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Name Cassandra Krantz Player Bronwyn Chronicle Beyond the Pale

Clan Tremere Predator type Osiris Ambition make Perth a garden

Sect Bahari Rank/Title Neonate Desire spend time with taylor

Physical Social Mental
Strength 
● Charisma 
●●● Intelligence 

Dexterity 
●● Manipulation 
●●● Wits 

Stamina 
●● Composure 
●● Resolve 


Athletics  Animal Ken  Academics Theology 

Brawl  Etiquette  Awareness 


Craft  Insight 

●●● Finance 
Drive  Intimidation  Investigation 

Firearms  Leadership 

● Medicine 
Larceny  Performance  Occult Bahari 

Melee Knives 

●● Persuasion 
●●● Politics 
Stealth 
●●● Streetwise  Science 
Survival  Subterfuge 
●● Technology 


Fame (Bahari) Enemy Haven Base Rating
● 
●● 
Mask (Cassandra Krantz) Effectiveness 1, Reliability 1. Merits & Flaws

A gifted mortal that will appear ASAP.
Resources A, spurned lover, male. Was a bahari prospective.
● 
Unbondable 
●●●●● Stalkers 
● 
Retainer- Caleb 
●● A group of occultists who think ill lead them to 
the fountain of youth.
 
 Gardener 
●● 
 10 mortals and 1 kindred. they are very young 
and you have been tending to them as you were
tended by the Bahari. You are currently unaware
 Notes
 Beacon of Profanity 
● Haven breakdown on page 3.

 Mortals with any amount of True Faith can sense

you, not just those with True Faith 3.

Health Humanity   Hunger 

■■■ (see page 205f.)
+1 **
● ● ● ● ●   Resonance 
  
● ● ● ● ● 
● 
/  

Dark Pack © Paradox Interactive 2020

Name Cassandra Krantz Player Bronwyn Chronicle Beyond the Pale Page 2


Blood Potency 
●  Blood Surge Add 2 D10 Feeding Penalty
Power Bonus none none
Generation    
● 
16. 15. 14. 1 superficial
13. 12. 11. 10. Mend Amount
9. 8.
7. 6. lvl 1
Rouse Re-Roll
(see page 214ff.) Bane Severity 2


Clan Bane page? V5 97 Clan Compulsion Perfectionism page?

Deficient Blood. Until end of scene or critical win, you suffer a 2 dice penalty.
-- Kindred can not be bound by blood anymore. Repeated action continous to reduce the penalty.
-- Mortals need to drink your blood a number of additional
times to be blood bonded.

Auspex  Dominate 
● Blood Sorcery 
Cloud Memory CR 257 Corrosive Vitae CR 273

Extinguish Vitae CR 274

Scorpions Touch CR 274

Blood Sorcery Rituals   

Coax the Garden CotBG 55

  

Dark Pack © Paradox Interactive 2020

Name Cassandra Krantz Player Bronwyn Chronicle Beyond the Pale Page 3


  

  

  


Haven Base Rating 

●● Haven Base Rating 
● Haven Base Rating 
Merits & Flaws Merits & Flaws Merits & Flaws
  
  
  
  
  
Notes Notes Notes
BAHARI Garden of Deliverance. A small Small studio apartment in Northbridge.
rundown centenary house in Subiaco with a
large, overgrown backyard garden. within
walking of the train station.
Tier 1- Caleb, Ashleigh and Xara.

EQUIPMENT (see page 300ff.)

Weapon Damage Type Equipment

Small pocket switchblade. +2 Light Piercing Two vials containing human blood and poppy seeds.

+Ava's phone number aquired.

Armor Value Penalty

Dark Pack © Paradox Interactive 2020

Name Cassandra Krantz Player Bronwyn Chronicle Beyond the Pale Page 4

Mortal Days Kindred Nights Character Sketch
Born Emily Jennifer Whillis, Cassandra was raised Myra Krantz (10th gen, Toreador) is a Bahari
catholic by her grandparents. Her gpa was an abusive preistess a few centuries old. She acted in place of
alcoholic and her grandmother passed while she was Cassandra's real sire. Cassandra took Myra's surname
young. Emily struggled with her mental health and out of respect and recognition of the role Myra had
made a number of attempts on her life before finding played for her. Cassandra renamed herself officially on
her people in the early 90's. Thanks to the Internet, the aniversary of her Death Day on her official
Emily found an occult website and forum in her early 'baptism' into the Bahari proper, about 5 years after
adulthood. Through the group, simply called 'The her embrace after the pair had moved to Budapest to
Lady's Garden', Emily gained a support group of like submerge Cassandra in Lillith's largest living garden in
minded individuals and a new bible that resonated modern nights.
with the pain and suffering she had faced in life. The Cassandra's unique upbringing amongst the Bahari has
Lady's Garden is an international Bahari roots gifted her a very different worldview compared to a
organisation run by Myra Krantz, a Lahaka based in traditional Cainite upbringing in the sabbat, anarch or
Zurich. Myra became a friend, mentor and confidant camarilla factions. She sees no fundaental difference
to Emily. On a trip to Europe to meet with her friend between 'kine' and 'kindred', her only line in the sand
and mentor Emily was turned by a House Carna that between the Bahari and the children of eve. AKA
Tremere in a feeding incident during a stopover in everybody else.
Berlin. WIth no one else to turn to, Myra became her She silently moved back to perth 5yrs ago to build a
Mentor in unlife, taking Emily under her wing. garden of her own in the city that started it all.

Description & Features

Birthday: 14/12/1967 . Sire: Some Jackass- likely of H. Carna

Apparent Age: 30 Clan: Tremere

Hair / Eyes: Blue/grey Generation: 13

Gender: Female Embraced: 17/7/1997

Ethnicity: European Australian Age: 55

Nationality: Australian Sect: Bahari

Height / Weight: 5'9", 107kg Faction: Camarilla

Concept: Bahari Priestess Rank / Title: Neonate

BELIEFS (see page 172ff.)

Chronicle Tenets Convictions Touchstones

The Domain; Honor one another's domain. Do unto others as they have done unto Matthew Whills- Grandfather
Manage yo Beast.
Never feel remorse for serving Lilith. Adalia Fischer, a mortal priestess running
a garden in Vienna. I met her in Budapest
Never show fear in the face of death. during a festival and we have kept in
touch since. Her story gives me conviction.

Veronica Aarons. A German, Jewish

immigrant to australia post WW2. Shes
got terminal cancer. I met her walking
the wards of Charlie Gardener one
evening. We keep in touch. I'll visist her in
the evenings and listen to the stories of
her life.

Current Experience Points Total experience points
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
● ● ● ● ●         
         
         

Dark Pack © Paradox Interactive 2020

Name Cassandra Krantz Player Bronwyn Chronicle Beyond the Pale Page


Discipline Ritual name Prerequisite Power? Cost page?

Blood Sorcery Coax the Garden NA CotB 55
Description Ingredients System
This ritual allows the caster to bring plant Human blood and poppy seeds. The affected flora causes a 2 dice penalty
life, such as roots, grass and tree branches to physical dice pools for those in the
to act in their defense. range. Vics who stay in the area for longer
than a turn must make a Dex+Athletics
A win on the Ritual roll following the Process roll (Diff 3), or be grappled and suffer 1pt
casting of the ritual ingredients animates superficial health for each turn ensnared.
the plant life. The vampire casts a concoction of human If the caster achieves a crit win, the
blood and poppy seeds onto the earth, damage doubles. On a total failure the
and in doing so rouses all plant life within plants attack caster. The plants will target
a 5 yarrd/meter diameter. While these anyone who isnt the caster. Will remain
plants are rarely lethal in their attacks, active till end of scene.
they can successfully disable and alarm.

Discipline Ritual name Prerequisite Power? Cost page?

Blood Sorcery
Description Ingredients System


Discipline Ritual name Prerequisite Power? Cost page?

Blood Sorcery
Description Ingredients System


Discipline Ritual name Prerequisite Power? Cost page?

Blood Sorcery
Description Ingredients System


Dark Pack © Paradox Interactive 2020

Name Cassandra Krantz Player Bronwyn Chronicle Beyond the Pale Page


Discipline Ritual name Prerequisite Power? Cost page?

Description Ingredients System


Discipline Ritual name Prerequisite Power? Cost page?

Description Ingredients System


Discipline Ritual name Prerequisite Power? Cost page?

Description Ingredients System


Discipline Ritual name Prerequisite Power? Cost page?

Description Ingredients System


Dark Pack © Paradox Interactive 2020

Name Cassandra Krantz Player Bronwyn Chronicle Beyond the Pale Page

Current Experience Points Total Experience points
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
● ● ● ● ●         
         
         
         
         
         
Spent on XP spent Spent on XP spent Spent on XP spent
Unbondable 15

Subtotal of Experience spent Subtotal of Experience spent Subtotal of Experience spent

Dark Pack © Paradox Interactive 2020

Name Cassandra Krantz Player Bronwyn Chronicle Beyond the Pale Page


Name Thrall? 
■ Bond Strength 
●● Name Thrall?  Bond Strength 

Caleb Kempton Increment Matthew Whills Increment
 
Notes Notes
Grandfather, fed just enough to counteract the effects of disese
and aging.

Name Thrall?  Bond Strength 

● Name Thrall?  Bond Strength 

Xara Increment Ashleigh Increment
 
Notes Notes
Garden memeber. Garden member.

Name Thrall?  Bond Strength  Name Thrall?  Bond Strength 
Increment  Increment 
Notes Notes

M ial

owed? owed? M ial

Name  Name 
M or

M or
Li or

Li or






Token?   Token?  

Notes Notes
M ial

M ial

Name owed?  Name owed? 

M or

M or
Li or

Li or






Token?   Token?  

Notes Notes

Dark Pack © Paradox Interactive 2020

Name Cassandra Krantz Player Bronwyn Chronicle Beyond the Pale Page

COTERIE (see page 195f.)

Name Type

Coterie Members Clan Kindred Relationships

Violet Gallard The Ministry

Silas Ventrue

Danny Fenek "The Rabbit" Lasombra

  
  

Chasse  Notes Haven Base Rating 

Merits & Flaws

Lien  
Portillon  Notes

Dark Pack © Paradox Interactive 2020

Name Cassandra Krantz Player Bronwyn Chronicle Beyond the Pale Page


The Garden of Deliverance

- Arguably a massive masquerade breach, the garden of deliverance comprises of 10 mortals and 1 kindred.

- Caleb has been Cassandra's bonded ghoul for over a year and a half and has had all the following knowledge imparted to him before
the others because of the binding nature of the blood bond. (he basically had suspicions and confronted cassandra who gave him the
same following speil with the offer to remove or leave the memories. he kept them, and, now actually knowing what the feeding was
told her not to feed on the others until they knew and could consent. cass agreed to this. and then down the line they had a number of
other similar conversations ending with the ' do you want to remember this' question. eventually he asked to become lahaka. cass said it
wanst something she was ready to give anyone yet, let alone him. one thing let to another and hes ghouled to her now in basically a
trial run to see if he can handle the little power he has now and to let him live a bit longer and come to a decisio that he def wants to
be embraced. cass has also made it clear that this period is also for her to prepare herself for that responsibility, and literally equates it
to having children. which he can understand.)

The following info was given to the mortal garden members about 8 months ago. They were all told that before cassandra started to
get into the really esoteric shit there were a few important facts they needed to know. She told them all that she would tell them all
indivdually so they could all individually make the choice without pressure from the group to choose either way, with the exception of
the couple who were told together. At this point one or two individuals might have left the group knowing they were told something
they didnt want to hear and that the memory was taken away so they could return to normal, danger-free lives.

What is said:

- Cassandra uses the term lahaka, explains that means she is gifted with some of lilith's gifts in return for inheriting her curses. she can
now only be sustained by blood. she tells them there are other specifics that they will be informed of at a later date about her nature.
at this point she informs them what her blood does to mortals and tells them that drinking her blood monthly would be part of the
rituals. at this point they are given a few minutes to decide to forget and return to normal or agree and continue.

- She informs them that there are others, other lhaka in the world and other, similiar but different beings she refers to as the 'cursed
of caine', or 'the cursed'. They are the lineage of a man called caine. yes, caine from the bible, but the story has a bit more to it. like
my nature it will be elaborated on.

- "The cursed hold alot of influence in the world and are very secretive, and i would be seen as breaking their laws on secrecy by telling
you these things. If they found out they would certainly kill me and they would likley kill all of you or worse, so please, for my sake but
especially your own, dont ever refer to the cursed outside of this property unless i am with you and have told you it is safe to do so.
also please dont try to expose them, they have way more numbers and reach than our tiny group"

- "It is possible for the cursed to pass on their curse to you. Trust me, you will be well aware if such a thing ever happens to you. If
such a thing ever happens, please do not panic. Tell the person who has cursed you nothing of the garden or lillith, many are ignorant
to such truths. When you are safely able to do so, which could be weeks to years depending on the individual, you know where to find
me. You are Baham and are always welcome home to the garden should you have need."

-"i tell you all of this not to scare you but to ensure your safety. i have come to know and love you like family, i understand if this
obvious risk to yourself is to high a cost. Should you desire i can remove your memory of this information and you can move on from
the garden as this would be as far as i can take you."

After this convo is when the real nitty gritty of lilith and the destruction of her second garden and onwards are taught etc. the
following tidbits are also made clear and ive put them here just to clarify.
- Cassandra has placed alot of emphasis on the safety of the group. Citing that "while i will never outright lie to you, i may omit or
obscure the truth so that you do not use words that would get you outright killed on the spot". Basically if cassandra doesnt confirm or
deny something or simply says 'i cant tell you yet' people at this point understand not to press the matter and hopefully have enough
trust in cassandra to agree that some things she just cant share. the idea is that this transparency that she cant tell them allows them
to trust that when cassandra can tell them things that she will.

- Cass has told the people that have 'made the choice' that information given to them obviously needs to stay between trusted people
or else they risk themselves and others. the assumption is that if they are gung ho so far and are taking her blood monthly at this
point that the risk of them suddenly blabbing is low, however they still have free will (except caleb XD), and can do what they please.
Obviously their choice has been 'yeah lets see this bahari thing through to the end, i want in on this'

- Cass has requested to them that if they start noticing frequent gaps in their memory or ever feel the bliss of the bite when she isnt
around that they call her immediatly upon noticing. its been explained to them all that like her others can make them forget
moments, especially during unsolicited feeding. Cassandra tells them all about her own suspicions of being used in such a manner when
she was mortal like them. also lets them know if the others start mentioning such memory gaps to also let her know

The cult basically has tier 1- guys in the know, and tier 2- guys who dont wanna be in the know and then tier 3- guys who dont even
know about the choice (they will have members coming next dot XD). i using this vernacular because its just easier for talking about
shit for people who know the esoteric stuff and the shit for people who dont. The guys in tier 1 know and make sure not to talk about
tier 1 stuff around tier 2 and 3 people.

Lastly a note about taylor

- i have treated taylor as a potential newcomer and shes particpated in a handful of tier 2 levels. ive told the tier 1 guys thats shes
basically tier 3 and will likely be so for a while to come so they know to keep their mouths shut about that sorta stuff.
- if any tier 1 guys have noticed that taylor and i share 'similarities', i dont confirm or deny, which they basically understand as 'yeah

Dark Pack © Paradox Interactive 2020

Name Cassandra Krantz Player Bronwyn Chronicle Beyond the Pale Page


Dark Pack © Paradox Interactive 2020

Name Cassandra Krantz Player Bronwyn Chronicle Beyond the Pale Page


Dark Pack © Paradox Interactive 2020


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