Maps of Reality - Communication Filters: How We Take in Reality

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Maps of Reality – Communication Filters

How We Take In Reality

Our unique maps are created by the process of Generalization, Deletion, Distortion and our
perceptions are filtered through our memories, beliefs and attitudes. Two people can look at the
same little dog and can have two extremely contrasting experiences. For one, the dog is a dangerous
animal that bites and attacks and for another, the same dog is cute, friendly and huggable!
The difference did not lie outside but rather in the perception or in the individual’s map of reality.
Deletion is the process in which one pays selective attention to certain aspects of an experience and
neglects the other aspects.
The way in which our nervous system can handle information is to delete most of it. If we did not
delete, our conscious mind would be overloaded. Consciously, we can pay attention to only a few
What we focus on, Expands...
Generalization is the process by which one experience leads us to believe that all future experiences
or behaviours are similar. When we generalize, we reduce the amount of information we need to
deal with by putting things in a category.
Generalizations can help us to learn more quickly and easily, it can also be a limitation as it can make
us rigid in our thinking.
a 100% subsidiary of Born In Flight
Distortion is the process of taking in information and drawing a conclusion from it by giving it an
interpretation or meaning.
The 3 filters - Deletion, Generalization and Distortion are generally healthy and helps us process
information quicker and more easily. Thinking is time-consuming, and expensive in energy terms.
But sometimes, these filters can be unhealthy and can work against us - we miss relevant information,
jump to conclusions, or view people or situations through a lens of prejudice.

Unhealthy Deletion Healthy Deletion

Child believing that only he is picked on by the

Reading books with music ON

Thinking negative the minute a client poses a Finding opportunity and clarity when questioned
question by clients

Blocking all the cues given by client during a sales Paying attention to what is working and moving
conversation towards achieving goals

Unhealthy Generalization Healthy Generalization

Bitten once by a dog and thus believing that all

All switches are meant to be pressed downwards
dogs will bite
The fact that customers are walking into our
All customers are tough premises, means they are interested in our
Once a rich customer spoke to me rudely means All customers are unique and there is no right way
this will continue to happen to me always a customer speaks to me

Unhealthy Distortion Healthy Distortion

Nightmares Fantasizing healthy dreams

Client taking time to decide means, I also have

Client taking time to decide means the deal is lost
time to prepare for closing the deal

I can’t achieve more than 60% closure rate, I can achieve more than 60% closure rate every
because everybody else are not able to month with focus and efforts
a 100% subsidiary of Born In Flight

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