Origin of The Sumba Forearc Basement: Wytze Van Der Werff

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Origin of the Sumba forearc basement

Wytze van der Werff*

Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, PO Box 59, Texel, The Netherlands

Dida Kusnida and Hardi Prasetyo

Marine Geology Institute, Jalan Dr Junjunan, Bandung, Indonesia

Tjeerd C. E. van Weering

Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, PO Box 59, Texel, The Netherlands

Received24 December 1992; revised 8 May 1993; accepted 15 May 1993

An interpretation of acoustic basement structures in the eastern Sunda/western Banda forearc

region suggests structural continuity between Sumba and Northern Timor. The area between
Sumba and Timor is delineated as a zone of continuous structures, without major strike-slip
offsets. These structures trend east-west in the west but gradually change towards the east into
NE-SW trending structures. A major NE-SW trending discontinuity west of Sumba between
117° 30' and 118° 30'E marks the transition between an intraoceanic volcanic arc system in the
west and a volcanic arc-continent collision zone in the east. The extent of the Sumba basement
suggests either a common (Late Jurassic) rift/drift history for both Sumba and Northern Timor or
an (Early Miocene) magmatic welding of two continental fragments of different origin, resulting
in structural continuity between two microplates. The first explanation implies that Sumba
originated from the north-west Australian continental margin south of Tethys, from which it
drifted away in the Late Jurassic. The second hypothesis, which is favoured, proposes a northern
provenance of Sumba. The island would then originate from the south-east Asian continent,
north of Tethys, from which it was detached in the Eocene.

Keywords: Sumba; forearc basement; proto-volcanic arc

Forearc basins are commonly underlain by basement collision in the east (Hamilton, 1979; Von der Borch,
rocks of various origins, depending on the regional 1979; Bowin et al., 1980). The western part of this
plate tectonic setting at the time of arc initiation subduction/collision system has existed at least since
(Dickinson, 1977). The eastern Sunda/western Banda the Late Oligocene (Hamilton, 1979). The Sunda Arc is
forearc basement is probably composed of a characterized by a classical morphology of trench,
combination of oceanic crust, continental fragments, forearc ridge, forearc basin and volcanic arc. This trend
accreted rocks and magmatic intrusives, forming a continues in the western Banda Arc, where the
composite forearc system (Curray et al., 1977; Australian continent collided with the Asian plate
Beiersdorf and Hinz, 1980; McBride and Karig, 1987). about 3 Ma ago (Hamilton, 1979; Bowin et al., 1980). It
This paper presents a study of the offshore geometry has been suggested that a Late Miocene collision of a
and extent of 'Sumba-related' acoustic basement marginal plateau north of Australia with the western
structures. A tectonic map of the eastern Banda Arc resulted in the formation of the Savu Thrust
Sunda/western Banda Arc between 117 ° and 124°E (Reed, 1985).
showing our interpretation of forearc basement At present, the collision zone is comparable with a
structures in the area on a regional scale is presented. normally subducting arc system and subduction is
The density of the grid of seismic profiles is sufficient to continuing, though it may occur intermittently (Karig et
map gross trends of ridges and basins but is insufficient al., 1987; Masson et al., 1990). North of the volcanic
to correlate basement structures in detail. The purpose islands of Sumbawa, Flores, Alor and Wetar,
of this study is to constrain the origin of Sumba. backthrusting started about 3 Ma ago (Silver et al.,
1983). A zone of N N E - S S W trending strike-slip, thrust
and possibly normal faults is observed north of Timor,
Regional tectonic setting
between the islands of Alor and Wetar (Karig et al.,
The eastern Sunda/western Banda Arc (Figure 1) 1987; Masson et al., 1990).
marks the transition zone from an intraoceanic volcanic Shallow earthquake patterns indicate a discontinuity
arc system in the west to a volcanic a r c - c o n t i n e n t between the Java sector and the Sumbawa-Flores
sector, which could be explained by subduction of the
Roo Rise bathymetric high (Silver et al., 1983;
*Correspondence to Dr W. van der Werff McCaffrey and Nabelek, 1984; Eva et al., 1988). In the
@1994 Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd

M a r i n e and P e t r o l e u m G e o l o g y 1994 V o l u m e 11 N u m b e r 3 363

Origin of the Sumba forearc basement: W. van der Werff et al.
115" 116" 117= 118o 119e 120" I~" 1220 , 123" 124" 125~ 12Ii°

~_ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '~ save ~ #__ I"/ ~ ..,

--- RIDGE \ ( . ~ ~ J

JAVA - ~

Roo Rise Scott Pl~ehmJ" ', ", i

12o ~ t2 °

| ¢

~3 o

,U A.E o -/
J 14'

Figure I Eastern Sunda/western Banda forearc region. Inset shows location of study area. Dented line indicates position of subduction/
collision front. Direction of dents indicates direction of subduction. Bathymetry in metres. Adapted from Van Weering e t a l . (1989)

Savu Sea area earthquake studies suggest that the Sumba had a northern provenance, from Sundaland,
forearc is not deformed by internal thrusting and from which the island broke away in Early Cenozoic
crustal thickening, but instead is pushed northward times (Hamilton, 1979). A third possibility is that
over the backarc basin (McCaffrey et al., 1985). The Sumba originated from an area within Tethys
subducted lithosphere is presently being detached from (Chamalaun et al., 1982).
the Australian continental crust at 50-100 km depth Timor is underlain by continental crust (Chamalaun
beneath the Eastern Savu Sea (McCaffrey et al., 1985). et al., 1976; Bowin et al., 1980). The island is
Sumba is regarded as a piece of drifted continental structurally complex, involving thrust units, ophiolites,
crust of either Asian or Australian origin, which an accretionary wedge and fragments of continental
became trapped in a forearc basin setting by the kate origin (Barber et al., 1977; Barber, 1981; Charlton,
Oligocene (Bowin et al., 1980; Chamalaun et al., 1982). 1989; Sopaheluwakan, 1990). Timor has been
A continental origin is assumed based on free air subdivided into an allochthonous unit, a
gravity anomalies, sedimentological studies and seismic para-autochthonous unit of Australian affinity
refraction profiling (Green et al., 1979; Chamalaun et composed of continental fragments, and an
al., 1982; Von der Borch et al., 1983). autochthonous unit (Audley-Charles, 1968; Barber,
Sumba forms an uplifted part of the forearc 1981).
basement and is characterized by tilting and
block-faulting of the Mesozoic basement (Van Weering
et al., 1989). The pre-Neogene rocks of Sumba consist
of Late Cretaceous submarine fan deposits intruded by A tectonic map of the acoustic basement structures
calc-alkaline volcanic rocks of kate Cretaceous to has been constructed for the eastern Sunda/western
Palaeogene age. The submarine fan deposits are Banda Arc between 117° and 124°E on the basis of
discordantly covered by shallow marine sediments and an interpretation of a set of seismic profiles (Figure 2 A
platform carbonates of Eocene, Oligocene and Early and 2B). The data used for this study consist of
Miocene age. These, in turn, are overlain by Miocene single-channel seismic profiles recorded during the
reefs and Miocene-Pliocene NNE-directed Snellius-II expedition (Van Weering et al., 1989)
volcaniclastic submarine fan deposits and pelagic and the Rama 12 expedition (supplied by Scripps
limestones (Van Bemmelen, 1949; Effendi and Institute of Oceanography). Multichannel profiles were
Apandi, 1981; Von der Borch et al., 1983; Fortuin et kindly supplied by Shell International, the Japanese
al., 1994). Geological Survey and the Bundesanstalt fiir
Various hypotheses have been proposed about the Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, Hannover (courtesy
origin of Sumba. The first stresses a provenance of of K. Hinz).
Sumba from the margin of north-western Australia, Well data from the forearc region, other than DSDP
from which it was detached in Late Jurassic times Site 262 (Erickson, 1974), are not available to us. For a
(Otofuji et al., 1981; Audley-Charles, 1975; Hartono more precise correlation of the lithologies and ages,
and Tjokrosapoetro, 1984). A second hypothesis is that published data on the geology of Sumba, Savu, Roti

364 Marine and Petroleum Geology 1994 Volume 11 Number 3

Origin of the Sumba forearc basement: W. van der Werff et al.

/. -+..:..... / . "+"+ A
I ++

. . . . ;,° ,;,°

B I I9 , , i %/- I ]4 Ik~;ENI)

[ / ,~ S]UMBAWA~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ = ' ~ / . ' / M],*'ENESHALlJ)"

/ FI/ [ '~ " ~ ~ MI( X'I':N F '~ OI.('ANI

"s~o - " ~ ( F9 ' '~ , "" /, B~ . MI(X'ENE ~ OL( ~kNl(

:A~'~" " """ " ¢ "" " ; :~) I ~ " /~ F1¢1 ;L1 (TRIAN(;LE

.... -- -- "r°°+L o#o . -+ , )*1 (Z~/ i "~- ~IRIKE+I+IPF++L I I =+==++- l~i I+TZONES
II ~ . . . . I RE%('I] +I+OPF: _ I)IR~.:(TI()N I ) t
+ ~ ~ BRE '+K t ('on'* ER(;I':'~CE
0 IlO KM ~ ~ %~"3%MIC
-- Pl~O f II.F~,
119 124

Figure 2 (A) Track chart of seismic profiles studied for their acoustic basement structures. Figure numbers 3A- 14A indicate location
of profiles reproduced. Inset shows location of study area. (B) Morphotectonic map of acoustic basement structures superposed on the
seismic lines used for the interpretation

and Timor have been used (Audley-Charles, 1968; basement and_ Palaeogene granodioritic intrusives
Barber et al., 1977; Rosidi et al., 1979; Barber, 1981; (Effendi and Apandi, 1981). Locally, they appear to be
Effendi and Apandi, 1981; Von der Borch et al., 1983; fringed by reefal mounds (Figure 4A).
Reed, 1985). The grabens are filled by 1.8 km of sediments
In general, the multichannel data yield a penetration constituting three major seismic sequences which onlap
depth of up to 8 km. The resolution allows the and cover the basement highs. These have been
recognition of larger scale seismic sequences and facies interpreted as of Early-Mid-Miocene (sequence 2),
only. The single-channel data generally have less Late Miocene (sequence 3) and Pliocene-Recent
penetration, but allow a more detailed study and (sequence 4) age (Van Weering et al., 1989). Local
definition of the seismic sequences and facies. The unconformities within sequences 3 and 4 formed in
seismic coverage of the study area is sufficiently dense response to differential uplift of the underlying
to study acoustic basement structures and their gross basement and high sedimentation rates as a
trends. Acoustic basement is defined here as a seismic consequence of the Late Miocene to Recent evolution
facies without clear reflectors and with an opaque of the volcanic islands of Sumbawa and Flores
(Snellius-II; Figure 3B), chaotic (PAC lines; Figure (Hamilton, 1979).
4B), or transparent (Shell; Figure 5B) character. On the basis of these ages the horst and graben
structures most probably evolved before or during the
Palaeogene. Recent tectonic movements resulted in
Results local northward tilting and uplift of the basement
blocks (Figure 3A) and in downfaulting of the southern
West of Sumba side of the offshore extension of Sumba basement.
The area west of Sumba is characterized by a series of Figure 3A shows extensive sediment disturbance,
W N W - E S E trending linear basement ridges which resulting in a loss of seismic coherence, the formation
extend in a westward direction until 117°30'-118°30'E of slides and slumping; the latter also has been
(Figures 3A and 4A). The ridges extend onshore to observed in onshore exposures by Fortuin et al. (1992).
Sumba where they can be correlated with Mesozoic Two major periods of basement uplift can be

M a r i n e a n d P e t r o l e u m G e o l o g y 1994 V o l u m e 11 N u m b e r 3 365
Origin of the Sumba forearc basement: W. van der Werff et al.



0 10KM


0 10KM

Figure 3 (A)Line drawing and interpretation after seismic profile G6 recorded during the Snellius-II expedition west of Sumba.
Location of profile is shown in Figure 2,4. Vertical scale is in seconds two-way travel time, horizontal scale in kilometres. Arrows along
fault planes indicate direction of relative basement movement. Arrows in sedimentary sequences indicate cycle terminations (Vail et
aL, 1977). 1, 2, 3 and 4 indicate seismic sequences mentioned in text. (B) Section of seismic profile G6. For location, see Figure 2A

distinguished. One correlates with the Early Miocene morphology of the acoustic basement south of F l l A
and the other with the Late Miocene to Recent seismic suggests that it forms the southern margin of
sequence (Figure 3A ). Sumba-related acoustic basement. The Sumba base-
To the north the basement ridges are downfaulted by ment and the accretionary wedge converge towards
east-west trending basement faults and become the east where they are in direct contact (Figures 2B
invisible underneath a turbidite-filled basin (Figure 2B, and 6, PAC109).
F2A, F2B). In the western Lombok Basin, a At 118°30'E a north-south trending strike-slip fault
N N E - S S W trending fault zone has been interpreted (F12) is interpreted. East of this fault the outer arc
(Figure 2B, F1). Profiles N515 (Figure 5A) and N516 ridge has been thrust to the north for about 18 km.
(Figure 2A) show a deeply buried basement, without
any horst and graben structures. Profile N516 (Figure South of Sumba
2B) demonstrates the transition from the W N W - E S E The collision zone here is characterized by a strongly
trending inverted horst and grabens to the buried deformed outer arc ridge composed of a series of
basement. The Sumba basement is downfaulted into discontinuous linear ridges and troughs (Figure 2B).
the Lombok Basin by normal NNW dipping faults with The exact transition between basement related to
a trend perpendicular to the basement ridges. Sumba and the outer arc ridge is hard to define. The
To the south, but east of fault zone F1, the acoustic Sumba basement, however, is present at least until
basement descends into the Lombok Basin along two 10°30'S.
steep southward dipping W N W - E S E trending faults, South of west Sumba the structural outline of the
with a total vertical offset of 1500 m (Figure 2B and 3A, accretionary wedge is interpreted to be situated
F l l A , F l l B ) . A change in structural style and between 10030' and 11°05'S (Figure 6). The

366 M a r i n e a n d P e t r o l e u m G e o l o g y 1994 V o l u m e 11 N u m b e r 3
Origin of the S u m b a forearc basement: W. van der Werff et al.
PAC 113 N


0 10 KM
v,e. 2.3x I •


PAC I 13 0 10KM

Figure 4 (A) Line drawing and interpretation after seismic profile PAC 113. For legend, see Figure 3A; for location, see Figure 2A.
(B) Section of seismic profile PAC 113. For location, s e e Figure 2A

N 515


N 5[5 0 10KM

Figure 5 (A) Line drawing after seismic profile N515. For legend, see Figure 3A; for location, see Figure 2A. Inset shows section of
seismic profile reproduced as Figure 5B. (B) Section of seismic profile N515. For location, see Figure 2A

Marine and Petroleum Geology 1994 Volume 11 N u m b e r 3 367

Origin of the Sumba forearc basement: W. van der Werff et al.
TW! s RAMA 75

2 F F

4. A C C R E T I O N ARY W E D G E

0 10KI~
• .e. 7x

Figure 8 Line drawing and interpretation after seismic profile RAMA 75 between 1700 and 2400 hours. For legend, see Figure 3A;
for location, see Figure 2A

Sumba-related acoustic basement blocks located to the and their presence on top of the ridge indicates that it is
north are separated by shallow grabens filled with probably at least of Palaeogene age. The Sumba Ridge
presumably Neogene and possibly Palaeogene sedi- and the Roti Thrust converge in an eastward direction.
ments (Figure 8, PAC106). The basement ridges are Based on the bathymetric contours, the Sumba Basin
covered by 0-(I.3 km of sediments. may extend to the Central Basin on the island of Timor.
South of East Sumba the accretionary prism can be Similarly, the Roti Thrust appears to extend to Roti
subdivided into an inner trench slope and an outer arc and onto the southern part of Timor (Figure 2B).
high cut by thrusts (Figure 7, profile G6). The lower To the north, the Sumba Ridge is faulted into a series
trench slope is seismically opaque, deformed and of basement blocks by steep northward dipping
faulted. The upper slope section consists of a mildly east-west trending normal faults (F6, F7, FS, F9),
deformed elevated accretionary wedge segment that is which underlie the South Savu Basin and extend
almost devoid of structural features. The elevated towards the north of West Timor until 122°45'E
segment is bound to the north by a fault-controlled (Figures 10, 13 and 14). These faults have a total
basin (Figures 2B and 7,4, thrust 4). vertical offset of about 4 km.
North of the outer arc ridge and directly south of In the northern Savu Basin to the north of F9 the
East Sumba the acoustic basement is faulted along acoustic basement is beyond the penetration of our
a W N W - E S E trend and covered by 0.9 km of seismic profiles. Here, geophysical data indicate that
sediments. A graben structure with a basin fill of the basement is of oceanic origin (Beiersdorf and
0.9-1.4 km of sediments is shown in Figure 9 Hinz, 1982; McBride and Karig, 1987). Four seismic
(PAC108). The acoustic basement south of the graben sequences with a total sediment thickness of 1.8 km
is uplifted, tilting the sediments northward (Figure 9). could be identified. Sequence 1 is characterized
A south dipping backthrust is located at the south-east by basin fill deposits. Sequence 2 represents
end of the profile. This thrust continues eastward, progradational deposits which filled the basin from the
where it forms part of a series of four backthrusts just south. Sequences 3 and 4 are formed by onlapping
west of Savu (Figure 2B, thrust 3). The thrusts cannot basin fill deposits.
be recognized on any of the profiles to the west, The Sumba Ridge itself has been slightly tilted to the
indicating that backthrusting as a mechanism of arc- north. Just east of Sumba a NNW-SSE trending
continent collision is limited to the area south-east of Miocene growth fault is present where Miocene
Sumba. deposits onlap a Mesozoic basement high and appear
tilted to the north-west (Figures 2B and 11, F5). The
Sumba Ridge is covered by a wedge-shaped sequence
East of Sumba (sequence 2) of steeply north-east prograding slope
East Sumba continues into an E S E - W N W trending deposits with continuous high amplitude, parallel
submarine ridge (Sumba Ridge) until at least 122°30'E bedded reflectors that downlap on the acoustic
(Figure 2B). The southern side of the ridge is bound by basement (Figures 10 and 13). These deposits correlate
the Sumba Basin. This basin is deformed by three with the Sumba Formation on East Sumba (Von der
seismically opaque backthrusts (Figure 7A and 7B). On Botch et al., 1983; Fortuin et al., 1994; Van der
Savu island rock outcrops which belong to the Savu Werff, unpublished data). A transparent seismic
Thrust have been identified as deformed Permian and sequence (sequence 3) on top of sequence 2 is
Mesozoic sediments of Australian affinity (Hamilton, correlated with Pliocene chalks on Sumba. The
1979; Reed, 1985). The Sumba Basin is bound to the combined thickness of the two sequences is about
south by a fourth major backthrust, defined here as the 0.9 km. Uplift of the Sumba Ridge resulted in faulting
Roti Thrust. The Sumba Ridge disappears underneath of its basement and subsequent northward tilting.
these thrusts and is downfaulted by a set of steeply Towards the east the Sumba Ridge is tilted progres-
south dipping east-west trending normal faults (F10) sively more, as shown by the increasing inclination
with a total vertical offset of 4 kin. The Sumba Basin of the Neogene sequences with depth (Figure 13). This
has been filled by sediments with a thickness of 0.9 km, increase in tilt may reflect the more intensive effects
comprising four seismic sequences with possible ages of arc-continent collision towards the east. From
of, respectively, Palaeogene (sequence 1), Early 120030 ' to 122°30'E the Sumba Ridge narrows from 30
Miocene (sequence 2), Late Miocene (sequence 3) and to 18 kin.
Pliocene-Recent (sequence 4) (Reed et al., 1986; 1987; Further east, Karig et al. (1987) identified the Sumba
Van Weering et al., 1989). These onlap Sumba Ridge Ridge as aligned in trend with Northern Timor. A

368 M a r i n e and P e t r o l e u m G e o l o g y 1994 V o l u m e 11 N u m b e r 3

Origin of the Sumba forearc basement: W. van der Werff et al.
. . 3 4 ~ 4 3

3 ~/~//1~' F' -- / - THRUST I

- / / / ' - ~ ~ / J l ~" ' " ACOUSTIC BASEMENT

4 F"

0 10KM
v.e. 7x m




~- ~: "2


• • \ 'r ~

t A
• 0



• IMULTIPLE' ' . " "~ '~ " ~'O~,~




Figure7 (A) Line drawing and interpretation of seismic profile Snellius G6 recorded during Snellius-II expedition east of Sumba,
between 1000 and 2100 hours. For legend, see Figure 3,4; for location, see Figure 2A. (B) Section of seismic profile G6 recorded east of
Sumba between 1100 and 1500 hours• For location, see Figure 2A

Marine and Petroleum Geology 1994 Volume 11 Number 3 369

Origin of the Sumba forearc basement: W. van der Werff et al.
"rwr PA(" I(16
5 0 10KM
~.¢. 2.3x I I

F i g u r e 8 Line drawing and interpretation of seismic profile PAC 106. For legend, see Figure 3A; for location, see Figure 2A

PAC 108


3. _ ~ ~ ' ~ ~'~.'F ACOUSTIC

THRUST 3 % f / ~ ~ ' ~ : ~ t / F "F / l ' -
4 / F ~:".'~F l,
THRUST 2 ,t~l
5 10KM
v.e. 2.3x

Figure 9 Line drawing and interpretation of seismic profile PAC 108. For legend, see Figure 3A; for location, see Figure 2A



' ~-I . . . . . . -- 4


F8 1~ F 9

0 10KM
,~.e. 2.3x I I

Figure 10 Line drawing and interpretation of semmic profile PAC 109 between shotpoints 5400 and 7000. For legend, see Figure 3,4; for
location, see Figure 2A


, - ---'--t ......


0 10KM
6 v.e. 7x I I

Figure 11 Line drawing and interpretation of seismic profile RAMA 82 between 0200 and 1030 hours. For legend, see Figure 3A; for
location, see Figure 2A



4 v e 2 3x " ACOUSTIC BASEMENT 0 10KM

Figure 12 Line drawing and interpretation of seismic profile PAC 110. For legend, see Figure 3A; for location, see Figure 2A

370 Marine and Petroleum Geology 1994 Volume 11 Number 3

Origin of the Sumba forearc basement: W. van der Werff et al.
R A M A 83 N

SAVO . A S , N

v.e. 7x 0 10KM

Figure 13 Line drawing and interpretation of seismic profile RAMA 83 between 1130 and 1800 hours. For legend, see Figure 3A; for
location, see Figure 2A

sharp change in trend from WNW to ENE observed in (1981) based on earthquake data and morphological
the regional bathymetry at about 122°30'E may reflect features (Figure 2B) (Chamalaun et al., 1982;
a structural discontinuity. McCaffrey et al., 1985). Karig et al. (1987) suggested
NNE-SSW trending dextral strike-slip faults just west
North of Sumba of Timor, with estimated offsets of 30 km.
North of Sumba there is a shallow basin structure which Although most of our profiles are oriented parallel to
forms a major conduit for sediment dispersal. Acoustic the postulated strike-slip faults, most basement
basement blocks north of Sumba are downfaulted along structures appear to be continuous and aligned in trend
east-west trending normal faults with vertical offsets with the forearc system (Figure 2B). This is supported
to the north (Figure 2B, F2A, F2B and F3). by the fact that a series of downfaulted linear basement
Sumba-related acoustic basement underlies the basin ridges seems to extend from north-east of Sumba to the
and is covered by 1.8 km of sediments which mainly north of Timor, and that the Sumba Ridge extends
represent a channel fill facies (Figure 12). offshore towards Timor to at least 122°30'E. Further-
more, the tectonized slope basin south of Sumba
Ridge, cut by three backthrusts and bound by a fourth
Interpretation at its southern margin, appears to be continuous. This
basin possibly extends to and crops out as the Central
Tectonics Basin on the island of Timor. The Roti Thrust, which is
Strike-slip faults trending NNE-SSW to north-south continuous between 120°15' and 122°30'E, extends to
in the eastern Sunda/western Banda Arc region were Roti and possibly continues to southern Timor.
postulated by Audley-Charles (1975) and Barber No major NNE-SSW trending strike-slip faults

(s c)

4 ~'" ENE " ~,,A

~,'" . ,-- SAVU BASIN
:'~ < au /


,,u,, F 9


Figure 14 Interpreted section of seismic profile Snellius G6 recorded north-west of Timor between 1500 and 2400 hours. Seismic
stratigraphy after Van Weering et al., 1989. For correlation, see legend of Figure 2

M a r i n e a n d P e t r o l e u m G e o l o g y 1994 V o l u m e 11 N u m b e r 3 371
Origin of the Sumba forearc basement: W. van der Werff et al.
offset these structures significantly. The discontinuity eroded volcanic arc by progressive loading. Finally,
of the Benioff zone around 121°E (Chamalaun et al., the arc may have become buried underneath the
1982) is not expressed in the forearc basement by a backthrusts.
NNE-SSW trending 'Eastern Sumba" fracture as The extent of the Sumba-related basement structures
suggested by Audley-Charles (1975). between 118°- 112°30'E and 9°15 ' - 10°30'S suggests the
Earthquake distributions do not emphasize recent existence of a microcontinent of major dimensions. A
tectonic activity along NNE-SSW trending fault zones Cretaceous-Palaeocene counterclockwise rotation of
between Sumba and Timor (Eva et al., 1988). In 50° and a Palaeocene-Early Miocene counterclockwise
contrast, a N E - S W trending fault zone west of Sumba, rotation of 85° (Wensink, 1994) must have occurred
reflected by high earthquake densities, confirms our along major fault zones. FI may have enabled the
observations and interpretations of recent fault activity. rotation of Sumba between the Palaeocene and Early
These arguments suggest a possible structural Miocene.
continuity between Sumba and Northern Timor. This A backwards (clockwise) rotation of Sumba by 135°
continuity can be explained by assuming that Sumba would bring the orientation of the basement ridges in
and Northern Timor have a common, pre-Tertiary line with the basement structures of the south-east
history. It is more likely, however, that Sumba Sunda shelf and the Makassar Strait. Rifting in the
and Northern Timor were originally two different Makassar Strait occurred in the Eocene (Rangin et al,,
microcontinents which became trapped and welded 1991). Rift structures west of Sumba, based on our
together after the initiation of the arc system by the seismic interpretation, date at least from the
Late Oligocene. The evolution of an early magmatic Palaeogene. The evolution of the Sumba basement
arc then would have resulted in the formation of one could thus be related to the opening of the Makassar
Neogene structural unit. Aligned basement structures, Strait. The tectonic developments described earlier are
related to the Sumba Ridge, have a light crustal schematically illustrated in Figure 15.
character and could be indicative of Mesozoic Alternatively, a pre-Tertiary structural continuity
continental crust, an extinct Early Miocene volcanic between Sumba and Northern Timor could be
arc, or a combination of the two as found on Sumba explained by the correlation of Mesozoic outcrops on
(Effendi and Apandi, 1981; McBride and Karig, 1987). the two islands. This implies a correlation between the
Late Cretaceous Lasipu Formation of Sumba with
Mesozoic outcrops of either the allochthonous or the
O n the origin o f S u m b a para-autochthonous unit on Timor (Rosidi et al., 1979;
If we assume that Sumba and part of Northern Timor Effendi and Apandi, 1981).
constitute one Neogene structural unit, the Sumba
Ridge and the basement ridges underlying the Southern
Savu Basin should be composed of Mesozoic and Early
Palaeogene continental crust, intruded by Early
Miocene magmatic rocks. The possible existence of a EPO('H
'proto'-arc is supported by outcrops of Early Miocene j__qp,7 , SA, M T N
volcanic rocks on West Sumba (Effendi and Apandi,
1981) and by the occurrence of Miocene volcaniclastic PALEOGENE ~ ,+ S ~ SU

submarine fan deposits on East Sumba (Fortuin et al.,

1994). Similar deposits noted on seismic profiles east of
Sumba have a maximum thickness of 2 km and filled , - - T s AU M T N'

the Savu Basin from the south (Figures 10, 13 and 14). LATE O L I G O C E N E ~
The presence of large-scale 'foresets" that onlap the
acoustic basement blocks suggests fast progradation
over a steep slope, implying the rapid erosion of a
major land source. A volcanic land area must have EARL, MIOC NE AU M S T
existed south of Sumba Ridge in the Early, and possibly '

Mid- to Late Miocene.

South of Sumba the profiles indicate the presence of
~~ S U . ~o~i, %~ =~ S AU M S FL
rifted basement blocks covered by a relatively thin
LATE M I O C E N E ......... S ¢ ~ T
Neogene sedimentary cover. Therefore a small volcanic
'proto'-arc was probably located south of Sumba M .....
Ridge, between 120°30' and 122°30'E. The seismic
profiles south of Sumba Ridge, however, show four '~2/suXt,~ _..~ = ~ s " N
major backthrusts which were emplaced between the LATE PLIOCENE . .

Late Miocene and Recent, and probably cover the

basement of the proto-arc. ~g-A u
This small arc may have been active from the end of
the Early Miocene until the Late Miocene. This is
~ __ C O N T I N E N T A l . M
supported by the large amounts of pumice debris F I G U R E 15 ~ _ MAGMATIC AU AUSTRALIA
found in Mid-Late Miocene deposits of the Sumba ~ -- S P R E A D I N G T T I MO R
Formation (Fortuin et al., 1994). Its subsequent RIDGE FL FLORES
erosion may have provided debris to fill the Savu Basin -- TRENCH

from the south, forming sequence 2. Backthrusting,

which started in the Late Miocene (Reed, 1985) may Figure 15 Model explaining the Tertiary forearc basin evolution
have resulted in downflexing of the basement of the in the eastern Sunda/western Banda Arc

372 Marine and Petroleum Geology 1994 V o l u m e 11 N u m b e r 3

O r i g i n o f the S u m b a f o r e a r c b a s e m e n t : W. van d e r W e r f f e t al.
A comparison of the stratigraphy of Sumba with the Acknowledgements
allochthonous Palelo Group outcropping on Northern
We thank E. Silver (University of Santa Cruz,
Timor by Audley-Charles et al. (1985) revealed some
similarities. The Lasipu Formation, however, is California), C. Rangin (University P. & M. Curie,
deposited near a continental source area and on top of Paris) and J. E. van Hinte (Free University,
crust with a continental thickness, whereas the Palelo Amsterdam) for critically reviewing the manuscript and
series constitutes oceanic sediments deposited on providing important suggestions for improvement. We
oceanic crust presently exposed as ophiolites on are greatly indebted to A. R. Fortuin, T. B. Roep
Northern Timor. Therefore we are not in favour of a (Free University of Amsterdam) and H. Wensink
correlation between Sumba and the allochthonous part (State University, Utrecht) for discussions. We also
of Northern Timor. benefited from editorial comments and those of
Alternatively, a correlation between the Late two anonymous reviewers. We thank the Japanese
Cretaceous Lasipu Formation and the para- Geological Survey, SIPM, the Hague and Mobil
autochthonous units on Northern Timor may be Petroleum Cooperation for providing multichannel
suggested. These units, which form substantial seismic data. Scripps Institute of Oceanography and K.
outcrops on Northern Timor (Rosidi et al., 1979), are in Hinz of the Bundesanstalt ftir Geowissen-schaften und
a trend with the South Sumba Ridge and could possibly Rohstoffe, Hanover are acknowledged for supplying
form its onshore extension (Figure 2B). The large additional seismic profiles. This study was supported by
differences in stratigraphy and structural geology the Netherlands Marine Science Foundation (SOZ) in
between these units make any detailed correlation the Hague.
difficult. Moreover, palaeomagnetic data on the para-
autochthonous unit of Timor suggest a relationship
between Timor and Australia (Chamalaun, 1977; References
Chamalaun and Sunata, 1983; Wensink et al., 1987; Audley-Charles, M. G. (1968) The geology of Portuguese Timor
Wensink and Hartosukohardjo, 1990). In contrast, Mere. GeoL Soc. London 4, 1-76
Wensink (1994) suggests that Sumba performed a Audley-Charles, M. G. (1975) The Sumba fracture: a major
large counterclockwise rotation between the Late discontinuity between Eastern and Western Indonesia
Tectonophysics 26, 213-218
Cretaceous and Early Miocene of 135° and a southward Audley-Charles, M. G. (1985) The Sumba enigma: is Sumba a
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