you
have to those offices found
in your school?
4. Aside from the school halls,
the library, and/or the
cafeteria, what other
facilities that your previous
school has? Describe these.

Source: Field Study 1 – Observations of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment (Lucas et.al.,2020)

1. Describe the walls of your classroom. What were posted on each of these walls?
What heroes, religious figures, lessons, visual-aids, and announcements do you see

2. How were the pieces of furniture arranged? Where was the teacher’s table
located? How were the tables and chairs/ desks arranged?

3. What learning materials/ equipment were present?

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4. Around how many students were occupying in one room? (Approximate number)

5. Was the room well-lit and well-ventilated?

Source: Field Study 1 – Observations of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment (Lucas et.al.,2020)

Check ( ) the box that corresponds to the learning environment of your previous class.
The Learning Environment… Yes No Remarks
1. is clean and orderly.
2. has policies that ensure the safety and
security of students.
3. has space where students can play
4. displays work of students.
5. allows students to freely express their
thoughts and ideas.
6. gives students an opportunity to take part
in the formulation of classroom rules and
7. has teachers who are calm and respectful.
8. encourages students to explore and learn
on their own.
9. gives students opportunities to correct
10. encourages students to resolve conflicts
Source: Field Study 1 – A Guide for 21st Century Student Teachers (Pawilen, et.al.,2019)

Think ahead!

1. How do the school campus and the classroom in particular impact the learning of the
students going to school? What are your conclusions?

2. How does this relate to your knowledge of child and adolescent development? How
does this relate to your knowledge of facilitating learning?

3. In your opinion, how can the school’s learning environment be improved?

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4. How does Maslow’s theory explain the importance of security and safety in ensuring
that learning will take place?

Read and Ponder

A physical environment conducive for learning is one that has consistent practices:
✔ keep the school safe, clean, orderly and free from distraction;
✔ maintain facilities that provide challenging activities;
✔ address the physical, social and psychological needs of the students.

Abraham Maslow formulated a hierarchy of needs which states that each level should
be fulfilled in order to progress to the next stage. Two of the basic needs identified by
Maslow are security and safety. Students should be in an environment where they are free to
move, talk, and interact with others without compromising their physical, psychological, and
emotional health. This can be done by making sure that routines are established, rules are
clearly defined, and policies are explicitly explained. Knowing what to expect provides
students an opportunity to manage behaviour as they deem fit in a predictable learning
environment (Burleson and Thoron 2014).

See if you can do this!

1. If you will become a teacher, would you like to teach in your previous school? Support
your answer.

2. What kind of school campus is conducive to learning?

3. What kind of classroom is conducive to learning?

4. How can you create a classroom conducive to learning in the future?

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