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Sequencing Problem
"An order is to be observed in all things"
The selection of an
appropriate order for a series of jobs to be done on a finite number of service
facilities, in some pre-assigned order, is called
sequencing. A practical situation may correspond to an
industry producing a number of products, each of which is to be processed through different
of course, finite in number. machines,


Consider a
problem of machine operator who has to perform three operations, namely (i)
(ii) threading, and (iii) knurling on a finite number of different turning.
required perfornm these operations (in minutes) for each job is known.
Let there be six jobs and the time
first goes for turning, then for Also it is given that each job
is to decide which job should be
threading, and lastly for
knurling. The problem of the machine operator
processed first, which to process next, and so on, i.e., the order
(sequence) of the jobs for the above-mentioned operations in order to minimize the
to turm out all the total time required
jobs. This is an examnple of six-job and three-machine
consider the general case. sequencing problem. We now
The general
sequencing problem may be defined as : Let there be n jobs to be
a time on each of m machines. The
sequence (order) of the machines in which each
performed one at
performed is given. The actual or expected time required by the job should be
given. The general sequencing problem, therefore, is to find thejobs on each of the machines
is also
sequences which minimize the total elapsed time between the start of sequence out of (n !)" possible
the completion of the last the job in the first machine and
job on the last machine.
Given below are the
assumptions underlying a sequencing problem:
1. Each job, once started on a
machine, is to be performed up to completion on that
2. The machine.
processing time on each machine is known. Such a time is
jobs in which they are to be processed. independent the order of the
3. The time taken
by each job in changing over from one machine to
4. A job starts on the another is negligible.
to the machine and
machines as soon as the
job and the machine both are idle and
the machine is also next to the
job. job is next
5. No machine
may process more than one job
6. The order of simultaneously.
order of completion of job has no
significance, i.e., no job is to be given priority. The
completion of jobs is independent of sequence of jobs

are facilities through
which a job mn
in sequencing
basic terms service
Some of the number of
It refers to the
.Number of
machines machines are required for
be completed. in which given
before it is assumed to order (sequence)
It refers to the
Processing order each machine.
completing the job. job on
the time required by a
and completing the last
3. Processing
time : It indicates
between starting the first job
interval of
elapsed time It is the time order by the given set to process.
4. Total a particular not have a job
the idle time (if any) in which a
machine does
Job including machine: It is the
time for
the start of job
S. ldle time o n which jobs are to be
end of job (i 1)
the order in

time from the maintaining machines M

i.e., idle the rule of through three
rule : It refers to to be processed
6. No passing if n jobs are
each job will go
to machine
machines. For example, m e a n that
on given rule will
and M, then this
and in the order Mi, M2,
M2 to Mg.
to M2 and lastly
M, first, then
two machines, say M, and M2
which is to be processed through In other words, a
Let there be jobs, each of
the s a m e sequence
of operations.
has to pass through on machine M,
it is
order M,M2. That is, each job been completely processed
after it has
on machine M,
first and the same job,
moment for processing
job is assigned M2 is not free at the
machine M2. If the
machine M2, i.e., passing
is not allowed. Let
assigned to for its turn on
wait in a waiting line on the jth
then the job has to for processing ith job
be the time required
1, 2,..., n) in processing all the jobs
( i 1, 2:j

machine M, will remain busy


therefore of
Since passing is not
of one job and
before starting
idle after completion
machine M2 may remain machine. Let X2 be the time
one-by-one while time of the second
the objective is to minimize the idle the Jun
another job. Thus
finishing (j- 1)th job and
before starting processing
remains idle after
for which machine M,
n). Clearly, the total elapsed time T is given by
job (j =
1, 2, ...,

T- A
of the X2;'s may be zeros.
where some
since E is the total time for which machine "
is to minimize T. However,
The problem now
of the optimization problem. Thus, the prop of
thus fixed, it does not form a part
has to work and is convenient procedure for obtaining a sequenee
minimizing 2*2 A very
reduces to that of Ganit Chart:
to minimize is well illustrated
2Xj by the following
performing jobs
Utilised time
I d l e time on M2

Me X2 2 2425 2n

Time taken in hours

Fig. 12.1 Gantt Chart

From the chart, it is apparent that

X21 i
if ft12 >X1 t h
0 otherwise
The expression for X22 may be rewritten as
X22 = Max. {t +12-X21 - 121. 0}

X21+ X22 = Max. {t +12-21. ) . since X1 fi

X23 Max. { +12t13-h1-/22-X21-*2. 0
This gives
21 + X22 + X23 Max.
Max. -Å v-s.
In general, we have


becomes that of finding the sequence

Now, if we denote, 2 X by D, (S), then the problem
D, S (S,) for any
so as to have the inequality D, (S)
<S"> for processing the jobs 1, 2, n ..,
determine an optimal sequence so as
other than <S">. In other words, one has to
sequence <S>
above rule. This can be achieved iteratively by
minimize D, ($) applying the than
of jobs gives a value of D, (S) smaller
the consecutive jobs. Each such interchange
or equal to its value before the change.

Optimum Sequence Algorithm

2 machines can be
determining the optimum sequence for n jobs on
The iterative procedure for
summarizedas follows
times in a table as shown belowv
Step 1: List the jobs along with their processing J
Job number 2
Processing time on machine M 12
M2 22
rows for processing
times on machines M, and M. and find the
Step 2. Examine the
find out min. (ti, /2) for all j.
processing time in each row, i.e., the corresponding
time is for the first machine M, then place
Step 3. If the smallest processing !f it is for the second machine, then place the
available position in the sequence.
job in the first
in the last available position in the sequence.
corresponding job be
is tie in selecting the minimum of all the processing times, then there may
Step 4. If there a
three situations then
(a) Minimum among all processing times
is same for the machine, i.e., min (t1p 2)= tu la, =

process the kth job first and the nh job

then select
330 on
machine M, only,
times ty
occurs among
) it the tie for the
machine M2. then select
process first.
arbitrarily the job to
times 2
occurs among
(C) it the tie
for the minimum
placing the remaining
arbitrarily the to process last.
job steps 1 through 4,
and repeat
the jobs already assigned
Srep 5. Cross off all the jobs have
been assigned.
to last, until
JObs next to first
or next
and M2 :
time for machines M finishes on M,)
Step 6. Calculate idle when the last job in a
Total elapsed time (time -

(a) ldle time for M, finishes on M


which the first job in

a sequence
Time at
(6) ldle time for M2

starts on M)
+ (time when the jth job in a sequence

finishes on M,)}.

(time when the (j- 1)th job in a sequence

as under
two machines is
to process all jobs through
Step 7. The total elapsed time finishes on machine M2.
Time when the nth job in
a sequence
Total elapsed time =

where fa = Time required for processing jth job on machine M2

(j- 1)th job and
machine M, remains idle after processing
l Time for which
before starting work on jth job.
two machines gives us thee
Note. The procedure outlined above for the processing of n jobs on

minimum total elapsed time.


which should go through two machines

1201. In a factory, there are six jobs to perform, each of
the jobs are given here. You are
A and B, in the order A, B. The processing timings (in hours) for
would minimize the total elapsed time,
required to determine the sequence for performing the jobs that
T. What is the value of T?
Job 3 J4 Js 6
Machine A 3 8 5 6 3
Machine B 6 3 2 2 10
Madras M.B.A. 2004
Solution. The smallest processing time in the given problem is I on machine A. So, perform J
in the beginning as shown below:

The reduced set of processing times becomes

Job Ja
Machine A 8 5 6 3
Machine B 6 3 2* 2% 10
The minimum processing time in this reduced problem is 2 which coresponds to J and J, both on
machine B. Since the corresponding processing time of Js on machine A is larger than tne
corresponding processing time o 4 on machine A, Js will be processed in the last and J shall e

processed next to last. The updated job sequence is


The remaining processing times aree

Job 2
3 8 3*
Machine A
Machine B
Now, there is a for the smallest processing time in this reduced problem.
tie among 3 jobs
processing time
correspond to J2 and J, on machine A, and to J3 on machine B. As the corresponding
time of Jz on machine B, J, Will be
of J on machine B is larger than the corresponding processing is
next to Now step 4(a) applies and J2 should be placed next. The updated job sequence
The total elapsed time is calculated below:
This sequence is the optimum one.
Machine A MachineB Tdle time on B
Job Out
In Out In
J 16
6 22
7 16
7 15 22
20 25 27
J4 15
26 27 29
From the above information, we get T = 29 hours.
3 hours and that for machine B is one hour.
Idle time of machine A is (29

can be illustrated as below:
The Gantt chart for the above problem

Machine A

Machine BX21

9 121518 21 24 2730
Fig. 12.2
one binding machine, and the manuscripts of
1202. A book binder has one printing press, each
the printing and binding operations for
number of different books. The time required to perform
books shoula be processed, in order to minimize
book is shown below. Determine the order in which
the total time required to turn out all the books
3 4 6
Book 2
50 20 90 100
30 120
Printing time (hrs.) 100 90 60 30 10
Binding time (hrs.) 80
(Panjab B.Com. 2006
and then the binding machine. If
Solution. Here, the books will first go to the printing press
1, 2, 6) the binding
6) denotes the time in hours on printing press and B,(i

P(i 1, 2,

= 10 corresponding to Bg, book 6 will be processed in the

time for books, then since min. {P, B}
last. The problem then reduces to the following five and two machines

332 4
3 90
50 30
Book 120 50
30 90 just in the
P 100 book 4
Will be processed
80 Therefore,
B which
corresponds to P
Now, Min. {Pp B,}= cells as
shown in the sequence
beginning. The entries are 6
two machines with their
books and
are now left with 4
4 and 6, we
After assigning books 5
as follows:
processing times 2 90
Book 120 30*
30* 90
P 80
and i.e., there is a tie for the
B is 30 which corresponds to P us the sequence
minimum of P and B, the last, yielding
Now, the book 5 next to
book 1 next to the
first and
minima. So, we pl2ce
5 6
4 41 with their respective processing
of 2 jobs and 2 machines
We are now left with the problem
as follows 2
Book 50*
120 90
P 100
B book 3 in the third cell and
time is 50 hours for book 3, we place
Here, since smallest printing optimal sequence :
book 2 in the fourth cell and get the following
the remaining
4 3 2S6
from the start of the first book to
the completion of the last book
The minimum elapsed time
as shown in the following
corresponding ihe optimal sequence computed ldle time of
Printing nachine Binding machine
binding machine
Book Time out Time in Time out
Time in
20 80 20
0 20
80 160 0
20 50
160 250 0
3 50 100
2 100 220 250 350
220 310 350 380 0
310 420 420 430 40

From the above table it is cleas that minimum elapsed time is 430 hours. ldle time for prnin
machine is 10 hours (from 420 hours to 430 hours) and for binding machine is 20 + 40 60 hous.
Remarks 1. It may be noted that the total elapsed time is equal to the sum of the idle time of binding
machine and the total processing time on binding machine.
2. The twtal elapsed time can also be calculated by using Gnatt chart.

1203, We have five jobs, each of which must go through the two machines A and B in the oru AB.

Processing times in hours are given in the table below

Job (i)
Machine A (4) 5
9 10
Machine B (B) 7
Determine a sequence for the five jobs that will minimize the elapsed time. Panjab M.C.A. 2007)

1204. A ready-made garment company has to process 7 items through two stages of production, viz., cutting
and sewing. The time taken by each of these items at the different stages are given as
hem 3
Cutting 4 3 5 12
Sewing 3 5
Find an order in which these seven items are to be processed so as to minímize the total processing time
Delhi M.Com. 2010]
1205. A company has six jobs on hand coded 'A' to 'F. All the jobs have to go through two machines 'M
and 'M Ir. The time required for each job on each machine, in hours, is given below:
12 18 9 15 6
18 24 24 3 15
the six the two machines. Punjabi M.B.A. 2005]
Draw a sequence table scheduling jobs on

are to be processed on two machines A and B in the order A> B. Each machine cann
1206. Seven jobs
time. The processing times (in hours) are as follows
process only one job at a

2 4 S 6
7 14 5 16
Machine A 10 12 13
9 7 16
Machine B 15 11 3
time. IDelhi M.Com. 2006]
Suggest optimum sequence of processing jobs and the
the total elapsed
time on two machines
1207. In the machine shop, 8 different products are being manufactured each requiring
A and B as given below
Time (in min.) on machine A Time (in min.) on machine B
45 30

15 50

IV 20
V 40
VI 50
VII 20
of different products in order to minimize he total manufacturing
Decide the optimum sequence of processing used.
discuss the scheduling model
time for all the products. Name and A.I.M.A. P.G. Dip. in Management (June) 1996
of a company is divided
in two parts C and C2 which cares for the
1208. The maintenance crew
is responsible for replacement of the parts
of the seven machines M, Ma, M, in the factory. Crew C
crews C and
resets the machines back
for operation. The time required by
are worm out while crew C2 oils and
C2 on different machines is given Maintenance time (in hrs.)
Crew C Crew C2
Mi 20
M2 22
Ms 20
MA 30
Ms 6
M6 16
M that the total time taken is minimized.
by crew C and C2 so
In what order the machines should be handled
Also determine what shall this time be?
12:5, PROCESSING * JOBS sequence(s) in problem.
optimal obtain
no general method
available by
only by enumeration, which is a
which we can
nere is They can be handled would regitira
of n jobs on k machines. of (n !9* different sequences
nvolving processing exercise because
a total
condition that no
lengthy and time-consuming method applicabie under tne
very we do have
stipulated below
1s/are satisfied
consideration in such a case. However, of the conditions
and if either or both
passing of jobs is permissible Mj, M2, M, in
through k machines, say

of which is to be processed
Let there be n jobs, each times is
The list of jobs with their processing
the order M1, M2, M. ..,
Job Number t12 13
M 23 2n
t21 t22
Processing time 32 I33
on machine M3

k2 k3 kn
be obtained, if either or both of the following conditions
An optimum solution to this problem can

hold for i = 2, 3, .., k-1.

min. t1j max. lij»
for i = 2. 3, k - .
min. kj2 max. lij»
or (b)

Optimal Sequence Algorithm

The iterative procedure for determining the optimal sequence for 'n' jobs on * machines can be
summarized as follows
Siep 1. Find min. '1i, min. tgi and maximum of each of
for all j = 1, 2, .

Step 2. Check the following

(a) min. t 2 max.tij for i = 2. 3, . . k-1
or (b) min. zj2 max. tij for i = 2. 3, ... k-1
Step 3. If the inequalities of step 2 are not satisfied, method fails. Otherwise go to next step.
Step 4. Convert the k machine problem into a two-machine problem by introducing two fictitious
machines G and H, such that

Step 5. Determine the optimal sequence for the "n
jobs and 2' machines equivalent sequencng
problem with the prescribed order GH in the same
way as discussed earlier. The resulting sequene
shall be optimum for the given problem.
Remarks 1. In addition to conditions given in Step 4, if

is a fixed positive constant for all i I, 2,

, then determine the
two machines M and Mg in the order Mi,
M; by using the optimal
optimal sequence for n jobs an
2. In addition to the conditions given in Step 4, if sequence algorithm.
y y and
'n forj l, 2,
then there will be n! opumal sequences, cach of which will
minimum total elapsed time.
above-mentioned procedure
3. The of solving
the sequencing
ethod is applicable only to those sequencing problems problems
in which
is not a general
procedure. Tn
the minimum cost (time)

to the cost of processing

processing the jobs through first and/or last machine is greater than or equalin which the machines are
There are many industrial operations,
the jobs through mediocre machines.
in some order which does not obey this rule.

based on the
minimizes the total elapsed time
of jobs that
1209. Determine the optimal sequence not allowed
time machines is given in hours and passing is
following information processing
Job 7 8
8 4 9
Machine M 3
3 2 5
Machine M2 5 12
Machine M3 IMadras B.E. 1999; Delhi
M.Com. 2006]
each of which is to be processed through 3 machines M. M2
Solution. We are given 7 jobs

M in the order M, M Mg. 3, min.i3i 5 and max. ta 5. Since =

3; we observe that min. '1


Therefore, for n 7 and k= =

converted into that of 7 jobs and 2 machines.

is satisfied, the problem can be
min. 32 max.
two machines, such that
Thus, if G and H are the
G; 'y+ 2j for j = I, 2, 7
and 2 machines problem:
then the problem can be
rewritten as the following 7 jobs and F G
A B 7+ 3 = 10
Job 9 9+ 1 =10 8 +4 12
8+3 11 7+ 2 9 4 +5 3 12 = 15
G 3 +4 7 5 11 16 1+5 =6 46 10
H 4 + 6 10 3+ 7 10 2 5 =7 + =

easily be obtained
sequence can
the optimal sequence algorithm, the following optimal
For total elapsed time, we
A 22 30 37
14 46
3 30 37
In 22
M Out 3
14 22 30 37 46
34 39 47
In 17 25
M2 12 43 49 $4
Out: 36
7 13 24 54 59
In 43 49
24 36
Ms Out: 13
times is 59 hours. ldle
time is 13 hours for
minimum total elapsed
This table indicates that the
hours for and 7 hours for
M Mg. in the
M. 37 the machines
M, G
1, 2, 6)
which has to go through
1210. We have 4jobs each of below :
Processing time (in
hours) is given
order Mj, Ma, Mg

Machines M6
Mg M4 Ms
M M2 2 10 25
8 7 19
Job A 18 9
17 7 15
Job B 8
11 12
Job C 3
Job D 20 time. (Meerut M.Com. 1998]
that minimizes the total elapsed
Deternine a sequence of these four jobs
336 are 8, 9, 6 and o
and s;
12: max. of ty 'y aj
Here min. , = 1l and min.ts, =

OtoR = l, . 3, 4, 5) are
or (y
respectively. min. h2
max. i
ince, the conditions min.1, 2 max. I and

be written as D
satisfied. the given problem can
B 39
Job A 36
46 31
Machine G 45 40
Machine H 52

where G, = and H, is easily obtained

sequence algorithm, the following
sing the opt1mal
given in the following
The total elapsed time is

Job M3 M4 Ms M6
M M2 24-29 29-36 36-51
11-16 16-24 56-81
C 0-11 46 46-56
29-37 37-44 81-100
A 11-29 61-67 67-75
46-52 52-61 100-112
B 29-46 73-77 77-85
66-70 70-73
D 46-66
minimum total elapsed time
is 112 hours.
This table shows that the
is not allowed:
problem when passing out
1211. Solve the following sequencing
Machine (Processing time in hours)
Item D
4 15
15 5
10 12
5 16
6 3
4 17
17 3

12, and max. B, = 5 and max. C; = 10.

Solution. Here, min.A; =

and C, the given problem can be rewritten as

max. B, max.
Since min.A, 2
ltem 24
Machine G 24 24 24
24 24 24
Machine H .
where G, =
A, + B, + C, and H, =
B, + C, + D
Since G H = and A, =
D, are satisfied, therefore using the optimal sequence algorithm, we
sequence, each giving
us an optimal sequence:
41 24) etc.
Each of the above optimal sequence will yield us the same total elapsed time. For the
time, we have
15 43
In 27
Machine A 15 27 60
Out 43
In 15 27 43 60
Machine B
20 29 46 63

hem IV

Machine C
In 20 29 46 63
Out 24 39 51 67
Machine D In 24 39 56 67
Out 39 51 67 84
Total elapsed time is 84 hours.

1212. Given the following data :
(a) Job 2 4
Machine A 12 10 9
MachineB 6
14 4
Machine C 6
(b) of processing jobs :A CB
(c) Sequence suggested: Jobs 5, 3, 6,
2, 1, 4.
() Determine the total elapsed time for the sequence suggested.
(ü) Is the given sequence optimal?
(i) If your answe is 'No', determine the optimal sequence and the total elapsed time associated with it.
1213. We have five jobs, each of which must go through machines A, B and C in the order A B C. Processing
times (in hours) are given in the following table
Job 2 5
Machine A (4) 8 11 14 21 17 8
Machine B (B) 6 3 1 2 5 4

Machine C(C) 10 9 15 13 18 11 9
Delhi M.BA. (PT.) 2009]
1214. Determine the optimal sequence of jobs that minimizes the total elapsed time based on the following
Job 6
Machine A 10 12
Machine B 6 4 3
Machine C 8 7 9 10 6

Processing time on machines is given in hours and passing is not allowed. Delhi M.Com.2008]
1215. Find the sequence that minimizes the total time required in performing he following jobs on three
machines in the order ABC:
Processing time Job
(in hours) on
Machine A 2
Machine B 2

Machine C 9 10 9
Meerut M.Se. (Math.) 1997)
1216. (a) A book binder has one printing press, one binding machine and the manuscripts of a number of
different books. The time required to perform the printing and binding operation for each book is known.
Determine the order in which the books should be processed in order to minimize the total time required to process
all the books. Find also the total time required. (Ciearly state any algorithm you might use.)
Processing time (in minutes)
Book 2
Printing time 40 90 80 60 50
Binding time 50 60 20 30 40
b) Suppose that an additional operation is added to the process described in (a), viz., finishing. The time
equired for this operation is given below
Finishing time (in minutes)
Book 2 3 4

Finishing time 80 100 60 70 100

What is the order in which the books should be processed? Find also the minimum total elapsed time.
7 items through
two stages of produo
has to process are given below in appronriotVi
l7. A readymade garments

of these at the different stages opriate units

cutting and sewing The time taken for each 5 6
2 6 7
7 9
Process time
Cutting 8
6 sO as to minimize th
Sewing through these stages he
items are to be processed total
(a)Find an order in which these
processing time. and packing, With processing time for.
6) Suppose a third stage of production is added,
viz., pressing these
items as follows 5 6
2 10
11 13 12 1
Processing time 10 12
Find and packing)
an order in which these seven items are to be processed so as to minimize the time taken to cess
the items through all the three stages. IAS 1991
1218. Solve the following sequencing problem, giving an optimal solution when passing is not allowed
12 15 16
Machine M 10
Machine M2 4

Machine M 4
14 12 8 10
Machine M4
1219. Solve the following sequencing problem, giving an optimal solution when passing is not allowed :
Machine (Processing time in hours)
Job M M2 M3 M4
20 3 3 25
2. 12 11
18 2 0
17 28
[Madras M.B.A. 196
1220. When passing is not allowed, solve the sequencing problem giving an optimal solution
Machines (processing time in hours)
Job M M2 M3 M4
A 11 11
B 8
C 12 12
D 13 13
M.Sc. (Math.) 199


Let there be two I and 2 each of which is to be in
jobs k machines say M, M2 ** M
processed on
o different orders. The technological
ordering of each of the two jobs through k machines i

in advance. Such ordering may not be same for both the

on all the given machines are known. Each machine
jobs. The exact or expected processctive
can perform only one job at a time.
is to determine an optimal sequence of Tne
the jobs
total elaps so as to minimize
The optimal sequence in this case can be obtained by making use of graph. 1nchtion solut

procedure can be summarised in the following steps

Step 1. Draw job.
lines, horizontal
while job 2 remains idle, and the vertical one
ing time for
representing the processingwhile
h i l ej o b .

remains idle.
representing the processing time for job 4

vertical ines
Step 2. Mark the processing time for jobs 1 and 2 and
respectively according to the given order of machines. on the horizontal veru
Step 3. Construct various blocks starting from the origin (starting point) by pairing the same
machines until the end point.
Step 4. Draw the line starting from origin to end point by moving
diagonally along a line which makes an angle of 45° with the horizontal horizontally, vertically
line (base). The and
segment of this line indicates that first job is under process while second job is idle. Similarly, the
vertical segment of the line indicates that the second job is under process while first job is idle. The
diagonal segment of the line shows that both the jobs are under process simultaneously.
Step 5. An optimum path is one that minimizes the idle time for both the jobs. Thus, we must
choose the path on which diagonal movement is maximum.
Step 6. The total elapsed time is obtained by adding the idle time for either job to the processing
time for that job.


1221. Use 8raphical method to minimize the time added to process the following jobs on the
machines shown, ie., for each machine find the job which should be done first. Also calculate the
total time elapsed to complete both the jobs:

Job Sequence A B C D E
Time 3 4 2
Sequence C A E
Job 2
Time 3 2 6
[Karnataka B.E. (Prod.) 1994; Meerut M.Sc. (Math.) 1996
Solution. The solution procedure for solving the above problem can be summarised in the
following steps.
Step 1. Draw the set of axes at right angle to each other where X-axis represents the processing
time of job I on different machines while job 2 remains idle and Y-axis represents processing time of
job 2 while job I remains idle.
Step 2. Mark the processing times for jobs 1 and 2 on X-axis and Y-axis respectively according to
the given order of machines as shown in Fig. 12.3

Job 2 A
20 Finish

Job 1
14 its
D 12

3 15 17 Job 1

Fig. 12.3
For example, machine A takes 3 hours for job 1 and 3 hours for job 2. Construct the rectangle for
machine A as shown in Fig, 12.3. Similarly construct other rectangles for machine B, CD and E.
Step 3. Construct various blocks starting from the origin by pairing the same machines until a
point marked 'finish' is obtained.
marked finish' by moving horiz
origin to the point of the horizontal axihaly
Step 4. Draw a line starting fromwhich makes an angle 45 with
vertically and diagonally along a line while second job is idle o.Oin
that first job is under process
horizontall along this line indicates is under process while first ioh
indicates that the second job
moving vertically along this line
shows that both the jobs
are under process simu process simultaneously
1ne diagonal movement along this line
machine is not possible, therefore
Since, simultaneous processing of both the jobs on a
movement through rectangles areas is not

movement is not allowed. In other words, diagonal
for both the jobs. Thus
minimizes the idle time
An optimal path is one that
Step 3, is maximum as shown
in Fig. 12.3.
choose the path on which diagonal movement

idle time for either of the two jobs to the proce

For the elapsed total time, we shall add the
is 5 hours for job I and 2 hours for
time of that job. Now, since the idle time for the chosen path joh
2, the total elapsed time is obtained as follows
Processing time of job 1 + idle time for jobl
17+(2+3) = 22 hours.
idle time for job 2
Processing time of job 2 +
20+2 = 22 hours.
1222. Using graphical method, calculate the minimum time needed to process job I and 2 on fie
machines A, B, C, D and E, i.e., for each machine find the job which should be done first. Aln
calculate the total time needed to complete both jobs.
Job Sequence
Time (hours 8 12
Job 2 Sequence
10 4 12
Time (hours)
Solution. Draw two axes at right angle to each other where X-axis represents the processing i
of job I on different machines while job 2 remains idle, and Y- axis represents the processing ime d
job 2 on different machines while job I remains idle.
Mark the processing times for both the jobs I and 2 on X-axis and Y-axis respectively accordng
to the given order of machines as shown in Fig. 12.4. For example, machine A takes 6 hours tor
1 as well as for job 2. Construct the rectangle for machine A as shown Fig. 12.4. Similarly, consns
other rectangles for machines B, C, D and E.

Job 2
40 Finish
Job 1

C 2

4 8
12 16 20 24 28 32
36 40Job 1
Fig. 12.4

Draw a line starting from origin to the point marked 'finished' by moving horizontally., vertically
and diagonally along a line which makes an angle of 45° with the horizontal axis. A horizontal move
recents processing of job 1 while job 2 remains idle; a vertical move represents processing of job
2 while job I remains idle. The diagonal movement (i.e., a 45° line) shows that both the jobs are
under process simultaneously. Since simultaneous processing of both the jobs on a machine is not
therefore diagonal allowed.
movement is not
An optimal path is one that minimizes idle time for both job I and 2. This means, this path
should coincide with 45 line to the maximum extent. Thus, we must choose the path on which
diagonal movement is maximum, as shown in Fig. 12.4. The total elapsed time is obtained by adding
the idle time for either job to the processing time for that job.
The idle time for the chosen path is: Job 1= 4 + 6 or 10 hours and Job 2 = 4 hours
The total elapsed time is obtained as follows
Processing time of Job 1 + Idle time of Job 1
+6) 34 +(4
Processing time of Job 2 + Idle time of Job 2
= 40 +(32 - 28) = 44 hours.

Two jobs must be processed through each of these
1223. A machine shop has four machines A, B, C and D. the shoP
the machines and the necessary sequence of jobs through
machines. The time (in hours) taken on each of
are given below :

Job Time
Job 2 Sequence D

Use graphic method to obtain the total minimum elapsed time.

sequence of 2 jobs and 5 machines, when
1224. Use graphic method to find the
minimum elapsed total time
we are given the following

Sequence 4 2
Job 2
Time (in hours) B
Sequence C 2 6
Job 2 4 5
Time (in hours) Karnataka B.E. (Mech.) 1994]
[Meerut M.Sc. (Math.) 2000;
The technological order for these jobs

be processed on four machines a, b, c and d.

1225. Two jobs are to

machines is as follows
Job I b
Job 2
Processing times are given in the following table:
Job b
4 6
5 8
4 7

sequence of jobs on each of the machines.

Find the optimal

1226. A machine shop has six machines A, B. C, D, E and F. Two jobs must be nre
machines. The times on machines and the necessary sequence ot the jobs through the shoned thto processe
nop are
Job I
5 givenroughbelowee
4- 20 C-10
Job B-15 D-10
A-110 30
F-15 F6
Determine the optimum sequence for the job in order to minimize the total time necess E-20
The problem of scheduling job in a factory
extended tocan be
scheduling the factoru
Crews in such a minimize their idle time. Let a company have a
way so as to
in its plant that need set of di
First, crew A takes the machine and
maintenance. The crew team is divided into
two or c ifferent
replaces the parts according to the needs.
machine and puts it back into
machines are known, we can
operation. If the service times of both the grounscreu 3d
on the e
so that the idle determine the optimal sequence in which the maintenance dife
time of the crews is the least.
Like for
jobs be
form may be
sequencing problems given earlier, the rules when the service
times are
summarised as given in the
i) Choose the smallest of all values that
in the two rows.
(i) If the value is in the first row then appear
the machine
by crew A in the beginning. corresponding
to the value
shall be senvi
(iii) If it is in the second row, then that
(iv) If there is a tie in the same machine will be serviced
row, either of the machines
by crew A in the end.
first, or the last, place involved is selected and
(v) After making the accordingly as the tie is in
the first or the second row.
assigned =
(vi) Repeat steps (i)
assignment, cross out the machine involved.
to (v) until all the
made. are

1227. Themaintenance crew of a
the maintenance of the machines. Crew company is divided in two groups, C, and C, which
while Crew C, oils, and C is responsible for cares
resets the machines replacement of parts which are WO
crews C and
C2 on dijfferent machines which back for operation. Thetimes (in hours) req
Machine need working on them are as follows:
M2 M
Crew C 8 6 M4 Ms M6 M
Crew C 5 3 11 10 14
In what
order should the machines 12 8
be handled 6
minimised? by crew C, and C, so that the 101e taken
Solution. Treating the machines as seven
sequence can easily be obtained as items and crews optin
as the service facilities. e

M Ma Ms M
For the total elapsed time, we have
Mo MMa
M M4
Crew C n Ms M3 M
4 M6
15 25 35 49
n 4 2
Crew C2 35 49 57
Out 15
2 35 49
35 42 62

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