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1 mark each
Very Short Answer Questions sharing
Modern democracies maintain check and balance system. Identify the correct option based on the horizontal poocE2020
(a) Central government, state government, local bodies
(b) Legislature,executive, judiciary
(c) Among different groups
(d) Among different pressure groups
executive, Judiciary
A. (b)
Power-sharing 309
suhich one of the folOwing is a
major caste
group of Sri Lanka?
Christian and Tamil ICBSE 2020]
Buddhist and
Sinhali and Tamil
and Christian
(d) Sinhali and Tamil
e any One step taken in Belgium to rule out the
Equal 1mber
of nisters in problem of
regional differences and cultural diversities.
representing both the linguistic groups. [CBSE 2020]
ADescribe elements ot Belgian model for
A.(i) Equal number of ministers
accommodating diversities. [CBSE 2020]
(i) Power-sharing
(i) Separate government for Brussels
Describe the horizontal power-sharing
Under this arrangement, people choosearrangements. separate governments at separate levels and [CBSE 2020]
atthe same level exercise different powers different organs of government placed
6. State any one step taken in Belgium to rule out the
problem of regional differences and cultural diversities.
A. Through the formation of community government
a [CBSE 2020 (D)]
7. How were Dutch and French speaking people
accommodated in the 'community
A. The community government is elected by the government' in
people belonging to one
Belgium? [CBSE 2019]
German- no matter where they live. language community- Dutch and French and
8. How did the feeling of alienation develop among the Sri Lankan
A. Sinhala was recognised as the only official language of the [CBSE 2019]
given preference for university and government job country by an Act passed in 1956 and Sinhala applicants were
and foster Buddhism, which was the applications. Moreover, the constitution required the state to protect
religion of the
alienation among the Sri Lankan Tamils. Sinhala-speaking population. This led to the development of feeling of a

9 What is the
language spoken by the people residing in the Wallonia region of Belgium?
A. French [CBSE 2015]
10. Which community in
Belgium was relatively rich and powerful?
A. The
French-speaking community CBSE 2015]
1. Which
language is spoken by majority of Sri Lankans? [CBSE 2015]
A. Sinhala
12. Name the two
subgroups of Tamils in Sri Lanka. ICBSE 2014
A. Sri Lankan Tamils and Indian
13. What is the
system of checks and balances in power-sharing?
A.Under the system of checks and
[CBSE 2014]
balances, one organ of the government keeps check over the other. None of the organs can
exercise unlimited power.
4 The system of 'checks and balances' come under which form of power-sharing?
A. Horizontal power-sharing [CBSE 2014]
What is majoritarianism? Name a country which has lost peace due to this. [CBSE Sept. 2013]
*ajoritarianism is a belief that the majority community should be able to rule a country in whichever way it wants, by
noring the wishes and needs of the minority. Sri Lanka has lost peace due to majoritarianism.
example of horizontal sharing of power. [CBSE 2010, 11]
among legislature, executive and judiciary is an example of horizontal power-sharing.
Whoelects the community government in Belgium: (CBSE Sep. 2010
18 ple belonging to one linguistic community (French, Dutch or German)
hen did Sri Lanka emerge as an independent nation: CBSE Sep. 2010, 11]
In 1948.
Maanka, the democratically elected government adopted a series of which measures to establish Sinhala supremacy?
Mention any one [CBSE Sept. 2010]
20, State
a s recognised as the only official language of the country by an Act passeed in 1956.
main bases of cial division in Sri Lanka. [CBSE 2008 d) Compt.|
A. Religion and language
A. Whyis power-sharing well for democracies? Explain one reason.
[CBSE 2019]
that the majority
avoids conflict between social groups and secures the stability of political order by ensuring
ommunityngdoes not become the dominant one.
310 Political Science
Short Answer Questions
3 marks each
1. What is the ethnic composition of Belgium?
CBSE Sept. 2010, 2012,
Or 2015
Describe the ethnic composition of
A. The ethnic composition of
Belgium is as follows: CBSE 2012
i) 59 percent of Belgium's population lives in the Flemish region and speaks Dutch.
(ii)40 percent of the
country's population speaks French and lives in the Wallonia region.
ii) The remaining one percent of the
country's population is German-speaking.
2 Mention any four steps which were taken
by the Sri Lankan to achieve
government majoritarianism.
A. The following steps were taken CBSE Sept. 2010, 2012, 2015|
by the Sri Lankan government to achieve majoritarianism:
() Estate Tamils were denied
i) Sinhala was recognised as the
only official language of the country by an Act passed in 1956.
ii) Sinhala applicants were given
preference for university and government job applications.
(iv) The constitution required the state to
protect and foster Buddhism, which was the religion of the
population. Sinhala-speaking
3. What is community government? Explain the concept of community with context to Belgium.
community government is one in which different social groups are government [CBSE 2014|
communities. In Belgium, given the power to handle the affairs related to their
French and
community government is elected by people belonging to one language
German-speaking-no matter where they live. This government has the power regarding community-Dutch,
and language-related issues. cultural, educational
4. Both Belgium and Sri Lanka are democracies but
giving three points of difference.
they follow different system of power-sharing. Support the statement
CBSE 2012]
How did the Sri Lankan and the
Belgium government try to solve the ethnic problem?
Explain any two important differences between the power-sharing model
accepted by Belgium and Sri Lanka.
under which power was shared between the union [CBSE
i) Belgium leaders established a federal structure 2008 (O]
other constituent units whereas Sri Lankan
leaders adopted unitary form of government and its
(i) Belgium leaders tried to solve the ethnic government.
problem by
regions, whereas the Sri Lankan government tried to respecting
the feelings and interests of various
communities and
solve the problem through
whereas majoritarianism in majoritarianism.
(i) The Belgium solution helped to solve the civic strife
5. What is majoritarianism? How has it Sri Lanka led to civil war.
been adopted in Sri Lanka?
Majoritarianism is a belief that a majority community should rule a Explain. [CBSE 2016]
following steps were taken by the Sri Lankan government to achieve country even at the cost of wishes of the
minority. ine
(i) Estate Tamils were denied
citizenship. majoritarianism:
(i) Sinhala was recognised as the
ii) Sinhala applicants were given
only official
language of the country by an Act passed in 1956.
preference university and government job applications.
(iv) The constitution required the state to
protect and foster Buddhism, which was the
population. religion of the Sinhala-speakg
Explain the three measures taken by Sri Lanka
according to an act passed in 1956. CBSE 2013)
Describe any three
provision of the Act which was passed in Sri Lanka in 1956 to
A. i) In 1956, an act was passed under which establish Sinhala supremacy. CBE 2012]
Sinhala declared
was the official
preferential policies for Sinhalese applicants forlanguage
(ii) The government favoured of the country.
(ii) A new constitution
stipulated that the state shall protect and foster Buddhism. university positions and governme jobs.
(iv) The Act denied
7. What is meant
citizenship to estate Tamils.
by horizontal distribution of power?
Explain anysuch
A. When power is shared among different organs of government, twoasmerits
the legislature, executive
of this form and judiciary, it[CBSE
of power-sharing 1s 2013
horizontal distribution of power.
(i) Horizontal power-sharing places all the
are its advantages:
organs of the
(ii) No organs of the government can exercise government at the same level.
unlimited power
(ii) This system is also known as a system of checks and balances.
8. Explain the vertical division of power ICBSE 2013
by giving an example from India.
Power-sharing 311

this system, peope choose separate governments at

ler o
levels and all leveis 5
A. rFor example in Inaia, power is divided among central,separate
and local governments
the conflicting oups of people of Sri Lanka. state ICBSE Sample Paper)

Or [CBSE 2012]
What do you know about the ethnic composition of Sri Lanka?
c anka is home to about two crore people. About
S 74 percent of Sri Lankas population comprises of Sinhala-speakers and
ut 18 percent of it comprises of lamil-speakers. 13 percent of the country's Tamil-speake are natives and are. lled Sri
Lankan Tamils, while the roots of the remaining 87 percent can be traced backto India. These 'Tndian Tamils came
Lanka asplantationworkers during the colonial period. Most of the Sinhala-speaking people are Buddhists, while mOs of
he Tamils are Hindus or Muslims. Only 7 percent of the country's population is Christian.
is the very spirit of democracy. Justify the statements with suitable points.
10. [CBSE 2012]
Power-sharing is the very spirit of democracy. Democracy involves sharing power with the people of the country, Wno atte
not directly involved in politics but have to live with its effects. A legitimate government is one where citizens, throug"
participation, acquire a stake in the system.
Describe, with examples, the ways in which power can be shared among different social andlinguistic groups.
[CBSE 2011, 2013]
APower may be shared among different social groups such as the religious and linguistie groups. 'Community governmentn
and legal arrangements whereby
Belgium is a good example of this arrangement. In some countries there are constitutional This type of arrangement is
socially-weaker sections and women are represented in the legislatures and administration.
otherwise would feel alienated from
diverse social groups who
meant to give space in the government and administration to
the government. This method is used to give minority communities a fair share in power.
and pressure groups? Explain. [CBSE 2012]
12. How is power shared among different political parties control or influence those
in the way political parties, pressure groups and
A. Power-sharing arrangements can be seen contenders for power. In contemporary
citizens must have freedom to choose among various
in power. n a democracy, the ensures that power does
different parties. Such competition
democracies, this takes the form of competition among that represent different ideologies and
is shared among different political parties
remain in one hand. In the long run, power alliance to contest elections.
when two or more parties form an
can be direct,
social groups. Sometimes this kind of sharing share power. In a democracy, we find
interest groups

their alliance is elected, they form a coalition government and thus share in governmental
If workers. They also have a

businessmen, industrialists, farmers and industrial

such as those of traders, committees or by influencing
the decision-making process.
in governmental
power, either through participation
5 marks each
Long Answer Questions
democracies? Give an example of each of these.
in modern
of power-sharing
.What are the different forms of power-sharing in modern democracies: executive and judiciary.
This is called
Following are the major forms such as the legislature,
A different organs of government, the same level to exercise
4) Power is shared among different organs of government placed at checks
because it allows unlimited power. Each organ
horizontal distribution of power the organs can exercise
ensures that
of in India, even though
ministers and
different powers. Such a separation institutions. For example,
of power
between assemblies. Similarly, although
a balance or state
the others. This results in are responsible
to the parliament
made by the legislature.
exercise power, they executive and lawsof the
8overnment officials the functioning
can check
by the executive, they and
Judges are appointed of checks and
government for
the entire country
arrangement is
called a system l e v e l s - a general called
nis at different the entire country is usually
governments government for
Gi) rower c a n be shared
level. Such a general
The governments
at the provincial or
o r regional government.
the provincial o r union This system
8Overnments at to it as the
we call them
state governments.
ederal g o v e r n m e n t . In
India, we refer different
countries. In India, But in
in o r state governments.
different names are no provincial
where there
egional level are called by countries
clearly lays down the powers
are many the c o n s t i t u t i o n
all countries. There of government,
is called
not followed in different levels
refused in Sri Lanka.
S where there
did in Belgium,
but was

OSe countries like government. This is what they

of di
terent levels of such as the religious
and linguistic groups.
and legal
division of power. different social
groups countries there are
In s o m e and administration.
ii) Pow may also be shared among
of this
in the legislatures who
ower example represented
diverse social groups in
Belgium is a good
women are
in sections and a d m i n i s t r a t i o n to
8vErnment' weaker and a fair
socially in the government communities

g e m e n t s whereby to give space

m e t h o d is used to give minority
is m e a n t
arrangement This
y p e of alienated from
the government.
Uerwise would feel
12 Political Science
power. Example: In India, we have the system of reserved seats both in the Rajya Sabha and the Lok Sabha t
abha to ensure
adequate representation to all social groups.
(1V) Power-sharing arrangements can also be seen in the way political parties, pressure groups and movements contr
influence those in power. In a democracy, the citizens must have the treedom to chooSe among the various conten.lor
for power. In contemporary democracies, this takes the form of competition among different parties. Such comnes
ensures that power does not remain in one hand. In the long run, power is shared among difterent political nart.
that represent different ideologies and social groups. Sometimes this kind of sharing can be direct, when two or more
parties form an alliance to contest elections. Iftheir alliance elected, they form a coalition government and thus
share power. In a democracy, we find interest groups such as those of traders. businessmen. industrialists, farmers and
industrial workers, who participate in government decision-making either directly or indirectly.
2. Describe the tension that existed between the Dutch and the French speaking people in Belgium. [CBSE 2014, 2015
What were the two main causes of resentment in Belgium in 1960? How was the contlict solved? CBSE 2010
What led to the ethnic tension in Belgium? Why was it more acute in Brussels? CBSE 2015]
A. The minority French-speaking community was relatively more rich and powerful than the Dutch-speaking community
which constituted the majority. The Dutch-speaking community got the benefit of economic development and education
much later than its French-speaking counterpart, and this led to friction between the two ethnic communities. The conflict
was resolved with the formation of a new type of government guided by the Belgian constitution according to which the
number of Dutch and French-speaking ministers shall be equal in the central government. Some special laws require the
support of majority of members from each linguistic group. Thus, no single community can make decisions unilaterally
Many powers of the central government were given to state governments of the two regions of the country. The state
governments were not made subordinate to the centra government. Brussels was to have a separate government in which
both the communities have equal representation. Apart from the central and the state governments, there was a third
type of government known as the community government' which was to be elected by people belonging to one language
community-Dutch, French and German-speaking-no matter where they live. This government was given the power to
deal with cultural, educational and language-related issues.
3. Why is power-sharing good for democracy? Give any three suitable arguments. CBSE 2015]
Power-sharing is the very spirit of democracy. Justify this statement with three prudential reasons. [CBSE 2012, 14
Why is power-sharing desirable? Give any three prudential reasons. (CBSE 2013
Why is power-sharing desirable? [CBSE Sept. 2010. 2012
Why is power-sharing necessary in democracy? Explain. [CBSE Sept. 2011
Prudential reasons:
(i) Prudential reasons are basedon calculation of gains and losses. For example, in Nepal's movement for democracy, an
armed revolutionary group, the Maoists, was given a share in power after the formation of government. The major gain
was peace in the country.
(ii) Prudential reasons are good way to ensure political stability.
(ii) These help to reduce the possibility of conflict between social groups.
(iv) if the
will of the majority imposed
is over the be an attractive option in the short run, but in
minority,itwill the long
run, it wil undermine the unity of the nation. Tyranny of the majority is not just oppressive for the minority; it bften
brings ruin to the majority as well.
4. How isthe political system in Belgium innovation and different from the other hree
countries of the world? Explain a l
points CBSE 2008(O)
Highlight any three measures adopted by the Belgian government to accommodate regional and cultural divcis013,14
CBSE 2013, 14/

Explain any three elements of the ICBSE2013
Belgium model of power-sharing.
What are some of the basic elements of Belgium model of power-sharing? Write any three.
CBSE Sept.
Power-sharing 313

recognised and acknowledged the regional and cultural diversities that the country tostere.
leaders r e c o g n i s e d a n

was amended four times be more inclusive.

Detween 1970 and 1993 in an attempt to make the country are some

stitution of the
is different from any other
country and is very innovative. Following
worked out
The the Belgian
of the of in the central
Cons prescribes that
special laws
require the
Dutch and French-speaking ministers shall be equa Thus,
support of majority of members from each linguistic group.
no singie
government ent.
rommunity can make The
of the central government have been given to state governments of the two regions of the country.
w e r e not made subordinate to the central
g o v e r n m e n t s
government. ch-speakingg
The French
(ii) Brussels has
a separate government in which both the communities have equal representation. accepted equal
neople accepted equal representation in Brussels because the Dutch-speaking community has
in the central government.
representation was a third kind of government. This 'community government
nart from the central and the state government, there matter
(iv) Aparto be elected by people belonging to one language community-Dutch, French and German-speaking-no
Was educational and language-related
This government had the power regarding cultural, [CBSE Sept. 2010]
where they live. in modern democracies.
forms of power-sharing
.FXDlain the major Or [CBSE 2009 (D), Sept.2010]
difterent organs of government.
is shared among
Explain how power Or
different social and linguistic groups.
[CBSE Sept. 2010]
in which power can be shared among
with examples the way Or
in modern democracies. 2012, 2013]
horizontal and
vertical power-sharing [CBSE Sept.2010, 2011,
Describe modern democracy, power
(horizontal power-sharing): In
different organs of government This is called
among executive and the judiciary.
A. (i) Power-sharing of the government i.e. legislature, level to exercise
the different organs different organs of government
placed at the same
is shared among allows exercise unlimited
of power because it no organ of
the government can
horizontal distribution arrangement, results in
Under this kind of
power-sharing of other organs. This
different powers. check the powers
o w n powers
and it can also
Each organ has its institutions. at separate.
powers. choose separate governments
among the various government this, people levels and
a balance of power different levels:
Under at provincial
at governments
government level, various
(i) Power-sharing among government at the national
there is a central
example: In India levels.
local g o v e r n m e n t s at
district and village with the help of examples.
power-sharing? Explain [CBSE 2013]
of power-sharing.
. W h a t are the advantages Or this form of
merits of known as
judiciary, it is
distribution power? Explain any the legislature, executive and
the h o r i z o n t a l such as
Wnat is meant by government,
different organs of
is shared among advantages: level.
*nen power Following are
its at the same

distribution of power. government

norizontal all the organs ofthe
power-sharing unlimited power
orizontal can

N o organs of the
a system of checks and balances
and vertical
power-sharing. [CBSE Sept. 2010]
also known as
This system is horizontal
7. Pdin
the differences arrangements:
h o r i z o n a l and

A. between Vertical power-sharing

Following are tthe differences
the different

is shared among
Under this system,
Horizontal power-sharing
the governnment.

is shared
among levels of the
of the
Under this arrang ement, power
such a s
legislature, and lower

i n v o l v e s higher
tferent organs ofthe government

This under the
executive and judic1ary government

the lower
of the g o v e r n m e n t .

Under this arran_ the organs arrangement,

different powers.
Under this

placed tat 4the sam level to


checks the
higher organs. conflict resolved?
Under this arr
S arrangement,
each organ
How was
[CBSE 2012
of Belgium?
the of
was m
l a i n cause
314 Political Science
How has it increased the feelings of alienation among Sri Lankan 1amils
Why do the Sri Lanka Tamil feel alienated in spite of their long stay in Sri Lanka [CBSE 2012
official language ot the country
A. (i)
(1) In 1956, an act was based under which Sinhalese was declared the
policies for Sinhalese applicants for government jobs and universi
(i) Sri Lankan government favoured the preferential
positions. and foster Buddhism.
(ii) Anew constitution stipulated that the state shall protect
iv) The act denied the citizenship to estate Tamils.
alienation Tamils. They felt that government policies and constitution
All these measures created a feeling of among
used force to suppress their demands
tried to raise their demands, government
denied them equal rights. When they
which led to violence and a long civil war.

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