Nrsimhadeva Festival Kit FINAL - Bhakti Kids (2022)

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Bhakti Kids – CDM (2022). / https://bhaktikids.

com 1
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Lord Nrsimhadeva
Where is Lord Nrsimhadeva? – Game
The Miraculous Cure
Birthday Card for Lord Nrsimhadeva
Join the Dots
Chanting the Name of the Lord - Rhyme
There is No Need to Fear Me
Let’s Get Crafty!
Lord Nrsimhadeva pacified by Prahlada – Drama
Colouring Page
Krishna and Nrsimhadeva are non-different
Panakala Nrsimha
Panakam Recipe
Protect Prahlada – Game
Ugra Nrsimha from Mayapur
3D Nrsimhadeva Craft
Crossword Puzzle
Namaste Narasimhaya on Harmonium
Colouring Page
Shanta Nrsimha
Word Search
Get to Know Prahlad Maharaj!
9 Processes of Devotional Service
Prince Prahlada Song
Colouring Page

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Long, long ago, two doorkeepers of Vaikuntha were cursed to be born as demons in the
material world because they had stopped the four Kumaras from seeing the Lord. So, they
were born as Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakashipu.

Hiranyaksha created a lot of disturbance by

throwing Mother Earth in a very dirty place of the
universe. She was saved by the boar incarnation of
Lord Vishnu, Varahadeva, who also fought and
killed Hiranyaksha. After his brother’s death,
Hiranyakashipu started performing severe
austerities to become the greatest and to kill Lord
Vishnu. His terrible austerities created a lot of
problems for everyone, so Lord Brahma had to
appear before him and ask: “What do you want?”.
Hiranyakashipu replied: “I want to be immortal.”,
which, of course, is not possible for any living
being born in the material world. So, he tried
asking for boons which might make him immortal.
He wished that he may not be killed by any living
entity, be it human, demigod, demon or animal; he may not be killed by any kind of weapon,
neither during day or night, nor on the ground or in the sky, inside or outside any residence.
He also desired to be the only ruler of the universe and to have the mystic powers of yogis.

After obtaining everything he desired, Hiranyakashipu became very proud and started
torturing all living creatures, especially the cows and brahmas. They took shelter of Lord
Vishnu, who promised them He will soon appear.

Hiranyakashipu had four sons, the best of them being Prahlada. Although born in a family
of demons, he was not an asura, but a great devotee of Lord Vishnu. It all happened when
he was in the womb of his mother. Then, he had the opportunity to hear instructions form

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the great sage Narada muni and so he became a devotee, always engaged in thinking about

Although he was put under the guidance of demoniac teachers, his devotion could not be
destroyed. On the contrary, whenever they had breaks from learning, he would teach his
colleagues about devotional service. While talking to his father, Prahlada mentioned worship
of the Supreme Lord. This infuriated his father, who ordered the teachers to protect his son
from the influence of Vaishnavas and to teach him demoniac subjects. How much they tried,
his teachers were unsuccessful and brought Prahlada again in front of Hiranyakashipu.
Asked what is the best teaching he received, Prahlada said it is about the nine processes of
devotional service to Lord Vishnu. Enraged at his answer, Hiranyakashipu threw Prahlada
from his lap and ordered his men to kill him. The demons tried in so many ways to finish
him off, but nothing worked because Prahlada was always meditating on the Lord.

Brought before his father, Prahlada was asked by whose power does he dare to defy
Hiranyakashipu. Prahlada answered: “The source of my strength is the source of yours.”
Hiranyakashipu replied: “You always talk of a being who is supreme and everywhere. But
where is He? If He is everywhere, then why is
He not before me in this pillar? Because you
are speaking so much nonsense, I will cut your
head from your body. Now let me see your
God come to protect you. I want to see it.”
Saying this, he took his sword to kill Prahlada
and he hit the pillar with his fist. Out of it
came a terrible sound and a wonderful form of
Lord Vishnu, His half-man half-lion
incarnation, Nrisimhadeva! He captured
Hiranyakashipu, placed him on His lap,
supporting him with His thighs, and in the
doorway of the assembly hall the Lord very
easily tore the demon to pieces with the nails

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of His hand. In this way, He personally came to protect his little devotee and also kept the
promises made by Lord Brahma.

So, whenever we are in danger or in difficult situations, we can also take shelter of Lord
Nrisimhadeva, remember Him and offer prayers to Him. He is our protector. He also removes
the obstacles from our devotional path.

Did you know that when Lord Narasimha appeared from the stone pillar, one of His eyes
was filled with rage, while the other was looking with love towards His devotee Prahlada?
The sharp nails on His hands were just like steel chisels, on the demon’s body, but the palms
of the same hands were as soft as lotus flowers for His devotee?

Did you know that when Srila Prabhupada was very sick he taught the devotees a new prayer,
the Nrisimhadeva prayers? When his condition became even worse, he asked the devotees
to chant the holy name and pray to Lord Nrisimhadeva. The devotees chanted the whole
night and very soon, Srila Prabhupada became better. He wrote to the devotees thanking
them and saying that due to their sincere and ardent prayer, Krishna has saved his life.

Did you also know that the story of Prahlada Maharaj was one of the favourites of Sri
Caitanya Mahaprabhu?

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By reciting a Hare Krishna Mahamantra, a child is chosen
to be Lord Nrsimhadeva. Lord Nrsimhadeva hides while
the others pretend to be Hiranyakashipus, looking
everywhere for God. One child is Prahlada who knows
where Nrsimhadeva is hiding, and tells the
Hiranyakashipus if they are getting “hotter” or “colder.”
When a child finds Nrsimhadeva, Nrsimhadeva chases all
the Hiranyakashipu’s. Whoever finds Nrsimhadeva is the
next Nrsimhadeva, and whoever Nrsimhadeva catches is
the next Prahalada.

There was a fight in a village, and in the course of the fight, one person was attacked with
acid as a result of which his whole face was burnt and terribly disfigured. The sight of one
of the eyes was completely lost and the other eye had only about 10% vision. The doctors
said that the remaining eye, through which he had 10% vision, would also go blind very
soon. They suggested taking the patient to Vellore (South India) for further treatment, to
see if they could do something about it. At that time, a devotee who was there suggested
that they should pray to Lord Nrsimhadeva for the recovery of his eyes. As a result, they
prayed to Lord Nrsimhadeva (at ISKCON Mayapur). The next day, much to the doctor’s
surprise, it was found that the patient could see everything very nicely.

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What you need:
• A4 Coloured paper
• Picture of Nrsimhadev
• Scissors
• Colour pencils
• Markers


1. Fold the A4 coloured paper in half vertically.

2. Paste the picture of Nrsimhadev in the centre.
3. Draw two golden pillars on each side of
4. Write with a marker, ‘O Nrsimhadev’ above the
picture of Nrsimhadev.
5. Write ‘May your gentle claws…’ below the
picture of Nrsimhadev (See Image 1).
6. Inside the card, paste a 10cmx8cm cut out of
white paper in the centre
7. Draw 6 emojis that depict the anarthas you
Nrsimhadev to rip out (Lust, anger, greed,
pride, attachment, jealousy).
8. Write ‘ rip out my material flaws!’ above
the emojis.
9. Draw two claws of Nrsimhadev on each side
of the emojis
10. Below the emojis, write a short birthday
message for Nrsimhadev and sign-off with
your name (See Image 2).
11. Offer the card to Nrsimhadev on His
appearance day with love!

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Chanting, chanting, chanting Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna,

the name of the Lord Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare,
Chanting, chanting, chanting Hare Rama Hare Rama
the name of the Lord. Rama Rama Hare Hare.

Hiranyakashipu was King, Chanting, chanting, chanting

And an evil King was he. the name of the Lord
He bargained with Lord Brahma for Chanting, chanting, chanting
Immortality- the name of the Lord
Not to die in the day,
Not to die in the night, Hiranyakashipu did yell-
Not to die on the land "Prahlad! Is your God here?"
Not to die on the sea He stuck the column with his fist
Not to die by animal and Lord Nrisimha appeared
Not to die by man It wasn't by day
He wanted to love eternally. And it wasn't by night
It wasn't by land
Chanting, chanting, chanting And it wasn't by sea
the name of the Lord It was not by animal
Chanting, chanting, chanting It was not by man
the name of the Lord He was killed by the Supreme Personality

Prahlad, the boy devotee, Chanting, chanting, chanting

Was the soon if the evil King the name of the Lord
His father's pride and joy was he Chanting, chanting, chanting
Until he heard him sing the name of the Lord

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When Lord Nrsimhadeva first came to Mayapur, all
the pujaris were reluctant to worship His awesome
form. Bhava Siddhi das was particularly frightened and
always very nervous worshiping Him. One night, after
putting the Lord to rest, he was leaving the altar,

he heard such a tremendous sound that it made his

hairs stand on end. Looking back fearfully, he saw that
everything was in place. So, he quickly left, locked the
door and paid his obeisance, praying for forgiveness
for any offense he might inadvertently have
committed. At the end of that night he was awakened
by the shaking of his bed. Bhava Siddhi was sleeping
on the top of a bunk bed. So he thought it must be the
pujari below him getting up for mangala-arati. However, when he opened his eyes, he saw Lord
Nrsimhadeva sitting on his bed. That fortunate pujari became very fearful, practically to the point of
panic. As he tried to get up, Lord Nrsimhadeva place His two hands, which felt like the weight of the
universe, on his shoulders. “Be peaceful, be calm,” the Lord consoled him. “I have just come to tell you
that when you worship Me in the temple, there is no need to fear Me. Please, give up this fear.”

The Lord then disappeared, but Bhava Siddhi began to run up and down the veranda of the Long
Building, where he slept. “What happened?” asked some concerned devotees. But they received only
incoherent replies.

They started to think maybe he had gone mad or become haunted by a ghost. Finally, Bhava Siddhi ran
over to the temple and prostrated himself before the door where Lord Nrsimhadeva is worshiped and
offered heartfelt prayers. After some time, he became a little pacified, and began walking back to his
room. “I wonder why everyone is staring at me,” he thought. When he looked down, the answer was
obvious: He had gone to the temple in his night dress.

I saw Bhava Siddhi at last year’s Gaura Purnima festival—he is living in America now—and asked him
about that incident. “Yes,” he said. “I still have those two marks from Lord Nrsimhadeva on my
shoulders. They are almost gone now, but they are still visible.”

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Print this page. Color Prahlada and Narasimhadev puppets. You may stick the page to a
card paper for durability. Cut on the black lines and fold the dotted lines. Glue the two
sides of the puppets. Attach the other two hands to the Narasimha doll. Now you can play
with them!

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NARRATOR: After Lord Nṛsiṁhadeva killed the demon Hiranyakashipu, the demigods
approached the Lord. They were headed by Lord Brahmā, King Indra and Lord Śiva, together
with great saints and residents of heaven.

ŚIVA, BRAHMĀ, INDRA: Oh Lord, we offer our respectful obeisances unto You.

NARRATOR: The Lord continued to be very angry, and the demigods, headed by Lord Brahmā,
could not pacify Him.

DEMIGODS: Oh, Lakṣmī devi, kindly go before the Lord.

LAKṢMĪ DEVI: I have never seen such a wonderful and extraordinary form of the Lord. I am
afraid to approach Him.

BRAHMĀ (to Prahlāda): My dear son, Lord Nṛsiṁhadeva is extremely angry at your demoniac
father. Please go forward and appease the Lord.

NARRATOR: Prahlāda Mahārāja accepted and slowly proceeded toward Lord Nṛsiṁhadeva. He
fell down to offer his respectful obeisances with folded hands. When Lord Nṛsiṁhadeva saw the
small boy Prahlāda Mahārāja paying obeisances at His lotus feet, He became most ecstatic in
affection toward His devotee. Raising Prahlāda, the Lord placed His lotus hand upon the boy’s
head. His hand always creates fearlessness in all His devotees. By the touch of Lord
Nṛsiṁhadeva’s hand, Prahlāda’s heart filled with love, and his eyes with tears. He looked at Lord
Nṛsiṁhadeva and offered prayers.

PRAHLĀDA: How is it possible for me, who have been born in a family of asuras, to offer
suitable prayers to satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead? I am not at all qualified. The
Lord cannot be satisfied by anything except devotional service. I will try to offer my prayers,
which benefit the one who speaks them.

Your appearance in this fearsome form is Your pastime, for Your pleasure and for the protection
of the universe. So please stop Your anger now that my father has been killed. All devotees will
remember Your wonderful form to be free from fear.

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I am not afraid of Your ferocious mouth and tongue, Your eyes bright like the sun or Your
frowning eyebrows. I do not fear Your sharp teeth, Your roaring, which scares even elephants or
Your nails meant to kill Your enemies. My Lord, You have killed my father, Hiraṇyakaśipu, and
saved me from his sword. He had said very angrily, “If there is any supreme controller other than
me, let Him save you. I shall now cut your head from your body.”

NARRATOR: Thus, Lord Nṛsiṁhadeva was pacified by the devotee Prahlāda Mahārāja with
prayers and gave up His anger.

NṚSIṀHADEVA: My dear Prahlāda, all good fortune unto you. I am very much pleased with
you. Ask from Me any benediction that you desire.

PRAHLĀDA (smiling): My dear Lord, I was born in a demoniac family so I am attached to

material happiness. Do not tempt me with these illusions. I am very much afraid of material life,
that is why I take shelter of Your lotus feet. A devotee who want benefits in exchange for his
service is not a pure devotee. He is like a businessman looking for profit. You are my master and I
am your servant.

NṚSIṀHADEVA: A devotee like you does not want anything material. Still, I make you king of
the demons until the end of Manu. Even though you are in the material world, you will always
remember Me and at the end of this body you will return back home, back to Godhead.

PRAHLĀDA: O Lord, because You are so merciful to the fallen souls, I ask You for only one
benediction. My father has done many offences and very sinful activities against me, Your
devotee. Please excuse him.

NṚSIṀHADEVA: Because you were born in this family, your father and your entire dynasty has
been purified. You are the best example of My devotee, and others should follow in your footsteps
to become devotees.

BRAHMĀ: My dear Lord, if one meditates upon Your transcendental body, You protect him
from all sources of fear, even the imminent danger of death.

NṚSIṀHADEVA: My dear Lord Brahmā, it is dangerous to give benedictions to demons. I warn

you not to give such benedictions to any demon again.

NARRATOR: After being worshiped by Brahmā, the Lord disappeared from that place.

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The father of one of the devotees of ISKCON youth forum used to argue with him saying,
“Why do we have to worship Nrsimhadeva, when Radha Madhava are there?” The boy
tried to make his father understand that Krishna and Nrsimhadeva are non different, but his
father was not very convinced in this regard. During Nrsimha Caturdasi in 2003, this boy,
along with his father, came to the temple and were watching Lord Nrsimhadeva’s abhisek
[bathing] ceremony. Suddenly the boy’s father saw Madhava’s face in place of
Nrsimhadeva’s. He turned to Radha Madhava and again he looked back at Nrsimhadeva
and found Nrsimhadeva’s face as Madhava’s still. This continued for about 20 seconds. In
this way, he realized that there is no difference between Madhava and Nrsimhadeva.

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• Water - 3 to 4 cups
• Dried ginger powder – ¼ tsp
• Black pepper powder – ¼ tsp
• Cardamom Powder - ¼ tsp
• Salt – ¼ tsp
• Jaggery – 4 to 5 tbsp
• Juice of one large lemon or 2 small lemons


1. Add the drinking water into a large pitcher.

2. Stir the crushed or grated jaggery.
3. Add salt, cardamom powder, black pepper, dried ginger powder & the lemon juice.
4. Filter it through a muslin cloth to remove any impurities in the liquid and stir well.
5. Offer to Lord Nrsimhadeva with love and devotion!

All players should form a circle. One player will be Prahlada, one player
will be Lord Vishnu and the rest of the players will be Hiranyakashipu’s
demons.Prahlada and Lord Vishnu take their places inside the circle
with Lord Vishnu in a position of protecting Prahlada. The players
outside the circle will try to hit Prahlada’s with the ball while Lord
Vishnu does all he/ she can to protect Prahlada from getting hit.
Players can choose to throw the ball toward Prahlada, or they can
throw the ball to other players who might have a better angle at
Prahlada. If the ball touches Prahlada, he/she will then be out and
must find a place in the circle. Vishnu becomes the new Prahlada and
the person who hits Prahlad with the ball becomes the new Vishnu.

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Help Prahlada reach Lord Narasimhadeva to pacify His anger.
(Advanced Level)

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Help Prahlada reach Lord Narasimhadeva to pacify His anger.
(Beginner Level)

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It was 1984, at 12:20 am, thirty-five dacoits (thieves) armed with weapons and bombs
attacked Sri Mayapur Chandrodaya Temple. They harassed the devotees and treated
them very badly, but the greatest shock came when the dacoits decided to steal the
Deities of Srila Prabhupada and Srimati Radharani. Without fear, the devotees challenged
the attackers. Shots were fired, a few dacoits fell, and their plans were stopped. Srila
Prabhupada was rescued, but Radharani was taken
away. This was not the first time the devotees had
faced violence and harassment in Mayapur. The
management wanted a permanent solution.
Bhavananda das suggested that Lord Nrsimhadev
should be installed. When the dacoits had threatened
devotees at the Yoga Pitha, Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur
and his son Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur,
had immediately installed Sri Sri Laksmi Nrsimhadev.
After that, there had been no more disturbances.
Other devotees in Mayapur were concerned because
the pujari of Nrisimhadeva must be a naisthika
brahmacari (celibate from birth), and the worship of the Lord must be must very strict
and regulated. But Bhavananda das was determined and one day he told how the Deity’s
legs should be bent, ready to jump, He should be looking around ferociously, His fingers
should be curled, and flames should be coming from His head. One devotee sketched a
Deity in this mood. The devotees liked it and Pankajanghri prabhu agreed to worship Him.
A wealthy devotee from Kolkata, offered to sponsor the sculpting and installing of the
Deity. It seemed Lord Nrsimhadeva’s appearance in ISKCON Mayapur would be very
simple and the Deity would be ready for installation in three months.

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A devotee left for South India to get things organized. By Krishna’s grace, he soon found a
very famous sthapati. A sthapati not only sculpts Deities; he is also expert in temple
architecture and engineering. The man was very obliging until the devotee mentioned
that the Deity, they wanted was Ugra Nrsimhadeva. Hearing that, the sthapati strongly
refused to make such a Deity. The devotee approached many Deity sculptors, but the
answer was always the same: “No”. He made a number of trips between Mayapur and
South India. Six months had passed, but Lord Nrsimhadeva had not yet manifested.

He visited again the original sthapati and pleaded him. This time the sculptor was a little
more cooperant and drew a sketch from scripture, but said he would not carve the form
himself. It took him a week
to complete and it was very
impressive. When everyone
in Mayapur saw the sketch,
they wanted the same
sthapati to carve the Deity.
Once again, the devotee
was sent back to South India
to try to convince him. This
time, he just said a few words to the sthapati and the man accepted to carve the Deity!

What had happened? The sthapati had asked his guru if he should carve the deity. The
answer was: “Don’t do it. They want Ugra Nrsimha? Do they know what it means
sculpting and installing Ugra Nrsimha? Such Deities were carved over three thousand
years ago by very elevated sthapatis. There is a place on the way to Mysore where a very
ferocious Ugra Nrsimha is installed. Once the standard of worship there was very high but
gradually, it declined. Today that place is like a ghost town. The whole village is deserted.
No one can live there peacefully.” The sthapati showed his guru a sketch of the Deity. His
guru said: “Ah, this is Ugra category,” (that means ferocious, very angry) but in this
particular mood it is called Sthanu Nrsimha, coming out of the pillar. He doesn’t exist on

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this planet. Even the demigods in the heavenly planets don’t worship a form like this. No.
Don’t carve this Deity. It will not be auspicious for you.”

A few nights later the sthapati had a dream. In the dream his guru came to him and said,
“For them, you can carve Sthanu Nrsimha.” The next morning, he received a letter from
his guru in which it was written that “for ISKCON you can carve Sthanu Nrsimha.”

The devotee was overwhelmed with joy. He asked him how much time it would take to
carve the Deity. He said the Deity would be ready for installation within six months. After
four months the devotee again went to South India and to buy the paraphernalia for
Nrsimha worship and then collect the Deity.

When he went to the

sthapati for taking the
Deity, the man looked at
him and said: “What
Deity?? I haven’t even
found a suitable stone!”
The devotee exclaimed:
“There are big slabs of
stone all over South India.
What’s the problem??”
The sthapati looked at him and said: “I am not making a grinding mortar. I am making a
Deity. The scriptures tell us that only a stone that has life can be used to make a Vishnu
Deity. There are a few tests which tell that a stone has life. Only from such a stone, I can
carve Nrsimhadeva.”

After some months, the stone was finally found, and the sthapati hour after hour, day
after day, he just sat looking at the slab. The next time the devotee came to see him, he
had made a sketch on the stone. That was all. The sthapati said: “Don’t worry. The work
will be done,” It took the sthapati a little over twelve months to finish the Deity.

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When he completed the work, he didn’t immediately inform the devotee but decided to
visit some friends for a few days, while he locked up Lord Nrsimhadeva securely in his
thatched shed. Two days later his neighbours ran to inform him that the thatched shed
was on fire. It was monsoon, there was heavy rain, everything was wet, but still the
coconut tree roof had caught fire. The sthapati ran to the scene to find Nrsimhadev
untouched, but the shed was burned to ashes. Immediately he phoned the devotees
saying: “Please come and take your Deity, He’s burning everything. He’s made it clear He
wants to go NOW!”

The devotee travelled to South India, hired a truck, and filled it half with sand. He was
thinking it will be easy, forgetting Lord Nrsimhadev is very heavy. He weighed one ton!
After two or three hours they were able to lift the Deity safely from the shed onto the
truck. To travel across the border safely, they needed a lot of signed documents. All the
officers wanted to see the Deity before signing them, but once they took darshan of Lord
Nrsimhadeva, they all became very fast in

The trip back to Mayapur was also very

peaceful. Their protector was certainly present
with them. Because the sthapati had not only
carved the eyes but had also done the prana-
pratistha (installing the life force), a little puja
and an arati. Narasimha was already present.
The installation of Lord Nrsimhadev was very
simple but accompanied by loud, dynamic
kirtana. Lord Nrsimhadeva, the protector of
the sankirtana mission, had finally decided to
manifest at Sri Mayapur Chandrodaya Mandir.

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What you need:
• A4 Coloured paper (Orange, Yellow, any
other colour of your choice)
• Scissors
• Markers

1. Fold the coloured paper of your choice in
2. Cut out a small yellow circle and paste it in
the centre of the card.
3. Cut out a small yellow petal-shape and paste
it below the yellow circle.
4. Make Nrsimhadev’s mane by cutting out
long strips of orange paper and then fold it in
5. Paste the folded orange strips around the
yellow circle.
6. Make Nrsimhadev’s tail by alternatively folding a long strip of orange paper and sticking it on the
side of the yellow petal.
7. Use a black marker to draw Nrsimhadev’s face on the yellow circle and details on His body
(yellow petal).
8. Write this short prayer on the inside of the card.

Ugram Viram Maha Vishnum Jvalantam Sarvato Mukham

Nirisimham Bhishanam Bhadram Mrutyur Mrutyum Namamy Aham
I bow down to Lord Narasimha who is highly ferocious and brave and the emanation of Lord
Maha Vishnu. He is full of effulgence, terrific and auspicious and the death of death.

sri nrsimha jaya nrsimha jaya jaya nrsimha

prahladadesha jaya padma mukha padma bringam
Glories to Lord Nrsimha, Sri Nrsimha, All Glories to Lord Nrsimhadeva. The Lord of
Prahlada, like a honeybee, is always engaged in beholding the lotus like face of the goddess of


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4 5


Across Down
1. Hiranyakashipu's son 2. Lord Nrshimha appeared from a ________
7. Hiranyakashipu performed austerities at 3. Lord _____ tried to kidnap Hiranyakashipu's
_____________ hill wife
8. _____________ Muni instructed Prahlad 4. Lord __________ granted unique boon to
Maharaj when he was in his mother's womb Hiranyakashipu
9. ____________ was killed by Lord Varaha 5. Sukracarya’s two sons, Sanda and ______
6. Lord Nrshimha tore Hiranyakashipu with His

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Let’s learn the song and offer it to the Lord !
(notes and audio:



namas te narasiḿhāya 1) I offer my obeisances to Lord Narasimha,

prahlādāhlāda-dāyine who gives joy to Prahlada Maharaja and
hiraṇyakaśipor vakṣaḥ- whose nails are like chisels on the stone like
śilā-ṭańka-nakhālaye chest of the demon Hiranyakasipu.

(2 - FORM A)
2) Lord Nrsimha is here and also there.
ito nṛsiḿhaḥ parato nṛsiḿho
Wherever I go Lord Nrsimha is there. He is in
yato yato yāmi tato nṛsiḿhaḥ
the heart and is outside as well. I surrender
bahir nṛsiḿho hṛdaye nṛsiḿho
to Lord Nrsimha, the origin of all things and
nṛsiḿham ādiḿ śaraṇaḿ prapadye
the supreme refuge.

(3 – FORM B)

tava kara-kamala-vare nakham adbhuta- 3) O Kesava! O Lord of the universe! O Lord

śṛńgaḿ Hari, who have assumed the form of half-
dalita-hiraṇyakaśipu-tanu-bhṛńgam man, half-lionl All glories to You! Just as one
can easily crush a wasp between one's
(FORM C) fingernails, so in the same way the body of
the wasp like demon Hiranyakasipu has been
keśava dhṛta-narahari-rūpa jaya jagadīśa
ripped apart by the wonderful pointed nails
on Your beautiful lotus hands.

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Once, in the 16th century,

The Gajapati (King of Puri) won. Rajiv Lochan Roy, the Gajapati’s general, was the one who defeated
Sultan Sulaiman Karrani. After the battle, Rajiv Lochan visited the palace of Karrani for the peace

Karrani had a beautiful daughter named Gulnaaz. When Rajiv

Lochan visited the palace of Karrani, he fell in love with
Gulnaaz. When both decided to get married, Karrani wanted to
Rajiv Lochan to convert to Islam. Rajiv Lochan became a
Muslim and married Gulnaaz.

When Rajiv returned to Puri with Gulnaaz, the priests of the Puri
temple’ did not allow him inside the temple!

He got very angry.

He returned back and with
the army of Sultan
Sulaiman, started destroying
temples in Odisha!

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Rajiv was now called as KALAPAHAD- Black mountain. He
destroyed Konark, Puri Jagannath temple, and other holy
places. Priests hid the deities.

He marched towards NRSIMHA deity in Puri!!

Upon seeing Shantha Nrsimha, his anger subsided and

he did not touch the Deity. Hence he could not break
the Deity as he had planned. Kalapahad stopped
vandalizing the temples.

Shanta’ means ‘calm’. By seeing SHANTA NRSIMHA one

will feel cool and relaxed; all anger, anxiety and
frustration will vanish.

Shanta Nrsimha temple is located just behind the

Gundicha temple in Jagannath Puri. There are two
deities of Lord Nrsimha in the temple, one behind
the other. It is an ancient temple, where Lord
Nrsimha manifested here before Lord Jagannatha
and His temple.

Shantha Nrsimha (peaceful) is in the front.

Shantha Nrsimha has human-like features: a sharp
nose, curvy moustache and an outstretched tongue.
By seeing Shantha Nrsimha one will feel cool and
relaxed; all anger, anxiety and frustration will vanish.

Deity behind is Ugra Narasimhadeva. He is in the

angry mood of Nrsimha, which is not usually seen
and may be seen only with the help of the pujari’s

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Find 9 of Lord Narasimha’s names in these word searches! There are two difficulty levels.
Be careful, the letters can go in any direction!

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1. Stambhaja - One who appeared from the pillar
2. Mahabala - The greatly powerful
3. Mahadeva - The Lord of lords
4. Raudra - The angry one
5. Srimana - The most beautiful
6. Yogananda - The source of yogic bliss
7. Aghora - Who for His devotees is not horrible
8. Mahajvala - Who is most effulgent
9. Mahadamstra - Who possesses huge teeth

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5 years old
He was so beautiful
He was such a good person
He was so obedient and so respectful
He was just an ocean of good qualities
Started preaching from the age of 5
He would preach to his friends during their
recess hour.

We can just chant His

Name and he will show us
the way to come to him

Hare Krsna Hare Krsna

Krsna Krsna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare

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Hiranyakasipu asked Prahlad maharaj,
“So Prahlad tell me, what you think is the best thing in life?”
Prahlad Maharaj replied…

Srimad Bhagavatam 7.5.23-24

“Prahlāda Mahārāja said: Hearing and chanting about the transcendental holy
name, form, qualities, paraphernalia and pastimes of Lord Viṣṇu, remembering
them, serving the lotus feet of the Lord, offering the Lord respectful worship
with sixteen types of paraphernalia, offering prayers to the Lord, becoming His
servant, considering the Lord one’s best friend, and surrendering everything
unto Him (in other words, serving Him with the body, mind and words)—these
nine processes are accepted as pure devotional service. One who has dedicated
his life to the service of Kṛṣṇa through these nine methods should be
understood to be the most learned person, for he has acquired complete

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(From the album Little Vaishnava Songs, vol 1 by Mrgaksi Dasi&Family)

Oh, sing a song of the Prince Prahlad Maharaj and his eternal fame.
He took shelter of Lord Nrsimhadev and chanted the Holy Name.
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Self-control, wisdom and peacefulness,
knowledge and religiousness,
austerity and purity
tolerance and honesty
Vishnu smaranam
Pada sevanam
Atma nivedanam

Hearing and
Chanting about the transcendental Holy Name, form, qualities, paraphernalia,
and pastimes of Lord Vishnu.
Remembering them,
Serving the Lotus feet of the Lord
Offering Him respectful worship,
Offering Him prayers
Becoming His servant,
Considering Him one’s best friend and
Surrendering everything unto Him.

Oh, sing a song of the Prince Prahlad Maharaj and his eternal fame.
He took shelter of Lord Nrsimhadev and chanted the Holy Name.
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

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