Chap 3 11.03

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Chapter 3


In this chapter, the researchers needed to acquire the structural plan of

the Pili Drive Bridge and the ground motion data from IRIS which will be used

for stimulation. Microsoft Excel and Prism are essential programs to organize

and manipulate data.

Earthquake causes serious damage to bridges especially if its location is

near to the fault line and the strength of earthquake’s intensity. The engineers

assessed bridges using seismic loads to ensure the safety of the bridge. With

the innovative technology in this era, we will be able to evaluate the outcome

of an earthquake in Pili Drive Bridge.

In preparation to the Seismic Fragility Curve, the researchers will apply

using the Nonlinear Static Analysis, which exploit the Pushover Curve and the

Response Spectra of the bridge each acquire from the CSi Bridge stimulation.
Figure 3.0 Research Methodology

Nonlinear Seismic Threshold for

Bridge Structural
Static Fragility
Modelling Health
Analysis Curve Monitoring

Structural Plans Ground Motion Number of

Peak Ground
Data Occurence

CSi Bridge
Response Damage State
Spectrum Limits
Bridge Model
Probability of
Pushover Occurrence

Probability of
Performance Exceedance

Fragility Curve

3.1 Bridge Modeling

3.1.1 Structural Plans
The Structural Plans of Pili Drive Bridge will be acquired from the

Department of Public Works and Highways in Laguna and will be used in the

modeling phase of the operation using the CSI Bridge software.

3.1.2 CSi Bridge

CSi Bridge is a software specially designed for bridges. The software

allows researchers to design a swift and simple plan for retrofitting steel and
concrete bridges. It also includes trouble-free steps to follow outlines needed

to create a bridge model.

The software will be used to model the Pili Drive Bridge and its

simulation of seismic loads and parameters, mainly to earthquake loadings.

Survey of earthquake loads can be very difficult since the structure cannot be

physically tested. With the help of this software, we were able to mimic the Pili

Drive Bridge using the structural plan and replicate the effects of different

earthquake loads and will be recorded to regulate the damage rank or the

damage effect to the Pili Drive Bridge.

The CSI Bridge software evaluates the bridge if it’s low-risk or safe,

ruin or collapse even before the earthquake will happen by testing different

earthquake loads. Different magnitudes of earthquake and epicenter are all

obtained by IRIS. This puts the actual characteristics of the bridge to the

assessment by performing earthquake motion.

3.1.3 Prism
Prism is a software programmed to automatically develop raw ground-

motion acceleration records to generate data products that include corrected

acceleration, velocity, and displacement time series; acceleration, velocity,

and displacement response spectra

3.2.1 Response Spectrum Analysis

Response Spectrum Analysis is an analysis that evaluate the

structures response to short, nondeterministic, transient dynamic events such

as shocks or earthquakes. This analysis produce perception into dynamic

behavior by estimating pseudo-spectral acceleration, velocity, or displacement

as a function of structural period for a specified time history and level of

damping. It is helpful for decision-making because it correlates with structural

type-selection to dynamic performance. Structures of brief period undergo

greater acceleration, whereas those of longer duration undergo greater

displacement. Structural performance objectives should be contemplate

during preliminary design and Response Spectrum Analysis. CSi Bridge

automated features the Analysis function.

3.2.2 Performance Points

The Capacity Curve intersecting the Reduced Spectrum Curve (RSC)

are illustrated by these points at which the capacity and demand are uniform.

It’s a point where both capacity and demand cross with each other.

Utilizing the CSI Bridge software unified with Nonlinear Static Analysis,

the researchers were prepared to establish the structure performance points

in terms of shear and displacement, which will be the required features to

initiate the damage rank of Pili Drive Bridge Model.

3.3. Damage Rank

Utilizing the Damage State Limits by Moschonas et. al. as a basis for

the damage state of the Pili Drive Bridge, and the numerical value of the

displacement acquired from the performance points of the Pili Drive Bridge,

the damage state of the Pili Drive Bridge were able to ascertain by

researchers on each peak ground acceleration from 0.1g to 2.0g.

Simulating the Pili Drive Bridge model obtained the values of the du

and dy on the CSi Bridge software utilizing only its parameters like weight and

prestress. The damage rank of Pili Drive Bridge were able to develop by
differentiating the displacement by the Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) from

0.1g to 2.0g to the limits set by Moschonas

Table 3.0 Damage state limits (Moschonas et. al. 2009)

The abbreviate damage rank will basically enhance the number of

occurrences that will show to the Probability of Occurrence and will be

transformed to the Probability of Exceedance and differentiate to the peak

ground acceleration to succeed the fragility curves.

3.3.1 Number of Occurrences

The tally of the damaged structure of Pili Drive Bridge model per Peak

Ground Acceleration (PGA) is shown by graph of the number of occurrence.

Figure 3.2 Number of Occurrence in each damage rank (Requiso,2013)

The damage rank are plotted from no damage, slight, moderate,

extensive and complete damage as the highest. It was conducted against the

natural logarithm or ln to calculate the mean and standard deviation that will

be utilized to establish the fragility curves. The number of damaged structures

shows that its’s directly proportional to Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA).

3.3.2 Probability of Occurrence

The Cumulative Probability of Occurrence acquired after the mean and

standard deviation is computed. The probability is equal to the standard

normal distribution where it is multiplied to the basis of PGA which then

deducted to the mean all over the standard deviation. The damage ratio is

introduced in graphical arrangement by organizing the Peak Ground

Acceleration (PGA) in natural logarithmic structure on a log-normal probability

to occur with mean and standard deviation for the Probability of Occurrence.



PR - Cumulative Probability

Φ - Standard Normal Distribution

𝑋 - Peak Ground Acceleration

λ - Mean
ξ - Standard Deviation

3.3.3 Probability of Exceedance

The Probability of Exceedance is specified as the probability that a

certain value will surpass in the near future.

3.3.4 Fragility Curves

The Fragility Curves are acknowledge to produce a prediction of

potential damage throughout of an earthquake. These curves are regarded as

the seismic risk assessment and used as a designator to pinpoint the physical

damage in the powerful main shock. Apart from the main shock, probability

aftershock must also be explored to settle whether or when to permit re-

occupancy of the structure. The fragility function is also used directly to

narrow the damage cost and loss of life during earthquake. Therefore, fragility

curves can be utilized as a decision-making tool for both pre- and post-

earthquake situations. Moreover, these curves may assist to develop the

future local code provisions. (M.A. Azeem, 2018)

These curves are utilized to evaluate the seismic probability of

structures with identical features. Fragility Curves denotes the possibility that

a structure surpasses a given condition of destruction as a function of a

parameter that characterize the seismic intensity.

Fragility Curves are imperative for computing the risk from potential

seismic tremors. They can be utilized for emergency response and disaster

planning by national agencies and by insurance companies to assess the

overall loss after a seismic tremor event. Fragility Curves can be utilized to
lessen the risk by enhancing the seismic codes. Seismic assessment and

evaluation of the existing building stock has ended up a recognized priority

after damage and collapse of numerous unreinforced masonry buildings

structures amid recent earthquakes (Irizarry, 2004) (Askan & Yuceman,


3.4. Threshold for Structural Health Monitoring

The threshold value of the Pili Drive Bridge is the outline of Peak

Ground Acceleration (PGA). In the Structural Health Monitoring (SHM), and

Earthquake Measuring Instrument (ERI), regulate the verified Peak Ground

Acceleration (PGA) of a seismic tremor instigate to the structure. By

comparing the limit of the Pili Drive Bridge based on the product of this study,

and the definite Peak Ground Acceleration of the seismic tremor, we can

establish if the Pili Drive Bridge is secure or not for a certain value of PGA.

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