You are on page 1of 38


Family Stat Source Page
Hida +1 Strength
Hiruma +1 Agility
Kaiu +1 Intelligence
Kuni +1 Intelligence
Toritaka +1 Perception
Yasuki +1 Awarness

Family Stat Source Page
Asahina +1 Intelligence
Daidoji +1 Stamina
Doji +1 Awareness
Kakita +1 Agility

Family Stat Source Page
Hitomi +1 Strength Imperial Histories 214
Hoshi +1 Void Imperial Histories 214
Kitsuki +1 Awareness
Mirumoto +1 Agility
Tamori +1 Willpower
Togashi Order +1 Reflexes

Family Stat Source Page
Akodo +1 Agility
Ikoma +1 Awareness
Kitsu +1 Intelligence
Matsu +1 Strength

Family Stat Source Page
Kitsune +1 Awareness
Moshi +1 Intelligence
Tsuruchi +1 Perception
Yoritomo +1 Stamina

Family Stat Source Page
Agasha +1 Perception
Asako +1 Awareness
Isawa +1 Willpower
Shiba +1 Perception

Family Stat Source Page
Bayushi +1 Agility

Page 1
Shosuro +1 Awareness
Soshi +1 Intelligence
Yogo +1 Willpower

Family Stat Source Page
Horuichi +1 Willpower
Ide +1 Perception
Iuchi +1 Intelligence
Moto +1 Agility
Shinjo +1 Reflexes
Utaku +1 Stamina

Family Stat Source Page
Chuda +1 Intelligence
Daigotsu +1 Stamina
Goju +1 Agility
Spider Monks +1 Reflexes

Minor Clans
Family (Clan) Stat Source Page
Ichiro (Badger) +1 Strength
Komori (Bat) +1 Intelligence
Heichi (Boar) +1 Awareness
Tonbo (Dragonfly) +1 Awareness
Toritaka (Falcon) +1 Perception
Kitsune (Fox) +1 Willpower
Usagi (Hare) +1 Awareness
Ujina (Hare +1 Agility
Toku (Monkey) +1 Stamina
Fuzake (Monkey) +1 Perception
Tsi (Oriole) +1 Strength
Morito (Ox) +1 Stamina
Chuda (Snake) +1 Strength
Suzume (Sparrow) +1 Awareness
Yotsu (Tiger) +1 Intelligence Imperial Histories 276
Kasuga (Tortoise) +1 Perception

Family Stat Source Page
Miya +1 Reflexes
Otomo +1 Intelligence
Seppun +1 Agility
Hantei +1 Void
Toturi +1 Willpower

Family Stat Source Page

Page 2
Kaeru +1 Awareness Imperial Histories 275
Tsi +1 Willpower Imperial Histories 275
Tsume +1 Reflexes Imperial Histories 275
Yotsu +1 Intelligence Imperial Histories 275

Family Stat Source Page
Nasu +1 Awareness Imperial Histories 67

Bloodline Stat Source Page
Asp +1 Strength Enemies of the Empire 73
Chameleon +1 Awareness Enemies of the Empire 74
Cobra +1 Perception Enemies of the Empire 74
Constrictor +1 Stamina Enemies of the Empire 74
Greensnake +1 Reflexes Enemies of the Empire 75
Abomination +1 Any Enemies of the Empire 75

Tribe Stat Source Page
Blue Fur +1 Awareness Enemies of the Empire 101
Broken Shinbone +1 Stamina Enemies of the Empire 101
Chipped Tooth +1 Agility Enemies of the Empire 101
Crippled Bone +1 Strength Enemies of the Empire 102
Crooked Tail +1 Intelligence Enemies of the Empire 102
Grasping Paw +1 Reflexes Enemies of the Empire 102
Green-Green White +1 Perception Enemies of the Empire 103
Squeaky Eyeball +1 Awareness Enemies of the Empire 103
Stained Paw +1 Stamina Enemies of the Empire 104
Tattered Ear +1 Awareness Enemies of the Empire 104
Third Whisker +1 Willpower Enemies of the Empire 105

Species Strength Source Page
Cat Major Enemies of the Empire 245
Phoenix Minor Enemies of the Empire 245
Dog Minor Enemies of the Empire 245
Fox Major Enemies of the Empire 245
Bat Major Enemies of the Empire 245
Dragon Major Enemies of the Empire 245
Monkey Minor Enemies of the Empire 245
Badger Minor Enemies of the Empire 245
Crane Minor Enemies of the Empire 245
Hare Minor Enemies of the Empire 245

Page 3
Patron Family Source Page
Hida Kakeguchi Great Clans 284
Moshibaru Great Clans 285
Hiruma Endo Great Clans 289
Raikuto Great Clans 285
Kaiu Fundai Great Clans 284
Maisuna Great Clans 284
Kuni Meishozo Great Clans 284
Ugawari Great Clans 285
Yasuki Kano Great Clans 284
Raikuto Great Clans 285

Patron Family Source Page
Daidoji Hiramichi Great Clans 285
Hiramori Great Clans 285
Doji Kotagama Great Clans 285
Tsume Great Clans 291
Kakita Ashidaka Great Clans 285
Iwasaki Great Clans 285

Patron Family Source Page
Kitsuki Sakura Great Clans 291
Mirumoto Kouken Great Clans 286
Zurui Great Clans 286
Tamori Chiyu Great Clans 289
Hiasobi Great Clans 289
Izaku Great Clans 289
Togashi Order

Patron Family Source Page
Akodo Katai Great Clans 286
Seizuka Great Clans 291
Ikoma Hosokawa Great Clans 286
Murame Great Clans 290
Kitsu Ise Great Clans 286
Noroko Great Clans 290
Matsu Ikeda Great Clans 286
Koritome Great Clans 286
Watanabe Great Clans 291

Patron Family Source Page

Page 4
Kitsune Bayko Great Clans 287
Shudo Great Clans 291
Moshi Goraiku Great Clans 289
Tsuruchi Kagehisa Great Clans 290
Suguru Great Clans 291
Yoritomo Hogosha Great Clans 289

Patron Family Source Page
Agasha Atsumaru Great Clans 287
Izaku Great Clans 289
Asako Chukan Great Clans 287
Nani Great Clans 287
Isawa Shingon Great Clans 291
Shiba Nasu Great Clans 287
Sodona Great Clans 287

Patron Family Source Page
Bayushi Aotora Great Clans 289
Rokugo Great Clans 291
Shosuro Kochako Great Clans 287
Tokagure Great Clans 288
Soshi Nanbu Great Clans 288
Yogo Naganori Great Clans 290
Tansaku Great Clans 288

Patron Family Source Page
Ide Suio Great Clans 288
Iuchi Battue Great Clans 288
Kenshin Great Clans 290
Moto Onshigawa Great Clans 289
Shinjo Marta Great Clans 288
Utaku Hyuga Great Clans 288
Naoko Great Clans 288

Page 5
School Type Source Page
Hida Bushi Bushi
Hida Pragmatist Bushi Emerald Empire 247
Hiruma Bushi Bushi
Hiruma Scouts Bushi Imperial Histories 147
Kaiu Engineer Artisan/Bushi Great Clans 39
Kuni Shugenja Shugenja
Kuni Witch-Hunter Monk Great Clans 40
Yasuki Courtier Courtier

School Type Source Page
Asahina Shugenja Shugenja
Doji Courtier Courtier
Doji Magistrate Bushi Emerald Empire 170
Daidoji Iron Warriors Bushi
Daidoji Scout Bushi Great Clans 70
Kakita Artisans Artisan Great Clans 72
Kakita Bushi Bushi

School Type Source Page
Hitomi Kikage Zumi Monk Imperial Histories 215
Hoshi Tsurui Zumi Monk Imperial Histories 214
Kitsuki Investigator Courtier
Mirumoto Bushi Bushi
Mirumoto Taoist Bushi Emerald Empire 221
Tamori Shugenja Shugenja
Togashi Tattooed Order Monk

School Type Source Page
Akodo Bushi Bushi
Ikoma Bard Courtier
Ikoma Lion's Shadow Bushi Emerald Empire 109
Kitsu Shugenja Shugenja
Matsu Beastmaster Bushi Great Clans 137
Matsu Berserker Bushi

School Type Source Page
Mantis Brawler Bushi Great Clans 165
Moshi Shugenja Shugenja
Tsuruchi Archer Bushi
Tsuruchi Bounty Hunter Bushi Great Clans 167
Yoritomo Bushi Bushi

Page 6
Yoritomo Courtier Courtier
Yoritomo Shugenja Shugenja Great Clans 168

School Type Source Page
Agasha Shugenja Shugenja
Asako Henshin Monk Great Clans 199
Asako Loremaster Courtier
Isawa Shugenja Shugenja
Shiba Artisans Artisan Emerald Empire 123
Shiba Bushi Bushi

School Type Source Page
Bayushi Bushi Bushi
Bayushi Courtier Courtier
Soshi Magistrate Bushi Emerald Empire 171
Soshi Shugenja Shugenja
Shosuro Actor Ninja Great Clans 229
Shosuro Infiltrator Ninja
Yogo Wardmasters Shugenja Great Clans 229

School Type Source Page
Iuchi Shugenja Shugenja
Ide Emissary Courtier
Meishodo/Horiuchi Shugenja Shugenja Great Clans 257
Moto Bushi Bushi
Moto Death Priests Shugenja Imperial Histories 241
Moto Vindicators Bushi Great Clans 258
Shinjo Bushi Bushi Emerald Empire 31
Utaku Battle Maiden Bushi

School Type Source Page
Chuda Shugenja Shugenja
Daigotsu Bushi Bushi
Daigotsu Courtier Courtier
Dark Moto Cavalry Bushi Enemies of the Empire 63
Goju Ninja Ninja Great Clans 280
Ninube Shugenja Shugenja Great Clans 281
Order of the Spider Monks Monk

Minor Clans
School (Clan) Type Source Page
Ichiro Bushi (Badger) Bushi
Komori Shugenja (Bat) Shugenja
Heichi Bushi (Boar) Bushi
Tonbo Shugenja Dragonfly) Shugenja

Page 7
Toritaka Bushi (Falcon) Bushi
Kitsune Shugenja (Fox) Shugenja
Usagi Bushi (Hare) Bushi
Toku Bushi (Monkey) Bushi
Tsi Smith (Oriole) Artisan
Morito Bushi (Ox) Bushi
Chuda Shugenja (Snake) Shugenja
Suzume Bushi (Sparrow) Bushi
Yotsu Bushi (Tiger) Bushi Imperial Histories 276
Kasuga Smuggler (Tortoise) Courtier

School Type Source Page
Seppun Guardsman Bushi
Seppun Shugenja Shugnja
Otomo Courtier Courtier
Miya Herald Courtier

School Devotion Source Page
The Four Temples Shintao
The Order of Heroes Shintao
Shinmaki Order Shintao Emerald Empire 206
The Shrine of the Seven Thunders Shintao
The Temple of Kaimetsu-uo Fortunist
The Temple of Osano-Wo Fortunist
The Temples of the Thousand Fortunes Fortunist

School Type Source Page
Self-Taught Shugenja Shugenja Enemies of the Empire 205
Dutiful Disciple Shugenja Shugenja Enemies of the Empire 205
Ronin Order Shugenja Shugenja Enemies of the Empire 205

School Type Source Page
Naga Jakla Shugenja Enemies of the Empire 83
Naga Scout Bushi Enemies of the Empire 83
Naga Vedic Courtier Enemies of the Empire 84
Naga Warrior Bushi Enemies of the Empire 85

School Type Source Page
Nezumi Warriors Bushi Enemies of the Empire 111
Nezumi Scrounter Enemies of the Empire 111
Nezumi Shaman Shugenja Enemies of the Empire 112
Nezumi Rememberer Enemies of the Empire 112


Page 8
School Type Source Page
The Kenku Swordsman Bushi Enemies of the Empire 180
Tsuno Ravager Bushi Enemies of the Empire 187
Tsuno Soultwister Shugenja Enemies of the Empire 187
Free Ogre Bushi Bushi Enemies of the Empire 237
Ogre Mage Shugenja Enemies of the Empire 237

Page 9
Advanced Schools
School Type Source Page
Defender of the Wall Bushi

School Type Source Page
Daidoji Harriers Ninja Imperial Histories 180
Kakita Master Artisans Artisan Great Clans 73
Kenshinzen Bushi

School Type Source Page
Mirumoto Master Sensei Bushi Great Clans 101
Swordmasters Bushi
Tamori Master of the Mountain Shugenja Great Clans 102

School Type Source Page
Akodo Tactical Master Bushi Great Clans 138
The Lion's Pride Bushi
Sodan-Senzo Shugenja Imperial Histories 241

School Type Source Page
Kobune Captain Bushi Emerald Empire 143
Storm Riders Shugenja

School Type Source Page
Asako Inquisitor Monk Great Clans 200
Elemental Guard Shugenja

School Type Source Page
Scorpion Instigator Couriter
Scorpion Saboteurs Ninja Imperial Histories 179

School Type Source Page
The White Guard Bushi

School Type Source Page
The Dark Paragons Monk Emerald Empire 207
Maho-Bujin Bushi Enemies of the Empire 63
Obsidian Warrior Bushi

Minor Clans
School Type Source Page

Page 10
Advanced Schools
Minor Clan Defender Bushi Emerald Empire 63

School Type Source Page
Imperial Scion Courtier Emerald Empire 79

School Type Source Page
Kolat Assassin Ninja Enemies of the Empire 50

School Type Source Page
Berserkers Bushi Enemies of the Empire 113

Page 11
Path Type Source Page
Crab Berserker Bushi
Oni Slayer Shugenja
Toritaka Exorcist (Falcon Clan) Shugenja Great Clans 42

Path Type Source Page
Empress Guard Bushi
Asahina Fetishist Shugenja
Kakita Jesters Artisans Great Clans 73

Path Type Source Page
Dragon's Flame Bushi Great Clans 103
Kitsuki Debater Courtier Great Clans 103
Kitsuki Justicar Bushi Imperial Histories 149
Mirumoto Mountaineer Bushi
Tamori Warrior Priest Shugenja
Togashi Defender Monk Great Clans 103

Path Type Source Page
Akodo Kensai Bushi Great Clans 139
Bishamon's Chosen Shugenja
Deathseeker Bushi
Lion Paragon Bushi Great Clans 140
Lion Scout Bushi Great Clans 140

Path Type Source Page
Acolytes of Thunder Shugenja Imperial Histories 306
Kitsune Ranger Bushi Great Clans 170
Mantis Navigator Shugenja
Moshi Guardian of the Sun Bushi Great Clans 169
Yoritomo Scoundrel Bushi

Path Type Source Page
Elemental Legions Bushi Great Clans 201
Isawa Tensai Shugenja
Nameless Ones Shugenja Imperial Histories 214
Order of Chikai Bushi Great Clans 202
Shiba Yojimbo Bushi

Path Type Source Page
Bitter Lies Swordsman Bushi
Kuroiban Shugenja Great Clans 230

Page 12
Scorpion Loyalists Imperial Histories 148
Shadow Hunter Shugenja

Path Type Source Page
Chuda Necromancer Shugenja Great Clans 282
Chuda Subversive Shugenja
Obsidian Magistrate Bushi

Path Type Source Page
Ide Trader Courtier Great Clans 259
Iuchi Traveler Shugenja
Moto Fanatic Bushi Great Clans 260
Shinjo Scout Bushi
Utaku Horse Master Great Clans 260

Minor Clans
Path Type Source Page
Soldiers of the Three Man Alliance Bushi Imperial Histories 149
Toritaka Exorcist (Falcon Clan) Shugenja Great Clans 42
Tortoise Guard (Tortoise) Bushi Imperial Histories 97

Path Type Source Page
Kenburo's Way Bushi Imperial Histories 123

Path Type Source
The Amethyst Champion Courtier
The Emerald Champion Bushi
Emerald Magistrate
Imperial Legionnaire Bushi
The Jade Champion Shugenja
Jade Legionnaire
Jade Magistrate
The Ruby Champion Bushi
The Topaz Champion

Path Type Source Page
The Bloodspeaker Technique Enemies of the Empire 27

Path Type Source Page
Kolat Master Enemies of the Empire 49
Guardian of the Hidden Temple Bushi Enemies of the Empire 49

Page 13
Path Type Source Page
Gozoku Agent Courtier Imperial Histories 69

Path Type Source Page
Brotherhood Spy Monk Imperial Histories 69

Path Type Source Page
Disciples of The Dashmar Courtier Enemies of the Empire 85
Master Bowman Bushi Enemies of the Empire 85
Pearl Shapers Shugenja Enemies of the Empire 85

Page 14
Advantage Subtype Cost Source Page
Absolute Direction Mental 1
Allies Social Variable
Balance Mental 2
Blackmail Social Variable (-1 Scorpion)
Bland Physical 2
Blissful Betrothal Social 3
Blood of Osano-Wo Spiritual 4 (-1 Crab, Mantis)
Child of Chikushudo Spiritual 7 Enemies of the Empire 244
Chosen by the Oracles Spiritual 6
Clear Thinking Mental 3 (-1 Dragon)
Crab Hands Physical 3 (-1 Crab, Bushi)
Crafty Mental 3 (-1 Scorpion, Spider, Ninja)
The Daimyo's Path Social 10 Emerald Empire 279
Dangerous Beauty Physical 3 (-1 Scorpion)
Daredevil Mental 3 (-1 Mantis)
Dark Paragon Mental 5 (-1 Spider)
Darling of the Court Social 2
Different School Social 5
Elemental Blessing Spiritual 4 (-1 Phoenix)
Enlightened Spiritual 6 (-1 Dragon, Monk)
Fame Social 3
Forbidden Knowledge Mental 5
Friendly Kami Spiritual 5
Friend of the Brotherhood Spiritual 5 (-1 Dragon)
Friend of the Elements Spiritual 4 (-1 Shugenja)
Gaijin Gear Material 5 (-1 Unicorn)
Gentry Material Varies
Great Destiny Spiritual 5
Great Potential Varies 5
Hands of Stone Physical 6 (-1 Monk)
Heart of Vengeance Social 5 (-1 Spider)
Heartless (Lion) Mental 4 Great Clans 136
Hero of the People Social 2
Higher Purpose Mental 3
Imperial Scribe Social 4 Imperial Histories 67
Imperial Spouse Social 5
Inari's Blessing Spiritual 3
Inheritance Material 5
Inheritance: Trained Falcon Marterial 2 (-1 Toritaka) Enemies of he Empire 10
Inner Gift Spiritual 7
Irreproachable Mental 2 (-1 Imperial)
Ishiken-do Spiritual 8 (-2 Phoenix)
Kharmic Tie Spiritual 1-5
Languages Mental 1 or 3
Large Physical 4 (-1 Crab)
Leadership Social 6 (-1 Lion)
Luck Spiritual 3/6/9
Magic Resistance Spiritual 2/4/6

Page 15
Medium Spiritual 4 Enemies of the Empire 244
Multiple Schools Social 10
Paragon Mental 7 (-1 Lion)
Perceived Honor Social 2/rank
Precise Memory Mental 3
Prodigy Physical 12
Quick Physical 6 (-1 Ninja)
Quick Healer Physical 3
Read Lips Mental 4 (-1 Courtier)
Sacred Weapon Material Varies
Sacrosanct Social 4 (-1 Imperial)
Sage Mental 4 (-1 Phoenix, Shugenja)
Sensation Social 3
Servant Material 5 (-2 varies)
Seven Fortune's Blessing Spiritual 4 (-1 varies)
Shadowed Heart Mental 5 Enemies of the Empire 49
Silent Physical 3 (-1 Ninja)
Social Position Social 6
Soul of Artistry Mental 4 (-1 Crane)
Spy Network Social 8 (-1 Daidoji, -2 Scorpion, -3 Kolat) Enemies of the Empire 49
Strength of the Earth Physical 3 (-1 Bushi)
Tactician Mental 4 (-1 Lion, Bushi)
Touch of the Spirit Realms Spiritual 5 (-1 Shugenja)
Virtuous Mental 3
Voice Physical 3
Void Versatility (Phoenix) Spiritual 4 Great Clans 199
Wary Mental 3
Way of the Land Mental 2 (-1 Unicorn)
Wealthy Material 1/rank
The World of the Daimyo Social 5 Emerald Empire 279

Advantage Subtype Cost Source
Amphibious Physical 3 (-1 Greensnake) Enemies of the Empire 81
Divine Focus Spiritual 3 Enemies of the Empire 81
Enhancing Mutation Physical 5 (-1 Abominations, Cobra) Enemies of the Empire 81
Hunter of the Foul Mental 6 Enemies of the Empire 82
Prehensile Tail Physical 2 Enemies of the Empire 82
Student of the Past Spiritual Varies Enemies of the Empire 82

Advantage Subtype Cost Source
Clever Tail Physical 4 Enemies of the Empire 110
Favored Pup Social 5 Enemies of the Empire 110
Fearless Mental 5 Enemies of the Empire 110
Forever Memory Mental 6 Enemies of the Empire 110
Human Allies Social 4 Enemies of the Empire 110
Namebound Spiritual 5 Enemies of the Empire 110
Shine-Shiney Eyes Physical 3 Enemies of the Empire 110

Page 16
Teeth of Stone Physical 4 Enemies of the Empire 110
Tribal Wanderer Social 3 Enemies of the Empire 110

Page 17
Disadvantage Subtype Cost Source Page
Anachronism Mental/Social 2 Imperial Histories 241
Antisocial Social 2/4 (+1 Crab)
Ascetic Mental 2 (+1 Dragon)
Bad Eyesight Physical 3
Bad Fortune Spiritual 3
Bad Health Physical 4
Bitter Betrothal Spiritual 2 (+1 Imperial)
Blackmailed Social Varies
Black Sheep Social 3
Blind Physical 6
Brash Mental 3 (+1 Lion)
Can't Lie Mental 2
Cast Out Social 1/3
Compulsion Mental 2-4
Consumed Mental Varies (+1 Spider)
Contrary Mental 3 (+1 Imperial, Courtier)
Cursed by the Realm Spiritual 4 (+1 Shugenja)
Dark Fate Spiritual 3
Dark Secret Social 4 (+1 Ninja)
Dependent Social Varies
Dishonored Social 5
Disbeliever Mental 3
Disturbing Countenance Physical 3 (+1 Spider)
Doubt Mental 4
Driven Mental 2
Elemental Imbalance Spiritual 2/rank
Enlightened Madness (Dragon) Spiritual 4/6 Great Clans 101
Epilepsy Physical 4 (+1 Crane)
Fascination Mental 1
Failure of Bushido Mental Varies (+1 Ninja)
Forced Retirement Social 4 (+1 Monk)
Frail Mind Mental 3
Gaijin Name Social 1 (+1 Unicorn)
Greedy Mental 3 (+1 Mantis)
Gullible Mental 4
Haunted Spiritual 3
Hostage Social 3
Idealistic Mental 2 (+1 Lion)
Infamous Social 2
Insensitive Mental 2 (+3 Scorpion)
Jealousy Mental 3
Lame Physical 4
Lechery Social 2
Lord Moon's Curse Spiritual 3/5/7
Lost Love Mental 3
Low Pain Threshold Physical 4
Missing Limb Physical 6
Momoku Spiritual 8

Page 18
Obligation Social 3/6
Obtuse Mental 3 (+1 Crab, Bushi)
Overconfident Mental 3 (+1 Lion, Mantis)
Permanent Wound Physical 4 (+1 Bushi)
Phobia Mental 1-3
Rumormonger Social 4 (+1 Courtier)
Seven Fortunes' Curse Spiritual 3
Shadowlands Taint Spiritual 4
Sleeper Agent Mental 5 Enemies of the Empire 49
Small Physical 3
Social Disadvantage Social 3
Soft-Hearted Mental 2 (+1 Phoenix)
Sworn Enemy Social 3
Touch of the Void Spiritual 3 (+1 Phoenix)
True Love Mental 3
Unlucky Spiritual 2/rank
Weakness Physical 6
Wrath of the Kami Spiritual 3 (+1 Shugenja)

Disadvantage Subtype Cost Source
Adrift From the Akasha Spiritual 3 Enemies of the Empire 82
Cursed Mutation Physical 5 (+1 Abomination, Cobra) Enemies of the Empire 82
Terror of the Foul Mental 3 Enemies of the Empire 83

Disadvantage Subtype Cost Source
Kwa'thch Physical 2 Enemies of the Empire 111
Lost Tail Physical 4 Enemies of the Empire 111
Nameless Spiritual 9 Enemies of the Empire 111
Nezumi Madness Social 5 Enemies of the Empire 111
Nose Blind Physical 2 Enemies of the Empire 111

Page 19
Spell Keywords Source Page

Mastery Level 1 Keywords Source Page
Blessed Wind Defense
By the Light of the Moon
Cloak of Night Illusion
Legacy of Kaze-no-Kami Craft
Nature's Touch
Tempest of Air Thunder
Token of Memory Craft, Illusion
To Seek the Truth
Way of Deception Illusion
Yari of Air Craft, Thunder
Mastery Level 2 Keywords Source Page
Benten's Touch
Call Upon the Wind Travel
Hidden Visage Illusion
The Kami's Whisper Illusion
Mists of Illusion Craft, Illusion
Secrets on the Wind
Whispering Wind Divination
Wolf's Proposal Illusion
Mastery Level 3 Keywords Source Page
Essence of Air Defense
The Eye Shall Not See Defense
Mask of Wind Illusion
Master Cloud's Eyes Enemies of the Empire 51
Striking the Storm Defense
Summoning the Gale Defense
Summon Fog
Your Heart's Enemy Illusion
Mastery Level 4 Keywords Source Page
Call the Spirit
False Realm Battle, Illusion
Gift of Wind Illusion
Know the Mind
Netsuke of Wind Craft, Illusion
Symbol of Air Ward
Mastery Level 5 Keywords Source Page
Cloud the Mind
Draw Back the Shadow
Echoes on the Breeze
Legion of the Moon Illusion
Slayer's Knives Thunder

Page 20
Mastery Level 6 Keywords Source Page
Rise, Air
The False Legion Battle, Illusion
The World is Truth Enemies of the Empire 51
Wrath of Kaze-no-Kami Thunder

Mastery Level 1 Keywords Source Page
Armor of Earth Battle, Defense
Courage of the Seven Thunders Battle
Earth's Stagnation
Earth's Touch Defense
Elemental Ward Wards
Jade Strike Jade, Thunder
Jurojin's Balm
Minor Binding Craft
Soul of Stone Defense
Tetsubo of Earth Craft, Jade
Mastery Level 2 Keywords Source Page
Be the Mountain Defense
Earth Becomes Sky Jade, Thunder
Embrace of Kenro-ji-jin Travel
Force of Will Battle
Grasp of Earth
Hands of Clay Travel
The Mountain's Feet Defense
Wholeness of the World Defense
Mastery Level 3 Keywords Source Page
Bonds of Ningen-Do Wards
Earth Kami's Blessing Battle
Earth's Protection Defense, Wards
Purge the Taint Jade
Sharing the Strength of Many
Strength of the Crow Jade
The Wolf's Mercy
Mastery Level 4 Keywords Source Page
Armor of the Emperor Defense
Essence of Earth Battle
Symbol of Earth Wards
Tomb of Jade Jade
Wall of Earth Defense
Mastery Level 5 Keywords Source Page
Major Binding Jade, Wards
Strike at the Roots
The Kami's Strength Battle
The Kami's Will Defense
Mastery Level 6 Keywords Source Page
Essence of Jade Defense, Jade

Page 21
Power of the Earth Dragon Defense
Prison of Earth Wards
Rise, Earth

Mastery Level 1 Keywords Source Page
Biting Steel Craft
Burning Kiss of Steel Battle
Envious Flames
Fires of Purity Defense
The Fires That Cleanse
Fury of Osano-Wo Thunder
Katana of Fire Battle, Craft
Never Alone
The Raging Forge Craft
Mastery Level 2 Keywords Source Page
Disrupt the Aura
Enticing Dance of the Flame
The Fires From Within
Hurried Steps
Mental Quickness
Relentless Heat Defense
Tail of the Fire Dragon
Ward of Purity Wards
Mastery Level 3 Keywords Source Page
Breath of the Fire Dragon
Fiery Wrath
The Fist of Osano-Wo Thunder
Haze of Battle Battle
Hungry Blade Craft
Ravenous Swarms
Shining Light Defense
Mastery Level 4 Keywords Source Page
Death of Flame
Defense of the Firestorm Defense
The Mending Forge Craft
Symbol of Fire Ward
Wall of Fire
Ward of Thunder Defense, Ward, Thunder
Mastery Level 5 Keywords Source Page
Destructive Wave
Everburning Rage
Follow the Flame
Light o the Sun Jade
Wings of the Phoenix Travel
Mastery Level 6 Keywords Source Page
Beam of the Inferno
Globe of the Everlasting Sun Defense

Page 22
The Soul's Blade Craft

Mastery Level 1 Keywords Source Page
Bo of Water Craft
Clarity of Purpose Battle
Ebbing Strength Defense
Path to Inner Peace
Reflections of Pan Ku Divination
Reversal of Fortunes
The Rushing Wave Travel
Speed of the Waterfall Travel
Spirit of the Water Battle
Sympathetic Energies
Mastery Level 2 Keywords Source Page
Cloak of the Miya Defense
Inari's Blessing Craft
Reflective Pool Divination
Rejuvenation Vapors
Stand Against the Waves Battle
The Ties That Bind Divination
Wave-Borne Speed Travel
Wisdom & Clarity
Mastery Level 3 Keywords Source Page
Near to Ice
Regrow the Wound
Silent Waters Defense
Strike of the Tsunami Battle
Visions of the Future Divination
Walking Upon the Waves Travel
Water Kami's Blessing
Mastery Level 4 Keywords Source Page
Dominion of Suitengu Divination
Ebb & Flow of Battle Battle
Heart of the Water Dragon
The Mirror's Smile Enemies of the Empire 51
The Path Not Taken
Strike of the Flowing Waters
Symbol of Water Ward
Mastery Level 5 Keywords Source Page
Ever-Changing Waves Illusion
The Final Bond Divination
Hands of the Tides Battle, Travel
Power of the Ocean Defense
Suitengu's Embrace Thunder
Mastery Level 6 Keywords Source Page
Peace of the Kami
Rise, Water
Water's Sweet Clarity Divination

Page 23

Mastery Level 1 Keywords Source Page
Boundless Sight
Drawing the Void
Flow through the Void
See Through Lies
Sense Void
Touch the Emptiness
The Void's Caress
Witness the Untold Divination
Mastery Level 2 Keywords Source Page
Altering the Course
Drink of Your Essence
The Empty Voice
False Whispers
Reach Through the Void
Severed from the Stream
Mastery Level 3 Keywords Source Page
Echoes in the Void
Kharmic Intent
Moment of Clarity
Read the Essence Divination
Void Release
Mastery Level 4 Keywords Source Page
Balance of Elements
Draw Closed the Veil
Fill with Emptiness
Void Strike
Mastery Level 5 Keywords Source Page
Divide the Soul
Unbound Essence
Mastery Level 6 Keywords Source Page
Ring of the Void
Rise from the Ashes
Unmake the World

Page 24
Kata Ring Mastery Clan Source Page
Art of Ninjutsu Water 5 Great Clans 283
Balance the Elements Style Void 3
Breath of Wind Style Air 3
Dance of the Winds Air 3 Great Clans 202
Disappearing World Style Fire 4
Hidden Blade Style Are 4
Indomitable Warrior Style Earth 4
Iron Forest Style Air 4
Iron in the Mountains Style Earth 3
Reckless Abandon Style Fire 4
Son of Storms Air 3 Great Clans 170
Spinning Blades Style Fire 5
Strength in Arms Style Water 4
Strength of the Crab Earth 3 Crab Great Clans 42
Strength of the Crane Air 3 Crane Great Clans 74
Strength of the Dragon Fire 3 Dragon Great Clans 104
Strength of the Lion Water 3 Lion Great Clans 140
Strength of Purity Style Void 4
Strength of the Mantis Air 3 Mantis Great Clans 170
Strength of the Phoenix Void 3 Phoenix Great Clans 202
Strength of the Scorpion Fire 3 Scorpion Great Clans 230
Strength of the Spider Earth 3 Spider Great Clans 283
Strength of the Unicorn Water 3 Unicorn Great Clans 260
Striking as Air Air 3
Striking as Earth Earth 3
Striking as Fire Fire 3
Striking as Void Void 3
Striking as Water Water 3
Veiled Menace Style Air 4

Page 25
Air Kiho
Kiho Ring/Mastery Keyword Type Source
Air Fist Air 3 Internal
Flee the Darkness Air 6 Kharmic
The Great Silence Air 4 Atemi Mystical
Harmony of the Mind Air 5 Mystical
Riding the Clouds Air 3 Mystical
Soul of the Four Winds Air 4 Internal
Stain Upon the Soul Air 3 Atemi Martial
Steal the Air Dragon Air 7 Kharmic
Way of the Willow Air 5 Internal

Earth Kiho
Kiho Ring/Mastery Keyword Type Source
Cleansing Spirit Earth 4 Internal
Earthen Fist Earth 3 Internal
Earth Needs No Eyes Earth 3 Internal
Embrace the Stone Earth 5 Mystical
Grasp the Earth Dragon Earth 5 Internal
Rest, My Brother Earth 5 Atemi Martial
Root the Mountain Earth 5 Internal
Speed of the Mountains Earth 4 Atemi Kharmic
Way of the Earth Earth 4 Martial

Fire Kiho
Kiho Ring/Mastery Keyword Type Source
The Body is an Anvil Fire 4 Mystical
Breaking Blow Fire 3 Martial
Channel the Fire Dragon Fire 6 Internal
Dance of the Flames Fire 6 Martial
Destiny's Strike Fire 4 Martial
Falling Star Strike Fire 7 Atemi Martial
Fire's Fleeting Speed Fire 4 Kharmic
Flame Fist Fire 3 Atemi Martial
Unbalance the Mind Fire 5 Atemi Mystical

Water Kiho
Kiho Ring/Mastery Keyword Type Source
As the Breakers Water 5 Atemi Kharmic
Buoyed by the Kami Water 3 Mystical
Chi Protection Water 4 Atemi Martial
Freezing the Lifeblood Water 7 Atemi Martial
Partaking the Waves Water 6 Internal
Ride the Water Dragon Water 3 Kharmic
Slap the Wave Water 7 Mystical
Waves in All Things Water 4 Mystical

Void Kiho
Kiho Ring/Mastery Keyword Type Source

Page 26
Banish All Shadows Void 4 Atemi Kharmic
Death Touch Void 7 Atemi Mystical
Eight Directions Awareness Void 5 Mystical
Silent Solace Void 5 Atemi Kharmic
Song of the World Void 3 Kharmic
Spin the Kharmic Wheel Void 8 Atemi Kharmic
Touch the Void Dragon Void 4 Internal
To the Last Breath Void 3 Kharmic
Void Fist Void 4 Martial

Page 27
Mastery Rank 1 Ring Keyword Source Page
Bleeding Fire
Blood Rite Earth
Blood and Darkness Air
Disrupt the Limb Water
Heart of Damned Earth Enemies of the Empire 27
Inspire Fear Air
Legacy of the Dark One Air
Purge the Weak Earth Enemies of the Empire 27
Sinful Dreams Air
Suck the Marrow Earth Enemies of the Empire 28
Summon Undead Champion Earth
Symbol of Blood Water Wards Enemies of the Empire 28
Ward of the Divine Peace Air Ward Enemies of the Empire 28
Written in Blood Fire

Mastery Rank 2 Ring Keyword Source Page

Caress of Fu Leng Earth
Curse of the Black Tongue Air GM Screen 13
Curse of the Clan Air Enemies of the Empire 28
Curse of the Kansen Air Enemies of the Empire 28
Curse of the Unblinking Eye Air
Curse of Weakness Water
Dark Wings Water Enemies of the Empire 28
Drain the Soul Earth
Eternal Unrest Earth Great Clans 282
Gift of the Maker Fire Enemies of the Empire 29
Pain Earth
Puppet Master Fire
Spreading the Darkness Earth

Mastery Rank 3 Ring Keyword Source Page

Armor of Obsidian Fire
Dancing With Demons Air Enemies of the Empire 29
Death Beyond Life Earth
Essence of Undeath Earth
Hate's Heart Air
Mists of Fear Air Illusion Enemies of the Empire 29
Summon Oni Earth
Symbol of the Bloodspeaker Air Wards Enemies of the Empire 29

Mastery Rank 4 Ring Keyword Source Page

Burning Blood Fire Enemies of the Empire 30
Chains of Jigoku Earth
No Pure Breaths Air
Sharing the Darkness Earth GM Screen 13
Stealing the Soul Earth
Tomb of Earth Earth Enemies of the Empire 29
Truth is a Scourge Air

Page 28

Mastery Rank 5 Ring Keyword Source Page

Blood Armor Earth Defense Enemies of the Empire 30
Fierce Blood of the Earth Earth Enemies of the Empire 30
Strength of Darkness Fire
Possession Air

Mastery Rank 6 Ring Keyword Source Page

Take the Body Air Enemies of the Empire 30

Page 29
Rank 1 Type Source Page
Disciples of Sun Tao Bushi
Forest Killers Bushi
People's Legionnaire Bushi Imperial Histories 1223
Towagoto's Army Bushi
Tengoku's Justice Bushi
The Tessen Bushi

Rank 2 Type Source Page

Claws of the Wolf Bushi Enemies of the Empire 200
East Wind Bushi Enemies of the Empire 200
Eyes of Nanashi Bushi Enemies of the Empire 200
Moonless Riders Bushi Enemies of the Empire 201
Silent Blades Bushi Enemies of the Empire 201

Rank 3 Type Source Page

Broken Guard Bushi Enemies of the Empire 201
Hidden Sword Bushi Enemies of the Empire 202
Machi-Kanshisha Bushi Enemies of the Empire 202
Serpents of Sanada Bushi Enemies of the Empire 202
Snow Riders Bushi Enemies of the Empire 203
Tsume Pikemen Bushi Imperial Histories 275

Rank 4 Type Source Page

Kenburo's Way Bushi Imperial Histories 123
Seven Waves Mercenaries Bushi Enemies of the Empire 203
Sword of Yotsu Bushi Enemies of the Empire 202
Weavers Bushi Enemies of the Empire 202

Rank 5 Type Source Page

Iron Gauntlet Brotherhood Bushi Enemies of the Empire 204
Shadowed Steel Bushi Enemies of the Empire 204
Wolf Legion Bushi Enemies of the Empire 204

Page 30
Ancestor Cost Source Page
Hida 14
Hiruma 11 Great Clans 42
Kaiu 9 Great Clans 42
Kuni 8

Ancestor Cost Source Page
Asahina 9 Great Clans 74
Asahina Koresada 5 Imperial Histories 122
Doji 8
Doji Hayaku 7 Great Clans 74
Kakita 12

Ancestor Cost Source Page
Agasha 6/10 Great Clans 104
Agasha Kitsuki 11
Mirumoto 9
Togashi Yamatsu 7 Great Clans 104

Ancestor Cost Source Page
Akodo 12
Ikoma 9
Kitsu 6 Great Clans 140
Matsu Hitomi 7 Great Clans 140

Ancestor Cost Source Page
Gusai 5
Kaimetsu-Uo 9
Moshi Azami 6 Great Clans 170
Osusuki & Akomachi 5 Great Clans 170
Tetsuken 6 Imperial Histories 122

Ancestor Cost Source Page
Asako 5
Isawa 12 Great Clans 202
Naka Kaeteru 10 Great Clans 202
Shiba 9

Ancestor Cost Source Page
Bayushi 12
Shosuro 8
Soshi Saibankan 5 Great Clans 230

Page 31
Yogo 6 Great Clans 230

Ancestor Cost Source Page
Chuda Bikimi 3 Great Clans 283
Hida Atarasi 7
Kuni Yori 5
Yogo Junzo 6 Great Clans 283

Ancestor Cost Source Page
Iuchi 8 Great Clans 260
Moto 10
Otaku 7 Great Clans 260
Shinjo 8

Page 32

Page 33
Pearl Magic
Spell Ring Mastery Keywords Source Page
The Pearl of Cleansing Light Earth 1 Wards Enemies of the Empire 86
The Pearl of Defense Earth 2 Defense Enemies of the Empire 86
The Pearl of Judgement Air 4 Enemies of the Empire 86
The Pearl of Movement Water 1 Enemies of the Empire 87
The Pearl of Swift Retribution Fire 3 Battle Enemies of the Empire 87
The White Pearl Air/Earth/Fire/Water 5 Enemies of the Empire 87

Page 34
Memory Sticks
Mastery Level 1 Source Page
Builder's Stick Enemies of the Empire 114
Digger's Stick Enemies of the Empire 114
Father's Stick Enemies of the Empire 114
Happy Stick Enemies of the Empire 114
Mother's Stick Enemies of the Empire 114
Scout's Stick Enemies of the Empire 114
Swimmer's Stick Enemies of the Empire 114
Wanderer's Stick Enemies of the Empire 114
Warrior's Stick Enemies of the Empire 115

Mastery Level 2 Source Page

Food Stick Enemies of the Empire 115
Friend Stick Enemies of the Empire 115
Home Sticks Enemies of the Empire 115
Lovers' Stick Enemies of the Empire 115
Nose Stick Enemies of the Empire 115
Wisdom Stick Enemies of the Empire 115

Mastery Level 3 Source Page

Armor Stick Enemies of the Empire 115
Life Stick Enemies of the Empire 115
Runner's Stick Enemies of the Empire 116
Scrounger's Stick Enemies of the Empire 116

Mastery Level 4 Source Page

Berserker's Stick Enemies of the Empire 116
Demon Stick Enemies of the Empire 116
Dream Stick Enemies of the Empire 116
Trader's Stick Enemies of the Empire 116
Poison Stick Enemies of the Empire 116
Shaman's Stick Enemies of the Empire 116
Spirit Stick Enemies of the Empire 116
Sunlit Stick Enemies of the Empire 116

Mastery Level 5 Source Page

Chieftain's Stick Enemies of the Empire 116
Evil Stick Enemies of the Empire 117
Rememberer's Stick Enemies of the Empire 117
Tomorrow Stick Enemies of the Empire 117
Treasure Stick Enemies of the Empire 117

Page 35
Name Magic
Mastery Level 1 Source Page
Beast Speech Enemies of the Empire 118
Bend Name Enemies of the Empire 118
Bless Name Enemies of the Empire 118
Conjure Dream Enemies of the Empire 118
Conjure Earth's Bounty Enemies of the Empire 120
Conjure Smoke Enemies of the Empire 120
Dream Walk Enemies of the Empire 120
Importune Transcendent Enemies of the Empire 120
Mend Name Enemies of the Empire 120
Name Friend Enemies of the Empire 121
Named Weapon Enemies of the Empire 121
Smite the Nameless Enemies of the Empire 121

Mastery Level 2 Source Page

Burn Name Enemies of the Empire 121
Conjure Animal Enemies of the Empire 121
Conjure Named Weapon Enemies of the Empire 121
Conjure Perfect Self Enemies of the Empire 122
Hide Name Enemies of the Empire 122
Name Talent Enemies of the Empire 122
Purify Name Enemies of the Empire 122
Seek Name Enemies of the Empire 122
Share Cunning Enemies of the Empire 122
Share Name Enemies of the Empire 122

Mastery Level 3 Source Page

Bonds of Blood Enemies of the Empire 123
Conjure Thoughts Enemies of the Empire 123
Conjure Trickster Enemies of the Empire 123
Curse of No-Lips Enemies of the Empire 123
Find Name Enemies of the Empire 123
Named Warren Enemies of the Empire 123
Shield Name Enemies of the Empire 124
Temper Named Weapon Enemies of the Empire 124
Trade Name Enemies of the Empire 124

Mastery Level 4 Source Page

Bind Name Enemies of the Empire 124
Close the Door Enemies of the Empire 124
Conjure Name Enemies of the Empire 124
Paint the Name Enemies of the Empire 125
Set Blood Aside Enemies of the Empire 125
Steal Cunning Enemies of the Empire 125
Twist Name Enemies of the Empire 125

Mastery Level 5 Source Page

Conjure Chitatchikkan's Fury Enemies of the Empire 125
Conjure Nightmare Enemies of the Empire 126

Page 36
Name Magic
Conjure Storm Enemies of the Empire 126
Conjure Tribe Enemies of the Empire 126
Take Name Enemies of the Empire 126

Mastery Level 6 Source Page

Dream Forever Enemies of the Empire 126

Page 37
Soultwister Magic
Mastery Level 1 Realm Ring Source Page
Benevolence of Tengoku Tengoku Fire Enemies of the Empire 188
Bloodlust of Toshigoku Toshigoku Water Enemies of the Empire 188
Dream Messages of Yume-do Yume-do Water Enemies of the Empire 188
Gaki-do's Grasping Hunger Gaki-do Earth Enemies of the Empire 188
Meido's Lethargic Introspection Meido Earth Enemies of the Empire 189
Primal Senses of Chikushudo Chikushudo Air Enemies of the Empire 189
Sakkaku's Vandalism Sakkaku Fire Enemies of the Empire 189
Yomi's Ancestral Separation Yomi Air Enemies of the Empire 190

Mastery Level 2 Realm Ring Source Page

Agony of Toshigoku Toshigoku Water Enemies of the Empire 190
Bestial Nature of Chikushudo Chikushudo Air Enemies of the Empire 190
Gaki-do's Consuming Hunger Gaki-do Earth Enemies of the Empire 190
Knowledge of Yomi Yomi Air Enemies of the Empire 190
Malicious Pranks of Sakkaku Sakkaku Fire Enemies of the Empire 191
Meido's Call Meido Earth Enemies of the Empire 191
Shield of Tengoku Tengoku Fire Enemies of the Empire 191
Yume-do's Horrific Nightmares Yume-do Water Enemies of the Empire 191

Mastery Level 3 Realm Ring Source Page

Banished from Yomi Yomi Air Enemies of the Empire 191
Consumed by Gaki-do Gaki-do Earth Enemies of the Empire 191
One with Chikushudo Chikushudo Air Enemies of the Empire 191
Questioned by Meido Meido Earth Enemies of the Empire 192
Spurned by Sakkaku Sakkaku Fire Enemies of the Empire 192
Tengoku's Grace Tengoku Fire Enemies of the Empire 192
Trapped in Yume-do Yume-do Water Enemies of the Empire 192

Page 38

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