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Point of Care

The “Point of Care” section answers everyday clinical questions by providing practical information that aims to
be useful at the point of patient care. The responses reflect the opinions of the contributors and do not purport to set
forth standards of care or clinical practice guidelines. Readers are encouraged to do more reading on the topics covered.
If you would like to contribute to this section, contact editor-in-chief Dr. John O’Keefe at

Question 1

Do missing teeth need to be replaced or is a “shortened dental arch” acceptable?

Background noticed a change in chewing function when they

or many years, it was thought that any missing had fewer than 6 units (Figs. 1 and 2).2
tooth should be replaced,1 although num-
erous clinicians and researchers questioned The Effect of a Shortened Dental Arch on
this opinion. Arnd Käyser was the first to coin Oral Function
the term “shortened dental arch” (SDA) to de- In general, studies comparing people with a
full complement of teeth with those with SDAs
scribe the concept of acceptable oral function with
have not demonstrated significant differences in
partial dentition.2 Through a number of clinical
ability to chew.1 Among patients with the min-
studies, he and his co-workers came to the conclu-
imum recommended number of occlusal units, the
sion that many people could function without a
insertion of a removable partial denture does not
full complement of teeth and that not all missing
significantly improve oral function. 3 According to
teeth require replacement.2–6 For many people, a some studies, the more teeth missing beyond the
functional dentition consists of as little as op- minimum, the more difficulty a person will have
posing anterior and premolar teeth.1 In terms of chewing.1
a minimum number of teeth that patients need, In addition, those without molar support have
Käyser and colleagues suggested that, in addition not been shown to have a higher incidence of the
to anterior teeth, most people require at least 4 oc- signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disor-
clusal units of posterior teeth (1 pair of opposing, ders.5 Similarly, SDA has not been associated with
occluding premolars would be 1 occlusal unit, a significant discomfort, distress or occlusal wear.1
pair of occluding molars would represent 2 oc- Although it seems that most people can func-
clusal units).2 People with asymmetrical tooth loss tion acceptably with an SDA, this is not true

Figure 2: Here molar 16 and premolars 44

and 45 are unopposed; thus, they cannot
be counted as occlusal units. Although
overeruption of teeth, as seen here, can
be a sequela to missing teeth, long-term
Figure 1: Patients with symmetrical tooth loss (left) normally studies have tended to show that occlusal
require 4 occlusal units for acceptable function, while patients changes are usually self-limiting and minor.1
with asymmetrical tooth loss normally require 6 occlusal units
(right). Darkened teeth are missing.

�� • September 2007, Vol. 73, No. 7 • 593
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Figure 3: This patient has 4 premolars left. Figure 4: A prosthesis for replacement of Figure 5: A maxillary complete
If they are opposed by maxillary teeth, only a few missing teeth may be unneces- denture against mandibular anterior
there are no other complicating factors and sary if the patient has no functional or teeth does not meet the minimum
the patient has no functional or esthetic esthetic complaints and there are no other number (4) of occlusal units required
complaints, then replacement of the missing reasons for replacement. for normal function. A mandibular
teeth may not be necessary. prosthesis may be helpful for such

for everyone: 7% to 20% of people with an SDA may be no need to replace missing teeth, unless
have reported that their chewing ability is hin- they are unhappy with their ability to chew or
dered or that they had to change food preparation their appearance (Figs. 3 and 4). For patients with
practices.1 4 or more occlusal units who do not feel they can
An SDA may also be associated with greater chew as well as they wish, replacements can still be
tooth migration and interdental spacing among fabricated (Fig. 5).
patients younger than 40 years, although the mi- The SDA concept is based on the notion that
gration was deemed small and clinically insignifi- patients have an adaptive capacity to function with
cant.1 An SDA may also be associated with greater missing teeth. This capacity clearly varies, and not
overeruption of teeth, although only 2% of such all patients will feel they have optimum function
patients reported that it hindered their oral func- with the same number of teeth. Future research
tion.1 People with SDA have been found to have will most likely improve our understanding of this
more mobile teeth and lower alveolar bone levels. clinically relevant subject. a
The combination of increased occlusal loading
and existing periodontal disease probably repre-
sents a risk factor for further loss of teeth in these
people. Patients with SDA probably also represent
a high-risk group in terms of periodontal disease. Dr. Robert Loney is professor and head, division
Additional longitudinal studies have been recom- of removable prosthodontics, faculty of dentistry,
Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia. �������
mended to study this relationship.1

Shortened Dental Arch Options in Dental References

Practice 1. Kanno T, Carlsson GE. ��������������������������������������
A review of the shortened dental arch
The SDA concept is increasingly accepted, al- concept focusing on the work by the Kayser/Nijmegen group. J Oral
Rehabil 2006; 33(11):850–62.
though in some areas, it is not widely put into
2. Kayser AF. Shortened dental arches and oral function. J Oral
practice.1 For dentists who provide services to pa- Rehabil 1981; 8(5):457–62.
tients with limited financial resources or patients 3. Witter DJ, van Elteren P, Kayser AF, van Rossum MJ. The effect of
who do not wish to acquire a prosthesis, the evi- removable partial dentures on the oral function in shortened dental
arches. J Oral Rehabil 1989; 16(1):27–33.
dence provides a measure of reassurance that “no 4. Witter DJ, de Haan AF, Kayser AF, van Rossum GM. A 6-year
treatment” can be a sound option. Considering the follow-up study of oral function in shortened dental arches. Part I:
Occlusal stability. J Oral Rehabil 1994; 21(2):113–25.
implications of informed consent and the evidence
5. Witter DJ, De Haan AF, Kayser AF, Van Rossum GM. A 6-
collected by Käyser and others, it is prudent to year follow-up study of oral function in shortened dental arches.
ensure that treatment planning for all partially Part II: Craniomandibular dysfunction and oral comfort. J Oral
Rehabil 1994; 21(4):353–66.
edentulous patients includes a discussion of the
6. Witter DJ, van Palenstein Helderman WH, Creugers NH, Kayser
option of not replacing missing teeth and the pros AF. The shortened dental arch concept and its implications for oral
and cons of this choice. For many patients, there health care. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 1999; 27(4):249–58.

594 JCDA • • September 2007, Vol. 73, No. 7 •

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Question 2

A patient new to my practice had a heart transplant a few years ago. What are the chief
considerations in the management of this patient?
Background prudent to monitor blood pressure throughout the

ince the pioneering surgery of Dr. Christian dental appointment. Furthermore, stress manage-
Barnard and his team in the 1960s, human ment measures, such as oral sedation, inhalation
heart transplantation has evolved into a sur- or sedation, may be indicated. The lack of sensory
gical procedure with a reasonably predictable out- innervation of the transplanted heart also implies
come. Many heart transplant recipients now have that, in the event of angina or myocardial infarc-
a greatly increased life expectancy and are able to tion, the patient would not experience the retro-
sternal pain associated with both emergencies.2
return to normal daily life. Although medically
The transplanted heart is nevertheless acutely
compromised, they are typically more stable from
sensitive to circulating catecholamines and is con-
a cardiovascular perspective than patients with
sequently affected by epinephrine-containing solu-
a history of severe cardiac disease.1 With special
tions. 3 Among transplant recipients surviving for
care, routine dental or minor oral surgical proced-
5 years or longer, about 40% will have accelerated
ures may be undertaken within the dental practice
graft atherosclerosis. The cardiac complications
setting. However, for more invasive procedures,
that may arise include myocardial infarction, con-
referral may be appropriate. There is no general gestive heart failure, ventricular arrhythmias and
systematic approach to dental treatment for these sudden death.2 It is good clinical practice to limit
patients, making close liaison with the primary the amount of epinephrine necessary to maintain
care physician and cardiologist essential. local anesthesia among these patients to 0.04 mg
A medical letter sent to the cardiologist and for dental procedures.4
physician will help to confirm the patient’s medical The 2007 American Heart Association guide-
history and current medications. The letter should lines on antibiotic prophylaxis to prevent infective
include proposed dental surgical treatment, along endocarditis do not advise blanket coverage for
with the concentration and dose of drugs that will cardiac transplant patients.5 Unless a patient de-
be used (e.g., local anesthetics, antibiotics and an- velops cardiac valvulopathy, is immunosuppressed
algesics). The response to this correspondence will or has been directed by the cardiology team to have
report the medical status and stability of the trans- antibiotic coverage, prophylaxis is unnecessary.
plant and the fitness of the patient to undergo
dental procedures in an office setting. The Effects of Immunosuppressant
Management in the Dental Office Heart transplant recipients generally take 3
The transplanted heart is unable to respond to types of immunosuppressant drugs to prevent re-
stress because of the lack of innervation; thus, it is jection. Each class of drug has a distinct effect on

Table 1 Types of immunosuppressants

Effect on dental
Class of drug Example Side effects treatment Precautionary measures
Antimetabolites Azathioprine Leukopenia, Increase risk of Order blood work before
Rapamycin thrombocytopenia bleeding and infection invasive dental procedures
(INR, CBC, ptt)
Steroids Prednisone Possible adrenal Impaired response to stress Consult with physician to
suppression determine whether steroid
supplementation is required
Antiproliferatives Cyclosporine Adverse effects on Hypertension Monitor blood pressure,
Tacrolimus kidney notify physician if elevated
INR = international normalized ratio; CBC = complete blood count; ptt = partial thromboplastin time.

�� • September 2007, Vol. 73, No. 7 • 595
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Figure 1: Cyclosporine-induced gingival Figure 2: Gingival hyperplasia in a

hyperplasia. pediatric patient.

the immune system as well as important side ef- THE AUTHORS

fects that may affect dental treatment (Table 1).4,6
Acknowledgements: We would like to thank Dr. Ian Matthew
Cyclosporine induces gingival hyperplasia. The for his help with the preparation of the manuscript and Dr. Tom
predisposing factors are multifactorial and hyper- Daley for providing the photographs.
plastic cases range from mild to severe (Fig. 1). Dr. Krista D. Lee recently completed a residency
The severity has been linked to oral hygiene status. in the General Practice Residency Program at the
University of British Columbia,�������������������
Vancouver General
Transplant patients benefit from a 3–4 month re- Hospital, Vancouver, British Columbia. Email:
call program of professional oral hygiene mainten-
ance and education reinforcing the importance of
Dr. Anthony
Antoniazzi recently completed a
personal oral hygiene measures. Not all patients residency in the Advanced Education in General
develop gingival hyperplasia, but those affected Dentistry Program, Temple University Kornberg
School of Dentistry, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
acquire clinical manifestations within 6 months
post-transplant.7 Following 36 months post-trans- The authors have no declared financial interests.
plant, many affected patients show a gradual im-
provement in tissue overgrowth due to progressive References
1. Montebugnoli L, Prati C. Circulatory dynamics during dental
reduction in the sensitivity of the periodontium extractions in normal, cardiac and transplant patients. J Am Dent
to cyclosporine. Therefore, surgical intervention Assoc 2002; 133(4):468–72.
2. Little JW, Rhodus NL. Dental management of the heart transplant
to manage gingival hyperplasia is delayed until patient. Gen Dent 1992; 40(2):126–31.
36 months has passed.7 3. Meechan JG, Parry G, Rattray DT, Thomason JM. Effects of dental
local anaesthetics in cardiac transplant recipients. Br Dent 2002;
Pediatric Considerations 4. Haas DA. An update on local anesthetics in dentistry. J Can Dent
Assoc 2002; 68(9):546–51.
Many of the treatment concerns described 5. Wilson W, Taubert KA, Gewitz M, Lockhart PB, Baddour LM,
above apply to the pediatric transplant patient; Levison M, and others. Prevention of infective endocarditis: guide-
lines from the American Heart Association: a guideline from the
however, some problems are specific to the pedi- American Heart Association Rheumatic Fever, Endocarditis and
Kawasaki Disease Committee, Council on Cardiovascular Disease
atric patient. Children appear to be more suscept- in the Young, and the Council on Clinical Cardiology, Council on
ible to gingival hyperplasia than adults because of Cardiovascular Surgery and Anesthesia, and the Quality of Care and
Outcomes Research Interdisciplinary Working Group. J Am Dent
less attention to oral hygiene and a shorter period Assoc 2007; 138(6):739–60.
of administration of immunosupressants.8 In chil- 6. Little JW, Falace DA, Miller CS, Rhodus NL. Dental management
of the medically compromised patient. St. Louis: Mosby Inc.; 2002.
dren, hyperplastic tissue caps may develop over p. 271–82.
erupting teeth, which can delay, prevent or modify 7. Montebugnoli L, Servidio D, Bernardi F. The role of time in re-
ducing gingival overgrowth in heart-transplanted patients following
eruption patterns9 (Fig. 2). Surgical intervention cyclosporine therapy. J Clin Periodontol 2000; 27(8):611–4.
is sometimes required; thus, regular monitoring 8. Khocht A, Schneider LC. Periodontal management of gin-
gival overgrowth in the heart transplant patient: a case report.
of pediatric patients allows better treatment plan- J Periodontol 1997; 68:1140–6.
9. Ansari F, Ferring V, Schulz-Weidner N, Wetzel WE. Concomitant
ning to assist the natural eruption of the perma- oral findings in children after cardiac transplant. Pediatr Transplant
nent dentition. a 2006; 10(2):215–9.

596 JCDA • • September 2007, Vol. 73, No. 7 •

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Question 3

What is the best technique for obturating the root canal system?
Background effective and user friendly. It involves fitting a

he steps in successful root canal treatment in- standard size master cone corresponding to the
clude access and identification of all canal ori- master apical file size. It requires a continuously
fices; instrumentation to the canal terminus; flared canal with an apical stop or tapering control
irrigation to disinfect and dissolve pulpal tissue; zone. For optimal deformation of material, the
obturation; and, finally, placement of an orifice spreader must be prefitted so that it extends deeply
seal and definitive restoration to prevent micro- into the empty canal without binding. Nickel ti-
leakage and tooth fracture. Inadequate treatment tanium hand spreaders may penetrate more deeply,
at any of these steps will likely result in the per- generate less internal stress and distribute forces
sistence, occurrence or recurrence of apical peri- more evenly than others. 3 Accessory cones must
odontitis (Fig. 1a and 1b). be sequentially added to eliminate voids and mini-
Three of the most commonly used techniques mize sealer thickness. The major limitation of CLC
for obturation are cold lateral condensation (CLC), is the inability to move the obturation material
warm vertical condensation (WVC) and warm car- or sealer into irregularities of the main canal or
rier-based obturation (WCBO). All 3 are used to branches.
seal in (entomb) any potential irritants that could WVC has been described as obturating in 3-D,
not be removed with instrumentation and irriga- indicating an intention to fill all ramifications of
tion; to remove space for regrowth of bacteria; the pulp space including accessory canals. It is the
and to eliminate leakage, including from the peri- experience of most endodontists that the ability to
radicular tissue into the root canal system. fill canal irregularities and branches has been best
Although certain methods may appear concep- demonstrated with this technique. For WVC to be
tually better and in vitro leakage studies have effective, the canal must be properly cleaned and
shown differences, no single approach has shown shaped to provide the hydraulics necessary to force
unequivocal evidence of superior healing in out- the softened material and sealer into these irregu-
come studies.1,2 Choice of an obturation method larities, while providing the resistance needed to
may be based on such factors as speed, simplicity, prevent overfilling. This is accomplished by prep-
economics or practitioners’ impressions from ex- aration that continually tapers to an apical control
perience and individual and serial case reports. zone with the canal patent to the terminus. For
obturation, a medium or fine-medium cone is cut
Management of the Issue to fit snugly in the apical control zone. Fit must be
CLC is the obturation technique most com- precise to prevent migration of the cone with apical
monly taught in dental school, as it is safe, cost pressure, and the canal must have been shaped

Figure 1a: Poor fill is an indication of Figure 1b: Retreatment involved finding a Figure 2: This tooth remained symptomatic
insufficient cleaning and disinfection. fourth canal and cleaning and disinfecting following treatment. Poor apical control
to the canal terminus to set up the condi- and the use of excess sealer with carrier-
tions for healing. based obturators resulted in extrusion of
excess material beyond the apex.

�� • September 2007, Vol. 73, No. 7 • 597
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express the sealer into

a c canal irregularities and
ensure minimal film
thickness. With a car-
rier-based technique, it
b is extremely important
to use a very light
coating of sealer on
Question 1 the walls, as placement
of the warmed carrier
Question will have a piston effect,
with potential expres-
sion of excess sealer
into the periradicular
Figure 3: (a) Two small-diameter, carrier-based obturators were used in an attempt to seal this large tissues. 3
canal. Insufficient fill resulted. (b) Retreatment involved removal of the carriers. (c) The canal was then
cleaned, disinfected and obturated with mineral trioxide aggregate in the apical half followed by
application of a core material to seal.
Shortfalls in obtur-
ation are most often a
sufficiently to allow the heat source to penetrate result of inadequate canal preparation. Indeed,
(ideally, 5 mm from cone length).4 The cone is contemporary research points to cleaning and dis-
compacted and excess material removed, leaving infection of the root canal as the single most im-
an apical plug. Backfilling with obturation ma- portant step in preventing and treating endodontic
terial against this plug completes the procedure. disease.6 From a clinical standpoint, each practi-
WCBO attempts to provide the advantages of tioner should employ an obturation technique that
a warm technique in a simplified, fast, controlled provides consistent, predictable results that meet a
manner. Following instrumentation and disinfec- high standard. When the practitioner is in doubt
tion, a verifier file is used to check length; the as to whether a high standard can be achieved, he
carrier, surrounded with warm gutta-percha, is or she should seek help from an endodontist who
then placed to this length. This technique has been is trained, equipped and experienced in treating
embraced by many general dentists because it is these cases. a
fast, and apical control is achieved by pushing the
carrier to length. Radiographically, the fill will THE AUTHOR
appear dense due to the radiopacity of the carrier,
and additional anatomy may be captured.
Dr. Mike Rampado maintains an endodontic
Disadvantages include the inability to obtain specialty practice in Kelowna, British Columbia.
a film verifying cone fit, stripping of the gutta- Email:
percha away from the carrier and possible expres-
sion of material beyond the apex (Fig. 2).5 In cases
of persistent or recurrent disease, the plastic car- References
rier can sometimes be difficult and frustrating to 1. Wu MK, Wesselink PR. Endodontic leakage studies reconsidered.
Part I. Methodology, application and relevance. Int
Endod J 1993;
remove, particularly when instrumentation was 26(1):37–43.
insufficient (Figs. 3a–3c). For these reasons WCBO 2. Kirkevang LL, Horsted-Bindslev P. Technical aspects of treatment
has not been widely embraced by endodontists. in relation to treatment outcome. Endod Topics 2002; 2:89–102.

Sealer is always necessary to fill the space be- 3. Whitworth J. Methods of filling root canals: principles and prac-
tices. Endod Topics 2005; 12:2–24.
tween the obturation material and canal wall ir- 4. Wu MK, van der Sluis LW, Wesselink PR. A preliminary study of
regularities, fins and branches. It should cover the the percentage of gutta-percha-filled area in the apical canal filled
with vertically compacted warm gutta-percha. Int Endod J 2002;
entire wall and be of minimal thickness. Sealer is 35(6):527–35.
also required to fill the spaces between the master 5. Clinton K, Van Himel T. Comparison of a warm gutta-percha
and accessory cones in lateral condensation. When obturation technique and lateral condensation. J Endod 2001;
WVC is used, the cone can be liberally coated
6. Haapasalo M, Endal U, Zandi H, Coil JM. Eradication of endo-
with sealer because excess can flow out coronally dontic infection by instrumentation and irrigation solutions. Endod
during cone placement. Downpack hydraulics then Topics 2005; 10:77–102.

598 JCDA • • September 2007, Vol. 73, No. 7 •

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Question 4

How should I treat a young patient in the primary or early mixed dentition stage who
presents with unilateral posterior crossbite and mandibular shift?
Background Evaluating the axial inclination of the pos-

osterior crossbite of the primary or mixed terior teeth in study models can be used to deter-
dentition can be caused by a skeletal or a mine whether the crossbite is dental or skeletal.
dental discrepancy. Skeletal crossbite is due If this evaluation shows that the crossbite could
to deficiency of the transverse maxillary arch, be corrected by removing the transverse dental
a wider-than-normal mandibular arch or both. compensation, the discrepancy is probably dental
Dental crossbite can occur when the arches are of in nature. If the crossbite appears worse after the
adequate width but the maxillary teeth are tipped compensations are removed, it is probably skeletal
lingually and/or the mandibular teeth are tipped in origin.
buccally. The incidence of posterior crossbite in Intraoral examination may reveal a functional
shift of the mandible into maximum intercuspa-
the primary, mixed and permanent dentitions
tion. This may be due to dental interferences (usu-
ranges between 7% and 23%.1
ally of the primary canines) but is often a result
A crossbite affecting only one tooth is often
of bilateral maxillary constriction. However, se-
dental in nature and can occur as a result of
vere constriction may result in bilateral crossbite
crowding. For example, early loss of a maxillary
without a functional shift. To diagnose a func-
primary second molar may cause lingual displace-
tional mandibular shift, the patient can be asked to
ment of the second premolar. 2 Dental crossbite
roll the tongue to the posterior palate, which helps
in the primary dentition is uncommon, because
to bring the mandible into a retrusive position.
crowding is rare. A crossbite affecting one tooth can
With gentle guidance the clinician can move the
also occur when a retained primary tooth disrupts
mandible into retrusion and will see the first point
the eruption path of its permanent successor.
of contact and then the slide.
A posterior crossbite may be unilateral or bilat-
eral. True unilateral crossbite results from intra- Timing of Treatment
arch or skeletal asymmetry, which may have a Crossbite with functional shift is one of the few
pathologic cause, such as unilateral cleft lip and conditions requiring treatment in the primary den-
palate or unilateral condylar hyperplasia. Bilateral tition.3 If the permanent first molars are expected
crossbite may have the same underlying causes as to erupt in less than 6 months, treatment can be
unilateral crossbite, but there is more maxillary delayed so that these teeth can be included in the
constriction distributed throughout the arch and correction. The proportion of posterior crossbites
no forced shift of the mandible. Although most that persist into the permanent dentition is signifi-
crossbites of the primary or early mixed denti- cant but variable (8% to 45%).4,5 If not corrected, a
tion are unilateral in appearance as a result of a functional shift may lead to undesirable adaptation
mandibular shift to one side on closure, they are of the temporomandibular joint, asymmetric man-
actually bilateral crossbites. dibular growth, dental compensations and dental
abrasion. Treatment in the early mixed dentition
Diagnosis stage also leads to improvement in mandibular
Frontal examination may demonstrate lateral asymmetry.6
deviation of the chin toward the side of the func- Delaying treatment until the late mixed or
tional shift. Mandibular asymmetry may occur as a permanent dentition stage has been advocated, 3,4
result of asymmetric growth due to the functional to allow possible spontaneous correction, to avoid
shift. If such asymmetry is present, posteroanterior multiple phases of treatment and to allow the pa-
or submental radiography may help to assess its tient to reach a developmental stage with better
presence and extent. Lateral cephalometric radi- cooperation and self-motivation. However, such
ography (at maximum intercuspation and at the a delay risks development or worsening of man-
point of initial contact, before the functional shift dibular asymmetric growth.
occurs) may be helpful but can be technically chal- Crossbite should not be corrected in the
lenging if the patient is very young. presence of a sucking habit, as the crossbite will

�� • September 2007, Vol. 73, No. 7 • 599
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Figure 1: Fixed quad helix in a patient with Figure 2: A 7-year-old girl presented with Figure 3: A removable maxillary
maxillary deficiency. Compliance is not an unilateral posterior crossbite on the left side, expansion appliance was delivered,
issue with this appliance, which can be along with a 3-mm functional shift to the with instructions for full-time wear and
activated intraorally if further expansion is left and a midline discrepancy. turning 2 times per week.
required. The arms can be removed and the
appliance can act as a cost-effective fixed

Figure 4: At 12 weeks, 6 mm of expan- Figure 5: The appliance was worn as a Figure 6: Six months after initial
sion had been achieved, and the unilateral retainer. presentation, the functional shift and
posterior crossbite and functional shift had crossbite remained absent and the
been corrected. midlines were coincident. The patient
was compliant with use of the remov-
able appliance.

a minor functional shift (less than 1 mm); expan-

sion of the maxillary arch; or repositioning of
individual teeth, combined with use of crossbite
elastics, to deal with intra-arch asymmetries, in
cases of localized dental crossbite.
Application of light transverse expansive forces
at the midpalatal suture can result in skeletal and
Figure 7: A fixed transpalatal arch was then dental changes to correct the crossbite or trans-
cemented with bands on the first perma-
verse deficiency. Heavy forces from a rapid palatal
nent molars, with arms extending to the lin-
gual surface of the primary first and second expander in the primary or early mixed dentition
molars for retention. may cause distortion of the nose and should there-
fore be delayed until the patient is in the middle to
late mixed dentition stage.
probably return after treatment unless the habit In a patient with unilateral crossbite as a result
is eliminated. However, appliance therapy may of a functional mandibular shift, bilateral trans-
simultaneously discourage the sucking habit and verse expansion is generally necessary. Removable
correct the crossbite. maxillary expanders are advantageous, as they re-
There are 3 approaches to treating moderate quire little chair time and can include a bite plate to
posterior crossbite in children3: occlusal equili- assist in the disarticulation of the posterior teeth.
bration to eliminate interferences, in cases with Fixed appliances such as the quad helix (Fig. 1)

600 JCDA • • September 2007, Vol. 73, No. 7 •

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or W-arch are also useful and do not depend on Dr. William A. Wiltshire is professor and head of the
patient compliance. They act quickly, have minimal department of orthodontics, division of preventive
effects on speech and generally deliver a continuous dental science, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg,
light force. After the expansion has been achieved,
the active component of the quad helix can be re-
moved and the buccal arms left in place to provide References
1. Kennedy DB, Osepchook M. Unilateral posterior crossbite with
a cost-effective means of retention. mandibular shift: a review. J Can Dent Assoc 2005; 71(8):569–73.
For true unilateral crossbite, a removable ap- 2. Ninou S, Stephens C. The early treatment of posterior cross-
pliance is preferred, with an asymmetrically bites: a review of continuing controversies. Dent Update 1994;
placed expansion screw toward the side of the 3. Proffit WR. Contemporary orthodontics. 3rd ed. St. Louis (MO):
crossbite and more acrylic palatal coverage toward Mosby Co., 2000. p. 187–8, 435–9.
the normal side. This permits more basal bone 4. Malandris M, Mahoney EK. Aetiology, diagnosis and treatment
of posterior cross-bites in the primary dentition. Int J Paediatr Dent
anchorage on the normal side and more expan- 2004; 14(3):155–66.
sion on the side with the crossbite. The case pre- 5. Marshall SD, Southard KA, Southard TE. Early transverse treat-
sented here illustrates the successful treatment of ment. Semin Orthod 2005; 11(3):130.
a unilateral crossbite with a removable maxillary 6. Hesse KL, Artun J, Joondeph DR, Kennedy DB. Changes
in con-
dylar position and occlusion associated with maxillary expansion for
expansion appliance. Once successful expansion correction of functional unilateral posterior crossbite. Am J Orthod
was achieved (Figs. 2–4), the patient continued to Dentofacial Orthop 1997; 111(4):410–8.

wear the appliance as a retainer (Figs. 5 and 6). Six

months after initial presentation (3 months after Further Reading
completed expansion), a fixed transpalatal arch Bartzela T, Jonas I. Long-term stability of unilateral posterior cross-
bite correction. Angle Orthod 2007; 77(2):237–43.
was cemented in place (Fig. 7). The patient’s facial Harrison JE, Ashby D. Orthodontic treatment for posterior cross-
musculature was balanced, and the buccal seg- bites. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2006; 2:CD 000879.
ments had effective interdigitation, which should Petren S, Bondemark L, Soderfeldt B. A systematic review con-
cerning early orthodontic treatment of unilateral posterior cross-
assist in establishing long-term retention. She will bite. Angle Orthod 2003; 73(5):588–96.
be monitored every 3 to 6 months. Pinto AS, Buschang PH, Throckmorton G, Chen P. Morphological
and positional assymetries in young children with functional uni-
lateral posterior crossbite. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2001;
Conclusion 120(5):513–20.
Treatment of posterior crossbite in the pri- Schiffman PH, Tuncay OC. Maxillary expansion: a meta analysis.
Clin Orthod Res 2001; 4(2):86–96.
mary or early mixed dentition is indicated when a
Turpin DL. Dealing with posterior crossbite in young patients.
functional mandibular shift is present. Otherwise, Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2004;126(5):531–2.
there is a risk of long-term asymmetric man-
dibular growth. Treatment usually takes the form
of an expansion appliance in the maxilla; retention
protocols should be considered once successful
expansion has been achieved and the crossbite has
been eliminated. a


Dr. James Noble is a senior orthodontic resi-

dent in the faculty of dentistry, University of
Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Email: umnoble@

Dr. Robert C. Baker is senior scholar, department

of orthodontics, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg,

Dr. Nicholas Karaiskos is a senior orthodontic

resident in the faculty of dentistry, University of
Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

�� • September 2007, Vol. 73, No. 7 • 601

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