Cenozoic Evolution of The Savu Basin, Indonesia: Forearc Basin Response To Arc-Continent Collision

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Marine and Petroleum Geology, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp.

241-262, 1995
Copyright 0 1995 Elsevier ScienceLtd
Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved
026~8172/95 $10.00 + 0.00

Cenozoic evolution of the Savu Basin,

Indonesia: forearc basin response to
arc-continent collision

W. van der Werff*

Netherlands institute for Sea Research, PO Box 59, 1790 AB, Den Burg, Texel,
The Netherlands

Received 26 August 1993; revised 2 7 April 1994; accepted 79 May 1994

A seismo-stratigraphic analysis of the Savu Basin relates the evolution of a complexly evolved
forearc basin to the late Miocene-Recent collision with Australia. Initial early Miocene
subsidence of the outer forearc basin and the subsequent development of a middle-late
Miocene volcanic ‘proto’ arc, located in the south of the basin, both resulted from the late
Oligocene-early Miocene eastward propagation of the Java/Timor Trench. Block-faulting of the
relatively thick continental forearc basement probably determined the rather irregular and
scattered pattern of middle-late Miocene volcanic centres. Just north of the accretionary prism,
the forearc basement is flexed down and reshaped into a trenchward dipping backstop that
facilitates backthrusting of the accretionary prism. The southern forearc basement probably
acted as a barrier against compression. The thickness of this continental basement is suggested
to be a critical factor in the response of the forearc to continent collision. Owing to its strength,
the Savu Basin did not react to collision by the development of northward verging ‘inter-arc’
thrusts. In contrast, it responded to the underthrusting of continental crust by reactivation of the
basement ridges. This resulted in the differentiation of the forearc basin into a presently extinct
and uplifted Miocene South Savu Basin and a Pliocene-Recent active North Savu Basin. The
simultaneous late Miocene-Recent uplift of large segments of the outer forearc and subsidence
of the North Savu Basin is interpreted to result from tectonic underplating of continental material
and uplift caused by the buoyancy of the subducted continental crust. The relatively recent
decoupling of this crust from the oceanic slab, and the subsequent isostatic rebound, may
superimpose the initial effects of post-collision extension on arc-continent collision.

Keywords: Savu Basin, Indonesia; forearc basin; arc-continent collision

Forearc basins respond in various ways to the process interpreted as a diapiric forearc nappe in the process of
of arc-continent collision. Some forearc basins are formation (Audley-Charles, 1985).
overridden by the advancing outer arc high (erogenic The Savu Basin represents a complex forearc basin,
wedge) and develop into foreland basins as, for situated at the western margin of the Banda Arc, and is
example, in Taiwan (Suppe and Liou, 1979; Chi et af., affected by late Miocene and late Pliocene collisional
1981; Covey, 1986). Alternatively, forearc basins may events (Hamilton, 1979; Reed, 1985; Karig et al., 1987;
be thrust on top of the subducted continental crust and van der Werff et al., 1994). Some studies indicate that
become incorporated within the developing erogenic most of the deformation related to the collision occurs
belt. in the Timor Trough by the subduction of continental
The Western Banda Arc has been modelled as a crust, resulting in internal deformation, underplating
westward younging collison zone, where successive and backthrusting of the accretionary wedge (Breen et
increments in distance towards the east reflect the al., 1986; Reed et al., 1986; Karig et al., 1987; Masson
increasing effects of collision with Australia, which et af., 1991; Harris, 1991). In addition, a zone of
began in the late Miocene (Johnston and Bowin, 1981; backarc thrusting is developed north of the volcanic arc
Harris, 1991). Various workers have suggested that and may indicate the initiation of arc-polarity reversal
north of Timor the forearc basin is overridden by the (Hamilton, 1979; Silver et al., 1983; 1986; Breen, 1987;
erogenic wedge in a compressive tectonic setting, along Hamilton, 1988). The Savu Basin occupies a relatively
northward verging ‘inter-arc’ and backarc thrusts little deformed province between these two tectonically
(Audley-Charles, 1981; 1986; Audley-Charles and active regions. The character and distribution of the
Price, 1983; Harris, 1991). Sumba has similarly been depocentres in the Savu Basin record the evolution of
the basin and of vertical movements related to its
*Correspondence to Dr W. van der Werff basement (Dickinson and Seely, 1979).

Marine and Petroleum Geology 1995 Volume 12 Number 3 247

Cenozoic evolution of the Saw Basin: W. van der Weti

This paper relates the evolution of the Savu Basin basin, which is bounded in the west by Sumba and in
to the late Oligocene-early Miocene eastward the south by the islands of Savu and Roti (Figure IA).
propagation of the Java/Timor Trench, and collision Towards the east, the basin is bordered by Timor,
processes affecting the arc-trench system. which trends NE-SW and almost reaches the volcanic
island of Alor. It has a surficial extent of 52000 km2
and a maximum water depth of 3470 m, which exceeds
Regional setting the depth of the Timor Trough (Kartaadputra et al.,
The Savu Basin forms an almost enclosed triangular 1982). -





B I17

Figure 1 (A) General physiographic setting of the Savu Basin; isobaths in metres. The broken line indicates the approximate position of
the Timor Trough. Inset shows location of the study area. (B) Morpho-tectonic map of basement structures superimposed on the
seismic lines used for the interpretation. 1 = Plio-Pleistocene reefs; 2 = Miocene shallow water carbonates; 3 = Miocene
volcaniclastic submarine fan deposits; 4 = Miocene volcanic breccia; 5 = Miocene volcanic extrusives; 6 = Palaeogene granodioritic
intrusives; 7 = Mesozoic rock outcrops; 8 = land; 9 = bathymetry; 10 = fault (triangle points towards uplifted block); 11 = strike-slip
fault; 12 = trench-slope break; 13 = deformation front; 14 = thrust front; 15 = postulated fault zones; 16 = direction of convergence;
17 = seismic profiles. Scale bar = 110 km

248 Marine and Petroleum Geology 1995 Volume 12 Number 3

Cenozoic evolution of the Saw Basin: W. van der Werff

To the north, the basin is bounded by a volcanic arc pelagic chalks on east Sumba, unconformably cover
that reflects an easterly younging trend from early this non-marine sequence (Burollet and Salle, 1982;
Miocene on west Flores to late Pliocene on Alor von der Borch et al., 1983). Quaternary reefs overlie
(Abbot and Chamalaun, 1981). The width and volume the Miocene deep water sequence (Effendi and
of the arc decrease eastward and correspond to a Apandi, 1981; Pirazolli et al., 1991).
decreasing age of inception of magmatism (Hamilton, Seismic profiles across the Sumba Ridge and the
1988). The volcanic rocks that crop out mostly consist Savu Basin show that before the uplift of the ridge, the
of primitive basalts, typical of a volcanic arc that is built region formed one large forearc basin (van Weering et
on oceanic lithosphere (Hamilton, 1988). al., 1989b). The forearc basin has been overthrust by
The Savu Basin is underlain by a series of east-west the accretionary wedge, south of the Sumba Basin
trending basement ridges, of which the most northerly (Reed et al., 1986). Convergence along the Savu Thrust
divides the Savu Basin into a southern (South Savu resulted in a northward verging fold and thrust belt of
Basin) and a northern (North Savu Basin) structural forearc basin strata accreted to the arcward margin of
basin (Figure IB) (Karig et al., 1987; van der Werff et the accretionary wedge (Reed, 1985).
al., 1994). The basement of the North Savu Basin has a South of Sumba, the Scott Plateau forms the western
thickness of 12-14 km, which suggests an oceanic crust boundary of the arc-continent collision zone (Figure
(Beiersdorf and Hinz, 1980; Kartaadiputra et al., 1982). IB) (Breen et al., 1986). Thick continental crust is
The basement ridges that underlie the South Savu present beneath the Australian Shelf and Timor
Basin have a high density and may in part be related to Trough (Bowin et al., 1980; Johnston and Bowin, 1981)
an early-middle Miocene volcanic arc (McBride and and probably underlies Timor (Chamalaun et al., 1976;
Karig, 1987: Karig et al., 1987; van der Werff et al.. Kaye, 1990). High ratios of strontium and lead isotopes
1994). in the late Cenozoic and recent lavas of the volcanic
The South Savu Basin has been uplifted and tilted arc suggest contamination by continentally derived
along the Sumba Ridge (Reed et al., 1986; van Weering sediments (Whitford et al., 1977; Whitford and Jezek,
et al., 1989a). The island of Sumba forms the emerged 1979; Varekamp et ul., 198Y) or continental crust
part of this ridge and has been uplifted with an average (Morris. 1984). The subducted lithosphere is presently
rate of 0.5 cm/a since the late Miocene (Fortuin et al., being detached from the Australian continental crust at
1991; Pirazolli et al., 1991; Fortuin et al., 1994). It 50- 100 km depth beneath the eastern Savu Sea (Osada
consists of pre-Tertiary fault blocks composed of late and Abe, 1981; McCaffrey et al., 1985).
Cretaceous mudstones and tuffaceous sandstones The Australian plate converges in a NNE-ward
intruded by small plutons and dykes of Palaeocene age direction (N20-3OE), slightly oblique to the Banda
(Figure 2) (van Bemmelen, 1949; Meisner and Pfeiffer, Arc, with an estimated rate of 7-8 cm/a (Minster and
1968; von der Borch et al., 1983). These blocks are Jordan, 1978: De Mets et al.. 1990; Smith et ul., 1990).
unconformably overlain by an early Palaeocene to late
Eocene (Oligocene to early Miocene on west Sumba),
discontinuous sequence of undeformed volcanic
agglomerates and elastic sediments (Effendi and The data set used for this study (Figure 3) consists of
Apandi, 1981; Burollet and Salle, 1982). Early single channel seismic profiles collected during the
Miocene platform (reefal) carbonates on west Sumba, Indonesian/Dutch Snellius-II Expedition (1984- 1985)
and mid to late Miocene volcaniclastic turbidites and and the Rama 12 Expedition (1982, supplied by Scripps

5600 6200 6900

0 5 KM
V.E. 2.3

Figure 2 Proposed correlation between the late Cenozoic stratigraphy of East Sumba (left-hand panel) and the seismo-stratigraphy of
the South Savu Basin (profile Pat 109). The stratigraphic column is adapted from Fortuin et a/. (1991; 1994). For location of seismic
section, see Figures 3 and 5b. Note high amplitude reflectors cut by the basal unconformity

Marine and Petroleum Geology 1995 Volume 12 Number 3 249

Cenozoic evolution of the Saw Basin: W. van der Wet-H

120 122 124

Figure 3 Track chart of the seismic profiles used for this study. The figure numbers 4-9 indicate the location of profiles reproduced in
the text. G6-E and G6-F indicate the location of the profiles recorded during the Snellius-II expedition; RAMA 80,81,82,83,87 and 88
indicate the location of the profiles provided by the Scripps Institute of Oceanography; and N 521, N 522 and N 523 and Pat 109 and 110
indicate the location of profiles provided by Shell and MGI. Numbers along the transects indicate shotpoint locations or shiptime
during data acquisition. Thin lines indicate free air gravity field (in mgal) after Watts et al. (1978)

Institute of Oceanography). Multichannel profiles were morpho-tectonic setting and has been described by van
made available by Shell International Petroleum der Werff et al. (1994) (Figure IB).
Maatschappij (The Hague) and the Bundesanstalt fur Just east of Sumba, the basement ridges underlying
Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (Hanover). Well the South Sava Basin are composed of fault blocks
data in the forearc region are not available to us. For a downfaulted both towards the north and south, along
lithostratigraphic and time-stratigraphic correlation steep-dipping normal faults (Figures 4A and 5A). The
(Figure 2), published data on the geology of Sumba ridges are characterized by a highly reflective, chaotic
were used (Effendi and Apandi, 1981; von der Borch et seismic facies (Figures 4B and 5B). The basal
al., 1983; Reed, 1985; Fortuin et al., 1994). unconformity truncates rare high amplitude reflectors
The seismic stratigraphy has been defined on the (Figure 2). North of the island of Savu, the basement
basis of reflection units, of which the reflection patterns ridges narrow and represent an ‘arched’ northward
and depositional environments have been interpreted tilted structure (Figures IB and 4A). Along the
by seismic facies analysis as outlined by Vail et al. southern side of the Sumba Basin the basement has
(1977). The criteria used to characterize the units are been thrust along steep south dipping reversed faults
summarized in Table I. Each unit is assigned a number and is incorporated at the base of the Savu Thrust belt
for ease of discussion. The wide spacing and variable (Figure 4A). Onshore Sumba, the basement correlates
quality of the seismic profiles limits the discussion to with the Lasipu Formation (Effendi and Apandi, 1981),
major units which are at the scale of (but not which is composed of fault blocks of late Cretaceous
necessarily correlatable with) second-order cycles of mudstones and tuffaceous sandstones, intruded by
standard sequence stratigraphies (Haq et al., 1987). small Palaeogene plutons and dykes (Figure 2).
In the North Savu Basin the basement is below the
Seismic stratigraphy depth of penetration on most of the seismic profiles. An
irregular basement morphology is observed about
The forearc basement is covered by aproximately 0.95 s 35 km to the south-east of Flores (Figure 9). The lower
two-way travel time (TWT) of sediments in the Sumba part of the upper acoustically layered sediment unit
Basin (Figure 4). The South and North Savu Basins onlaps two basement ridges and suggests that these
have sediment accumulations of, respectively, 1.6-2.6 highs are pre-existing features. However, the top of the
and 2.4-3.6 s TWT (Figures 5-8). Four major seismic basement ridge located at shiptime 15.30 shows a
units have been discriminated, the seismic facies diapiric structure that appears to intrude the overlying
characteristics of which are summarized in Table 1. sediments. The discontinuous marked high amplitude
character of the reflectors on the east side above the
Basement basement may be caused by small sills that intrude
The character and geometry of the basement along the strata1 bedding, causing locally increased
underlying the Savu Basin largely controls its impedance contrasts.

250 Marine and Petroleum Geology 1995 Volume 12 Number 3

Table 1 Forearc basin stratigraphy: description of seismo-stratigraphic units l-4

Seismic Depositional External Reflection geometry Reflection Reflection inferred Seismic Seismic Geological
reflection unit setting form at boundaries configuration character age facies facies interpretation

4 Basin floor Wedge Onlap at base Parallel High amplitude/ Late Pliocene- Slope front Alternation of pelitic
moderate reflector Pleistocene fill clays with volcaniclastic
turbidites and reworked

3 Basin floor Wedge Onlap/truncation at top Parallel Transparent/ Early-Late Alternation of pelitic
Concave/onlap at base Chaotic high amplitude Pliocene clays with volcaniclastic

2 Basin slope Bank Concavelonlap at top Parallel High amplitude/ Mid-Late Progradational Alternation of pelitic
Onlap/downlap at base Divergent high continuity Miocene clays with volcaniclastic

Basin floor Mounded Concave at top Parallel Transparent/ Eo-Oligocene _. .;,‘,:‘.“.‘: Trough-fill Pelagic clays, turbidites
.. .‘-: *‘*:..
Basin margin Wedge Onlap at base Chaotic high amplitude Early Miocene .‘,‘,‘. :,: :‘a_ and reefal
.,,. :: limestones
: .’

G Basement Basin floor Fault blocks Truncation at top Chaotic High amplitude Mesozoic- Fault blocks composed
z Palaeogene of submarine fan
intruded by plutons


Cenozoic evolution of the Saw Basin: W. van der Wet%!




4 ltl KM


SEC. , I

0 10 KM

Figure 4 (A) Line drawing and interpretation of section of single channel seismic profile G6-E. The location of the profile is shown in
Figure 3. Inset shows section of seismic profile reproduced in Figure 4B. Arrows along the fault planes indicate the direction of relative
basement movement. Numbers 1, 2,3 and 4 indicate seismo-stratigraphic units described in the text. The profile shows the outline of
characteristic structural units such as the Savu Thrust Belt, Sumba Basin, Sumba Ridge and South Savu Basin. Note the arched
structure of the Sumba Ridge and the steep reversed faults that cut and reshape the basement underlying the Sumba Basin. (B) Section
of single channel seismic profile G6-E. For location, see Figure 3. The section shows characteristic seismic units and facies of the
Sumba Basin. Note the effects of differential movements along the basement on the distribution and seismic character of the four
major units. The channel-fill facies north of the Savu Thrust is indicated by high amplitude reflectors. Two boundary channels are
located north of the Savu Thrust and south of Sumba Ridge

South of Pantar, the basement crops out at the sea and is covered by the amplitude reflectors of unit 2. The
bed and represents the southern part of the volcanic unit has been highly tectonized, uplifted and tilted
arc. Therefore, it may be suggested that some igneous towards the north by the reactivation of the underlying
activity related to the present volcanic arc occurred basement (Figure 4A). On the basis of its depositional
along fault zones at the sides of the basement ridges in setting, reflection configuration (Table I) and proposed
the North Savu Basin. correlation with the onshore stratigraphy, the
lithofacies is interpreted to consist of pelagic sediments.
Unit 1 may correlate with late Burdigalian (early
Sumba Basin Miocene) marls and clays on East Sumba occurring at
In the Sumba Basin, unit 1 is composed of a seismically the base of the Kananggar Formation (Fortuin et al.,
transparent basin-fill unit with a maximum thickness of 1994; Figure 2). Alternatively, it is possible that this
0.25 s TWT (Figure 4). Unit 1 onlaps the basement unit has a Palaeogene age and was deposited during
surface. The upper unit boundary is paraconformable and shortly after rifting of the Sumba basement (van

252 Marine and Petroleum Geology 1995 Volume 12 Number 3

Cenozoic evolution of the Saw Basin: W. van der Wetff

PAC 109


s PAC 109 N TWT





C 10 KM
~- i
Figure 5 (A) Line drawing and intepretation after multichannel seismic profile Pat 109. For legend, see Figure 4A. Arrows in
sedimentary sequences indicate cycle terminations (Vail eta/., 1977). For location, see Figure 3. Insets show section of seismic profiles
reproduced in Figure 5B and 5C. The profile shows the regional geometry and distribution of the seismic units discriminated. Unit 1
only is present on the northern basement block. Unit 2 represents a bank-shaped sequence of NNE-prograding slope front deposits
covered by the slightly onlapping basin-fill sequence of unit 3. In the south, unit 2 has been eroded by a channel complex. In the centre
of Sumba Ridge units 2 and 3 have both been eroded by bottom currents. In the North Savu Basin, unit 4 represents base of slope
mound deposits which incise the underlying unit 3. (B) Section of multichannel seismic profile Pat 109. For location, see Figure 54.
Inset shows section of seismic profile reproduced in Figure 2. The section shows characteristic seismic units and facies of the South
Savu Basin. Note the presence of an early carbonate platform characterized by reefal mounds (la) that fringe the basement high, a
transparent unit (1 b) representing sediments deposited in a more restricted environment and slope front deposits (Ic) that lap on to the
basement, north of a presently still-active fault scarp (F). (C) Section of multichannel seismic profile Pat 109. For location, see Figure
5A. The section shows typical seismic units and facies of the North Savu Basin. Note the characteristic base of slope mound deposits
and channels that constitute unit 4

Marine and Petroleum Geology 1995 Volume 12 Number 3 253

Cenozoic evolution of the Saw Basin: W. van der Werff
SEC 24 h 22 h 20 h

J ,
10 KM
1 V.E.7 6

Figure 6 Line drawing and interpretation after single channel seismic profile Rama 81. For location, see Figure 3; for legend, see
Figures &I and 54. Note the submarine canyons which cut deeply into seismic unit 4 and even erode unit 3, as observed from the
angular unconformity between units 3 and 4. Uplift along Sumba Ridge resulted in a pronounced northward tilt of unit 2

Weering et al., 1989b; van der Werff et al., 1994). frequency reflectors which lap on to subunit a. Unit b is
Unit 2 represents a highly tectonized sequence with a bound by two channels along both the south flank of
maximum thickness of 0.30 s TWT (Figure 4B). the Sumba Ridge and the north flank of the Savu
Towards the south, the unit thins to 0.10 s TWT and is Thrust. The subunit has a maximum thickness of 0.15 s
uplifted and cut by the Savu Thrust Belt. Towards the TWT (Figure 4B).
north, it laps on to and covers the Sumba Ridge.
The seismic facies is characterized by well bedded South Savu Basin
high amplitude/low frequency reflectors. The dis- Underneath the South Savu Basin, unit 1 is only locally
continuous character of the reflectors and the divergent present on top of the northern basement blocks where
reflection pattern are caused by the uplift of the Sumba it reaches a thickness of 0.6 s TWT and consists of three
Ridge and Savu Thrust during and after deposition of seismic subunits la, lb and lc (Figure 5A and 5B).
the unit. Both the upper and lower unit boundaries Subunit la has a mounded shape and is characterized
appear paraconformable. The lower boundary shows a by chaotic, discontinuous high amplitude reflectors,
transition from low to high amplitude reflectors whereas subunit lb is composed of transparent to
whereas the upper boundary marks a transition from weakly reflective beds. Both the mounded external
high to low amplitude reflectors. The internal reflection form and reflection pattern of subunit la suggest the
configuration indicates sediments of variable density, presence of reefal mounds that formed at the edge of
possibly representing an alternation of turbidites with the basement blocks. The transparent subunit lb may
pelagic sediments (Table I). be representative of marls that were deposited in a
Unit 3 is sheet-draped and consists of a transparent more restricted environment. The mounds correlate
seismic facies with a thickness of about 0.10 s TWT with the Eocene-early Miocene carbonate platforms
(Figure 4). The unit has been affected by differential found on Sumba (Figure 2) (Effendi and Apandi,
movements related to uplift along the southern and 1981). Steep slope front deposits (subunit lc)
northern part of the basin and covers the Sumba Ridge. composed of continuous high amplitude reflectors lap
North of the Savu Thrust the seismic facies change to a on to the basement north of a presently still-active fault
well bedded channel-fill facies, which may indicate the scarp and smooth the tectonically induced topography
activity of strong bottom currents along the front of the (Figure 5B). These deposits may represent carbonate
thrust zone (Figure 4B). The lower unit boundary is debris that accumulated in front of the platform. North
paraconformable with the underlying unit. The upper of West Timor, unit 1 is characterized by basin deposits
unit boundary is marked by the onlapping, moderately that fill local depressions between the basement ridges
to highly reflective beds of unit 4. Based on its (Figure 8A).
depositional setting and reflection configuration (Table Unit 2 consists of a bank-shaped sequence of NNE
I) the lithofacies is interpreted to consist of pelagic prograding slope front deposits with a maximum
sediments of uniform lithological character. The high thickness of 2.2 s TWT (Figures 5A, 6 and 7A). The
amplitude channel facies in front of the Savu Thrust, seismic facies is characterized by even-bedded
however, may consist of coarser reworked ‘lag continuous high amplitude/low frequency reflectors
deposits’. which downlap the basement towards the north, and
Unit 4 can be divided into two seismic facies subunits, extend into the North Savu Basin (Figures 5B, SC, 7B
of which the lower, a, forms a basin-fill and the upper, and 8A). In the south, the foresets are locally truncated
b, represents a mounded facies (Figure 4). Subunit a is by a channel complex that appears to be related to the
composed of moderately reflective beds which lap on to uplift of Sumba, and partly by bottom currents that
and fill the depressions above the tectonized unit 3 and erode the sea bottom between Sumba and Savu
has a maximum thickness of 0.15 s TWT. Subunit b (Figure 5A) (Reed et al., 1987). A possible on-
represents a contourite body of high amplitude/low shore middle-late Miocene equivalent of this channel

254 Marine and Petroleum Geology 1995 Volume 12 Number 3

Cenozoic evolution of the Saw Basin: W. van der Wet?7

complex is described on East Sumba near the village of Sumba, forming part of the upper Kananggar
Kananggar by Fortuin et al. (1994). The lower unit Formation (Effendi and Apandi, 1981; Fortuin et al.,
boundary is formed by an angular unconformity 1994; Figure 2).
between unit 2 and the basement, or unit 1 (Figure 5A). Unit 4 has locally been eroded by bottom currents
The upper unit boundary is characterized by the (Figure 5A). It represents a basin-fill unit that laps on
paraconformable to slightly onlapping low amplitude to unit 3 and is composed of continuous high
reflectors of unit 3 (Figure 5B). The unit can be amplitude/low frequency reflectors. It reaches a
correlated with the middle-late Miocene NNE maximum thickness of 0.5 s TWT (Figures 4A and 7A).
prograding volcaniclastic submarine fan deposits of the North of West Timor, unit 4 constitutes well bedded
Kananggar Formation (Effendi and Apandi, 1981), discontinuous high amplitude/low frequency slope
which extensively crop out on east Sumba (Figure 2). deposits that remain trapped on the southern slope of
Unit 3 has a maximum thickness of 0.30 s TWT the South Savu Basin (Figure 8A).
(Figures 5A, 5B, 8A and SB). Locally, the unit has been
eroded by strong bottom currents, scouring Sumba
Ridge west of Savu Island (Figure 5A) (Reed, 1987). North Saw Basin
The lower unit boundary is formed by low In the North Savu Basin, unit 1 is composed of basin-fill
amplitude/high frequency reflection terminations that deposits characterized by a seismic facies of
are paraconformable to slightly onlapping unit 2 even-bedded continuous high amplitude/low frequency
(Figure 5B). Piston core data collected on the south reflectors that lap on to the basement (Figures 5A, 5C
slope of the Sumba Ridge indicate that the transparent and 7A). The unit, which has a maximum thickness of
facies consists of early Pliocene marls (Reed, 1985). 0.4 s TWT, thins towards the south and pinches out
This facies probably correlates with early Pliocene against the basement blocks. The upper unit boundary
foraminiferal pelagic chalks that crop out on east is formed by the paraconformable to slightly onlapping



0 10 KM

Figure 7 (A) Line drawing and interpretation after single channel seismic profile Rama 80. For location, see Figure 3; for legend, see
Figures 4A and 5A. Inset shows section of seismic profile reproduced in Figure 78. The profile shows the characteristic geometry and
distribution of seismic units across the centre of the North and South Savu Basins. (B) Section of single channel seismic profile Rama
80. For location, see Figure 7A. The seismic section shows the character and facies of the seismic units in the central Savu Basin

Marine and Petroleum Geology 1995 Volume 12 Number 3 255

Cenozoic evolution of the Saw Basin: W. van der Wetff




0 10 KM



B 0 10 KM

Figure 8 (A) Line drawing and interpretation of section of single channel seismic profile G6-F. For location, see Figore3; for legend, see
Figures 44 and 5A. Inset shows section of seismic profile reproduced in Figure 8B. The section shows uplift of the South Savu Basin
after deposition of unit 3, resulting in the formation of the extinct South Savu Basin and the presently active North Savu Basin. Note
that unit 1 is characterized by basin deposits that fill local depressions between the basement ridges. (B) Section of single channel
seismic profile G6-F. For location, see Figure 8A. The section shows characteristic seismic units and facies of the East Savu Basin.

256 Marine and Petroleum Geology 1995 Volume 12 Number 3

Cenozoic evolution of the Saw Basin: W. van der Werff

11.00 15.00 16.00

10 IQM
c \

Figure 9 Section of single channel seismic profile Rama 88. For legend, see Figures 4A and 5A. For location, see Figure 3. The top of the
basement ridge located at shiptime 15.30 shows a diapiric structure that appears to intrude the overlying sediments. The discontinuous
hiah amoiitude character of the reflectors on the east side above the ridge may indicate small sills that intrude along strata1 bedding
causing locally increased impedance contrasts

low amplitude reflectors of unit 2. The reflection facies (Figure 5A) indicative of turbidite fan lobes
character of unit 1 suggests sediments of variable representing sediments that have been transported
density, possibly representing an alternation of through a system of ESE-WNW trending submarine
volcaniclastic turbidites with pelagic sediments. canyons (Figure 6) north of Sumba.
Unit 2 is formed by a wedge of basin-fill deposits Based on its depositional setting and reflection
composed of fairly continuous low to medium configuration, the seismic facies of unit 4 is interpreted
amplitude/low frequency reflectors which lap on to unit to consist of sediments with a variable density,
1 and interfinger with the slope front deposits of the probably an alternation of pelagic sediments with
South Savu Basin (Figures SA, 6, 7A and 8A). The unit turbidites composed of volcaniclastic sediments and
has a maximum thickness of 2.0 s TWT in the south of reworked debris derived from Sumba and the emerged
the basin and thins towards the north. The upper unit volcanic arc (Table I).
boundary is characterized by the onlapping reflectors of
unit 3 (Figure 7).
Cenozoic evolution of the Savu Basin
Unit 3 reaches a maximum thickness of 1.2 s TWT in
the centre of the basin and pinches out towards the A model illustrating the evolution of the Savu Basin is
south (Figures 6 and 7). It is composed of continuous presented in Figure 10.
even bedded high to moderate amplitude reflectors Stratigraphic relationships on both Sumba and in the
(Figure SC). The upper unit boundary is formed by a Savu Basin (Chamalaun et al., 1982; van Weering et al.,
major truncational unconformity caused by the incision 1989b; Figures 4A, 5A, 7A and 8A), and recent
of large submarine canyons which deeply cut and palaeomagnetic results (Wensink. 1994) indicate that
eroded the underlying unit (Figures 5C and 6). The Sumba was trapped in the present forearc basin setting
reflection character of unit 3 suggests sediments of before the evolution of the arc-trench system in the
variable density, possibly representing an alternation late Oligocene-early Miocene (Figure ZOA). The Savu
of volcaniclastic turbidites with pelagic sediments Basin, which is underlain in the north by crust of
(Table 1). oceanic thickness (Beiersdorf and Hinz, 1980) and in
Unit 4 is characterized by a seismic facies composed the south by continental crust (Chamalaun et al., 1982)
of high amplitude/low frequency reflectors which may represent an old thinned passive margin related to
alternate with a seismically transparent facies (Figure the rifting of Sumba.
5C). The unit has a maximum thickness of 1.0 s TWT in Until the late Burdigalian (early Miocene), the
the centre of the basin (Figure 7A) and thins to less Sumba Ridge formed a structural high within the
than 0.5 s TWT to the east of the basin (Figure SB). southern part of the forearc basin, as indicated by
The lower unit boundary represents a truncational biostratigraphic data (Fortuin ef al., 1994) and the
unconformity in the west (Figures 5C and 6) and is shallow platform carbonate facies recognized both on
paraconformable to onlapping in the east (Figure 8A). and offshore Sumba (Effendi and Apandi, 1981;
In the west of the basin the sediments have a mounded Chamalaun et al., 1982; von der Borch et al., 1983;

Marine and Petroleum Geology 1995 Volume 12 Number 3 257

Cenozoic evolution of the Saw Basin: W. van der Werff

Figure .5A and 5B). indicate a rapid subsidence of the forearc basement to
An early Miocene volcanic arc developed on depths well below the carbonate compensation depth
Sumbawa and Western Flores (Hamilton, 1979; (CCD) at least until 4000 m (Fortuin et al., 1994)
Barberi et al., 1987) and shed its detritus into the (Figure IOB).
northern Savu Basin, resulting in the deposition of unit An early subsidence pattern of forearc basement
1. These sediments could not reach the trench, which (Oyashio land mass) in the Japan arc-trench system
was blocked by the shallow position of the Sumba after trench initiation has been observed by von Huene
Ridge, and contemporaneous sediments that accu- et al. (1982). In analogy with these observations, Reed
mulated in the Sumba Basin consist of pelagic (1985) suggested that a similar tectonic mechanism
sediments. could have operated in the Eastern Sunda Arc. In
Both the rapid increase in the pelagic to benthic ratio agreement with this hypothesis it is suggested that
of these sediments at higher stratigraphic levels and the subsidence of the Sumba Ridge is probably a
increased dissolution of planktonic foraminifera noted consequence of the late Oligocene-early Miocene
in onshore stratigraphic sections on East Sumba eastward propagation of the arc-trench system,


6- ++?+~+~?++~+~?+?i++++++++

n- i?DcENE





I 4..







1 4 E


0 10 KM

Figure 10 Model of the Tertiary evolution of the Saw forearc basin

258 Marine and Petroleum Geology 1995 Volume 12 Number 3

Cenozoic evolution of the Saw Basin: W. van der Werff

block-faulting being related to stresses associated with of the late Miocene is indicated on Sumba by the
trench formation. reappearance of foraminiferal assemblages that were
The sediments of unit 2, which represent NNE not affected by dissolution phenomena related to
prograding slope front deposits on top of the Sumba deposition beyond the CCD (Fortuin et al., 1994) and
Ridge, show a middle-late Miocene shift in elastic block-faulting and tilting of unit 2 along the Sumba
sedimentation towards the outer forearc region (Figure Ridge (Figures 4A, .5A, 6, 7A and 8A).
IOC). Although unit 2 has been tilted slightly to the Uplift of the South Savu Basin may be related to the
north, the basal downlap of the reflectors on top of the collision and subduction of the marginal plateau and
less inclined Sumba basement is an original feature subsequent inferred increased tectonic underplating
(Figure 5B). The volcaniclastic character of the (Reed, 1985; Harris, 1991). The collision resulted in
sediments, so clearly exposed on East Sumba, and the the rapid growth of a large accretionary wedge (van der
NNE-ward transport directions led the onshore Werff, unpublished data) and the evolution of the Savu
investigators to assume that Sumba was originally in a Thrust (Reed, 1985). The locally increased northward
backarc position relative to the volcanic eruption tilt of the Sumba Ridge and the associated presence of
centres (Fortuin et al., 1991; 1994). Based on the several slides and slumps at the southern edge of the
offshore extent of unit 2 and the NNE-directed North Savu Basin (Fortuin et al., 1992; their Figure 9)
transport directions between Sumba and Roti, van der appear to be directly related to the thrusting of the
Werff et al. (1994) interpreted a proto-arc located to Savu Thrust up the Sumba Ridge.
the south of Sumba (Figure l(X). The by now eroded middle-late Miocene ‘proto’-arc
The development of a middle-late Miocene arc may have started to subside by thermal subsidence and
south of Sumba may have added to the process of downflexing of the crust in front of the evolving thrust
block-faulting of forearc basement by magmatic belt. Finally, it must have disappeared beneath the
intrusives (Ingersoll, 1988). It could explain the local Savu Thrust.
character of the subsidence observed on East Sumba as Reflection unit 4 marks a shift in depocentre towards
opposed to West Sumba, where middle Miocene the western part of the North Savu Basin since the late
volcanic outcrops (Gunung Jawila) may represent Pliocene (Figure IOE). This sequence reflects increased
another fragment of this proto-arc (Effendi and sedimentatioin rates caused by the late Pliocene-
Apandi, 1981; Chamalaun et ul., 1982). Recent uplift, which elevated Sumba and the volcanic
From a plate tectonic point of view it is difficult to arc to subaerial levels. Uplift of Sumba may be related
envisage the evolution of volcanic centres situated close to the late Pliocene collision of the Australian margin
to an evolving trench (Dickinson and Seely, 1979). The and slope with the arc-trench system, and the
presence of a trench next to a volcanic arc is commonly subsequently inferred decoupling of the oceanic slab
associated with an arc/polarity reversal after which from the subducting continental crust.
volcanic activity ceases (Silver et al., 1983; Breen, 1987;
Hamilton, 1988). It is possible that the irregular
Forearc response to arc-continent collision
distribution of Miocene volcanic centres on east
Sumbawa, west Flores, west Sumba and south-east of The Savu Basin is characterized by a complex tectonic
Sumba, developed in response to block-faulting of the history dominated by differential vertical movements.
‘continental’ forearc basement during and after trench These movements are related to the late
initiation. Cretaceous-Palaeogene rifting of Sumba (Wensink,
The thickness distribution of unit 3 indicates a shift in 1991; 1994; van der Werff et al., 1994), the late
depocentre towards the centre of the North Savu Basin Oligocene-early Miocene eastward propagation of the
during the early Pliocene (Figure ZOO). This shift Java/Timor Trench, the evolution of a middle-late
coincides with a change in volcanic activity from the Miocene ‘proto’-arc and the late Miocene-Recent
‘proto’ arc to the present arc and the uplift of the South collisional events with Australia (Reed, 1985; Harris,
Savu Basin (Hamilton, 1979; Barberi et al., 1987). This 1991).
change in volcanism has also been noted on Sumbawa The behaviour of the Savu Basin in response to the
by Barberi et al. (1987), who concluded that during the arc-continent collision is to a large extent determined
mid-Miocene, volcanic activity was widespread from by the older structures of the forearc basement.
Sumatra to western Flores. On Sumbawa, however, it Tectonic activity occurred mainly by the reactivation of
ceased during the late Miocene but resumed in the already existing basement faults (Figures _5A, 5B and
early Pliocene. 8A). No thrusting of Sumba-related basement is
A shift in volcanism from the middle-late Miocene observed in the forearc basin, as suggested by Audley-
proto-arc to the Pliocene to Recent arc may relate to a Charles (1985).
change in plate dynamics caused by the initial late The initial late Miocene collision and subduction of a
Miocene collision of a marginal plateau located in front marginal plateau resulted in the rapid growth of an
of the Australian continent (Cross et al., 1982). accretionary prism (van der Werff et al., unpublished
Alternatively, it may simply represent a northward data). Increased shear stresses at the base of the
trend in the evolution of the volcanic arc, which is accretionary prism subsequently resulted in the
regarded as a common aspect in the development of formation of the Savu Thrust (Reed, 1985; Harris,
arc-trench systems (Dickinson and Seely, 1979). 1991; van der Werff et aE., unpublished data).
Consequently, the plate tectonic configuration of the Our data indicate that compressional tectonics
Savu Basin changed during the late Miocene from a remained limited to the area south of Sumba Ridge,
backarc to a forearc basin setting. where the accretionary prism has been thrust to the
That uplift of the South Savu Basin started at the end north along the Savu Thrust (Figure 4A). Compression

Marine and Petroleum Geology 1995 Volume 12 Number 3 259

Cenozoic evolution of the Saw Basin: W. van der WeM

along the base of the Savu Thrust started to reshape the downflexing and reshaping of forearc basement into a
forearc basement into a trenchward dipping backstop trenchward dipping backstop.
that facilitates northward thrusting (Figure 4B). The estimated subduction of 350 km of continental
Stratigraphic relations suggest that the thrust was active crust lead to progressively increased basal shear stress
from the middle Miocene to the late Pliocene (Figure between the forearc and the subducted continental
4B), after which compression shifted towards younger crust, and ultimate detachment of the oceanic slab,
thrust elements that developed south of the Savu resulting in restoration of the isotherms and isostatic
Thrust (van der Werff et al., 1994). Sumba Ridge, with uplift of continental crust.
its near-continental thickness (Chamalaun et al., 1982), This is suggested by the increased late
probably acts as a rigid barrier resisting compression Pliocene-Recent uplift of large segments of the outer
and transferring stresses to the weaker regions in the forearc region and simultaneous subsidence of the
backarc area as proposed by Silver et al. (1983). North Savu Basin, superimposing the initial effects of
It may be suggested that the late Miocene subsidence post-collision extension on the arc-continent collision.
of the Sumba Basin, as opposed to the uplift of the
Sumba Ridge underlying the South Savu Basin,
occurred in response to the Savu Thrust load and
represents the development of a foreland basin and I thank T. C. E. van Weering (NIOZ), J. E. van Hinte,
associated flexural bulge (Allen et al., 1986; Tankard, J. Woodside and A. R. Fortuin (Free University of
1986). The uplift of large segments of the outer forearc Amsterdam) for their critical review of the manuscript,
basin between 117” 30’ and 123” E, as opposed to the providing suggestions for improvement. The paper also
relatively limited region of backthrusting to the east of benefited from the comments of A. J. Barber and an
Sumba (Figure IB), suggests, however, that more anonymous reviewer. Special thanks are due to Bert
significant factors contribute to the regional uplift. Aggenbach (NIOZ) for invaluable photographic
The late Miocene-Recent uplift of the South Savu assistance. Shell International Petroleum Corporation,
Basin and Sumba and contemporaneous subsidence of Scripps Institute of Oceanography and Dr K. Hinz
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the late Miocene. If underthrusting of continental crust seismic data. This study was supported by the
occurred since the last 5 Ma at an average rate of Netherlands Marine Science Foundation (SOZ) in The
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