M1 Leadrship Vision

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THE BIG PICTURE: Introductory Module

Leadership & Vision

Boi Manuel

God into every cop. God gave us this vision. He nurtured it.
The Lord gave us this MISSION: Help build a God-centered, Service-Oriented and Family-Based
PNP. We faithfully and passionately pursued this direction He has given us.


Leadership development is lifelong, multi-directional, multidimensional, multidisciplinary and,

multicontextual process. We deeply share these leadership development concepts with Paul
Baltes a great thinker and scholar. (Paul Baltes identified several underlying principles of the lifespan perspective
(Baltes, 1987; Baltes, Lindenberger, & Staudinger, 2006).

Our humble years of cultivating the ground in raising better breed of leaders within our ministry
national scope has encompassingly confirms Baltes’ observations. However, we have a different
working definition with these terminologies. These are our working definitions:
• Development is lifelong. Our explanation of this term is a young person or a youth leader
entering our ministry programs, like youth leaders enrolling to a pre-cadet class to prepare them
enter our premier academies. This is the starting point of this process until the day of his or her
• Development is multidirectional. We have identified eleven major programs in this
organization that has been continually evolving through the years that makes our approach
multidirectional. This is ingrained to our national network of senior police officers and
volunteers who are closely working with community-based leaders.
• Development is multidimensional. Our approach of a multidimensional progression
emanates from the spiritual realm and this flows from within.
• Development is multidisciplinary. 2 Timothy 2:5 and 1 Corinthians 9:25-27 clearly provides
our working definition of this terminology. “Also, if anyone competes as an athlete, he does not
win the prize unless he competes according to the rules (2 Timothy 2:5). Everyone who
competes in the games exercises self-control in all things. They then do it to receive a perishable
wreath, but we an imperishable. Therefore, I run in such a way, as not without aim; I box in such
a way, as not beating the air; but I discipline my body and make it my slave, so that, after I have
preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified (1 Corinthians 9:25-27). Source:
• Development is multicontextual. Our world is constantly changing. The entry and re-entry of
our police officers from a particular assignment or training local from our different regions and
abroad naturally bring a multicontextual flavor within our organization.

Raising Visionary Leaders
Visionary leaders are great innovators. These extraordinary gifted people are “outside the box”

In reality, the PNP is facing a huge challenge to inspire more visionary leaders to excel with its
high-control environment emanating from the top from the office of the president, to the DILG
(Department of Interior and Local Government) Secretary down to the CPNP (Chief of the
Philippine national Police).

Moreover, our regional and provincial directors have to always consider the programs or follow
orders and instructions from their LGU (Local Government Unit) counterpart (governors,
congressmen and mayors). Dynamic organizations are constantly yearning for visionary leaders.
Big picture leaders are critical to the success and future of every organization. These visionary
leaders have to learn how to survive under a high control environment from the top.

Where do we find such leaders and what does it mean for us to identify and mentor these types
of people?

There are two bible passages that serves as our guide in identifying such persons. The first
qualification is a person who has shown interest in understanding God’s ways and precepts. A
person who has initially shown great interest in reading God’s words is more open to new
discoveries in life. The second trait we are looking for are persons who are keeping God’s laws
being demonstrated in their words and actions. We are not looking for a religious or devout
person. We can discern this person’s character base from his words and actuations. Such
persons will have greater understanding and wider view of their surroundings and life in
general. Therefore, these persons will have visions and dreams for God and for the
organization where God has planted them.
These are the two passages in the bible that guides us in our quest for identifying visionary
Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he
(Proverbs 29:18).

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I
will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the
law of thy God, I will also forget thy children (Hosea 4:6).

Our way in conveying our vision in the PNP is presented in the context of imagining or dreaming
God’s dream for the PNP. Exalting Christ through the nations through the transformed lives of
military and police officers have given us a concrete or visual setting to walk on.

We have unswervingly taken significant steps of faith in this ministry. These dreams have
motivated us to remain hopeful. Just like in the old days, He has ignited the fire in our hearts.
Many have caught these dreams with us as we take part in God’s transformational agenda in
the PNP.

Leadership and Vision (L&V) Graph 1

L &V Graph 1 is a clear picture of our humble beginnings that started in 1994. It was a difficult
transition era where the former President Fidel V. Ramos issued the forced retirement of police
generals. This declaration from the president created a gloomy and very uncertain picture of
all the people in the organization. But it was also in the same year that God has given us a
dream that allowed us imagine what will happen if we will put God at the center of this grim
and dark situation.

Like Joseph in Genesis 37:1-11 who has been guided by God’s powerful revelation through
dreams and visions, we find ourselves dreaming and imagining concrete powerful scenarios
when we put God in this dismal state.

Hence this vision, dreams and imagination.

Serving the Lord in the PNP for has been a great adventure. These are the wonderful landmarks
that powerfully remind us of His unwavering faithfulness. There are numerous names and
events that has brought us this far.

He is the author of our ministries. He is continually blessing our expansion effort nationwide. It
is the Lord’s design that we remain a flat organization. We reject enslaving worldly hierarchies,
to strategically stir up one another in love and good deeds. It is inspiring and empowering to be
included in these leadership circles. Winning and discipling leaders in this spiritual milieu is
Jesus Christ’s strategy. This is what we are doing to transform our communities. In all of these,
we give back all the glory to Him.


Imagine... the power of the cross transforming the hearts of our police officers in this
country. Hundreds of leaders locally immersed in the process of becoming God-fearing leaders.

• The “CROSS” is the starting point of this ministry. It is the power of the gospel
changing the hearts of every policeman. It is God into every cop.
• God has given us a clear understanding of the power of “cross transforming the
hearts of police and military officers”.
• Obeying the message of the cross will produce “godly & righteous leaders”.
• It is foundational to point our police officers to Christ and not to any human leaders.

Imagine... The regular gathering of police officer encouraging one another to excel in their
God-given mandate to serve and protect our people. A great number of small groups are
organized for mentoring, accountability and prayer.

• This is about following Jesus Christ’s example in training and being with His 12
• These activities are important in the life of a Christian leader. We need to motivate
our members to be a part of the following activities?
 Organized Mentoring for Small Group
 Accountability Programs
 Prayer Meetings

The parable of wheat and tares (good and evil) in Matthew 13:24-30 in the bible is a powerful
and very graphic end time scenario that our Lord Jesus Christ has given to us. People are easily
overwhelmed and discouraged when they read and learn the on and off crises and scandals
that are taking place within the PNP. The same officers have gone through the same training
programs local and abroad. They wear the same uniform. They have the same rank. They speak
the same language. But at the end of the day, they produce different result.

We are surrounded by counterfeits and impostors. They can loudly sing the PNP Hymn every
Monday during flag raising. They have memorized and recite the PNP code of conduct but live
their lives totally different from what they utter. This is the reality not only in the PNP but in all
our government sectors.

However, it is our vison and mission from the Lord sustaining us to press on in the midst of
adversarial situations. There is no formula or magic in our longevity of pursuing our dreams for
the PNP. Our consistent corporate narrative is an inspiring testament of HIS grace and mercy
flowing to each and everyone of us who are called to build this movement.

Here is a timeline depicting our actions during major developments happening in our country
and our whereabouts in the midst of scandals and controversies haunting the PNP.

Major Development, Issues & Controversy Where we are as a movement?
• Values Formation Council (VFC) was created under Gen
• Adverse publicities about erring policemen in the service Laurilla and Fred Basas - Nationwide
(1990’s) • Bible Study with young officers at DILG
• Evangelical Christian Auxiliary Group (ECAG- Davao)
• ECAG Training Police Recruits
• Reorientation of its men (PNP Personnel) on value • Bible Study with young officers at DILG
formation • Creating teaching modules for VFC with Bal Tira and
Ron Wilson
• "OPLAN PAGBABAGO" as the organization's way of • Book Reviews on Spiritual Leadership with young
religiously cleansing its force of misguided elements officers at DILG
upgrading the tainted image of the PNP and uplifting the • The Birth of Christian Officers Reform the Police Service
morale and welfare of every police officer in the service Movement (CORPS)
• The PNP intensified its operations on "OPLAN • Ministry at PNPA launching the My Brothers’ Keeper
PAGLALANSAG" in answer to the President Ramos call to Program with Joe Catanaoan as our volunteer at PNPA
dismantle all existing private armed groups throughout • Regular small group meetings of Crame-based officers
the archipelago
• 1998 Manila blackmail incident • Steady Growth of the movement expanding to other
A blackmail case occurred in Binondo, Manila when Asian countries particularly Thailand and Cambodia
police officers abducted and blackmailed under the leadership of Ron Wilson
seven Chinese citizens suspected of drug trafficking • CORPS Movement launch the training of Metro Manila
• In 1996, 11 members of Kuratong Baleleng were killed by pastors
the forces of the Presidential Anti-Crime Commission, led • COPPS emerged with the leadership of Reynold Osia
by Panfilo Lacson. In 2003, the High Tribunal ordered the
Quezon City Regional Trial Court to try Lacson and 33
other police officials.
• Death of Salvador “Bubby” P. Dacer involving cops • Book Reviews on Leadership with young officers at
• Lacson vs. Lastimoso Conflict DILG
• Book Reviews on Leadership with young officers at
• The Impeachment of Joseph Estrada (Plunder Case) DILG
• Book Reviews on Leadership with young officers at
• EDSA 2 People Revolution DILG
• Appointment of New DILG Secretray Introduced Moral Righteous Leadership (MRL)

• Oakwood Mutiny • PSSupt Bong Duran serving as the provincial director of

Aklan Province

• The Creation of Values and Leadership School in Subic

it was initially for TABA COPS (Tamad, Abusado, Bastos
The appointment of Edgar Aglipay as the new CPNP at Ayaw Padisiplina)
• Partnering with PSSupt Resty Gatera
• Birthing of MASCOM
• Cesar Binag and Bong Durana became chiefs of Police
in Kamuning and Cubao
• JOSHUA Ministry became a partner of the CORPS
• Ongoing Officers Discussion Groups among the
CORPS Members

Jamby Madrigal and Ping Lacson opposed the reappointment MOA with PNPA to build a leadership center inside PNPA
of Puno as DILG Secretary

• The Euro Generals scandal involves Eliseo de la Paz and • The Creation of PNP Transformation Program where
several Philippine National Police officials who went to several Christian Police Officers were involved
Russia on October 2008 to attend an Interpol • PSSupt Cesar Hawthorne Binag spearheaded the
conference. De la Paz was detained for carrying a large Project Management Office
• Parañaque shootout On December 5, 2008 • Institutionalization of MASCOM in Region 11
• Partnership CCF’s – GMEN Ministry
• Binayug torture case
• Maguindanao massacre in which 57 people, including
journalists, lawyers, aides, and motorists who were
witnesses were killed.
• Failed hostage rescue operation - The Philippine • PSSupt Bong Durana serving as SEA of the CPNP
National Police conceded that in the 2010 Manila
hostage crisis they made blunders in ending a bus
hijacking, as outrage grew over the bloody assault
played out on live television that left eight Hong
Kong tourists dead.
• On January 27, 2011, former Lt. Col. George Rabusa, who • PSSupt Cesar Binag serving as SEA of the CPNP
was budget officer when Reyes was Armed Forces chief, • First BOC International Conference Integrating Like
testified before a Senate panel and accused Reyes of Minded Groups like MASCOM – Foreign National
receiving P50 million in "send-off" money when he • Second BOC International Conference held at Camp
retired from the Armed Forces, as part of a decades-old Crame
military tradition • PSSupt Mao Aplasca serving as provincial director in
• The tragic death of Interior Secretary DILG Sec.Jesse • BOC’s involvement in Tacloban to help several
Robredo churches to rebuild

• Typhoon Hayan / Yolanda Hit the Philippines

• Luneta Hostage • Third BOC International Conference Center for
• Hulidap in Edsa Community Transformation (CCT) Tagaytay City
• Zamboanga Siege • PSSupt Cesar Binag in Liberia serving as Deputy Police
• Mamasapano Massacre Commissioner
• White House Controversy • PSSupt Lyndon Bubos’ appointment as police attaché in
• PNP probes 10 officers linked to missing AK-47 guns - the USA
• Bloated budget of the DILG Secretary of 1.9 billion • Fourth BOC International Conference Center for
• Mamasapano Incident and the death of SAF 44 Community Transformation (CCT) Tagaytay City
• BBL Controversy • BOC Regional Coordinator’s Conference
• PSSupt Bernie Banac Served as Provincial Director of
• PSSupt Bernie Banac serving as SEA of the CPNP
• 5th BOC International Conference Baguio City
• Laglag bala controversy at the airport involving police • BOC entered a MOA with PPSC under the leadership of
PSSupt Mao Aplasca and PSSupt Bong Durana
• The First BOC Regional Leadership Consultation took
place in Batangas
• Expansion of BOC to other Region as Bong Durana
served as PNTI Director
• Bong’s UN stint in Italy
• Launching of BOC Emerging Leaders Program
• Lyndon’s promotion to a star rank

• War on Drugs • Sixth BOC International Conference – Subic Bay
• Operation Tokhang and Double Barrel Metropolitan Authority (SBMA)
• American Embassy Rally • Cesar and Mao’s promotion to star rank
• Korean kidnap-slay case • BOC Regional and Provincial Expansion
• Eric Noble’s appointment as Provincial Director of Cebu
• War on Scalawags on Uniform
• The launching of BOC provincial and Regional
• War on Illegal Gambling
leadership consultation – First in CARR, Region 3 and
• Controversial Issues Involving High Profile Officials from Cebu Province
NBI • Launching of MBK Quarterly conference
• Pres. Duterte revoked ceasefire / negotiation with the • First MBK Conference – March 24 & 25
NPA • 6th BOC International - Davao City
• PO3 Lascannas detracting from his testimony and assert
that there is EJK • Launching of BOC School of Leadership
• PROCLAMATION OF MARTIAL LAW IN MINDANAO • BOC’s Involvement in Retraining Active Police Officers
with Bad Records
• Appointment of PCSupt Of Lyndon G. Cubos as Chief
• Appointment of PCSupt Of Mao Aplasca as Region 4A
• Appointment of PCSupt Cesar Hawthorne Binag as
Region 6 Director
• Appointment of PSSupt Eric Noble as PD of Cebu
• Appointment of PSSupt Warren Tolito as PD of Cagayan
• PMGEN Cubos was designated as the director f-for
• CPNP Oscar Albayalde was forced to resign due to the • PMGEn Mao Aplasca was designated to serve as the
war on drug controversy. He was replaced by Archie Director for Operations
Gamboa • PMGEN Benigno Durana was designated to lead the
• Pancratius Cascolan replace replaced Archie Gamboa but DPCR
only serve for 3 months. • PMGEN Cesar Hathorne Binag was appointed to lead
• Dibold Sinas replaced Cascolan as the new CPNP DITCM
• PBGEN Bernie Banc was appointed as the PNP
Scandals During the Pandemic 2020-2021
• PLTGEN Cesar Hawthorne BInag served as TCDO
✓ Senio Master sergeant Jonel Nuezca murdered his • PBGEN Bernie Banac was assigned to lead PNPTS
unarmed neighbors Sonya Gregorio and her son in • Bless our Cops launched it Anger Management Seminar
Paniqui Tarlac. Nationwide
✓ May 25, 2021 – Corporal Moises Yango robbed an LBC • Several of our MBKs were appointed as Provincial
branch in Camias Quezon City Directors
✓ May 31, 2021 – Police Master Sergeant Hensie Zinampan • PBGEN Bernie Banac was elevated to chair MBSK
killed a 52 yearold woman in Fairview Quzon City
✓ June 25, 2021 Police Master Sergeant Reyynante
Dimasupil indiscriminately fired his gun and killed 2 of gis
fellow police officers in MPD

• Guillermo Eleazar was appointed by the president to

serve as the new CPNP

Leadership and Vision (L&V) Graph 2

Negative issues will continue to happen in the PNP and there would be casualties. The pattern of
scandals and controversies that have happened through the years has severely affected the morale of
our officers within the organization. The saddest and most cruel thing is the fact that there is no
guarantee that those damning incidents won’t happen in the near future.

The parable of the wheat and tares is clearly presented in the Leadership and Vision Graph 2. Therefore,
let us not be overwhelmed by the darkness that is present in the PNP. Our Godly mandate is to take
care of the wheat, water and nurture it so it can yield great harvest.

God honored our hearts’ desire to see our dreams, visions, and imaginations into realities. Miracles
happened from 1994 to 2015. Small group events turned into big events. We have found ourselves
slowly getting out of our comfort zones. God led us to promote what we are doing to other Christian
groups. Eventually, we have turned the negative tide to opportunities to advance God’s agenda for the

Leadership and Vision (L&V) Graph 3

L&V Graph 3 is a wonderful period of God’s great outpouring of blessings to the members of
My Brothers’ & Sisters Keeper (MBSK) as well as to our BOC pastors in the different regions
being elevated as members of the PNPs advisory council.

These two passages in the Bible, Proverbs 29:18 and Hosea 4:6 served as our guiding light as
we traverse the unknowns, threats, and opportunities in this movement from 2016 to 2019.

Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.
(Proverbs 29:180)

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will
also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy
God, I will also forget thy children (Hosea 4:6).
In our weakness and unfaithfulness, God has always been our strength because He is faithful to
His promises. We found ourselves unworthy of the many blessings that he gave us. Yet, time
and again, the Lord redirects us to the right path through these dreams, visions, and

Promotion of MBKS as Provincial Directors

Leadership and Vision (L&V) Graph 4

L&V Graph 4 is a powerful and beautiful progression that we are pursing as a movement. Many
generals have retired from the PNP and we have never seen them coming back to mentor the
younger ones, even those who were once professing that they know God and they care for the

Lyndon G. Cubos, Mao Aplasca, Bong Durana and Genesis Tolejano continue to move around
and encourage our police officers on the ground. These former police generals know the value
of encouraging and blessing our cops. They have been with the organization and their
combined experiences can easily be translated to more than a hundred years of building the
PNP. The wisdom they bring to the table will surely enhance what we hope and dream to
accomplish in the PNP.

One of the common or unanimous sentiment amongst these retired generals is their realization
of the lost times they have in the PNP. But in all of these, our former generals derive great joy
in serving our people in the PNP.



Imagine… the transformed lives of our police officers are having a great impact as they share
their faith as a way of life. Lives are being changed and more security forces are being
transformed as they are confronted with the reality of Jesus Christ. Small groups all around the
camps are initiating scores of evangelistic outreaches.

• Making significant impact is what Christian leaders do
• Creating a godly impact in our family for Christ has generational affect.
• We have to cultivate a culture of influencing others for Christ.

ong rana eading o r eeding

rogram amongst t e poor and inmates

Leadership and Vision (L&V) Graph 5

There, is so much pain and suffering around us. L&V Graph 5 is also about a group of people
whom God ordained to do this kind of work. Our police community officers partnering with
BOC and Mercy Ministry to deliver physical and spiritual food is the result of several meetings
and consultations.

L&V Graph 5 is Bong Durana leading the Mercy Ministry at Eastern Police District (EPD). This is
another amazing development of a God-fearing officer who is committed to bless the PNP even
after retirement. As a two-star retired general, Bong Durana is now visiting the poorest of the
poor barangays in Mandaluyong, San Juan, Marikina and Pasig. He is portraying an exemplary
servant transformational leadership model. He is already retired. He is taking great risk to
reach out too these people during the pandemic. He is moving around reaching out to our
people with God’s love including the inmates detained in our police stations.

Transformational leadership is not about position. It is about recognizing the great need
around us and be able to respond in simple ways we can and expect nothing in return. Our
collective message in this God-ordained partnership is hope, faith and, love in action.

Hope, faith and, love must flow in and through us if we are going to bring God’s light in the
darkest corners of our community.

L years I I
o a ng
ard gro nds
PBGEN Bernard M. Banac

Leadership and Vision (L&V) Graph 6

L &V Graph 6 is the great contribution of our forerunners to pave the way towards a more dynamic and
meaningful police community partnership. One of the most critical aspect in large organizations is
leadership transition. PBGEN Bernard M. Banac taking this challenge to lead the movement after the
retirement of our four founders has taken long years of mentoring and preparation. Moreover, the
retirement of our founders is not the end of their involvement to this ministry. They are now in the best
position to encourage and mentor our officers on the ground. The MBSK-BOC leadership baton is now
at the hands of a young general. We are excited because PBGEN Bernard M. Banac still has several years
in the PNP. We can surely conquer greater heights with him taking the lead to champion our cause for
the PNP.

The parable of wheat and tares will continue to surface in the PNP and in our communities. The
manifestation of “tares” has been operating at the level of culture and enslaving godless traditions. We
are an incurably religious idolatrous people. We love our religious and, fraternal affiliations. We idolize
people and blindly follow them. It will take great wisdom and courage to overcome the shackling affect
of these “tares” in our lives.

Jesus Christ gave this warning for us to confidently mange the “tares” in our midst. He said, “I am
sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore, be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves
(Matthew 10:16). The “tares” can be likened to “wolves wearing sheep’s clothing”. We have to be very
wise as we interact with these wolves. Furthermore, we need to ask the Lord for discernment.

PLTGEN Cesar Hawthorne R. Binag once said, dealing with “tares and hungry wolves” is like playing with
great chess players. These are grandmasters of deceit who are seriously planning ahead. They are
always on the move and waiting for a perfect timing to make their kill. The best offense and defense
against the “tares and hungry wolves” in our midst is found in in Matthew 5:6. Godly visionary leaders
must hunger and thirst for righteousness. God blesses those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they
will be satisfied (New Living Translation).

Imagine… the transformed lives of our police officers give businessmen and government
officials the opportunities to hear the gospel. Some sensational publicity develops as officers
were forced to stand for truth and justice as they obey Christ.

• “Christian police and military officers are door openers for the gospel.’ This is a
wonderful experience we had in this ministry.
• Godly “transformation” can only be achieved by the grace of God and through the
enabling power of His Spirit.
• Standing for biblical truth and justice will be confronted with many challenges but it is
wise to remember that the battle has already been won by Jesus Christ on the cross.


Leadership and Vision (L&V) Graph 7

L &V Graph 7 is a calling not only to the 220,000 police personnel to serve and protect our people from
the “tares and wolves”. They need us to serve our people who are widely separated not only by islands
but also sub-cultures. We need to forge godly partnerships and alliances with “like-minded” and “like-
hearted” leaders to bridge this gap.

Let us all be Kingdom Builders! Our calling to bless our cops also entail that we have to raise responsible
communities starting within our own congregations. Let us stretch our faith and expand our
geographical reach.

Imagine… the transformation of lives of our police officers is now a clear-cut issue. People
are quietly asking “Are you one of them?” Many Christians are strengthened by experiencing
this opposition, but a few have dropped out of sight.

• The word “transformation”, “MBSK” and, ‘BOC” has become a buzzword in the PNP.
God is alive and at work in transforming the lives of our police officers.
• Our “transformation journey” with our brothers and sisters in this ministry has given us
so much hope not only for the PNP for our country as well.

• We have to constantly pray that the Lord will raise more police officers to be a part of
God’s transformational agenda.

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r a ona pansion

Leadership and Vision (L&V) Graph 8

L &V Graph 7 is our intentional effort to raise godly partnerships on a nationwide scale.

Imagine… the transformation of lives of our police officers selflessly and sacrificially serving
citizens who are in their deepest moments of crisis and vulnerability. They can counsel the men
and women of their land who are eager to seek them out in their moment of deep need.

• A transformed life Christ will produce another transformed person.
• We are continually being transformed by Christ on a day-to-day basis.
• The transformed lives of police officers have the power to transform the PNP
• “Selfless and sacrificial service” are vague concepts. The simplest way is to demonstrate
and actualize these ideas within our own units and community.

Imagine… the power of men and women in uniform holding out to the public the offer of
salvation and changed life through Christ.

• Salvation and changed life through Christ is a divine encounter.
• We can only know and experience Jesus Christ as we meditate on His words.
• We have to pursue God’s transformational agenda not only in the PNP but also in every
sector of our society and community.



The “CROSS” is the starting point of this ministry. Our religion, cultural traditions and fraternal
affiliations do not have redeeming transformational powers. Religions and sub-culture will only
bring further suffering because of its divisive and enslaving nature.

"It is finished!" Jesus uttered these three words in John 19:29-30

The best scholars in first world countries will continue to present their brilliant godless arguments.
“Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Virginia is offering a course titled “How to Overthrow
the State?”( https://thefederalist.com/2020/09/04/this-virginia-university-offers-course-on-how-to-overthrow-the-

Moreover, several mayors in the US are now proposing to defund their police force.

It is unfortunate that the Marxist Agenda is still prevalent in our top universities. “The Communist
Party of the Philippines (CPP) and its armed wing, the New People’s Army (NPA), had infiltrated 18
schools in Metro Manila, including De La Salle University (DLSU) and Ateneo de Manila University
(ADMU). (https://newsinfo.inquirer.net/1038966/afp-reds-recruiting-in-18-schools-for-oust-duterte-

By their fruit you will recognize them (Matthew 7:16).

It is foundational to point our police officers to Christ and not to any human leaders for them to
overcome the false sense of loyalty.

Any leadership training program that has no regard for God will only result to raising leaders who
will passionately pursue to enrich themselves. This result of such kind of training programs will
continue to bring greater suffering and division. Each leader to his own selfish pursuits and interests.

The increasing number of our police officers who are continually being transformed by Jesus’
teachings will surely have a dramatic impact in the entire organization.

THE BIG PICTURE: Introductory Module

Leadership & Vision

Boi Manuel

1. Leadership development is lifelong, multi-directional, multidimensional, multidisciplinary

and, multicontextual process. How do you plan to apply this concept in your life?
i plan to apply this concert by being a leader in my own way for example in our family by
being a good example as a leader and teaching my family the good values of being a leader.

2. We need to raise visionary leaders for the success and future of the organization. How can
we accomplish this within a high-control and strictly hierarchical organization like the PNP
as sell as with in the local church context?

i believe that the Pnp Academy is the way of The Pnp organization to raise a visionary leader for the
organization .

3. What is you understanding of these two biblical passages: Where there is no vision, the
people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he in Proverbs 9:18 and, “My people
are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also
reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy
God, I will also forget thy children in Hosea 4:6.

in my understanding if you have no vision or knowledge at all you will be destroyed

because you don t have anything, as a member of pnp for example if we dont have a
proper training as a police officer and a knowledge we cannot properly do our job and that
well destroy the peace and order .

4. The parable of wheat and tares (good and evil) in Matthew 13:24-30 in the bible is a
powerful and very graphic end time scenario that our Lord Jesus Christ has given to us.
People are easily overwhelmed and discouraged when they read and learn the on and off
crises and scandals that are taking place within the PNP. How can we best address this
damning reality in the PNP and in our communities? What does it mean for us to produce
and protect “good leaders”?

we can protect the good leaders by showing them our support of their leadership and also by prying
that they well not be affected by the corrupt system and also by praying them always.

5. Transformational leadership is not about position. It is about recognizing the great need around us
and be able to respond in simple ways we can and expect nothing in return. Our collective message
in this God-ordained partnership is hope, faith and, love in action. What is the best way for us to
collectively raise transformational leaders?

i think the best way is to support this Pnp program the SWIM program it helps us as a member of the Pnp
organization to keep us away from any temptation and do evel things by the guidance of our Pastors.

6. Why is standing for biblical truth and justice often been confronted with many challenges? What will
happen if we will no longer stand for biblical truth and justice?

there will be chaos injustice no peace and order so what ever happen we cannot surrender standing
for the biblical truth and justice for future seek .


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