Abraham - Abraão

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Abrao foi um bom homem que viveu h muito tempo. Ele amava a Deus e Lhe obedecia. Um dia Abrao ouviu Deus cham-lo: Abrao! Deus disse, Quero que saia do seu pas e v para outro lugar. Eu lhe mostrarei aonde deve ir. Abrao tinha 75 anos quando Deus lhe disse para abandonar su aterra natal. Ele nunca tinha viajado para to longe e no sabia onde ficava ese outro lugar. Mas como Abrao tinha f, ele respondeu: Sim Senhor, eu vou Lhe obedecer. Abrao e sua esposa Sara, junto com sua famlia e servos, juntaram todos os seus pertences, prepararam uma boa comida para a viagem e pagaram gua fresca dos poos.

Abraham was a good man who lived long ago. He loved God and listened to his voice. One day, Abraham heard God calling him. Abraham, God said, I want you to leave your homeland and travel to a new land that I will show you.

Abraham was 75 years old when God told him to leave his homeland. He had never traveled that far before, and he didnt know where this new land God was leading him to would be. But Abraham was a man of faith and so he replied, Yes, Lord, I will obey you.
Abraham and his wife Sarah and their family and their servants gathered all their belongings together. They prepared good food for their journey and drew fresh water from their wells.

A famlia de Abrao viajou numa caravana, que um grupo de pessoas que viajam juntos. Algumas iam a pe outros montados em cavalos e camelos, no direo em que Deus guiava Abrao. Foi uma viagem demorada e difcil, mas Abrao e sua caravana persistiam. Apesar de ele no saber com exatido aonde iam, confiava em Deus e sabia que Ele no lhe falharia.

Abrahams family traveled in a caravan, which is a group of travelers journeying together. They walked and rode on horses and camels, following the direction that God was leading Abraham. The journey was very long and difficult, but Abraham and his caravan followed on. Even though Abraham didnt know exactly where he was going, he trusted God, and knew that God would not fail him.

Eles finalmente chegaram terra de Cana, e Deus lhe disse: Abrao, esta a terra que lhe prometi! Contemple o horizonte a oeste, a leste, ao norte e ao sul. V, Abrao, e caminhe por toda essa extenso de terra, pois a darei a voc e a todos os seus descendentes! Aos meus descendentes?Abrao perguntou. Mas eu no tenho filhos, e tanto eu quanto a minha esposa estamos velhos demais para termos filhos. Abrao, olhe para as estrelas Deus lhe disse: Assim como elas so tantas que voc nem conseque contar, assim sero os seus descendentes: inumerveis. Abrao ficou muito agradecido ao ouvir esas palabras ditas por Deus. Mas tambm ficou perplexo. Como que ele poderia vir a ser pai de tanta gente se no tinha nem um filho? Em breve Deus la esclarecer essa questo!

Finally they arrived in the land of Canaan, and God said, Abraham, this is the land that I have promised you! Look far to the west, and to the east, and to the north and to the south. Go, Abraham, and walk through all this land, for I will give all of it to you, and to your children, and to your childrens children! My children? Abraham wondered. But I have no children, and my wife and I are too old to have children. Abraham, look up at the stars! God said. Just like there are too many stars in the sky for you to count, even so your descendants will be more than can be counted. Abraham was very grateful to hear these words from God. But he was puzzled, too. How could he be a father to so many people when he couldnt even have one child? God was about to answer that question!

Um dia, num deserto bem seco e quente, Abrao recebeu a visita de trs homens que ele no conhecia. Abrao foi gentil com eles e lhes ofereceu algo para comer e beber. Depois que terminaram de comer um dos homens disse: Muito obrigado por sua hospitalidade. Agora precisamos prosseguir viagem. Mas antes de partirmos queremos lhe dar a notcia de que sua esposa, Sara, vai ter um filho! A esta altura, Abrao tinha 100 anos de idade e Sara 90. Estavam velhos demais para terem um filho. Sara, l na tenda, ouviu o que o homem disse e riu consigo mesma, pensando: impossvel! Sou velha demais para ter um filho! Sendo assim os homens perguntaram a Abrao: Por que sua esposa est rindo? Por acaso existe algo dificil demais para Deus? Acredite quando dizemos: Sara vai ter um filho.

One hot, dry day, three men came to visit Abraham. Abraham didnt know who they were, but he greeted them with kindness and offered them food and drink. After the strangers were done eating, one of them said, Thank you for your hospitality. We need to continue on our journey now. But before we go, I have some news for you: your wife Sarah will have a baby! Abraham was 100 years old by this time, and his wife Sarah was 90. They were both much too old to have a baby. Sarah was in the tent and heard the words that the man spoke. She silently laughed and thought, Its impossible for me to have a baby! I am much too old! The man then said to Abraham: Why does your wife laugh? Is there anything too hard for God to do? Believe me, Sarah will have a son.

Foi ento que Abrao percebeu que eles no eram pessoas comuns, mas sim mensageiros enviados por Deus. E ele acreditou na palavra deles. E como no poda deixar de ser, a Palabra de Deus se cumpriu! Pouco tempo depois Sara engravidou e teve um meninho a quem Abrao deu o nome de Isaque. Abrao e Sara ficaram muito felices!

Abraham then knew that these men were heavenly messengers sent by God, and he believed. Sure enough, Gods Word came true! Not long afterwards, Sarah became pregnant, and gave birth to a baby boy. Abraham called him Isaac. Abraham and Sarah were so happy!

Abrao seguiu a Deus o resto de sua vida, mesmo quando as coisas ficaram difceis. Deus o abenoou com outros filhos e tambm com muitas riquezas. Ele ficou conhecido como o pai dos fiis, porque teve muita f nas promessas de Deus e obedeceu ao que Ele disse. E os seus descendentes realmente se tornaram incontveis como as estrelas no cu, exatamente como Deus lhe prometera.

Abraham followed God for the rest of his life, even when things were difficult. God blessed him with other children, and with many riches as well. He became known as the father of the faithful, because he had so much faith in Gods promises and obeyed Gods Word. And his childrens children really did get to be as many as the stars in the heavens, just as God had promised him.

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