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Western Mindanao State University

College of Teacher Education

Zamboanga City

Members/ Presenters
Lesson Plan in Science
Notario, Kaeth Laurence O.
Olasiman, Leah D. Grade III


I. Objectives
At the end of the 50-minute discussion, the Grade III Olatario pupils will be
able to do the following with at least 75% of accuracy:

a. identify the life cycle of a frog

b. describe the life cycle of a frog
c. enlighten the student’s knowledge about the life cycle of a frog

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Life cycle of a frog
Reference: Science for Daily Use 4
Pages: 53 and 145
Process skills: Identifying, observing, describing and enlightening
Value Integration: Appreciate the life cycle of a frog

III. Science Concepts:

 Life Cycle-refers to the stages or changes that an animal goes through while
it’s alive. A life cycle repeats itself (or goes in a circle) for each new
generation of life.
 Stages of a life cycle of a frog:
 Stage 1: Egg- The Egg is the first phase of the life cycle of a frog. A
frog begins life as a fertilized egg.
 Stage 2: Tadpole- The tadpole is the second phase of a frog’s life
cycle. Tadpoles hatch from eggs. When the tadpole is disgusted, it
does not look exactly like a frog, but rather like a fish.
 Stage 3: Froglet- Froglet is the third stage of a frog’s life cycle. In this
stage the lungs and two front legs also grow.
 Stage 4: Adult Frog- The adult frog is the fourth and final stage of life
cycle of a frog. Now it is perfectly fit to leave the water and live on
the land.

IV. Materials
 Incentive chart, Flip Chart, Envelope, Pictures
V. Procedures

 Preparation

Good morning class (Good morning teacher) before we start, I want you to stand
and pick up the pieces of paper (The children pick up the pieces of paper). You may now
take your seat. Okay, I have here a picture –can you tell me what’s in the picture? (A
pond teacher) What did you observe in the pond? (It’s a dried pond teacher) What does
the pond look like? (It has a much water) Very good! These pond will represent your
group. We will be having a 3 groups and I have here a mini droplets of water to represent
your points. The first group to fill the dried pond will win. But before anything else, what
do you think are the ways to fill the dried pond? What are the things to remember?
(Cooperate well) (listen carefully) participate actively) Okay! Very good!

A. Engage
 Motivation

I have here a poem. Do you like to know the poem? (Yes, teacher) Okay, together we
read out loud the poem.

Tiny eggs in the water, waiting there to hatch
(Tuck down close to the floor and wrap your arms around yourself)
Swimming tadpoles, with tails that make them hard to catch
(Stand up hold arms close to body and close legs together wiggling just the body)
Once they grow legs and the tail goes away
(Move arms in front in a swimming motion while wiggling body, but stop when you hear
the word away)
They become a frog and their own eggs they’ll lay
(Hop in one spot, then squat down to lay eggs)
Do you find the poem fun? (Yes, teacher) What is the poem all about? (It’s all about
What happened to the frog? (It undergoes different changes) Now, from this poem, what
do you want to find out?
* How does the frog’s life cycle works?
1. Maybe, because it undergo a transformation
2. Maybe, because the passage of days and weeks
3. Maybe, the water affects the changes

B. Explore

Today we will be having an activity entitled “Think, reflect and identify” wherein
you’re going to identify the life cycle of a frog. I have here an envelope inside of it are the
materials for you to be able to complete the said activity. Now I want the leaders to go
here in front and pock their task. But before that, what are the things you should
remember while doing the activity? (Listen attentively, cooperate with the group, and
observe silence) Great!

“It’s Frog Time”

Instructions: Cut out pictures below and match them to the four different stages of the
life cycle. Glue the pictures, then color the life cycle chart you made.
Guide Questions:
1. What is the 1st stage of the life cycle?
2. What comes next when it’s hatch?
3. What is the 3rd stage of the life cycle?
4. What is the last stage of the life cycle?
5. How is the life cycle begin again?

C. Explain
At this moment, we are going to check your presentation, let us see if your
answers are right or wrong.

1.) What is the 1st stage of the life cycle? (The first stage of the life cycle begins
with the eggs. A frog lays many eggs in one time. The eggs are covered in a jellylike
coating.) Very good! Most frogs come from tiny eggs. A mother frog lays eggs in or near
water. A frog can lay thousands of eggs at once. The eggs are in large clumps. A jelly
coating makes the eggs slippery that protects them from being eaten by other animals.
2.) What comes next when it’s hatch? (The second stage is the tadpole. Once the
eggs hatch, these tadpoles have gills for breathing in water. They have a tail, but no legs!)
Very good! A tiny tadpole grows inside each egg. A few weeks later, the tadpole hatches.
A tadpole lives in water. It breathes using gills. It uses its long tail to swim and moves like
a fish. Tadpoles eat tiny water plants called algae
3.) What is the 3 rd stage of the life cycle? (The third stage is the froglet. As it
changes from a tadpole to a froglet, lungs begin to grow. Back and front legs begin to
grow) Very good! The tadpole grows legs and toes. The tadpole’s gills grow smaller, and
the tadpole starts to grow lungs. It swims to the top of the water to breathe air. The
tadpole starts to look more like a frog.
4.) What is the last stage of the life cycle? (The final stage is adult frog. Once the
lungs begin to work, the gills and tail disappear. The adult frog is now ready to live on
land.) Very good!
5.) How is the life cycle begin again? (For the cycle to begin again, the adult frog
lays eggs.) Very good! The adult frogs then lay their eggs and more tadpoles hatch and
begin the cycle again!
D. Elaborate
Okay class, let’s find out now how much do you know about the life cycle of a frog? (A
frog goes through four stages of life. It changes and grows at each stage.) Very good!
What are the 4 stages of the life cycle of a frog? (Egg, Tadpole, Froglet and Adult Frog)
Very good! How the life cycle begins again? (It begins again when the adult frog lay eggs
and more tadpoles hatch and the process begins again.) Very good! How does it differ
from the life cycle of a human? (Just like the life cycle of a human, animals also undergo
in a process or a cycle.) Very good! What is the importance to know the life cycle?
(During its life cycle, a process goes through physical changes that allows it to reach
adulthood and produce new one.) Correct! And for the last one, how can we give
importance to those animals that goes through a process? (By taking care of them and
make sure that we will not hurt them.) Very good! Now to understand more of our
lesson I have here a chart and you must fill the blank with correct answers okay? (Yes,

A female frog________ in water.

The _______ frog fertilizes the eggs.
The From each egg, a _______ is hatched.
At first it cannot swim well because it has no
Life ______.
It uses it’s _____ to hang onto plants. As it grows
Cycle larger, it becomes a much better swimmer.
of a Soon its ______ legs start to grow, then its ______
Frog Over time, its _____ gets shorter.
Finally it is ready to climb into land. It has become
an_______ frog.

Now let’s go back to the problem you’ve raised earlier. How does the frog’s life cycle
works? (A frog goes through four stages of life. It changes and grows at each stage) Very
good! Let’s check if your predictions are correct. Maybe, it undergo a transformation.
(Correct) Maybe, the passage of days and weeks. (Correct) Maybe, the water/land that
they live. (Correct) Very good! Now it seems that you have understood the lesson for
today, I have decided to give you a task.
E. Evaluation

Direction: Answer the following questions based on the lesson that we have discussed.

1. What is our lesson for today?

a. life cycle of frog
b. frog
C. cycle

2. What is the first stage of frog's life cycle?

a. egg
b. land
c. tadpole

3. What will you do when you see a frog dying due to the heat of the sun?
a. kill the frog because it is dangerous
b. bring the frog to the pond to survive
c. let the frog die

4. Where is the frog lay eggs?

a. land
b. sea
c. in the pond where there is water

5. Who will lay the eggs?

a .mother
b. father
c. none of the above

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