CW Toturi's Army and Yoritomo's Alliance

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Z c tu r i’i A tm y and

Q e t i l o m e ’i A U ia n e v
Legend of the Five Rings, Clan War, The Emerald Empire of Rokugan a n d all o th e r related m a rk s are tra d e m a rk s of Five R ings
P u b lish in g G ro up , Inc. © 1999 Five R ings P u b lish in g G roup, Inc. All rig h ts reserved. Five R ings P u b lish in g G roup, Inc. is a su b sid iary of W izards of th e Coast, Inc.
M ade in USA. A lderac E n te rtain m en t G roup, a u th o rized user.
C táh fs
L ead D e s ig n e r : K en C a rp e n te r

D esig n T e a m : F rank C h a f e , M ik e E rnst , M a r c e l o F ig u e r o a , S t e v e

H ough

W r it t e n by K e n C a r p e n t e r , P a tr ic k K a p e r a and R ee S o esbee


I n t e r io r A r t w o r k : C r is D o r n a u s , C a r l F r a n k , B e n P e c k ,
R amón P e r e z

Artw ork P r e pr e ss: Bren d on G o od year

L a y o u t & D e s ig n : S t e v e H o u g h

E d it in g : O ./ . T r in d l e , K e n C a r p e n t e r , S c o t t G e a r in

P l a y t e s t e r s : B r i a n P u g n i e r , / e f f S t o l t , /a y 7 ’ H ain ey , S h a n e
A n d e rs o n , M a r k G r e e n w a ld , P a u l /o h n s o n , S h a n e L in d s tro m ,
R a n d y M a r t í n , B r i a n O l e a , G r e g O s b u r n , M ik e P a n e r o s , / a c o b
L a m itíe , B o b K ín g , M a r k P e r n e t a , L e l a n d /a m e s . P e t e O r f a n o s ,
E r i c I a m o n i c a , G a b r i e l H o s t e r m a n , H e a t h M a r k s , K e v in T s e n g ,
S c o t t L e m a s te r , R o y B a g e tt, B o y d K le e n , G e o f f S c h a ll e r , / o e
K e y s e r , /im C a l l a h a n , B a r n e y /a m e s , B r e n t B u r d i n e , E van
B a c c h e t t í , S t e p h e n R il l , R o b B o w e s , S hawn R a v il l e , N ick
Cu a resm a

C la n W ar M in ía tu r e s S c u l p to r s : B o b C h a r r e t t e , C h ris
F i t z p a t r i c k , S a n d r a G a r r i t y , C. B r a d G o r b y , / e f f G r a c e , / u l i e
G u t h r i e , B o b b y / a c k s o n , /im / o h n s o n , T o m M e i e r , D e n n is M iz e ,
B o b M u r c h , B o b O l l e y , T ím P r o w , B o b R i d o l f í , S t e v e S a u n d e r s ,
B e n S ie n s , C l i n t S t a p l e s , D a v e S u m m e r s

P e rm is s io n is g r a n t e d t o p h o to c o p y F o r c é c a r d s a n d te m p la te s
S e c t a O n e : S ecta Poüh
T o ta s ....................................... TíMi/ToVfao FoVces.. 24
T o t u r í ’s A r m y ........................................................4 In te r - clan R e l a t i o n s h i p s ............................. 2 4
R e c r u it m e n t C o s t I n c r e a s e .......................2 4
7\ BaVk Patíís Becjmnmcf. é E o u ip m e n t R u le s ................................................. 2 5
T o t u r i ’s A r m y P e r s o n a l ic e s ................... 2 6
T o t u r i ’s A r m y U n it s ....................................... 3 3
S ecta Tto R o n in L e a d e r s h ip P a c k a g e s .......................... 3 8
Tolitomos Alliance 14 Yo r i t o m o ’s A l lia n c e P e r s o n a l ic e s . . 4 0
Yo r i t o m o ’s A l lia n c e U n it s .......................... 4 5
T h e M i n o r C l a n s ................................................. 14
Y O R IT O M O ’S A L L I A N C E .......................................... 14
T he M a n tis C la n ................................................. 15

Baton of S t e s 2Ú

R u l e s A d d it io n s ................................................. 2 2

Y oritom o...................................................................................... 22
Matsu Hiroru .............................................................................. 22
Ashigaru ...................................................................................... 22
Mounted In fa n try ........................................................................22
Ronin Leadership Package......................................................... 22
Yoritomo/Command Groups ..................................................... 22

R u l e s E rrata ..................2 2
Peasant Retainer
When an army is understrength and there are no able bodies
to recruit, most military commanders exercise their right to draw
from the villages of their territories for reinforcements. Peasant
retainers (levies) are the bottom of the military food chain,
commonly men ill- or non-skilled in combat, who have been
given peasant weapons (see p. 125 of the L5R RPG) and perhaps
the odd polearm. They can be found anywhere armies are, though
they are more common in beleaguered areas.

T o tu rí s A rm
“There is no destiny, save the crumbs we steal from Fate.”
- Mikio

A tremendous army has assembled north of Beiden Pass. Led

Traditionally, ronin come from the ranks of ji-samurai (lesser by the Black Ronin, Toturi, they swear allegiance to a mon that
sons and daughters of a noble house), or are the illegitimate does not exist. They declare that they are brothers, bonded by war
children of a samurai father and a heimin mother. Because and by the scorn of the Great Clans.
children are always considered part of their father’s caste, children Why do the ronin armies follow Toturi? Why do they travel
of such a unión are samurai, despite their common birth and from the corners of the Empire to bend their knee to this man?
‘stained’ origins. However, unless the samurai can prove his Toturi was once the greatest general in the Empire; he fought
father’s identity with witnesses, the ‘samurai’ is considered ronin, against the Crane. More importantly, he survived, and ronin
able to claim some status, but not far removed from heimin. respect a survivor. They have heard the Great Clans offering
Many of those claiming to be samurai are actually simple koku, wages for their blood. Those clans would set every ronin on
peasants, with no testimony to support their supposed familial tie, the forefront of the battle, demanding that they charge where the
and no skill with the blade to enforce their claim. attack was hopeless. They would be exchanging their lives for
Ronin are an enigma in many parts of the Emerald Empire. gold, their honor for slaughtered attacks.
They must be treated as samurai, yet not so grandly as those of No more.
the nobility. They are something more than peasants, but less Toturi leads his men as resourcefully as the Akodo of oíd.
than the buke class. For the most part, they are ignored and Every man is a brother; every life must be sacred, every sword
reviled, refused a part in society, yet not willing to descend into used to its full potential. As one scarred ronin put it, 7 / I die in
the hierarchy of peasants. Toturi’s legions, I die for a purpose. I f l die for the Clans, I die for
their pride alone!’
Ronin are able to wander the countryside at their whim, with The legend of Toturi the Black, the Black Lion, has spread to
nobody telling them what to do. But what are they going to eat? every province in Rokugan. Ronin gather from the fields and
How are they going to repair their sword and saddle? When a ruined villages of the Empire, clamoring for a glimpse of this
samurai needs help, he turns to his family and his lord. When a once-noble, who has brought his wisdom to their cause. He has
ronin needs help, he has nobody to turn to. not scorned them, ñor claimed his birthright. He is ‘the first
If he’s smart, he’ll become a hire-on, a man who exchanges among equals’, and his ability to lead men has made him a living
temporary Service to a village or daimyo in exchange for goods legend.
and food. However, such an arrangement is rarely in the ronin’s In many ways, Rokugan is a land without hope, an Empire
benefit, ñor does the ronin usually have any recompense if he is without an Emperor. Toturi is a light in that darkness, giving men
cheated or given shoddy material. something to believe in, something to speak of with respect and
reverence, and the men who follow the once-Akodo lord would
Ashigaru (Footsoldier) willingly die in his ñame.
The massive armies of the Empire rely upon ashigaru as their More than this, however, is the legión of tattooed men and
foundation, for while an army might win a battle due to one man, Dragón samurai which fight at Toturi’s side. It is said that they
it is the collective efforts of the rank and file that carry it through have been sent by their Champion, Togashi Yokuni, but they do
the long weeks or months before. Ashigaru are drawn from the not speak of this. They serve Toturi without question, bowing
best of the “common man” (heimin), and are in this way like their heads to him as if he were their Champion. Their allegiance
conscripted soldiers in our own world. Anywhere that an army has given Toturi’s armies the credibility that they needed - and
marches, you may find ashigaru. an excuse to muster arms. If the Champion of the Dragón has

sent them, then the army is not Toturi’s, but rather falls under mere thousand men, praying that his ability is enough to guide
Yokuni’s control. No matter that this is an empty threat; the Great them safely to their destiny.
Clans are forced to listen, and allow the Black Lion his men. If His men will follow without question, gaining more
they deny it, or challenge those troops, they speak against the confidence with every battle against the Dark God of the
Dragón. They ask for the wrath of the Togashi, and the might oí Shadowlands. Every time they enter a fight, they believe their
a thousand ronin. numbers will not be enough. Yet, when the battle ends and they
The goals of Toturi’s army are simple: the Empire is being tora are victorious again, they chant Toturi’s ñame to the Heavens,
apart by bickering, political inñghting and ignorance. With each claiming that his insight and skill will lead them to the palace of
passing day, the Shadowlands grows stronger, and some whisper Otosan Uchi itself.
that it has spread as far as the palace itself. It remains to be seen if they can defeat the evil which walks
Once, Toturi was the greatest general in the Empire. He could the lands of the Emerald Empire, but one thing is certain. With
have turned the massive Lion troops against the Shadowlands every day, Toturi’s rag-tag army grows stronger and more fierce.
threat, and overeóme it easily. Now, he stands at the head of a Men journey for a hundred li to march by his side - and the tide
shows no sign of stopping.
orders that you are to be admitted, and given time to bathe.” The
guard’s voice was sharp, clear and strong. “Your men may rest
themselves in the barracks.”
Ginawa nodded.
“Hai,” the lieutenant agreed. “My Lord Ginawa and I will do
his bidding.”
The interior of the keep’s high walls contained a small city,
complete with tea-houses and merchants. Ginawa passed them
all, caring little for their diversions, but Futetsu smiled, pointing
at the brilliant lights that sparkled across a small, clear pond.
“Ginawa, oíd friend,” he began, “how long has it been since we
ReeSoesbee have visited the House of White Tears?”
His lord snorted. ‘Ten days”
“Too long,” the chui replied. “Did I tell you that once I have
gained my title and lands, I am going to buy the beautiful Nanko’s
It is one m an’s duty to serve his lord. “A hundred times, Futetsu.”
One rnan’s duty to give his life that his lord may live. “And a hundred times more you will hear it,” he smiled,
One m an’s duty to avenge, if his lord fall before him. fingering the hilt of his sword idly. “She was born samurai, not
It is one m an’s duty, in all things, to know truth. like the other girls. Her mother was an Ikoma.”
- Akodo’s Leadership “She’s a geisha.”
“All women have faults, Ginawa-sama.”
The lands of the Akodo were sprawled across magnificent hills At that, the Akodo laughed. “Yes, Futetsu. And all men will
and forests, each curve welcoming them home. The grass was a ignore them. Come, our lord is waiting.”
little greener here, the woodland more lush, and the road sweeter Beside him, Futetsu nodded, and staunchly ignored the
to the eye than any other province in the Empire. rippling pond. Ginawa cursed, glowering at his chui with feigned
It was home. disapproval. “Very well. You go. I will meet with you before we
The youngest taisa in the Family Guard, Akodo Ginawa enter our lord’s chamber, in an hour. And if you are late...”
chuckled as he watched the smiles grow across the faces of the “Hai, Akodo Ginawa-sama!” Futetsu bowed curtly, smiling.
magistrates around him. It had been three weeks since their lord As they parted, Ginawa shook his head. Men and women were
sent them out to retrieve the head of a bandit that plagued the dogs and shadows. Run after one, and it scurries away. Walk apart
village of Hitoekawa. The sack swung near Ginawa’s leg, from one, and it will follow.
thumpíng gently against his horse’s flank. Osore-oi had been the Better to chase glory, instead.
bandit’s ñame, and he had shouted it from the hills as the Akodo
legión eharged. Osore-oi! Yet the bandit had died with a sword in “Well done, samurai.” Akodo Uragiri’s voice was harsh,
his belly, screaming like a small child, an honorless dog. Watching uncompromising even in approval. He was a bitter-looking man,
him with anger, Ginawa had vowed never to die that way. wrinkled and gnarled like an aging plum tree, but his hands were
Never. stone-still as they lifted the cup of sake. His swords hung in
Akodo Uragiri, Lord of the Shinboru Province, awaited within golden saya by his side, gleaming with the care of a dedicated
Shiro sano Ken Hayai for their return. Ancestral home of the warrior. ‘Tell me of the battle.”
Akodo family, it was the Palace of the Swift Sword, the high Beside his aged daimyo, Ginawa seemed hardly a man, his
rooftops of a golden palace surrounded by a city as fair as the youthful face ignoring the passage of seasons that Uragiri’s face
steel of an Akodo blade. The guards at the castle gates saluted showed. He bowed again, pressing his head to his hands before
with dignity as the soldiers passed them, smiling faintly beneath he spoke to his Lord. “The bandit’s men were thirty and three,
their bronze mempo masks. One gravely stepped forward to positioned beside a twisted river. Our attack drove them out of
inspect their travel papers, nodding his head in reverence to the their hold, and into the basin beneath a hill. Once there, we had
mon of the Akodo lord. After a few moments to properly sean the the advantage of higher ground and better men, and the ronin
papers themselves, the guard formally asked, “What is your duty were easily destroyed.”
within these walls?” Beside Ginawa, Futetsu sat motionless in seiza, his knees
‘We seek Lord Uragiri-sama.” Futetsu, Ginawa’s chui, called folded beneath him on a silken pillow. As Ginawa continued his
out from beside the taisa’s mare. tale of vengeance and bravery, Futetsu allowed his eyes to
“He is within the shiro’s walls.” The man bowed, returning the encompass the room. The interior of an Akodo palace was not
papers. “Futetsu-san, Ginawa-sama. Lord Uragiri-sama has given sumptuous; it held none of the opulence of Crane buildings. It,
was the house of a warrior, the dojo of a general, and the final “Uragiri asked only to see you, Ginawa-sama.”
resting place of heroes. He nodded, and the messenger led him out of the
Uragiri’s room was filled with reminders of brave battles and magnificently painted doors of the house, through the city of
lost clansmen. Tanto and other weapons, some pristine and others Shiro sano Ken Hayai. “Where are we going?” Ginawa asked
broken purposefully, littered the walls like jewels in a maiden’s impatiently as they walked through darkened roads and twisting
hair. Ginawa did not move ñor lift his hands as he spoke, but sat paths.
very still. His hair, a thick black ponytail, was swept back in the “Uragiri does not wish this meeting to be a public one.”
latest fashion of the clan. Bright Akodo colors shone proudly from Ginawa’s eyes narrowed, but he obeyed. Soon, they arrived at
his haori vest, and his twin swords waited patiently in their a small teahouse at the south end of the city, its red mahogany
brown saya. eaves sprinkled with carvings of Fortunes and dancing monks.
Futetsu smiled inwardly. His new captain was a brave “Your lord is here, samurai.” The messenger bowed and knelt by
spectacle, indeed. the door as a servant opened the finely paneled rice-paper doors
“And that, my Lord,” Ginawa finished, “Is how we defeated the with a hushed sigh. “I will await you here, to lead you back once
bandit Osore-oi, and protected Akodo lands.” more.”
There was a long moment of silent appreciation as Akodo “No need, boy.” Ginawa did not hesitate as he stepped into the
Uragiri nodded. “Well done, doshi.” The term of respect between darkened mouth of the teahouse. “I know the way.”
clan mates. “You have served the Akodo well, and will be The Laughing Monk was a teahouse of great fame and ill
rewarded. Go now.” repute. Many samurai carne here, and few íeft with their koku
Both Ginawa and Futetsu bowed again, touching their fingers intact It was a den of gambling, a place filled with vice and
to the coid wooden floor before they rose. “Our lord dismissed us decadence. A dark stain on the soul of Shiro sano Ken Hayai, yet
swiftly,” Futetsu murmured once they had reentered the stone one which the Akodo allowed to fester.
corridor outside Uragiri’s room. “Do you believe we have angered “Better the enemy that one knows than the enemy in hiding
him?” Ginawa whispered to himself as he crossed the threshold.
Ginawa snorted. “If we had, do you think our heads would still Though it was late, and the full raoon had nearly touched the
be chattering atop our shoulders? Come, let us celébrate our horizon, the teahouse was not empty. Men rested on long
victory.. ” cushions, attended by white-faced geisha with painted eyebrows.
“At the House of White Tears.” Futetsu smiled. Ginawa’s steps were slow, carefui
The eyes stared from the darkness, their reddened gaze The whisper was subtle, nearly lost in the laughter of a
dripping blood and fury. He screamed, struck at it with his drunken heimin maidservant.
katana, leapt to battle it, but the eyes still watched him. “Ginawa...”
Waiting. Staring. Already knowing his demise... The door to the room was a thread’s width open, but Ginawa
“My lord?” could see flickering light through the red paper wall. With an
The eyes widened, and between breaths, a katana appeared in arrogant hand, he slid aside the screen and looked within.
his hand It glistened like water in the moonlight, and the eyes “My Lord?” Akodo Uragiri rested in seiza by the window of an
retreated They were afraid He lifted the strange sword and cut empty room, the walls scrubbed bare of decoration. Beside him, a
them in two. lacquered sword-box rested, its surface dull from the weight of
“My lord?” Louder, this time. many years. A single candle floated in a water-filled bowl near
Something red and sticky dripped down his hands, but it was the center of the room, casting shadows on the ceiling.
not the blood of his enemy. He looked down at the katana that “Come here.” The magistrate had fallen to his knees by the
lay at his feet, and the sword’s blade was a river of blood. door, properly respecting Uragiri’s station.
“Lord Ginawa-sama!” “Hai, my Lord.”
A muttered breath, a chomping snort “What? Futetsu...?” A As he approached, the candlelight caught the crags in his
hand scuffled instantly for a sword. Despite the sake’s haze, Master’s face, the thin lines of defeat and age that wrinkled his
Ginawa instantly took stock of his location. countenance like oíd leather. “Ginawa,” the general spoke again,
He was in the geisha quarter, at the House of White Tears. Now “Tell me again of the battle with Osore-oi. There is more, I know!’
he remembered. Futetsu had brought him here, then abandoned With shame, Ginawa lowered his face to the floor. “I did not
him for the charms of the lovely Nanko. think it worth your interest, my lord Uragiri-sama.”
“My Lord, Akodo Uragiri demands to speak with you. He has “All things which trouble my doshi,” the general commanded
sent me for you.” The messenger bowed, his white hakima sternly, “are within my interest Give me your sword, and then
shining faintly in the flickering candle of the hallway. you may speak.”
“I come.” Instantly awake at the sound of his lord’s ñame, Ginawa’s brown eyes thinned with concern, and he bowed his
Ginawa rose from his futon. “Where is Futetsu-san?” head again. With a steady hand, he unlaced the tie which bound
hís father’s sword to his belt, lowering the weapon to the floor in bandit’s body, the creature knelt in anguish, its mempo falling
humble respect. A man’s lord only asked for his katana in two aside. The face inside the helmet was shifting, changing - first the
instances. First if that man had honored his house, and the lord visage of Osore-oi, then that of one of the other bandits, and then
wished to make a show of his gratitude by once more offering it was Ginawa himself, melting like wax from a candle. “I know
fealty to the samurai. Secondly, if the samurai was to be ordered your face, now, samurai,” it breathed, ”And I will not forget..
to take up his second blade - the wakizashi, symbol of a The ground had hissed and burned as the creature dissolved into
samurai’s soul. The weapon used to commit seppuku. thick, dark clouds of foul-smelling smoke. Ginawa had staggered
Akodo Ginawa shuddered faintly. ‘Tes, my lord Uragiri-sama.” back, but as he did, he looked at the fallen armor and the
Uragiri’s hand lingered above the hilt of Ginawa’s katana as dissipating ball of smoke.
the samurai placed his blade upon the floor between them. “Tell Somehow, in the darkness of it the cloud had eyes.
me the tale. Leave nothing o u t let nothing shadow your story.” “Ginawa,” Uragiri’s voice startled the samurai from his
“AH is as I have told you, my lord,” Ginawa began, his young torturous dreaming. “Ginawa, you are my doshi. You are beyond
voice steadied by courage and will. “But there is one thing which the times of children. How many summers have you seen?”
I did not bring myself to mention. A small thing only...” “Seventeen, my Lord Uragiri, and four of them in your service.”
“I will decide that” Uragiri nodded. ‘Your father, too, served in my command. I
Ginawa flinched from the anger beneath his lord’s voice. “Hai, fought beside him for the Akodo house, and it was I who took his
Uragiri-sama, sumimasen.” The apology caught in Ginawa’s swords from his side when he fell, to bring them home to you.”
throat, but he continued. Uragiri turned his face from Ginawa, looking once more out the
“One man among all the ronin fought above the rest. His window at the flowering cherry tree waving faintly in the night
technique was unknown to me; a Unicorn variant of some kind. air. ‘Your father never failed me.”
He was dark-skinned, and his armor was unmarked, sullied. The Ginawa’s face reddened at the implication, but said nothing.
armor of any other ronin.” Ginawa continued, “His death would “But perhaps I have failed you.” The words were soft but
have been glorious, a testament to the strength of Akodo Ginawa raised his head in confusión.
discipline. Yet some dark magic was afoot, my lord. His death...” “Uragiri-sama?”
a pause. “His death was filled with maho.” The aging general raised his scarred hand for silence, and
Uragiri nodded sagely. “I had heard that Osore-oi touched his Ginawa said no more. ‘When I took the weapons from the body
soul with blood and darkness, but I did not know he had of your father, I thought to spare you his curse. You shared your
assistance. Continué.” father’s bravery, his spirit I did not wish to see you share his
“My weapon did nothing to him. It met with bone and sinew, burden, as well.”
but tore away no blood. Each strike of my katana only pushed “I do not understand, Master.”
him backwards. There were no wounds, no sign of injury.” General Uragiri reached out his hand and took away the
Ginawa stared resolutely at his father’s blade as if to draw sword in its brown saya. “This sword belonged to my grandfather,
strength. “I have never met the man I could not defeat” and to his mother. It was not the sword of your father. Oh, yes,”
th e sounds of the tea-house had receded, boisterous samurai he said, ‘You bear the wakizashi of your house, as your father
enjoying all the privileges of the Wiilow World behind thin paper before you, but the katana was never your own.”
screens. Outside, a faint breeze moved the branches of the As Uragiri lifted away the blade, he turned to set the lacquered
floweríng cherry, drífting soft petáis onto the wide lake of the box in its place. The hinges were brass, tarnished with age but
district¡L JÜ sturdy, and the lock which held the lid tightly against the base
“At last, Master, he did fall, though I do not know why. He appeared to be nothing so much as a Lion’s head, mouth opened
fought with strength but not honor, and though I could do him no in a great roar. “In this box is the true sword of your father.”
harm, we slaughtered his companions until not a man stood The box shone dimly in the flickering candlelight, the laughter
beside him. Even Osore-oi’s best guards had died, yet this... of the teahouse echoing from its dim gleam. Ginawa reached to
ronin.,. still lived. When he fell at last, his body turned into touch it, his hand feeling the solid metal of the lock, the smooth
smoke. Blackened, foul-smelling mist, which sprang from the laces wood of the box itself. “Where is the key?”
of his armor and through the eyes of his mempo, hissing as it sank “It has no key.”
into the ground. But I never saw him bleed, never saw the wound. A sharp edge of the brass hinge caught at Ginawa’s finger,
“Perhaps he was a beast, his length upon this land, like an Oni, tearing slightly at the skin. A drop of blood colored the metal as
restrained to the time of his master’s death. When Osore-oi fell, so Ginawa jerked his hand away. “No key?”
too did this man.” Uragiri shook his head. “I placed the sword in this box, which
The ímage returned to Ginawa as he spoke the words. Again, your father kept for the purpose. Since that day, I have told no
he saw Osore-oi kneeling from a belly-wound, screaming in pain one of this. The secret was for your ears alone, and no other. If
and fear. As Ginawa once more removed Osore-oi’s head, he your father’s box ever had a key, I have never found it. Perhaps it
heard a piteous cry from the black-armored ronin. Beside the was cremated with his body, or some foolish eta stole it long ago.


I only placed the sword within the box, and closed the latch.” The Futetsu stared, his mouth open in amazement. Ignoring his
mouth of the lion’s head keyhole roared in frustration, frozen in opponent he stepped toward Ginawa and hissed, “Is something
a silent grimace. ‘To claim the sword, you must shatter the box.” wrong with our lord?”
Ginawa nodded. “If it is truly the sword of my father, then I Ginawa gasped great heaving breaths of exertion as he took
will gladly pay such a price.” He reached for the wakizashi at his his stance. “No. He seemed fíne last night.” Something in Futetsu’s
belt, but Uragiri hand stopped him. voice stopped him, and he asked, “Why?”
“Know this, Akodo Ginawa, that if you bear this sword, then “After fifty years of Service as an Akodo soldier, and a lifetime
you accept its burden. This is your only chance to refuse.” The oíd of training at the dojo, he walks out on the soldier’s contests?”
man’s eyes were shadowed, haunted, yet something within them “He is an busy man, Futetsu. Perhaps he has a meeting.”
hungered for Ginawa’s answer. “.. .without bowing to the sensei of the dojo?” Futetsu glanced
“In my father’s ñame, I accept.” to the far end of the m at Even now, the Akodo teacher clenched
Uragiri slowly withdrew his hand from the lid, his fingernails his fists in fury. The insult was irreparable.
drawing a thin shriek from the lacquered wood. “So be it” Ginawa nodded, puzzled. “He is oíd, Futetsu.”
With a sharp, clean stroke, Ginawa shattered the mahogany. “Of course, Ginawa Oíd.” The answer seemed to silence him,
His wakizashi bit deep into the surface, revealing the thick silk but Ginawa watched Uragiri’s back as the general walked away,
padding within. Another stroke, and the lid tore away beneath finding no answer to his own questions.
Ginawa’s eager blows.
Within the box lay a stunningly elabórate red saya, as bright “A soldier’s life is the only life worth livíng, neh, Ginawa-
as scarlet blood. The sword hilt glittered, puré silver and jet-black sama?” Futetsu smiled.
laces, as fresh and new as if the sword had been created All Akodo are born to be soldiers. They serve their days
yesterday. Yet the craftsmanship was that of several hundred rigidly, learning the uncompromisíng ways of bushido and honor.
years ago. Ginawa sheathed his wakizashi as Uragiri rose, and It is the path they must walk, decided before their knees were
reached for the scarlet blade. first bruised from crawling at their mother’s knee. Ginawa was no
He lifted it from the ruins of the box’s twisted body, holding it exception. He lounged beside his samurai, eating his rice with
aloft in the candlelight. The shadows danced down the curve for disinterest and listening to their cacophony of speech.
the saya, casting themselves heedlessly against the far wall. A “Ten men, I tell you,” one boasted. ‘Ten men, and three Oni.
single kanji symbol was molded into the tsuba of the blade, its Only by my ancestor’s grace did I live through that day...”
hilt wrapped fondly around the curves and lines of the word. “Fourteen. Fourteen Otaku, and their steeds had eyes like fire!”
“Fukushu.” “The ground was wet, and marshy, but Ginawa-sama knew the
Revenge. way. He led us to the rear of the battle, and we struck like Osano-
wo’s own sword! That’s how he became our taisa. Through
Dawn carne, three days later, with brilliant fíame, drenching courage alone.”
the young Akodo samurai in sweat and dust. Lessons at the Akodo Ginawa smiled, chewing another ball of rice. The men
Akodo dojo were not for children, or for youths, but for all respected him, and that was good. Without respect, a leader was
soldiers, regardless of rank or station. The day a man ceases to nothing. Their arrogant words told of more than courage in the
prepare, Akodo’s Leadership taught, is the day he begins to die. face of the enemy. They told stories of loyalty and honor, things
Uragiri sat to one side of the great wooden floor, watching the any Akodo would be proud to die for.
students spar on their huge tatami mats. Resting in the shade of Ginawa placed his bowl on the ground and gathered his
the open dojo ceiling, the wind ruffled his white hair and tugged swords.
at his silk gL Ginawa could not help but steal a glance at the aged ‘Where are you going, taisa-sama?” Futetsu looked up from
general, hoping to catch his attention with martial prowess. the conversation with interest
Uragiri’s eyes had no time for it. Ginawa flung his third ‘To the Hall of Ancestors.”
opponent across the mat, scoring a solid kick into the man’s ribs Futetsu nodded with respect A man’s time alone with the
before he even touched the ground. Nearby, other Akodo leapt spirits of those who had passed before was sacred, worthy of
toward their captain, testing his skill and agility with their own. honor. It was one of the most ancient shrines of the Akodo, one
Suddenly, in the middle of the combat, Uragiri stood. of many that were scattered through the Lion lands. All of the
Unconcerned with the ferocity of the struggle on the mat or the halls were places that lingered in their mind and soul each day of
bravery of the students before him, he yawned broadly. an Akodo’s life. Some said that the spirits spoke to them there,
“Is something wrong, Uragiri-sama?” one of the other Masters that the statues themselves carne to life and whispered wisdom
asked. and strategy. Futetsu smiled, watching Ginawa’s retreating form.
“No, not at all.” With a deft hand, Uragiri waved him off, It was enough to know that they were watching.
turning to leave the mat. Casually, he walked to the edge of the
dojo, stepped off the rice tatami, and strolled down the lañe.
The stone of his ancestor’s figure was coid and hard, granite with me, boy, there is much to do, and little time. This foolishness
carved from a mountain that once stood far to the south of has wasted a half-day already, and I will stand for no more delay.”
Kyuden Ikoma. It had been brought here over four hundred years “Hai, Uragiri-sama,” Ginawa whispered, abashed and
ago; Ginawa remembered the tale as he lit a stick of incensé. confused. He turned to put out the incensé that had been lit at the
“M atsu-sam aG inaw a whispered, staring into the fierce eyes base of Hitomi’s statue, but Uragiri pushed him aside. “You would
of the statue. Kneeling at the feet of Matsu Hitomi, Ginawa delay me again, Ginawa?” The general’s voice was a roar, and
remembered her tale. “You, who faced great enemies for our clan, Ginawa stared openly, amazed at this strange display.
hear my words. You fought the Crab when they challenged our As a guard raised his hand to speak, Uragiri tipped the bowl
power, and your strength defended your own family when your containing Ginawa’s incensé stick to the ground, watching the soft
commander ordered you to take the palace of your betrothed.” sand run out over the burning charcoal, quenching the fíame.
The blood in Ginawa’s veins soared with the memory of the “Deal with this mess, taisa-san. And do not bother meeting me at
heroic saga. Though the lineage was not reflected in his ñame, my tent. I have no further patience for wastrels and lazy samurai.”
Ginawa’s grandmother had been of Hitomi’s descendants, married With th at Uragiri strode past the two guardsmen, ignoring
to an Ikoma, whose child married into the Akodo, making her son their bows and marching out the open doors of the hall.
a child of the Matsu - through his matriarchal line. Ginawa and the two guards stared at the general with
Though the blood that bound them was faint, Ginawa knew amazement eyes wide and mouths open. Around them, the voices
Matsu Hitomi heard his words. Her stone face did not soften as of the ancestors whispered into silence.
she stared down from her granite pedestal, but the bravery of her As Uragiri stormed out the open door of the Hall of Ancestors,
soul touched his heart with courage. Ginawa saw Futetsu bow outside, allowing the oíd man to pass
As he let his mind trail into silence, Ginawa heard the him by. When he raised his head, his eyes met Ginawa’s in a
whispers of the Lion - Akodo, Matsu, and others - speaking to troubled stare.
ancestors long past They whispered to the souls of those who had
departed for Jigoku, resting in the land of heroes and warriors. In ‘Your father’s sword?” Futetsu stared at the saya that hung by
the H all rows of tremendous statues lined the corridors, some Ginawa’s side. “I have never seen anything so beautiful.” He wiped
serving as pillars to hold the massive ceiling high. A soft breeze his own blade with an oil-rag, removing impurities and dust
flowed through the many-chambered structure, smelling of sweet before the battle.
incensé and bitter sweat. Three heimin servants knelt in the dirt “I am honored to bear it ” Ginawa nodded, cleaning the steel
outside the Hall, waiting for their masters to emerge. Their knees blade with incensé and oil. “The coming battle will surely test its
were brown with mud, faces strained with hours of stillness, but strength.” And my own, he thought silently.
they could not stir, could not enter. It had been six days since the pair had returned from their
This was a place of samurai. It was a place of legends. combat with the bandits, and only a day and thirteen hours since
Uragiri had declared that Akodo troops would march on a
“Ginawa!” neighboring Dragón watch-tower. Their blades were shining,
The voice startled Ginawa from his reverie, his eyes flying pristine and revered, but still the two continued to clean them.
wide at the sudden sound. Two hours had passed in meditation, When the dawn carne, the fighting would begin.
and yet he felt no more at ease than before. “Ginawa-sama...” Futetsu began hesitantly. “May I ask your
Again, the loud shout, like a whip-crack in the silence of the opinión?”
Hall. “Ginawa!” Uragiri stood over his retainer, staring down at “Hai.”
him with coid eyes. “It seems strange that Uragiri would command us to march
“Hai, Uragiri-sama!” Unfrozen at last, Ginawa spun away from against the Dragón in the village of Kuchikeru, does it not? We
his ancestor’s statue, bowing to the general and attempting to have never been at war with them, and the Togashi have never
ignore the stares of the Lion who struggled to medítate despite cared for political gain. What purpose does it serve?”
the interruption. “I would never question my Lord’s orders,” Ginawa snapped.
“Get up. I have need of you.” “Of course, Sama, of course. B ut... if you were the lord, why
The command took Ginawa by surprise. His commander, would you choose to fight the Dragón?”
ordering him away from meditation at the feet of his ancestor? “A tactical question, Futetsu?”
‘Tes, U rag iri-sam aG in aw a stuttered, trying to regain his “Completely, taisa-sama.”
balance. As he stood, he saw two Akodo guards approaching to The captain looked out at the cresting hills to the north with
handle the disturbance. a thoughtful eye. “Across those hills lies Kyuden Tonbo, the keep
“You waste your time here, when I have ordered you to come?” of the Dragonfly. If we strike here, we strike at their lands.
Uragiri snarled, his voice growing louder, echoing through the Perhaps some feud has again begun between our clans?”
Hall of Ancestors. Ginawa hesitated, and Uragiri growled, “Come “If we fought even a minor clan, would we not send twice the
men we have here?”
Akodo Ginawa shrugged. “I would have chosen to, but I would “I believe that he has been replaced.”
not have attacked this particular hill, if that were my goal. It is too Ginawa stared at Futetsu in shock. “Replaced...”
far to surprise even the small armies of the Tonbo.” The man from the bandit camp.
“Mm. And what else would you resolve, tactically?” The faces.
“It is possible, through taking this hill, to gain a better mastery The eyes in the smoke were Uragiri’s eyes.
of the Dragón border.” His words were halting, thoughtful. “By the Fortunes...” Ginawa stepped back, kneeling from the
“A border which we need to defend because the Dragón are weight of the realization. The hilt of his katana warmed in his
well-known for their aggressiveness.” Futetsu’s voice was placid, hands, shifting beneath his fingers like an oíd friend. “We must
even, with no hint of the sarcasm apparent in his words. return to Shiro sano Ken Harai. Immediately.”
“Even so.” “Hai, tózsfl-sama.” Futetsu knelt before him, lowering his head
A longer pause. “And what of the Crane, whose border we in respect and sorrow. Then he snapped to his feet and turned to
ignore?” gather the men.
Ginawa raised an eyebrow. “I grow weary of this game, ' • '' - :

Futetsu.” The hallways of Shiro no Ken Hayai were dark with twilight,
“A tactical question, my captain. I wish only to learn.” His heavy with expectancy. Ginawa’s men remained outside the high
humility denied the deadly seriousness behind his eyes. keep’s walls, safe within the city that they guarded.
‘If I were to ignore the Crane, it would be to draw them into Futetsu walked beside his master, his footsteps echoing
Akodo lands, and destroy them through their overconfidence.” Ginawa’s own. Together, they passed eadh bastión of the Akodo,
‘Assuming we could reach Shiro sano Ken Harai before their each dining chamber and garden, stalking Uragiri’s quarters as a
forces, of course.” The miles between the Akodo keep and their tiger would hunt his prey. Their steps were methodic, unhurried,
legión were long, and the Crane stood but a short distance from slowed with the burden of duty.
the road. With luck, Ginawa knew that his troops could arrive a If they were right, they had saved the lives of a hundred men,
mere fourteen hours after the Crane had a chance to attack. and destroyed an infiltrator within the Akodo ranks.
Far too late to make a difference. If they were wrong...
“Enough. We kill Dragón tomorrow, Futetsu.” Ginawa stood, The door was made of thin paper, and no guards stood watch.
sheathing the new blade impatiently. Behind the shoji, flickering candles painted faces on the colored
‘We kill Dragón, our peaceful neighbor, on the orders of a screen, patterns of things to come.
senile oíd man.” The words were whispered, but they struck “Lord Uragiri?” Ginawa’s voice was firm.
Ginawa’s heart like a tanto through his ribs. ‘Tes?” The voice sounded strange, weary.
“Silence!” Ginawa turned, anger flaring in his eyes, warring Ginawa looked neither right ñor left, but stared directly into
with the concern there. “Our orders are our orders. Uragiri is not the closed doorway. “I have news.”
senile. You have seen him yourself - he speaks clearly, he “Enter.”
commands with authority. Could a broken man do that?”
Futetsu was quiet for a long m oment “No, Ginawa. But neither Ginawa slid the screen door aside, bowing respectfully before
could the man I know and serve.” he stepped into the general’s chamber. Nothing had changed since
“What lies do you speak?” his last visit, no piece of dust moved. It was exactly as before.
The lieutenant leapt to his feet, his hand touching the hilt of his Somehow, the stasis disturbed him.
katana. “I speak no lies, Ginawa. Look - look at us! We risk war Futetsu bowed as well, slidíng the doors closed ás they
for a man who does not remember to bow to his sensei of fifty entered. The window above the general’s low table glittered with
years. We serve the orders of a general who has no respect in the stars, shining through the open aperture like a thousand eyes
hall of his ancestors. We fight against our allies, while the Crane, hiding within the sky.
our enemies, inch closer and closer to Shiro sano Ken Harai!” ‘Tes, Ginawa-san?” Uragiri was dressed in simple robes, the
“Uragiri’s orders are his to give. It is our duty to follow them.” garments of a man who is preparing to travel a long distance, and
Ginawa struggled to control the overpowering anger that swept Ginawa’s eyes hovered on the empty obi at his lord’s side. “How
through his body, and realized his hand was clenched about the goes the battle?”
hilt of the red-sheathed sword. With a great effort, he released the Uragiri would never be without his swords.
katana, allowing it to fall back into the folds of his obi. Sweat “How goes the battle?’
pooled on his forehead from the effort, and Ginawa felt his visión A pause, as Ginawa assessed the situation. Uragiri was alone,
swim. He shook his head again, angrily, controlling the killing without guards, and without weapons. Only the blades which
rage that sprang upon him. “No.” hung on the walls around them would provide any threat. “There
“Uragiri’s orders are his to give. Hai. But what if it is not was no battle, Uragiri-sama.”
Uragiri giving the orders?” “The Dragón have surrendered?” The general’s voice was
“You believe that he is being controlled?” shocked... disappointed.

“We did not engage.” body rolling on the ground, head forever parted from the neck.
“What?” Uragiri breathed deeply, a long, shuddering breath of “This is my father’s sword!” Ginawa screamed, and the echo tore
anger. “Did you not understand my orders? My commands were through the room with an uncontained, unnatural wind.
clear! Attack the Dragón at Kuchikeru!” The body lay still at his feet Any moment, it would twist into
“I refuse your right to give me orders. I do not know you.” blackness, twine into smoke as it had before. The body would
Ginawa’s voice was level, steady, his hand on his sword-hilt. melt, the face would change, the eyes...
Uragiri rage did not shift from the gaze of his captain. “You Nothing.
may be correct,” he said heatedly. “I have not known you for Nothing at all.
many days, Ginawa.” Casually, he reached for the sake before
him, and his wrinkled hand trembled. “By Shinsei,” whispered Futetsu as the blood began to pool.
The movement caught the captain’s eye, and now Ginawa was “What have you done?”
certain. This man was an impostor. His face seemed to shift in the The body lay on the floor, bleeding, and Ginawa felt the sword
candlelight, reminiscent of the creature sent into screaming pulse thickly in his hand. Futetsu stood beside the body, horrified.
blackness on the fields near Osore-oi. Akodo Ginawa’s lips twisted ‘You killed him. You slaughtered him before he could draw his
into a horrid snarl. ‘You are as good as dead. Surrender yourself, weapon. You killed our lord.”
and my daímyo may show mercy.” “I ... I thought he was the creature... I don’t know what made
“I do not care for your lord, or your mercy.” me do it...”
Futetsu took a step away, lowering himself into a martial ‘You murdered our lord, Ginawa.” Futetsu’s voice shook.
stance and readying his weapon. The sword at Ginawa’s belt “He was a spy!”
shuddered, and Ginawa could feel an awakening spirit within. My Futetsu backed away from the tableau and leaned heavily on
father’s soul, Ginawa thought, it has come to show me the way! the stone window sill. For a moment, neither man spoke.
‘You are not my lord!” Hís voice was shrill, harsh in the The silence was broken by soft footfalls in the corridors of the
emptiness of the evening breeze. palace. “The guards are coming,” Futetsu said quietly.
“I have known Ginawa for years, Futetsu, yet he has not been Ginawa nodded, sinking to his knees.
himself these days. He is disobedient, cowardly.” ‘You know what you must do.”
“You lie!” Ginawa cursed. “Will you be my second?” The request was emotionless.
“Futetsu, I command you to take your captain’s head.” The Futetsu nodded, drawing his katana as Ginawa pulled open his gi.
order was bland, calm and rational. “He is irrational, disobedient, “The guards will be here soon. You must hurry.”
and honorless. He is not worthy of the Akodo ñame.” Beside Without ceremony, Ginawa drew his wakizashi from its
Ginawa, Futetsu paused, confused. resting-place in his obi and placed it on his lap. The short steel
"‘This man is not our lord, Futetsu. He is a spy, taking our lord’s glittered faintly in the starlight. Ginawa took the hilt in his hands
ñame and dragging us through the dirt. You know your duty.” and lowered the blade toward his belly, feeling the sharp point of
“Ginawa-sama...” the sword against his stomach.
The sword’s rage was building, and Ginawa felt his father’s “1 am ready. Wait for my stroke.”
anger. First his lord, now his trusted lieutenant? The spy was Futetsu nodded, looking warily toward the window.
clever, but Uragiri’s eyes showed fear. ‘You are not my lord!” The seconds passed like hours, and each breath was a luxury.
Ginawa screamed, fury building ever higher. He felt the sword’s A man can never understand what it is to face death until he sees
hilt slide through his hands, and the blade leapt an inch from its the strength of his own life ebbing from him. Akodo Ginawa had
saya. been ready for this possibility since his childhood, but the thought
“I am Akodo Uragiri, general of the Lion.” had not prepared him for the reality.
“You lie!” The coid hilt stung his fingers, and each movement of the
Suddenly the sword leapt another three inches forward, and wind through the trees caught his imagination. He could see
Ginawa’s will began to crumble from the effort to keep it them, their green dimmed by the night sky, the stars shining from
restrained. Patience, father, this spy will pay for his black deeds. their tapestry of motion. He lifted his wakizashi and pulled it
“If you are my lord, truly the master of this house, then answer toward his belly with a firm, unyielding stroke. As he did, he
me one question.” His hands fought with the blade, struggling to looked to the side, hoping to catch a glimpse of color in the
contain its hatred, its overwhelming need for blood and battle. blackened sky, something he could hold in his mind on his
“Whose sword do I carry?” journey into the Jigoku.
Uragiri barely moved hís eyes, taking in the blood-red saya at Instead, he saw Futetsu, and Futetsu was smiling.
Ginawa’s side. “I do not know. I have never seen that blade
before.” Out of instinct, Ginawa spun his wakizashi in his hands and
Ginawa felt his will break, as Revenge leapt from its saya with reversed the blow, sending the sword into Futetsu’s chest
a howl. The stroke of the sword was enough to send Uragiri’s

Parrying easily, Futetsu laughed, stepping around the sword- so very willing to believe. So easy to deceive.” Mocking laugher
blow with the ease and grace of smoke in the wind. His eyes, traced through the foul voice, and Ginawa howled with anger. “You
blood-red and curdling, shone with victorious glee. will never be free of its burden. Complete your seppuku, Akodo. ^
“You!” The wakizashi fell to the floor at his feet as Ginawa The alternative is a Ufe of slavery to Iuchíban’s blade.”
leapt toward his chui’s throat Futetsu leapt back, surprised by the Their swords clashed, parried, and broke free, leaving the I
suddenness of the attack. Then, as Ginawa drew himself angrily creature’s blade scattered through the blood on the floor. For a I
to his feet, Futetsu laughed, a laugh which was coid and bitter, moment, the faceless thing seemed surprised, a ripple of wax jp
mocking the core of the samurai’s heart. trembling through its flesh. “I will find you,” Ginawa said. “I will B
“I see that you finally understand. I have repaid you for the seek you out, no matter what the cost No matter where you hide.” |
death of my master with the death of your own.” The voice was The face shifted again, into Uragiri. “Do you wish to kill your fp
not Futetsu’s, ñor could it ever be. “Your chui died easily, like a lord once more, Ginawa-sama?’ the creature mocked. 1
little boy, as soon as you entered the city. The rest was a simple ‘You copied my lord’s face. You gave me orders to destroy the I
task.” The creature’s face began to melt, to drip like wax through Dragón, when you knew there was no war. You played at being K
a sieve as it smiled. Grotesque and bestial, its katana carne down my lord, and led me here to kill him.”
a hair’s breadth from Ginawa’s shoulder, glancing from the skin Its voice was hissing smoke, the sound water makes when *
of his left arm. Blood trickled down his sleeve, joining the pool of spilled into the ashes of a still-living fire. “Oh, no, samurai. You B
shame on the floor below. are mistaken. I only took Uragiri’s face once, when I gave you the Jp
Somehow, Fukushu - Revenge - was in his hand once more. weapon you now hold.” The creature’s visage changed once more, |g
It whistled through the air, unchained and filled with hatred. “This and Ginawa found himself staring into a perfect mirror. The B
was your doing, ronin!” Ginawa howled in rage, the need for shapeshifter spread its clawlike hands wide in a perverted gesture
revenge filling his soul with blood. of innocence. “All the other times,” it laughed, ‘1 was you,”
“And that blade was not your father’s, though it has served its “It was your idea to insult the sensei, Ginawa You agreed to
purpose well. I must thank you for accepting its burden so easily - meet Uragiri three hours before he carne to find you in the Hall
I had thought you would sell your soul less cheaply, but you were of Ancestors, and your good word convinced him to attack the
Dragón. Brave, steadfast Akodo Ginawa. You also stole your J§
master’s swords and threw them into the river.” Its laugh was f
twisted, mocking. “How sad for you.”
With th at the form shuddered into mist and smoke, falling 1
through the air, out into the wind. Ginawa leapt driving the Steel I
of Revenge through the smoke and hoping to gaiii a final strike j:
against the betrayer before it could vanish entirely, but it was too f
late. The wind held nothing, and only laughter shook the leaves I
of the flowering cherry tree.
Yet when Ginawa drew back the bitter blade, its steel ran with 1
a trickle of blackened blood.

A ronin walked down the toad, away from Shiro sano K m I

Harai. He wore no mon, no colors to distinguish him, and his 1
once-neat hair fell into his eyes carelessly. He walked with the I.
step of a man who has seen the eyes of death, and m i l never l
forget its visage.
He has no family, only memories o f better days, a time that j
was stolen from him by treachery. If revenge can repay one-tenth I
of the pain he has suffered, then he would gladly pay its price. m
I tis a burden he would not set down until its debt has been |T
paid One day, the ronin known as Ginawa swore, he would find 1
his lord’s true murderer and retum the gift that was g ivm in his I
father’s ñame. 1
One day, he would see those eyes again.
T he F ox ano t h e M a n tis
The two most powerful Minor Clans in the Empire are the Fox
and the Mantis. These two families are the only ones allowed to
maintain ambassadors to the Emperor’s court, and they are the
oldest of the Minor Clans. The Fox, descendants of the original Ki-
Rin Clan before Shinjo left on her great journey, have since
gained the surname ‘Kitsune’, and often serve as hunters, scouts,
and woodsmen for the Emerald Champion. The Mantis were once
given a surname (“Gusai”) during the reign of Hantei XIV, but
had it stripped from their records when one of their daimyos
attempted to assassinate Hantei XVII.

Attaining C lan S tatus

Minor clans do not simply ‘appear’. Instead, they are created by
the Emperor, formed of bands of ronin or lesser houses of the
Seven Great Clans. When a group has earned Minor Clan status,
they are formally given a katana from the Emperor’s hands - a
weapon which will become the symbol of their house for the rest
Tbe IVÍmoV Oans of the clan’s existence. If the Minor Clan is ever disgraced and has
their Clan status revoked, their clan weapon is broken by the
“Do you want to see the future, little samurai? It is carved into Emperor’s hand.
my soul... ” It is exceptionally difficult to become a minor clan, and most
- Dairya bands who attain that status have years of history, performing
dramatic deeds for the Emperor or a major lord, using exceptional
Lesser sons and daughters of minor houses often become courage and prowess, or completing some impossible task.
ronin when their father’s land is divided. Unless they have made And not all Minor Clans have family ñames. Over half of the
a ñame for themselves, they may be removed from their oath of Minor Clans have no ‘first’ or house ñame. House ñames are
fealty by a jealous brother or sister, or forced to renounce their given separately, also by the Emperor’s command, and only on
familial claim by political coup. The children of such samurai are rare occasions - only seven family ñames are recorded to have
also considered ronin, propagating the wave-men within the been given to Minor Clans in the history of the Empire.
Empire from generation to generation.
It is from these lesser samurai, however, that some of the
greatest tales of bravery and courage come. When a samurai has
nothing to lose, he has everything to gain.
Toftfoino’s Manee
If a ronin performs some great feat, they may be accepted into For a thousand years, the Great Clans of Rokugan have fought
a clan as a minor member of that family. They will be expected amongst themselves; they have torn the Empire apart Now a
to swear fealty, forsake all former ties and alliances, and obey leader has emerged from among the ‘lesser houses’.
their new lord in all things. His ñame is Yoritomo.
Small bands of ronin often gather together to join forces Yoritomo, of the House of the Mantis, is one of the most well-
toward survival. Such bands, known as juzimai, often wreak known warriors in the land. His style is brash, arrogant, and
havoc as bandits, mercenaries and thieves, further sinking from makes use of peasant weapons rather than the honored weapons
their part in the social hierarchy, and casting off all restraint of of the samurai. He is reviled for his low birth and scorned for his
the Code of Bushido. Others struggle to create a life for aggressive nature, but he is feared for his incredible strength and
themselves, a village or other permanent structure, or by joining agility. He is a samurai of legend.
the troops of a minor clan. (See the L5R RPG adventure Code of For the past several months, Yoritomo has stood before the
Bushido for further information on one such ronin band.) doors of each of the Minor Clans in turn, shouting his message.
During war, political and social rules often fall by the wayside, “The Great Clans have forsaken you,” he cries, holding his banner
and ronin are given opportunities they might not otherwise have aloft “We go to remind them that they cannot use us as pawns,
seen. In times such as these, Minor Clans are born. There are or as tools. Apart, we are nothing, streams in the wilderness.
thirteen Minor Clans in Rokugan during the time of the Clan Together, we are the ocean’s wave they cannot overeóme!”
Wars, including the Mantis, Dragonfly, Fox, Haré and Falcon The Fox rallied swiftly to his side, weary of the Crane wars
Clans. that blackened their lands. With the Kitsune carne the loyalty and
allegiance of other clans, joining Yoritomo in his quest to demand
that the great houses of Rokugan stop their bickering and Kaimetsu-uo, son of Osano-Wo, was born at the palace of the
recognize the damage they have done to the Empire. Crab and lived much of his young life in luxury. While the Crab
But some who join Yoritomo’s banner see more. They see a are not renowned for their great wealth, within the walls of the
brave general, capable of demanding loyalty and organizing a Crab fortress, Kaimetsu-uo was given everything he needed: food,
mighty army. They see a new Emperor in the Mantis daimyo, and weapons and the training to become one of the finest soldiers in
the rumors of an assault on Otosan Uchi cannot be far wrong. the Empire. He saw everything as his right, as the son of the
Certainly, Yoritomo and his Alliance have greater goals than the Champion, and had every right to believe that one day he would
cessation of war: they demand to be recognized for their part in assume his father’s mantle as leader of the Crab.
the Empire, and if they must take their wages in blood, it will be On the day that Osano-Wo was to give Chikara, the sword of
for their own voice, not at the demand of the Great Clans. the Crab, to his son and heir, Kaimetsu-uo knew that he would
This much, they all agree upon. not be the one to receive the prize. His father had come to him
the night before the ceremony, and had spoken for many hours
with his son. They talked of battles, and of duty. When dawn
Tív Mantis Clan carne, Kaimetsu-uo knew his destiny.
He found his mother sobbing and cutting off her hair in his
“I know my place in kistory. My destiny is to defeat you.” father’s chambers, and helped her rise. “Stand, mother,” he told
J |1 J 2 | - Kaimetsu-uo her. “You are a Matsu”
“I am a Matsu,” she told him, “But you are a Crab.”
Long ago, the son of Hida struggled to defeat the Shadowlands “No, mother,” the boy said, gathéring his daisho. “I do not
before they could rise to challenge the strength of the new-born know what I am, but I know what I am not.”
Empire. Osano-Wo rose to become one of the most famous With th at &e mother and her son traveied away from the
legends in the history of the Emerald Empire. He has become a lands of the Crab. Kaimetsu-uo gathered those few men who were
Fortune in his own right and, some say, the trae incarnaíion of loyal to him and set out for the islands to the east
the mysteríous creature known as the Sixth Dragón. Seventeen years later, Kaimetsu-uo had built a small town, a
It is said that Osano-Wo was the son of the Dragón of Thunder, tal! palace on a rocky ledge, and a thriving legión of soldiers. One
and that the blood of the Celestial Heavens ran in his veins day, he receíved a letter from his brother, now Champion of the
through both his Kami father and his Serpent mother. He Crab. Their father had been poisoned by a traitor, and that man
destroyed the Kingdom of the Trolls, and drove the Shadowlands was being sheltered in Phoenix lands.
far from the Empire - a defeat from which Fu Leng’s minions “I cannot avenge our father,” Kaimetsu-uo’s brother wrote, “I
took ceníuríes to recover. must stay here, and defend the Empire against the
When Osano-Wo chose to marry, his bride was the daimyo of Shadowlands...”
the Matsu. On the day she announced her pregnancy, Osano-Wo With a cry of vengeance, Kaimetsu-uo led his men to battle
celebrated with sake. Too much sake. The next morning, he against the Phoenix. The Great Clan first heard rumors of the
awoke in a little peasant hut with a little peasant girl who handed small forcé and laughed behind raised fans, whisperíng with their
him his tetsubo with a smile. Crane allies about the joke. They did not ready their armies, ñor
Nine months later, two children were born ... on the same were they prepared when the storm carne.
day. Osano-Wo formally acknowledged the dhild of the peasant as Only ten ships followed Kaimetsu-uo to the northern coasís,
his own, and the boy was brought to Hida Palace to be raised with ten small kobune boats filled with loyal men. As they approached
his Lion half-brother. When the heir to the Crab was decided, it the shores of Kyuden Isawa, the sky grew black and dark around
was the son of the peasant who was given the Crab Clan sword. them, hiding them from view of the mighty spellcasters on the
In a rage, Osano-Wo’s Lion wife cut off her hair and left it on Phoenix walls.
the floor of their sleeping chamber, taking her son away from the Lightning led the way through the high seas, as the wind
Crab lands to begin a Ufe of their own. They traveied across the threw spray into the faces of the soldiers. Although the Isawa
wide waters of the Crane bay, to a distant island chain known called to the spirits of air and water, no magic at their command
only as the Islands of Silk. turned back the mighty storm. Kaimetsu-uo’s men landed on the
The son’s ñame was Kaimetsu-uo, and this is the story of his beaches, and made their way toward the enchanted walls of the
dan. » 1¿ palace, unafraid. Despite the wind, the Phoenix blindlv hurled
spears of fíame and pillars of stone down upon the advancíng
K a ím e t s u - uo army. Kaimetsu-uo’s men died in agony, but no sound crossed
“Never be afraid to speak, for the words of a true samurai are their lips as they followed their lord in silence; no noise betrayed
recorded in the histories of the Celestial Heavens, even if the men their position.
of this world are blind to the truth.” When they reached the gates of Kyuden Isawa, only fifteen
- Doji Satsume 4 Iss-- brave samurai still lived. Seeing the tremendous oaken barriers
lodged firmly in the stone walls of the palace, Kaimetsu-uo lifted the clear rainfall of hundreds of years, and now contains a crystal
his arms to the raging heavens. His face drenched with rain and lake within its high rock walls. The site is considered to be a
hail, bruised from the agonizing climb, he howled like a madman sacred place to the Mantis, and small shrines dot the hillside
to the storm. above the water.
“FATHER!” he screamed. “Let me avenge your death! Give me When earthquakes rock the island, the peasants are often
a sign of your will, and I will move the mountain itself to find known to say that it is the snore of the great Osano-Wo, who
your killer! Open the gates, and I will not fail!” With those brave traveled to the Islands of Silk in order to die with his true son,
words, Kaimetsu-uo lifted his sword and cut deeply into the wood years after the great samurai had stepped down from being the
of the gates, leaving a long scar. As he struck, the heavens Champion of the Crab. Of course, this is only peasant superstition,
shattered, and a bolt of blue ñame raced down from the sky, but even some of the more level-headed Mantis samurai believe
exploding the gates from their iron braces and opening the palace that the spirit of Osano-Wo still lives within the Islands of Silk,
of the Phoenix. watching over the children of his outcast son.
The Isawa, mute in the face of this obvious intervention of the
Fortunes, offered treaty with the pitiful attacking army. They T he fo x
refused shelter to the man accused of Osano-Wo’s death, and When Shinjo left on her travels, only a small portion of her
offered recompense of silver and jewels. Kaimetsu-uo and his children chose to remain in Rokugan. One of these, a young
men, weary but rewarded, returned to the lands of the Crab samurai named Kitsune, carne to the Emperor and asked if they
bearing the head of the murderer. Once there, Kaimetsu-uo and could continué to live in the lands of the Unicom. The Emperor,
his brother brought the body of their father to the plains where weak and ill from wounds suffered at the hands of Fu Leng’s
he had been born, and returned it to the flames of the spirit armies, refused, and relocated the clan south of the Spine of the
But since that day, the Mantis, children of Kaimetsu-uo, have World Mountains. When asked why, Hantei claimed that he
forever felt the spirit of their forefather, and the presence of his wished Shinjo’s children to remain near to him, and that he had
hand in their lives. His heart may have remained with the Crab, promised his wandering sister that he would care for them as if
but his soul stands by the son who never failed. they were his own.
So he has. The Fox Clan, formed from the remnants of the
History Shinjo who stayed behind, were the first Minor Clan to be formed
The Mantis are the strongest Minor Clan in Rokugan because in the Empire. They have remained in one of the richest provinces
of their rich and established history. Although the Mantis are not in the south, and continué to be accepted at the Emperor’s court,
the wealthiest Minor Clan, they have many resources available no matter what the circumstance. The special place which the Fox
from trade of the fine silks which their islands produce. Because hold in the Hantei’s heart is directly related to the circumstances
of this income, the Mantis have the leisure to develop Techniques of Shinjo’s departure.
and create their own distinct style of fighting. Shinjo was always a wanderer. When the Kami fell upon the
Undisputed masters of sailing, it is often the servants of the world, she created and understood the languages, made the maps,
Mantis who pilot the kobune ships on their ocean voyages. and traveled the surface of the world in order to understand what
Because Rokugani have little to no true knowledge of navigation, existed. The realm of possibility was Shinjo’s playground, and
coupled with the dangerous and frequent tsunami, or ‘ocean every journey she undertook furthered her own knowledge and
waves,’ the art of deep ocean voyaging has never been discovered. satisfied her curiosity.
Instead, they are extremely proficient in the use of tides, wind and Every journey, that is, save the last. Since before the war with
other coastal patterns. Trade ships sail up and down the Doji coast Fu Leng, Shinjo wished to journey beyond the northern
with frequency, carrying silver from Phoenix lands, silk from the mountains, across the face of the world. Shortly after the war (say
Mantis isles, and iron and steel from the Crab highlands. the Asako historians), she became disconsolate. Her favorite
brother, Fu Leng, had been destroyed, and the children of the
Territory Shadowlands made it impossible for her to continué her journeys
The Mantis Clan lives in a fertile archipelago to the east of the there. Thus, there was no other place for her to go, save north.
Crane shoreline, within view of Kyuden Doji. Their island is The Hantei, knowing his sister’s desire, called her into court.
beautiful but dangerous. Many volcanoes form the heart of the He spoke to her about her desire to travel; but she refused to go.
islands, their snowy tops reaching into the clouds far above the “My brother is dead,” she said. “If I go, who is to say that I will
ocean. Not all of these are inactive, however, and numerous ever see the faces of my family again?”
earthquakes rock the shores of the Islands of Silk each year. Hantei argued, he cajoled, he entreated Doji and Akodo to
One mountain in particular, known as Nemuiyama (Sleeping persuade his sister to follow her heart, but to no avail. However
Mountain), is formed of thousand of layers of exploded ash and strong her desire to see the world, her love for her family
lava, around a tremendous cráter high in the hills. This mountain, overruled her wishes.
located on the small island near Toshi no Inazuma, has collected

At last, Hantei called her into his throne room. Covered in fine Most Rokugani looked to the decisión as an ornen of bad
silks and attended by courtiers, he spoke to Shinjo, and his voice tidings, and the day of their return is marked by an annual ritual
was filled with thunder. The two spoke for hours. Hantei of purification to this day. “The Arrival of the Tortoise” is a time
persuaded, argued, and finally commanded, and at last, Shinjo when those with an eye to the heavens withdraw from Lady Sun’s
agreed to leave. scouring grimace, for fasting, prayer, and constant cleansing. The
But she had one request. Great Clans hoped that the Tortoise - whose initial numbers were
The children of her clan who wished to stay in Rokugan were far lower than those of any former clan at its inception - would
her eyes and ears, and they must be allowed to serve in her place simply die away, to be forgotten. But the Tortoise remain strong,
until her return. Until the Ki-Rin carne back to Rokugan, she though very much unchanged, in their ancestral home.
bargained, they must be treated as her chosen people, and all The Tortoise are predominantly landbound, but their vast
things which would be told to her must be told to them. Thus, array of ships trade with the northern provinces (including those
they would have records of all things which she would miss in of the Phoenix, whose only mountain pass to the capital is cut off
her time away, and be prepared for her return, no matter when three months a year due to violent weather).
that carne. They are also responsible for keeping a small number of
Hantei agreed, and since that day, the Fox libraries have filled records for the houses of the Imperial Line, thought mainly to be
with recorded conversations, thoughts, and celebrations directed historical accounts and anecdotal information from peripheral
at Shinjo, in the hopes that one day she would return. sources (i.e. histories of important events, as seen from a variety
of perspectives). These records are only accessible by librarians of
T he T o r t o is e the Tortoise themselves, and select members of the Seppun and
Clan Tortoise could more accurately be called a “tribe”, or Otomo families.
small community within Rokugan. Settled exclusively upon the
northern White Stag Península and coasts north of Otosan Uchi, T he W asp
they are perhaps the smallest of any clan within the Empire. No “It is as if you do not aim,” Ito ld Tsuruchi He smiled,
more than a thousand Tortoise have graced the idyllic shores of arrow knozus the zvay.”
Rokugan at any point in history, and few marriages are arranged A Wasp bushi is a walking paradox. He wanders the
with their diplomáis, courtiers, and merchants. Yet they persevere, countryside, trading his Services for money while denouncing the
generation after generation, thriving as a culture all their own. virtues of bushido. At the same time, he is a man of his word who
The origins of the Tortoise are the subject of much debate serves the Emerald Champion and would die to protect his lord -
among the rest of the Empire. All know that the clan was formed the infamous Lion-Scorpion bastard Tsuruchi.
in the century following the Battle of the White Stag, when the Tsuruchi has never picked up a sword, and encourages others
gaijin assaulted the Empire from positions off-shore, and for a to do the same; insulted if you cali him “samurai”, but devoted to
time occupied the very land held by the Tortoise today. mastering the discipline of the bow.
The founder of the clan is likewise known. He was Agasha Many believe the Wasp to be as enigmatic and puzzling as the
Kasuga, a controversial shugenja whose theories about the Nazo Dragón, but perceptive samurai will tell you different. As Kitsuki
Bubun no Agasha (“Agasha’s Puzzle Pieces”) reached few ears and Yasu once said of his friend Tsuruchi, “He is not complicated,
gained much disfavor during her life. merely divided.”
After the Battle of White Stag, when only a few of the gaijin Rokugan was introduced to the Wasp only twenty years ago,
remained, fleeing up the coast of Rokugan, Agasha Kasuga struck but already their presence has altered the face of the Emerald
an unusual bargain with a number of Yasuki sea-merchants. He Empire. They were born from two Clans’ treachery; united by the
asked that they smuggle the hunted gaijin out of the Empire and courage and conviction of one man. The story of the Wasp is his
north, back to their homeland. His reasons for this were never story.
revealed, and his ñame was thereafter stricken from Imperial
records and his immediate family imprisoned for his “History is what has come before. All things after are fate.”
dishonorable actions. - Yogo Oshio
Many months later, the Yasuki vessels returned, with Kasuga Tsuruchi’s men became famous for two reasons. The first was
aboard. His only request was a prívate audience with the their relentless tenacity and incredible ability to hunt down any
Emperor, which was mysteriously accepted on the eve of his fugitive from the Emperor’s law. The second was their motivation
execution. The details of their discussion have never been to chase after and capture Rokugan’s most notorious outlaw;
revealed, but the result is clear. The shugenja and his Yasuki allies money.
were granted the land where the gaijin had landed as their own, Wasp magistrates - like their daimyo - are a strange paradox.
and the ñame “Kasuga” was given to them as the familial ñame On one hand, they have made it very plain that their Services are
of the new ‘Tortoise” Clan. for sale to the highest bidder. However, Wasps also have an
unflinching loyalty to those who hire them. But their first and Tsuruchi learned much from his mother and father. His
primary fealty is always to Tsuruchi. mother taught him integrity, temperance and courage; his father
Wasps have no shame in accepting bounty for the crimináis taught him practicality. His Lion blood demands that he never
they capture. After all, most of the Empire sees them as scum. compromise his principies while his Scorpion blood demands
They know better. Their minds aren’t clouded by the foolish that he never allows principies to compromise practicality.
impracticalities of bushido. The Wasp learned a great deal about Tsuruchi would never go back on his word, but he takes care
money from the Crane, and they’ve put it to good use. Money to whom he makes promises. “A promise made to a villain is no
does indeed make Rokugan go ’round, but it also repairs walls, promise at all,” he once said, implying that he was more than
builds fortifications and hires ronin to protect Kyuden willing to sacrifice his ethics to protect his flock.
Ashinagabachi from Scorpion sabotage and Lion sieges. More than anything else in Tsuruchi’s mind, the katana is the
Besides the Crane, Tsuruchi’s men have gained another ally. symbol of bushido’s ineptitude and impotence. He doesn’t
Once news had spread to the northern lands of their activities, the disallow his followers the use of the weapon, but he does
Kitsuki Dragons have found the Wasps to be useful partners. The discourage it. “It’s a trick,” he told one Dragón. “They put it in
two are complimentary. While one is chiefly concerned with profit your hand and say you shame your ancestors if you put it down.”
and the other the search for the truth, neither place much Then, he grabbed his own bow from his shoulder and said, “This
credence in the gaining of honor or glory. Both also have a rather bow killed the man who betrayed my father. Tell me he weeps
antagonistic view toward Rokugani justice. when I don’t use a katana.”
While Kitsuki are usually called upon to flush out a criminal, A half-drunk Kakita Toshimoko once chided him for refusing
Wasps are employed to hunt him down. They are brilliant to pick up the sword. “It is the perfect weapon,” he said, sake cup
trackers, reportedly able to sniff out a rotten soul at a thousand in one hand, the other on his pommel. Tsuruchi smiled and took
ken-an. They also make cunning escorts, but most serve as five steps back, nocking an arrow in his bow as he went. Then, he
perimeter guards rather than personal yojimbo. leveled the arrow at the iaijutsu master’s head.
Found all across Rokugan, performing various duties for pay, “How perfect is it now?” he said.
duties that others cannot or will not do, the Wasp are a ubiquitous When a Lion was heard to cali Tsuruchi a coward while a
forcé. However, whenever their lord Tsuruchi needs them, they Wasp attended the winter court of Isawa Uona, the Wasp promptly
return to Ashinagabachi as swiftly as a Unicorn’s steed. challenged the man to a duel.
‘We’Il stand ten paces apart. You use your katana,” the Wasp
“D on’t ever make a Wasp go back on his word. You’ll never get said, “and I’ll use my bow.”
a chance to regret it.” “You are a coward, just like your master!” the Lion replied.
- Shinjo Hanari “And what kind of man are you?” the Wasp replied.
“Obviously, you are afraid you’ll get an arrow in your heart before
you can reach me. And here I heard death poses no threat to a
Lion, no matter what the odds. The man who told me that must
have been in error.”
The Lion stammered for a moment, then accepted the duel as
the Wasp explained it. Tsuruchi shot three arrows into the Lion -
one in each hand and a third in the foot, rooting him to the spot
- and he returned to the court, muttering, “That’s where honor
gets you... nailed to the ground.”
Wasps are honorable men, but they are not above using Low
Skills to meet their ends. To them bushido is not the path to
honor. Honor is honor, and the two should not be confused. Woe
to the man who forces the Wasp to get his hands dirty. Shosuro
Ujino defined them perfectly by saying they were “eminently
practical men of honor.”

“A man need not wield a sword to be a man, only honor his

word and mean what he says.”
- Sunabe, Monk Teacher
Proving your worth to Tsuruchi is not as easy as it would seem.
Ronin or men of any station who wish to join the Wasp Clan will
find their path as challenging as climbing Togashi Mountain.
Currently, there are only 47 bounty hunters allowed to wear praised for his careful manipulation of the meeting, and for his
the mon (the crest and colors of the clan) of the Wasp. Each year, wisdom.
Tsuruchi holds a great archery festival on the Day of the Wasp, The servants of the palace repeated the tale in the peasant
and archers from across Rokugan come to gain Tsuruchi’s favor. villages, and the peasants began to murmur Onegano’s ñame
In the last five years, only ten men have been accepted into the with reverence. Heimin who had reviled their wealthy master
clan, and had their fealty accepted by Tsuruchi. Mirumoto Sukune now began to see wisdom in his words, and tales were spread
and Shinjo Hanari also attend every year, and they are the only about the gentle heart beating within the merchant’s portly breast.
non-Wasp bushi who are allowed to shoot with Tsuruchi. The Within weeks, word had spread to neighboring villages, and
three are more than just friendly rivals; they have become very peasants began to travel from far away lands to live in Onegano’s
cióse over the years. Tsuruchi honored the Unicom and Dragón province. “He is going to give away his wealth,” they promised
once by saying, “If I had to trust any two men, it would be them.” each other, “and seek enlightenment”
After each tournament, Tsuruchi chooses ten archers to attend Onegano’s lesser daimyos murmured among themselves as
his school. The school is grueling, merciless work, and the drop- well, and sought the wisdom of the Shintao monks. “Our master
out rate is very high. On average, less than three men stand at the believes that wealth corrupts the soul,” they asked the
end of the training. When they are finished, these men are strong Brotherhood, “is this true?” The monks searched through the Tao
enough to wear the Wasp mon and honor its heritage. and replied, “Your master has a keen insight. Certainly,
enlightenment can only be gained by parting oneself from the
T he S pa rr o w physical world. Your master is exceedingly wise.” The lesser
Even though the Sparrow, as a Clan, have rejected Yoritomo’s daimyos congratulated themselves on their master’s enlightened
cali to arms, some of their number have rallied to Yoritomo’s mind, and began to tell others about Onegano’s marvelous
banner. Only those Sparrow dissatisfied with the ascetic traditions insight.
of this small clan, however, have left to join the Son of Storms. When the Crane Champion heard why his peasants were
The Suzume family is unimpressed by the promises Yoritomo leaving their fields and traveling to the plains of Onegano, his
makes to those who will supply mercenary units, since it has rage was unparalleled. “He insults his house!” The Champion
from its very inception rejected the lures of wealth and glory. roared, “If he believes that the Crane live too opulently for their
The Crane are Rokugan’s wealthiest Clan, reveling in the own good, then let him be no longer part of this Clan!”
luxuries which gold can buy. Theirs has always been a tradition When Onegano heard the news, he asked to be allowed to
of culture and elegance, furnished by the prowess of their lands commit seppuku, but the Emperor forbade him. “I have heard of
and merchants. Nearly a hundred years ago, a young son of the your plans to seek enlightenment by giving away all your
Doji house named Suzume was born to one of the Crane’s physical possessions.” He said, eying the wealth of Onegano’s
wealthiest minor families. He was raised as a typical nobleman lands. “And, since the Crab are short on their Imperial Taxes this
and courtier, used to the affluent life afforded a member of his year, I have decided to allow you to follow your kanna, Onegano.
status. Doji Suzume lived his childhood in one of the richest Take your followers and claim the lands to the west of the Crane,
palaces in Rokugan, and spent his time in idle philosophy among where you can seek wisdom through poverty and hardship. May
the other Crane nobles. He has been remembered for his wit and the light of the Tao guide you.”
humor, if not for his sparkling intellect Onegano’s servants and lesser daimyo congratulated him on
One day, while the Champion of the Crane was a guest in his skillful manipulation of the imperial Court, claiming that he
Suzume’s father’s palace, Suzume was listening to a heated had maneuvered even the highest authority in order to have his
negotiation about Crane monetary acquisition. In an attempt to own way. His peasants gladly traveled to the lands which were
lighten the mood of the nobles seated in the garden, Suzume reserved for them, and Onegano’s daimyos followed their
spoke up, “Perhaps the Crane should simply give all of its wealth magnificent master, so that they might find the wisdom he
to the peasants?” offered. All those who followed the new-formed Sparrow Clan
The silence was deafening. congratulated themselves on having a Lord who was so dedicated
When the Crane had overeóme their shock, Suzume’s father to the Tao and its ways that he would willingly give up all luxury
made many apologies for his son’s rash words, but the Crane and opulence. Onegano’s ñame was shouted from the hilltops of
Champion stood and took his leave of the palace. In their the new Clan’s land, and his peasants rejoiced in their good
chambers, lesser daimyo who were sworn to Suzume’s father fortune.
began to argüe. “Perhaps the boy was acting on his father’s When Onegano was approached to give his new house a ñame,
orders,” they said, “Maybe our Lord is trying to hint at us, to tell he declared, “This is all my son’s doing, so let the house of the
us what he truly wishes to do, through his son’s ‘mistake’...” Sparrow take their ñame from him.” Thus, the family of Suzume
Eventually, the lesser nobles decided that it had been no error, was born, and the Clan of the Sparrow founded.
and that Suzume’s father was planning a bold maneuver to break
away from the Crane. Suzume’s father, Doji Onegano was quietly
“Yoritomo.” His father’s voice, behind him, but the boy did not
move. His eyes buried themselves in the crippled sensei’s soul,
dangerous and feral.
“Yoritomo!” This time, it was a command, and the boy leaned
back. With a shuddering gasp, the sensei lurched to his feet,
: nearly crumbling from the pain of his broken ribs. “There is no

Baten ot Stohns more need of you, Tokui-san.” Leaning on his crutch, the Mantis
daimyo walked to his son and placed a hand on his shoulder.
“Put your sword away, my youngest son,” he said gruffly,
though his eyes were proud. “It is no longer time for childish
Ree Soesbee things.” Yoritomo nodded, pulling his sweat-stained hair from his
forehead. As they walked from the dojo, the other students bowed
in tribute to the young Master.
As the two walked from the gate, Yoshitsune looked down at
his son. Tall for his age, his startling green eyes - incredibly rare
in Rokugan - glared out from a sharp-featured face. Across the
“A man makes his own desíiny. Each wave that tears its mark forehead and down one cheek, a treacherous scar sheared away
upon the shore can show you that.” the dark skin, leaving a trail of white. When they reached the
- Kitsune Diro cliffs surrounding the Mantis bay, the daimyo released his son’s
shoulder. “You are much like me, in your anger.” Yoshitsune
The earth shook with each rumbling wave, and the tall towers looked down, his face hard as stone. “Sit, boy.”
of Kyuden Mantis stood like oak trees in a gale. Below them, Surly but compliant, the boy sat on the high cliff wall, looking
scurrying peasants struggled to defend priceless treasures from down over the towering fortress of his clan. Below him, peasants
the hunger of the earth, their shrieks and prayers to the Seven rushed to and fro, attempting to restore the gate which had
Fortunes rising toward the sun. Then, with a terrifying crack, one shattered in the morning’s earthquake. “Seven years ago today,
of the pillars at the gate of the castle sprang free, hurtling toward Yoritomo,” Yoshitsune began, “your mother and your two brothers
the ground and shattering into a thousand stones against the rage were murdered. This much I have told you. The scar you bear, my
of the earthquake. leg, these are the remains of the past”
As quíckly as it had come, it was gone. The trembling earth “The sensei...” began the boy, ready to argüe.
shuddered once, and a creaking groan aróse from the torn “Iei,” his father snarled, and the boy was silent. “This is not
crevasses, spawning foul-smelling gas and bitter fumes. The about your loss of face.” The ocean roared beneath them in silence
Mantis clan aróse, counted their dead, and began the arduous as the Mantis daimyo paused, his face lined with long-suppressed
process of rebuilding what had been lost grief and rage. “I must speak to you about the night your family
Fires burned freely in the villages by the shore, and was murdered. I can only tell you this tale once, my son, so you
fishermen’s boats bobbed on the turbulent ocean, desperate to must listen closely. It is all you will ever have.”
reach their homes. In the fields near the great palace, a boy stood “You told me my family died in battle...”
beneath a swaying tree, watching as the last ares of anger rolled “Silence, child!”
through his father’s rice paddíes. He was ten years oíd, tall and Confused and angry, the boy stared at his aged father, but the
lean as a teenager, with a bitterness already embedded in his man’s thoughts were already far away. “The night you were born,
childlike features. With a careless hand, he pushed aside the lock my son, the storms raged across the heavens, and your mother’s
of hair that had fallen in his eyes, swearing again to tie it back as screams were echoed by the thunder of the kam i You have
his father did - no matter what the shugenja said. He glared at always been strong - as she was, though 1 see your father’s
the stíll-shuddering tree and turned to continué his path toward cunning behind your eyes. Three years later, your eldest brother
the Mantis dojo. carne to me, speaking of treachery and betrayal.”
Ten years oíd, and filled with anger. “Betrayal?” The young Yoritomo’s eyes narrowed.
“Quiet, boy.” The words were harsh, sharp. “There is much to
Each strike of the sensei’s boken against his own was an tell, and little time.” On the far-distant horizon, the shadowed
offense. Every move he made, every twitch of his eyes infuriated signs of a storm were beginning to gather, and the birds circled
the young man, making him strive harder. At last, with an effort, in a deadly blue sky. “It was late in the evening, and the servants
his sword clashed past his instructor’s guard, shattering the had gone to their rest, leaving us alone in the chambers of the
wooden boken against the sensei’s body. The man fell with a cry daimyo, deep in the heart of Kyuden Mantis. Your brother told me
of pain, and the son of the Mantis daimyo stood over him, the of the storehouses of silk beneath our palace, and of the gaijin -
broken sword pointed at his sensei’s throat. strangers from a far-distant land - who would trade much for our
m m

wares. He said they would be willing to take it from us if we did Anger and hate warred on the child’s face, echoed in the ancient
not bargain with them as petty merchants. lines of the man. ‘Tour second brother leapt from his bed as he
“They spoke to him of battle, these gaijin, and of dangerous slept, hearing them in the hallway. He tried to raise the alarm, but
sorceries, and they encouraged him to speak to his father of their the paper walls of our palace crumbled from their burning touch,
offers.” The oíd man smiled, his wrinkled face creasing in a and they tore his eyes from their sockets with their fingers.
thousand directions. “Your brother was a Mantis, and he knew “Of your oldest brother, the foulest tale must be told.” The man
what the answer would be; No trade, at any cost The Imperial looked down at the boy, seeing his young frame shake with fury.
Decree has stood for over five hundred years, and the Mantis “The traitor was slaughtered with his own katana, as their red
would not have their ñame sullied as the clan who chose to break faces leered and grinned. The marks of their feet upon the floor
that command.” In the distance, the storm flashed faintly above a carved such holes in the stone that your brother’s spilled blood
rolling sea. remained for days. Even the darkest eta would not remove it”
The tsunami, legendary curse of the Mantis Isles, raced “But the gaijin did not kill you, father’’
somewhere in the distance. Each earthquake that shattered the “No, my son. They did not” He shifted upon his crutch, the
land, boiled the sea until the fortunes sent forth their power and stained wood twisting upon the stone of the cliff. “The servants
moved the waves as one. Peasants scurried up the path toward had begun to scream, and the guards carne quickly, finding the
Kyuden Mantis, carrying their few goods upon their backs. They gaijin as they moved into your small room - the youngest child
helped each other as they abandoned the simple village, knowing of Yoshitsune and Kirei. I fought them there, tearing at them with
it would never stand against the wave’s ferocity. It would be your ancestor’s sword until others could come. But they left us
rebuilt when the storm was past. Practical, like their Crab both with scars.” Almost without thought, the Mantis daimyo
ancestor; fiercely loyal, as the Lion - this was Mantis blood. reached to touch his críppled leg, the oíd scars crisscrossing the
‘Tet your brother did so.” His voice was tired and strained, but flesh as finely as spider’s silk.
Yoshitsune continued. “He sought out a traitor in the palace, and “My face.” His hand flew to the white trace down his cheek.
asked them to murder his father. He wanted them to ‘take his ‘Tes. I could not stop them entirely.” The sorrow in the Mantis
place in all things.’ The traitor was paid with 50 koku of gold, and daimyo’s voice spoke volumes. “Yet I saved your Ufe, as was my
gave his word to the bargain. Once the false daimyo had broken duty as your father, and so the family line will live on.” Below
the Emperor’s decree, your brother intended to restore the family’s them, the mighty wave crested the horizon, racing toward the
honor by killing the ‘traitor’ yet afterward, continué with his shore with the fury of all the elements. Its lofty peak stood fifty
trade.” Seeing the boy’s shocked face, Yoshitsune nodded sadly. men high beneath the black storm, and within second^ the tiny
“There are those who would have done worse.” seaside village would be crushed by the massive weight of the
“My brother was a traitor?” water.
‘Tes, but there is more. If you are a Mantis, you can bear to “It was my duty to tell you this, as it is my place to give you
hear it.” The oíd man waited for the child’s arrogant nod, and the your gempukku. My last duty to you, as your father” The boy
pride which followed, before he continued. ‘Tour brother did not stood still in the sprinkling rain, amazed, as Yoshitsune raised the
know that the gaijin had never planned to buy the silk, but to ancient sword of the Mantis from his obí. “In all things.”
take it They sent spies - strange, foreign men with twisted knives ‘Tour” The boy whispered in comprehension. “The
and red-painted faces - to murder the family of the daimyo while gaijin did not kill my father.” The tsunami crashed into the land,
they slept. throwing houses and trees into the air like chips of wood, and the
“The gaijin crept into the hallways of the castle, silent and young son of the Mantis closed his fist about his father’s sword.
deadly, and where they touched the wall, they left it marked with “You did.”
the acid of their hands and feet. Strange beasts, they were, and “Fifty koku of gold, and my honor. That was what your life
their eyes were as bright and palé as your own.” cost” The man whispered, stepping back as his crutch fell to the
“I have seen the marks,” the boy interrupted, “on the castle ground.
walls.” “But you will always be... my son.”
His father raised a hand, and the boy was silent. “They are the The crashing wave tore at the barricades of Kyuden Mantis as
sign of the gaijin sorcerers, who kill at night, without mercy and the oíd man threw his body into the sea. Above him, the storm
without honor. Remember them, when I am gone.” Anger in his tore at Yoritomo’s hair, and the thunder drowned his scream of
eyes, the child nodded grimly, his scar shining whitely under the rage.
fading sun. In the distance, the storm grew closer, and the seas
began to rock with the coming of the Great Wave.
“They murdered your mother as she slept. Their hands left
only white bone in their passing, and the touch of their skin
burned black holes in her flesh. She did not even scream, for their
grasp choked her throat and removed all sound from her body.”
R o n m L e a d á ’s f a g P a c t a o s

Though the Toturi mon (symbol) appears on the cards, the

Ronin Leadership Package may be used, without restriction, in
either a Toturi or Yoritomo army.

t o t e o and Comand
The minor clans have compact but efficient fighting forces.
Due to their command structure and their training, the leadership
of the minor clans are expected to lead from within the ranks of
their soldiery. As a result of their philosophies on warfare,
Yoritomo and the minor clans may not use Command Groups.

to te o
Yoritomo’s forcé card states that, while equipped with two
kama, he gains +1 #S. That +1 #S is not included in his profile
and may only be added if Yoritomo does not equip any other
weapon, including Special Items that are Weapons.

lYíaísü H 'M ll
Though his Cióse Combat attack occurs during the Ranged
Attack phase, it is still considered Cióse Combat and uses all of
the appropriate rules.

^ s h ic ja V ü The following is an accumulation of errata. This section will be

printed in all expansions until they have been incorporated into
Any troop type that includes the word “ashigaru” in the unit the main rules set, or the corrected cards have been printed and
title is considered an Ashigaru unit and all effects that pertain to released. In the meantime, AEG hereby grants permission to
an ashigaru unit may be directed at the unit This includes all photocopy and distribute or publicly post the errata section of this
veteran ashigaru units. game expansión.

TVfoünfo) IncantVy Cafcd C o a c t a s

It is important to note that Mounted Infantry does not have Beginning with the Lion Army Expansión and the second
either the Cavalry or Mounted traits. Horses are used to transport printing of the Clan War boxed set cards, we introduced a kanji
the mounted infantry onto the field, aiding in their initial (a Japanese writing character) that appears on cards which have
placement but are then hastily removed from the field. Their had significant corrections made to them (such as cost changes or
special ability to be placed outside of their army’s placement area wording modifications which make them easier to understand).
reflects their use of mounts prior to the battle. The new kanji (the first character in the Japanese spelling of
“new”) appears in the title of affected cards. This symbol lets you
know that it’s the latest versión of the card and that it supersedes
the original versión (which has no kanji). All cards are played as
if they have the most current wording.
F orcé Cards Iuchi Takaai ü : The Unicom Army Expansión restricted his
Asako Yasu: When involved in a duel resulting from the use ability to 12", and reduced his Cost to 115.
of his Innate Ability, Yasu may not take Damage during the duel, Kakita Shura: This isn’t errata, but explicit definition - Shura
even if a Kharmic Strike is used. may perform Origami Magic once per battle, and may choose
Battle Maidens f í : The Unicom Army Expansión reduced which form from the list on her card. The effects last for two
this model’s Cost to 38, and added a restriction against contested Turns.
maneuvers / requirement to make parting shots. Kenshinzen ü : They have 1 Wound per model.
Courtier: The generic Courtier card released in the Crane Kuni Yori: The Crab Army Expansión corrected Yori’s Magic
Army Expansión should be a unit card-type, not a personality. No Skill to 4.
Honor is gained for generic Courtiers purchased for a Command Light Cavalry ü : This unit has +1 DAM (for the yari, which
Group. was not added into their valúes).
Crane Regular Bowmen: They have 1 Wound per model. Lion Elite Spearmen i f : The Lion Army Expansión reduced
Doji Reju: A shift in data caused errors in his valúes. their Cost to 15 and changed their ML to 6.
Following are the correct valúes: TN 7, Wounds 3, ATT +2, and Lion Médium Elite i f : The Lion Army Expansión reduced
DAM +1. their Cost to 17.
Dragón Médium Elite $ f : The Dragón Army Expansión Matsu Lion’s Pride i f : The Lion Army Expansión changed
changed their TN to 8/7. their Special wording - “Special: During an engagement, Tactical
Dragon’s Talons : The Dragón Army Expansión changed Cards may not be used against this unit or to benefit a unit with
their TN to 8/7 and Cost to 28. which it is engaged. Enemy Tactical Cards used upon any unit
Dragonscales f r : The Dragón Army Expansión changed (including this one) prior to engagement are negated upon
their TN to 8/7 and Cost to 17. entering an engagement with this unit”
Hida Risada: His card states, “His unit is immune to the Mirumoto Daini ü : The Dragón Army Expansión changed
effects of Spells and Innate Abilities.” Since the rules do not define his TN to 9/8.
“immune”, this should more properly be worded as “Spells and Mirumoto House Guard ü : The Dragón Army Expansión
Innate Abilities may not target Hida Risada, ñor any model in his changed their TN to 8/7 and their Cost to 26.
unit In addition, they do not suffer the effects of Spells that do Médium Infantry w /katana: The unit should also list Light
not target specific models, such as Stagnant Air.” Armor as equipment.
His ability does not prevent the use of Spells that target Onis no Jimen, Kaze, Mizu, and Taki-bi: “Lose 6 Honor for
models which are engaged with him or his unit ñor does it each Elemental Terror in your army.” All of these Oni use the
prevent his unit from being targeted by effects such as the large infantry base.
Firestorm’s Ranged Attack, which are actual balls of fire, and thus Oni no Sanru Pack: These Oni use the large infantry base.
Elemental in nature (not magical). Shiba House Guard: Their ML is actually 6.
Hatamoto: The generic Hatamoto card released in the Crane Shiba Ujimitsu: His unit may not benefit from more than one
Army Expansión should be a unit card-type, not a personality. No occurrence of a single Spell at one time (his unit may benefit from
Honor is gained for generic Hatamoto purchased for a Command Essence of Earth and Strength of Earth at the same time, but may
Group. not benefit from two castings of Essence of Earth, for example).
The Hooded Ronin: The Hooded Ronin becomes spent after Shinjo Yasoma t í : The Unicom Army Expansión added the
the resolution of the duel when using his Special Order. Yari Damage bonus (see Ide Lancers, above), and reduced his Cost
Ide Lancers i f : The Unicom Army Expansión added the Yari to 169.
bonus (attacks first during the first Combat Phase of an Shinjo’s Thunder t f : The Unicom Army Expansión reduced
Engagement and casualties are removed before enemy attacks their Cost to 26.
are rolled), and reduced their Cost to 18. Signal Corps: The generic Signal Corps card released in the
Ikoma Tsanuri: No Tactical Cards may be played on or to Crane Army Expansión should be a unit card-type, not a
penalize/benefit any unit or model in an engagement that directly personality. No Honor is gained for generic Signal Corps models
involves Tsanuri. This includes attached cards as well as those purchased for a Command Group.
from a player’s hand. Striders ®f: The Unicom Army Expansión altered the
Isawa Elite Pikemen: Their Cost is 14, as in the original rules. máximum number of Striders to three units of no more than 20
Isawa Tadaka i f : The Phoenix Army Expansión corrected his models per unit, and changed their Cost to 11.
TN to 8, Wounds to 8, Cost to 294, and added a Resistance Toturi: Toturi’s Glory is 8.
Modifier to Special. The Twelve Ronin: Equipment should include yumi.
Ise Zumi ü : The Dragón Army Expansión changed the Ise Warlord Overlord Package: His Cost should read +100.
Zumi to comply with the new Tattoo rules. Yasuki Nokatsu: He may use his Ability on his own unit
when routing.

It e m C a ro s
Writ of the Elemente: This card may not be used during the
Special Orders Phase.
Hantei’s Tessen: This Card should read ‘This personality rolls
two Damage dice for each successful Attack (hit) when engaged
in Cióse Combat, keeping one of the Damage dice. The Tessen
may only be used by a Matsu personality of at least Glory 4.”

Sp ell C a ro s
The Spell Cards abbreviated Spells in the interest of card
space. Spells that must be cast during the Special Orders Phase
began with “Special Order”. Note that these Spells must be cast in
the Special Orders Phase, but are cast during the Spell portion of
the Phase, and are not otherwise considered Special Orders.
Counterspell: Card text is correct, but it should have had a
Kanji § f.
Earthquake f r : Added “This shugenja becomes spent.”
Jade Strike: Card text should include, “Jade Strike may not
target into an engagement.” IhtdMClan Ráatosfsgs
Fiery W rath i f : Added “This shugenja becomes spent.”
The Path to Inner Peace: Card text is correct, but it should The Clans book allows for an army to recruit units from other
have had a kanji ü . “This spell heals one Wound for every 3 clans for a cost increase of twenty percent (20%) over the normal
Water (Ring valué) of the caster (round up).” model cost. For simplicity in the rule’s original release, that was
Possession: The Honor of the possessed personality drops to fine. However, as we detail each army involved in the great war
0. If the personality’s unit has an Honor requirement above 0, that now rages across Rokugan, we feel compelled to more fully
then the unit is treated as if it is led by a Dishonored personality. describe the relationships between the armies and to quantify
Strength of Osano Wo: Card text is in error - this spell must those relationships in the cost of recruiting units across clan lines.
be used during the Special Orders Phase. It may not be used as a
reaction to a personality/unit becoming spent T o t u r i/ Y o r ít o m o R e c r i / ít m e n t C o s t
Looking to the Void i r : Removed “The scroll is destroyed In cr ea se
after use.” When Toturi’s Army or Yoritomo’s Alliance recruits units or
A Pause in the Fury i f : Removed “This scroll is destroyed.” personalities from other clans or armies, consult the following
tables to determine the cost increase incurred for recruiting from
T actícal C a r d s specific clans.
Frenzy i f : Added the text “When the engagement is over, the
unit becomes spent.”
Clan Toturi Increase Yoritomo Increase
Retreat ü : The Unicom Army Expansión changed the
wording to allow Retreat to be used on engaged units.
Crab .................... 2 5 % ........ ........................... 25%
Superior Tactics ü : Changed the wording to “Superior
Crane ..................... 2 5 % ........ ........................... 20%
Tactics negates any one Tactical Card which affects either your
Dragón ................... 2 0 % ........ ........................... 30%
unit or your enemy’s un it It may be used from the moment that
L ion......................... 2 5 % ........ ........................ 25%
one has declared an Engaging move until the Engagement is over.
Naga .................... 2 5 % ........ ........................ 25%
It may also negate cards played during a Ranged Attack. Your
Phoenix ................. 2 5 % ....... ........................ 25%
unit’s commander becomes spent. It may affect: an enemy’s
S corpion ............... 3 0 % ........ ........................... 30%
Charge or Frenzy, Turtle Shell, Defensive Position, All or Nothing,
Shadowlands ........ 2 5 % ........ ........................... 25%
etc. It cannot affect Skills, Abilities, or cards that affect
U nicom .................. 2 0 % ........ ........................... 20%
personalities only (such as Focus).”
Other ....................... 2 5 % ........ ........................... 20%
The Waves Break: The test takes place immediately following
the resolution of all Cióse Combat for the turn. If the test fails, the
unit immediately performs the movement and becomes
A p p t y THE fNCREASE TO COST AS FOLLOW S; Cl o se C ombat W eapo ns
1. Construct the unit that you wish to recruit from another Below is the list of Cióse Combat weapons, and their
clan. A Toturi player wants to recruit a unit of 12 Dragonscales modifiers, that a Toturi’s Army or Yoritomo’s Alliance personality
led by Mirumoto Daini. can equip in order to match his or her unit.
2. Determine the cost of the unit (model cost x number of
models + cost of personality, if any). The normal cost of the unit Cióse Combat Weapons Cost Table
would be 422 koku (12 x 17 koku + 218 koku).
3. Multiply that cost total by the percentage increase for the Weapon Cost Requirements ATT DAM
unit’s clan and add the result (rounding to the nearest koku) to
the normal unit cost to determine a final cost Toturi’s Army Daisho 3 +0 +0
would have to add 85 koku (422 x 20%) to the normal price of Katana 2 +0 +0
the unit, for a final cost of 507 koku, because of the existing Nage-yari 4 +0 +0
relations with the Dragón clan. No-dachi 4 Earth & Water 3+ +0 +1
Yari* 4 +0 +0

StaVtincj Roño): Where the table says “Earth and Water 3+”, it means that the
personality’s Earth and Water rings must both be 3 or higher in order to
use the weapon in combat
Toturi’s Army begins with a base honor of 2.
A Yoritomo army begins with a base honor of 2. * When using a yari, unmounted models gain: Yari attacks occur first
during the first combat phase of an engagement and casualties
removed before enemy attacks are rolled. M ounted models gain.
ficjü ip m t Rüks Mounted models equipped with yari gain +1 DAM.

Units, regardless of cost or affiliation, may not alter their R anged Com bat W ea po n s
equipment in any way. They remain as they are described on Below is the list of Ranged Combat weapons, and their
their forcé card. Units train with their equipment for years and modifiers, that a Toturi’s Army or Yoritomo’s Alliance personality
are accustomed to it - changing their equipment would negate can equip in order to match his or her unit.
much of their training and experience, reducing their Personalities that acquire a new Ranged Attack weapon gain
effectiveness and worth. No daimyo would allow that to happen. no modifiers for their Rings. However, by repeating the payment
Unlike units, personalities generally study the use of many for the Ranged Attack weapon, a personality may gain a measure
weapons, so directed by the teachings of their school and culture. of the modifiers that their rings would provide. Each additional
Because of their study and experience, personalities are allowed payment of the weapon’s cost allows the personality to use up to
to adjust their weapons to match those of the units to which they a +1 ATT and +1 DAM, as provided by their Air and Water rings.
have been assigned as leaders. Associated personalities do not The personality cannot gain bonuses that are not provided by
gain this benefit - they are only traveling with the unit, not a part their rings.
of it Example: If Takuan were leading Veteran Ronin Archers and
Personalities serving as unit commanders are allowed to purchased a yum i at a cost of 5, he would gain the ability to
replace their weapon(s) in order to match the weaponry used by make Ranged Attacks, but without any modifiers. Takuan has an
their unit. Check the list below and replace the weapon by adding Air of 5 and a Water of 4. Those Ring valúes allow a máximum
the listed cost of the new weapon to the personality’s normal cost bonus of +2 ATT and +1 DAM. By paying an additional 5 koku,
The cost of the personality’s original weapon is not deducted from he gains +1 ATT and +1 DAM. Paying 5 more koku maximizes
his or her cost. on his Ring valúes, giving him a total of +2 ATT and +1 DAM.
Example: Bob decides that Takuan will lead a unit of Elite Note that all Toturi and Yoritomo personalities are treated as
Ronin Guard, who use yari in combat. Bob adds the cost of the samurai when equipping a new weapon.
yari to Takuan’s cost and he is now equipped as his unit.
In addition to the increased cost the modifiers of the original Ranged Combat Weapons Cost Table
weapon (as listed below) must be subtracted from the
personality’s profile and the modifiers for the new weapon are Weapon Cost Range ATT DAM
then added in.
Example: Takuan was previously equipped with a no-dachi, Nage-yari 4 4" cióse, +0 +0
but changed to a yari in order to match his unit (above). The no- 8" extended (-2 ATT)
dachi gave Takuan a +1 DAM, which must be removed from his Yumi 5 15" cióse, +0 +0
profile. 30" extended (-2 ATT)
i T oturi
First son of an Akodo and a Matsu, Akodo Toturi has
| lived a life of delicate balances. He was celebrated by the
Akodo as an heir to his father’s house. However, the Matsu,
expecting a daughter, immediately turned upon the boy

with suspicion - he would clearly be a weakling and a
| failure. At five, Toturi was taken to the Akodo dojos, to be
trained in kenjutsu. Toturi’s training proved disastrous. The
i child was meek, more interested in the Tao than in warfare.
Toturi simply seemed to have no talent, and worse: no
desire. The Akodo soon carne to agree with the Matsu - the
boy was useless.

At home, Toturi’s parents turned their attention to their

second son, a boy born three years after Toturi. The child,
Akodo Arasou, grew to manhood under the eye of the Lion
Clan, who studied every move the boy made. Arasou’s forcé
i and courage was great, and his skill with the blade
impressed his Matsu sensei. Toturi was sent to a Phoenix
monastery, a nearly forgotten shame on his parents’ house.
However, only days before Arasou was elevated to
Champion, he was killed in battle against the Crane. Too oíd
to sire another son, Toturi’s father was forced to recall him
3I from seclusion to lead the Akodo.
In three years, Toturi has never failed his duty to the
Throne or his clan. He considers strategy more important
than bloodshed, a strange view which sets him apart from
many Lion. His skill in tactics and his ability to negotiate
have given him the reputation of a good daimyo, if not a
ij good warlord. Z c tu ii
When the Scorpion slaughtered the Hantei Emperor, it
was Toturi who led the final charge to retake the Emerald Skilis: Battle 4, Leadership 4, Defense 3, Iaijutsu 3. Charge,
Double Chi, Go Master, Stalwart Defender, Tactician 2 j
Throne. Although successful, his rash actions on that day
S pecial: Will no t serve in a S hadow lan ds army.
cost him his ñame, his family, and his honor. He wanders Tactical C ards attached to Toturi m ay not be affected or tam pered w ith |:|
| the land, a lost and broken hero. by a n effecí from an enem y player (ability, card, or spell).
Toturi do es no t becom e spent w hen using the Tactical Card S uperio r ||
But he has not forgotten that he has a greater destiny to Tactics. H
W hen usin g a Focus valué for a D am age Modifier, Toturi’s u n it do ubles ¡§j
m bear. As he travels, the ronin come to him, to see the great Wounds th e Focus valué.
I Akodo Lord brought so low. They come to mock him, but ATT W hen contesting a n encm y m aneuver, Toturi's Leadership is considered ¡ 1
to be 6
| stay to listen as he teaches the law of bushido, and the path
#S Equipm ent: Katana, Heavy Armor
I of courage. They seek him to throw stones, but they stay P ro fessio n : Toturi’s A rm v Cham pion, Glory: 8 Honor: 4 |l j
because they cannot deny the strength of his soul. Now, Sam urai

i thousands of ronin serve the Black Ronin, obeying his

[ commands and giving their lives to follow his path.
3 .,: t « to -

D airya - E x p e r ie n c e d
The ronin known as Dairya is one of the most powerful
fighters in the Empire. His prowess with the blade is
unmatched, as are the epic stories of his ferocity and foul Air: 4 S kills: Battle 3. L eadership 3. D eíense 3, Taijutsu 3, Charge. Counter-
charge, D ouble Chi, H orsem anship, M agic Resistance
temper. To the peasant, he is a hero. To the samurai, he is Earth: 5
Fire: 5 S pecial: Special: Cavalry, Experienced, M ounted, Unique.
the worst thing a man can become - honorless, D ai-kyu range: 12 " do se. 2 4 " extended (-2 ATT), 3 6 " extrem e (-4 ATT).
Water: 5
disillusioned, and mercenary. Void: 5
D airya m ay refuse a n y duel, b u t m a y n o t perform a n y attacks (Ranged
or Cióse C om bat) du rin g a íu rn in w hich he refuses a duel.
Isawa Dairya was born the son of Isawa Nesan, Master 8 D airya m ay lead a n y m ou nted unit, regard less of affiliation.
of Fire, but long ago he abandoned his claim to the ñame Wounds: 5 M ounted m od els gain + 1 ATT w hen engaged against infan try models.
W hen initiating a n engagem ent, m ou nted m odels gain + 1 ATT
and mon of the Phoenix Clan. Isawa Nesan was murdered ATT: +2/+2
a n d + 1 DAM un til th e end of th e turn.
by her own son’s hands, and Dairya endured the ritual of DAM: +2/4-2
#S: 2 Equipment: Katana, Dai-kyu, Heavy Armor, Horse
the Forgetting sundered from the kam i for his crime. Since
that time, Dairya has turned his single-minded devotion Cost: 302 Profession: Toturi S am urai Glory: 7 Honor: 4
toward mastering the blade. He has shown that he shows
promise in this field, as well, and over the course of fifteen
years, he has become one of the greatest kenjutsu fighters
in the land, feared from the regions of the Lion through the
territories of the Crane.
He has only lost one battle - the fight in which he lost
his eye. He is a dangerous man.

Air: 5 Skills: Battle 4, Leadership 3, Defense 2, Iaijutsu 2, Charge,

T akuan Earth: 5 Counter-charge

Born the son of a ronin trader, Takuan has lived a hard Fire: 5 Special: Unique.
Water: 4 Special Order: Once per battle Takuan may inspire his unit.
life. He has been a soldier, a diplomat for the Sparrow, and Void: Until the end of the turn, all m odels in Takuan's unit
even a general - under the command of Toturi. But his story gain +1 ATT and +1 DAM in Cióse or Kanged com bat
TN: 8 Special Order: Once per battle, Takuan may inspire a unit
is not truly the tale of any of those things. Wounds: 5 other than his own. Target a unit within 12" that you
He is a man whose life is guided by fate. ATT: 42 control. Until the end of the turn, all m odels in that unit
42 gain +1 DAM in Cióse or Ranged com bat
#S: 2 Equipment: No-dachi, Light A rm or
Cost: 218 Profession: Toturi S am urai Glory: 6 Honor: 2 1
■i ~ * . ' ■


A k o d o G o d a jg o
Matsu Hitomi was the most famous samurai-ko of the A ko b o G coakqc
early empire. Though originally trained for the Lion’s Pride, .
she broke with tradition and donned her brother's armor to Air: 3 Skills: Battle 3. Leadership 2, Defense 3, Counter-charge,
avenge his death. Her fierce devotion to war earned her Earth: 5 Fear 2
Fire: 3
command of her late brother's unit, and they obeyed her
Water: 5 Special: Individual, Shadow lands, Undcad, Unique.
word without question. Void: 4 Lose 3 H onor if Godaigo is in your army.
During a war between the Dragón and the Crab, the Special Order: Target a Shadow lands unit w ithin 12"
TN: 7
daimyo of the Mirumoto carne to the Lion Champion and and LOS. The target unit receives a -2 to all
Wounds: 5
M orale tests until the end of the turn.
asked for military assistance. Hitomi and her unit were ATT: +1
placed under the command of the Dragón, and led several DAM: +2
#S: 4 Equipment: Daisho, Heavy A rm or
assaults against the Crab armies and their Scorpion allies.
However, the daimyo sent Hitomi to attack the castle Cost: 210 Profession: Toturi Sam urai Glory: 6 Honor: 3
defended by her lover. Hitomi refused the order and killed
the Dragón daimyo in his tent, then led her troops away
from the field of battle. Her death became as legendary as
her life, as she fought to escape the overwhelming Dragón
forces and other Lion forces led by Akodo Godaigo.
Godaigo and his forces eventually trapped her troops
near a small peasant village now known as the Omoidoso
Toshi, the City of Remembrance. Though the Dragón offered
rewards and titles, Godaigo refused them, and left for the
wandering life of a ronin. He was never seen again.
Other than this story, little is known about Godaigo.
There are many speculations as to why he aligned himself
with the Dragón instead of Matsu Hitomi, but these must
remain speculations. It is known that his forces eventually
trapped her at Omoidoso Toshi. Godaigo and Hitomi last
met at that village, and their moments together are only
known by the villagers. His betrayal of Hitomi is legendary,
and different interpretations of the tale have led to many
folk stories.
Historians have no record of Godaigo’s death, and there
are those who say he is condemned to walk the earth
forever, denied honor, denied rest - denied even death. He
is a Symbol of all betrayers, a dark stain on the honor of the
Lion, and remembered only for his crime against Hitomi,
not the victories of his life.
M ik io
M ik ic For five years, when Toturi stood as the Champion of the
Lion Clan, Mikio served as the Captain of his personal
Air: 3 Skills: B attle 3, L e a d e rsh ip 3, D efen se 1, Ia iju tsu 2, guard. During that time, Mikio learned a great respect for
Earth: 5 D a ish o T ech n iq u e, D o u b le Chi his lord - for both his abilities in combat and his natural
Fire: 5 Special: Unique. leadership. When Toturi was dishonored by the young
Water: 3 If Mikio is within 12" of Toturi when he enters a duel, Mikio
Void: 4 may replace Toturi in the duel, which becom es a one- Hantei after the Scorpion Coup, Mikio refused to serve
strike duel (as the Tactical Card). Mikio needn’t be in another lord. Instead, as Toturi rose to leave the Imperial
TO: 8/7 base to base contad with the enemy model. Neither
Wounds: 5 duelist m ay move until the one-strike duel is resolved. If Court, Mikio begged to accompany him. Faced with
+2 Mikio is spent, he may not replace Toturi. allowing his faithful retainer to follow him into exile or
If Toturi is removed as a casualty, Mikio immediately
DAM: +1 forcé him to commit seppuku, Toturi accepted Mikio’s
becomes spent.
#S: 2
Equipment: D aish o , L ig h t A rm o r service.
Cost: 158 Profession: T o tu ri S a m u ra i Glory: 5 Honor: 2 Mikio’s loyalty to Toturi is without question. His
obedience is instant and absolute. Mikio believes that if he
cannot be the great leader that his master is, he can at least
be a dependable tool for Toturi.


G in a w a - E x p e r ie n c e d
Akodo Ginawa. The ñame is a curse in the Lion lands,
usually followed by a prayer to the Seven Fortunes to keep his
destiny apart from those who spoke it.
He is Akodo no more.
Ginawa is dirty, smelly, uncouth, and uncaring. He has left
behind the arrogant proud Lion samurai that he once was, Air: 3 Skills: Battle 3, Leadership 3, Defense 3, Iaijutsu 2,
dedicating his life to finding the man who was responsible for Earth: 5 Charge, Counter-charge
his lord’s death. He seeks to die in the service of his murdered Fire: 3 Special: Experienced, Unique
lord, a man who was as a father to Ginawa. Water: 5 Ginawa may attach Fukushu (special item) at a cost of 10
Void: 4 koku.
As a young man, Ginawa’s parents were killed in battle Special Order: Ginawa m ay challenge any Ninja or Kolat
TO: 7 personality within 12" to a duel. If the Ninja or Kolat
with the Unicom. Seeking only to follow in their footsteps,
Wounds: 5 personality refuses, he may not use any special abilities
Akodo Ginawa struggled to be the finest warrior that the ATT: +1 or Special Orders until the end of the turn. If the duel
Akodo had ever known. He clung tightly to the Code of begins, neither personality (ñor their units) may move
DAM: +2
until the duel ends.
Bushido, kept his honor stainless, and never succumbed to #S: 2
E quipm ent: Katana, Light Armor
those temptations that plague many other samurai. Cost: 156 Profession: Glory: 5 Honor: 2
You would never know it to look upon him now. His
shaggy face hides his shame, and his eyes glint with a touch
of madness. Once he heard the voice of his ancestor, Matsu
Hitomi, but now he hears only the throbbing rush of blood
and vengeance that hangs at his side.
The Bloodsword ‘Revenge.’
.1g j n H i

y ....... ¡

M atsu H ir o r u keep silent. For three months, Nosuriko lived with her shame,
Hiroru is the younger brother of Matsu Tsuko, born at Matsu until the night before her wedding to a Crane samurai. Hiroru
palace only weeks before his father’s death. A solitary boy, was to visit her again that night, but when he arrived, he found
Hiroru spent much of his time hunting in the woodlands of his only her body, hung by the neck from a ceiling beam.
clan, using a bow given to him by his eider sister. Until that night Matsu Hiroru had never considered himself
As a child, he attended the seppuku of the wife of Shiba a bad person. Honor had been nothing more than a child’s toy
Ujimitsu, and watched as the Champion of the Phoenix was rather than a code by which to live. The death of the Phoenix
unable to do anything to prevent his beloved wife’s death. He woman, as a child, was something he could disassociate from
learned that words have a power of their own. The right word himself, but now he was faced with another dead maiden - one
can cause anyone to react - true or not, the right word can whose life had been extinguished because of his own deeds.
control a man’s actions. It was a powerful lesson. The rest of the Lion clan are unaware of what occurred that
When Hiroru was seven, his mother intended for him to night. Lion guards at the door to the Akodo house say Hiroru
attend the Matsu bushi school. He spent two years there, entered, demanding to see Kage. Those who witnessed Matsu
constantly referred to as the ‘brother of Tsuko,’ before he grew Hiroru’s actions remember the young man speaking to Kage in
bored. He began playing pranks on his peers, and then loud, uncompromising tones. They remember the sound of metal
graduated to more dangerous diversions. At last, when the Matsu against wood, and of a horrible scream of betrayal. But when the
threw up their hands and threatened to ask the boy’s mother to guards arrived to deal with the disturbance, they found only the
tell him to commit seppuku, Akodo Kage stepped in. honorable sensei, bleeding from a wound in his shoulder.
After years as Kage’s foremost student, Hiroru seemed to have There was no sign of the proud young Lion samurai.
outgrown his youthful anger. Outwardly, he was the ideal Lion
samurai - bold and strong. Hiroru was confident in his abilities
and uncaring if people beneath his station disliked him.
Then there was a problem - Hiroru wanted a liaison with a
young woman. Her ñame was Isawa Nosuriko, a gentle shugenja
of the Phoenix Clan. It was easy to seduce the girl, and even
easier to convince her that Hiroru’s offer of marriage was
genuine. Once the liaison was complete, however, the offers
turned into threats to dishonor her father if Nosuriko did not

Air: 5 Skills: Battle 2, Leadership 2, Defense 2, laijutsu 2, Stalwart

Earth: 3 Defender
Fire: 3 Special: Ninja, Unique.
Hiroru’s Cióse Combat attacks occur during the Ranged Attack
Water: 3 phase. For each hit, reduce by 1 the number of Attack dice
Void: 4 the target enemy unit rolls against Hiroru’s unit during Cióse
Combat Also, round Hiroru’s Damage roll up to the nearest
TN: 8 10, after applying all modifiers. When involved in a duel he
3 makes no ¿lose Combat attacks.
Wounds: Immediately after a ninja effect (a special ability on a Ninja
ATT: +1 personality or a card wilh the Ninja trait) is announced, but
DAM: +1 before it is resolved, Hiroru may become spent to negate the
#S: 2
E quipm ent: Kusarigama, Light Armor
Cost: 138 Profession: Toturi Ninja Glory: 4 Honor: 2
S e p p i / n K iaku
The Seppun family has long stood beside that of the U ia k u
Hantei, serving the Hantei as the families of the Great Clans
serve their Clans. But for some of the younger members of Air: 3 Skills: Battle 4, L eadership 3, Defense 2
the family, tradition is not enough - when the Hantei fell ill, Earth: 4
Fire: 5
and rumors of foul play stalked the halls of the Imperial Special: None.
Water: 3
Palace, they questioned their place in the Emperor’s service. W hen leading a unit of ashigaru, if the unit fails a
Void: 3 M orale test, Kiaku m ay allow the unit to m ake an
The younger brother of Ishikawa, Kiaku learned of 7 im m ediate re-roll of that test (induding all
Ishikawa’s decisión to leave Imperial Service and followed Wounds: 4 m odifiers to the test). Re-rolls do not incur an
his lead... almost. Though his brother joined the Crane ATT: +2 additional -1 penalty.
Clan, Kiaku had no great love for the Crane. Once a student DAM: +2
#S: 22 Equipment: Naginata, Light A rm or
of Akodo Toturi’s strategy school, Kiaku heard that Toturi
was leading an army in defense of the Empire and left Cost: 118 Profession: Toturi S am urai Glory: 4 Honor: l
immediately to join its ranks.

M o r it o T okei - E x p e r ie n c e d
Once a member of the Unicorn’s Otaku family, Tokei left
his Clan, family, and ñame when his twin brother was
Air: Skills: M a p c 4, B attle 2, Leadership 2, Defense 2, ostracized from the Unicom Clan for riding a Unicom steed
Earth: Iaijutsu 2 - Otaku males being forbidden to ride the great horses of
Fire: the Clan.
Water: Special: Experienced, Unique. M ay lead a com bat unit. A fixture at his brother’s side for their first few years in
Void: W hen purchasing spells for a battle, Tokei m ay reduce
the cost of one spell by up to 20 koku (to a exile, Tokei later became the apprentice of Naka Kuro, the
m inim um cost of zero). All oth er costs m ust be Master of the Elements.
DAM: ¡Sir
#S: Equipment: Scrolls, W akizashi
• v- ■
, ••
Cost: 110 Profession: Toturi Shugenja Glory: 4 Honor: 2
Toku - E x p e r ie n c e d
Like many youth of his generation, Toku claims the
rights of a samurai without proof of his heritage. At the
Air: 4 Skills: Battle 2, Leadership 2, Defense 3 beginning of the Clan Wars, he was barely large enough to
Earth: 3 hold up his armor, but experience and time have given
Special: Experienced, ünique.
Fire: 3
Special Order: Once per battle, when leading a unit of Toku the body and mind of a samurai, albeit a masterless
Water: 3 peasant íevy or ashigaru, Toku may inspire his unit. Until
Void: 3 one.
th e end of the turn, th e unit gatas a +1 modifier to one
of the following: ATT, DAM, M aneuver tests, Morale tests, Unlike many ronin, Toku has a keen sense of bushido
TN: 7
Wounds: 3 Resistance tests. and his exploits on the battlefield have caught the eye of a
When Toku is leading a unit of peasant levies, both Toku and
ATT: +1 few daimyo.
his unit are considered to have the Mob traiL
DAM: +1
#S: 1 E quipm ent: Katana, Light A rm or

Profession: Toturi S am urai Glory: 3 Honor: 2


“One doy, I’ll be a samurai in a great general’s army, and
when that doy comes, you won’t cali me Tsuo any more. Til
be someone else then. Someone better.”

Dreams are the food of ambitious men, and none more

so than the peasant boy Tsuo. He fights as a Crab ashigaru
levy, struggling to learn the way of the staff and the jitte,
hoping to become a deputy to a magistrate who will take
him far from his little village. Someone who will teach him
the Code of Bushido, and help him to become a samurai.
Tsuo is not a valiant man, but he is an honest one, raised
on the stories and legends of the Seven Fortunes and the
Thunders who went into the Shadowlands with Shinsei. He
joined the Crab armies seeking to make himself known to
their commanders, to be noticed.
He fights bravely, and the only true battle which he has
Air: 3 Skills: Battle 2, Leadership 2, Defense 1, Iaijutsu 2
been sent to fight went well. He returned alive. As an
Earth: 3
ashigaru levy, that is the only distinction: a poor battle is Fire: 3
one from which you do not return. He asks traveling Water: 3 Special: W hen challenged to an Iaijutsu Duel (or any
Void: 2 duel based on Void), Tsuo is considered to have a
samurai to explain the Tao and the tenets of Bushido to him,
Void equal to his opponent and rolls th at num ber
desperately hoping they will take interest in his search for TN: 7 of D am age dice (applying Iaijutsu skill norm ally
knowledge - but none have. Perhaps the next one who Wounds: 3 to each die).
ATT: +1
comes by will notice me, Tsuo always thinks to himself, +1
watching the bright tassels on their horses as they ride #S: 1 Equipment: Katana, Light A rm or
away. Perhaps the next one.
Cost: 52 Profession: Toturi A shigaru Glory: 2 Honor: 2

3 k m

T h e T w e l v e R o n ín
Of the enigmatic group known as the Twelve Ronin, little
is known. Pieces of their history have been pulled together
through hearsay, rumor, and legend, and from what is TN 7 Special: Yumi range: 15" cióse, 30" extended (-2 ATT).
known of the four among them whose identities are Wounds 2 The Twelve Ronin may particípate in Cióse Combat
against a unit during a turn in which they used
unmistakable. Ginawa. Hasame. Mikio. Takuan. These four ATT + 2/+1
Reactionary Fire against that u n it The Twelve
DAM + 2/+1
warriors are known to have been on the field of battle Ronin suffer only -1 ATT when moving and firing.
#S 1 Will only serve in a Toturi arm y and may only be led
during the Scorpion Clan Coup, and have been seen at 5 by a Toturi personality with a Glory of at least 5.
Toturi’s side several times since. They fight with his generáis Morale 5 Máximum of one unif 12 models total.

and wage war against his enemies, though their motives are
Equipment Daisho, Heavy A rm or
as yet unfathomed.
As for the remaining eight - their faces, their m inds...
only time will tell. Cost/Model: 36 Affiliation: Toturi Honor: 2

E l it e H e a v y I n f a n t r y
“A t the forefront of the army were a small number of
soldiers, whose faces were painted with the palé grimace of
death. They marched in perfect unisón, each footfall a
defiant strike felt among our ranks. Even when we crested
the hill and waded into their formation, they were
TN 7 Special: M áxim um of two units, up to 20
unmoved, like a mountain of stone figures, moving as 2
Wounds m odels per u n it
one... ” ATT +1
DAM +2
Elite Heavy Infantry are the best of the best among the #S 1
TL 6
rank and file, better equipped to handle unusual
Morale 6
circumstances on the battlefield, and far more prepared to
challenge a larger enemy forcé. Armed with no-dachi, their Equipment: No-dachi, Heavy A rm or
reach is substantially improved over their katana-wielding
brothers-in-arms, and heavy armor provides them with the Cost/Model: 21 Affiliation: Toturi Honor: 1
best possible defense against those foes which gain ground
against them. Most importantly, however, is their ability to
stand in the face of adversity; few who have come this far
are willing to let it all go, even if it means their Uves.


Í R o n in T r o o p s
Ronin are reputed to be an uncouth, dishonest and murderous lot. While there are more than a few bands of ronin bandits
that fit into that description, there were also many honest mercenaries that did the job they were paid for. Without question. Without
concern for honor.
Ronin do what they must to survive. There is no honor in hunger and no glory in death, so bushido holds less luster for the
I masterless samurai. Ronin often see their samurai brethren as strutting fools that know little of life’s real tests, but society dictates that
| they keep such thoughts to themselves.
Though many ronin do just what they must to survive, others take personal pride in their accomplishments and grow with
I each experience. Such ronin become veteran or even elite troops - such warriors may someday gain a daimyo.

7 Special: Yari attacks occur first du ring the first Special: Yumi range: 15" cióse, 30 " extended (-2
Wounds 1 cióse com bat phase of an engagem ent and Wounds: ATT).
ATT +1 enem y casualties are rem oved before enem y ATT: +0/+1 M áxim um of two units, 24 m odels total.
DAM +1 attacks are rolled. DAM: 1/+1
1 M áxim um of tw o units, 30 m odels total.
Morale 6 Morale:

Equipment: Yari, Heavy Arm or Equipment: Yumi, Light A rm or

Cost/Model: 17 Affiliation: Toturi Honor: 1 Cost/Model: Affiliation: T oturi H o nor:

TN: 7 Special: Nage-yari range: 5" cióse, 8" extended

Wounds: 1 (-2 ATI).
ATT: +0/+1 M áxim um of two units, 40 m odels total.
DAM: +1/+0
#S: i
TL: 6
Morale: 6

Equipment: Nage-yari, Heavy A rm or

Cost/Model: 14 Affiliation: Toturi Honor: 2

M o u n t e d ín fa n t r y
“The rushing wall of grit approached from across the
plain like a field of locusts. At the forefront of the storm
were a dozen or more mounted troops, their bodies hunched TN: Special: D uring placem ent, this unit m ay be placed
low over their mounts. Clutched in their left hands were Wounds: up to 5" outside of the arm y placem ent area.
long and deathly-sharp yari, ready to skewer us through the ATT: Yari attacks occur first during the first cióse com bat
DAM: phase of an engagem ent and enem y casualties
packed sand we hid behind. The cavalry never slowed as are rem oved before enem y attacks are rolled.
they bore down upon us. We took that to mean that they This unit gains +1 DAM during the first tu rn of an
intended simply to pierce our defenses, not oblitérate engagem ent w hen being engaged.
M áxim um of two units, up to 20 m odels per unit.
them ... How wrong we were. The moment before their
horses leapt over our positions, they vaulted from their Equipment: Yari, Light A rm or
mounts, grasping their yari with both hands and
descending upon us like a hail of divine quarrels.” Cost/Model: 13 Affiliation: T oturi/U nicorn Honor: l

Mounted Infantry are used to claim important ground or

objectives early in a conflict, using mounts to reach their
target. The mounts are then quickly removed from the field
of battle, for the troops are not cavalry trained, but the
damage has already been done - the troops have what they
carne for and it’s up to the enemy to deprive the unit of their
P easant L e v ie s
“After the battle, there was nothing left of the tiny village. Only the foundations of the largest structures yet smoldered under the
mom ing sun. And nearly everyone was dead A scant few conscripts stood among the wreckage, the last remnants of their fledgling
town. They were our responsibility, and if their promise could steer them through this tragedy, they might be of some use to us in
the coming war... ”

Often, as a result of dislocation during war or a desperate need, conscripts are drawn from the peasant population permanently,
and attached to a standing army. Those who excel among their ranks are cited by the commanders, and given special training in the
very basic techniques of the samurai families. They are better treated than temporary recruits, and given special compensation and
placement within the ranks, but remain segregated from the honored warriors of the family units.

TN: 5 Special: None Special: Yari attacks occur first during the first
Wounds: 1 Wounds: 1 cióse com bat phase of an engagem ent and
ATT: -1 ATT: -1 enem y casualties are rem oved before enem y
DAM: -2 DAM: -1 attacks are rolled.
#S: l #S: l
TL: 10 TL: 10
Morale: 10 Morale: 10

Equipment: Various Equipment: Yari

Cost/Model: 2 Affiliation: U naligned Honor: 0 Cost/Model: 3 Affiliation: U naligned Honor: 0

A s h ig a r u
“The smoke settled about the feet of several bloodied
men. They wore no mon, not having the benefit of dan
affiliation. Their armor and weapons were tamished,
second-hand, without honor. But they were the only ones to
suruive the camage of the day... and for that, they were Special: Skirm ishers
special.” Wounds: 1 Yumi range: 10" cióse, 20 " extended (-2 ATT).
ATT: +0/+0
DAM: +0/+0 M áxim um of two skirm ishing units. No
It is said that only one in every thousand ashigaru #S: 1 m áxim um for units in form ation.
survive a major engagement Heimin are placed in the
forward ranks of fielded armies, and suffer the worst Morale:
average casualties of any save their levy inferiors. Some
E quip m ent: Yumi, Light A rm or
commanders see the spark of greatness in the ones that live
through a battle, however, and gather them together under
one banner. These troops - the most durable of the lesser Cost/Model: 10 Affiliation: Toturi/Yoritomo Honor: 0
crop - become the regulars of veteran legions, prepared to
stake their lives for the survival of those who march behind
.. - V __ ¡d

Special: Yari attacks occur first during the first

Wounds: 1 cióse com bat phase of an engagem ent and Wounds: 1
ATT: +0 enem y casualties are rem oved before enem y ATT: +0
DAM: +0 attacks are rolled. DAM: +0
#S: i #S: l

Morale Morale

Equipment: Yumi, Light A rm or Equipment: W akizashi, Light A rm or

Cost/Model: 9 Affiliation: Toturi/Yoritomo Cost/Model: 7 Affiliation: Toturi/Yoritomo Honor: 0

TN Special: Yari attacks occur first during the first Special: Yumi range: 8 " cióse, 16" extended (-2
Wounds cióse com bat phase of an engagem ent and Wounds: 1
ATT enem y casualties are rem oved before enem y ATT: -1/-1
DAM attacks are rolled. DAM: -1/-1
#S #S: i

Morale Morale: 9

Equipment: Yari Equipment: Yumi

Cost/Model: 5 Affiliation: Unaligned Cost/Model: 5 Affiliation: U naligned Honor: 0

TN Special: Nage-yari range: 4 " cióse, 6 " extended

Wounds (-2 ATT). Wounds
#S #S
Morale Morale

Equipment: Nage-yari Equipment: W akizashi

Cost/Model: 4 Affiliation: Unaligned Honor: 0 Cost/Model: 3 Affiliation: Unaligned Honor: 0

U c h íh A ik u ta í

R o n in N ikutai
Skills: Battle 1, Leadership 1
The Ronin Nikutai has spent a great deal of time fighting
among, and leading, unaligned troops - from peasant levies
to ashigaru to ronin. His experience with such troops Special: Peasant Levy and Ashigaru units gain +1 to
provides him with an advantage in dealing with such a unit all M aneuver tests w hen lead by a Ronin Nikutai.
that even a samurai cannot duplícate. Their understanding TN
of such troops allow them to command greater respect and
quicker obedience. DAM
#S Equipment: As per unit

Profession: As per unit Glory: - Honor:

fU H fC

R o nin G u n so
Skills: Battle 1, L eadership 2, Defense 1
With more time in Service than the young nikutai, the
Gunso serves with distinction among the unaligned troops
Special: Peasant Levy and A shigaru units gain +1 to of Rokugan, providing leadership to units that samurai
all M aneuver tests w hen lead by a Ronin Gunso. would rather avoid. While samurai polish their armor and
TN speak of honor and glory, the unaligned troops fight
through the brush to ensure the samurai’s victory, and this
DAM leader is critical to that effort
#S Equipment: As per unit

Profession: As per unit Glory: - Honor:

R o n in € h u í Air: - Skills: Battle 2, Leadership 2, D efense 2
This officer has shown great ability to his leader and has Earth: -
Fire: -
been placed in a much more responsible position.
Water: - Special: Peasant Levy and Ashigaru units gain +1 to
Maintaining his understanding of the common troop, he has Void: - all M aneuver and M orale tests w hen led by a
their trust and is able to get greater results. His ability rivals Ronin Chui.
TN: -
that of the young clan officers, but he is usually relegated to Wounds: *
leading mercenary troops. ATT: -
DAM: -
#S: - Equipment: As per unit

Cost: +22 Profession: As per unit Glory: - Honor: -

'“V T
H c m h Z a n a

Air: - Skills: Battle 3, Leadership 2, Defense 2, Counter- R o n in T aisa

Earth: - charge A position that is usually held by the samurai retainers
Fire: - of a daimyo, the ronin Taisa is given similar responsibilities
Water: - Special: Peasant Levy and A shigaru units gain + 2 to
but only with regard to peasant, unaligned, or ronin troops.
Void: - all M aneuver tests and +1 to all M orale tests
w hen led by a Ronin Taisa. While this officer is comparable in skill to his samurai
TN: -
brethren, his ronin status holds him far below their status
Wounds: -
ATT: - within society, but not on the battlefield.
DAM: -
#S: - Equipment: As per unit

Cost +27 Profession: As per un it Glory: - Honor:

'o í r t e m e

Air: 4 S kills: B attle 4, L eadership 4, D efense 4, Iaijutsu 2, D oublc Chi,

G o M aster
Earth: 6
S p e c ia l: U n ique. Y oritom o m a y n o t m a k e R a n g e d A ttacks.
Fire: 5 Y oritom o g a in s a n a d d itio n a l + 1 D A M fo r e a c h a tta c h e d S pecial
Water: 7 Ite m th a t is a w ea p o n . H e m a y h a v e tw o su c h ite m s a tta c h e d
a n d a ll m o d ifie rs a re c u m u la tiv e .
Void: 4 S p e cia l O rd e r: If Y oritom o’s u n it is w ith in 6 " o f a ro u tin g o r
b ro k e n u n it th a t yo u con tro l. Y oritom o m a y ra lly th a t u n it -
TN: 8
ro ll a die. T h e b ro k e n o r ro u tin g u n it ta k e s a n u m b e r of
Wounds: 5 W o u n d s e q u a l to th e ro ll re s u lt (in clu d in g add-ro lls) a n d is
ATT: +2 im m e d ia te ly re tu m e d to re a d y c o n d itio n . If th e u n it w a s
u n fo rm e d , it m u s t re fo rm a t its first o p p o rtu n ity .
DAM: +3 W hile e q u ip p e d w ith tw o k a m a , Y oritom o g a in s + 1 # S .
#S: 2
E q u ip m e n t: Two K ama, H eavy A rm or
P ro fe ssio n : M antis G a n Cham pion, Glory: 8 Honor: 3
Cost: 400 Sam urai

Yo r i t o m o
Bold, brash and ruthless, Yoritomo is the
daimyo of the Mantis. He is a powerful man,
and a strong general. He has singlehandedly
unified the Minor Clans against the banditry
and bickering of the Great Houses of the
Empire, declaring that the voices of the lesser
clans will be heard; they will be ignored no
With a single stroke, Yoritomo has united
the Minor Clans and brought them to the
forefront of the battles which ravage
He rides at the front of a terrible, bloody
wave of men, and they scream his ñame with
pride and courage. Yoritomo, along with the
generáis of the Minor Clans, stands in front
of the Great Houses and demands the one
thing they do not wish to give him: Equality.
And Yoritomo is prepared to back up his
threats with violence. He has a hundred
legions to raise his banner. If the Great Clans
ignored his threat before, they are not doing
so now. Beneath his scarred and worn helmet
shine the bright eyes of a powerful man.
So long as Yoritomo leads, the Rise of the
Mantis will not be denied.
K am oto
Kamoto attended the Mantis bushi school with Yoritomo M á m e te
and became accustomed to always being second to
Yoritomo’s skill. For a few years, Kamoto resented the Air: 3 Skills: Battle 4, Leadership 3, Defense 4, Iaijutsu 2,
heavily muscled heir to the Mantis Clan, but as time passed, Earth: 4 Go Master, Charge, Stalw art Defender, Tactician
Fire: 7
they became friends and companions. Kamoto no longer
Water: 5 Special: Unique.
resents the abilities of his lord, but marvels at what Void: 4 Special Order: Once per battle, Kam oto m ay inspire
Yoritomo has accomplished for his clan in such a short time. 8
his u n it Until the end of the turn, all m odels in
Despite his knowledge of Yoritomo’s abilities, he sometimes 4 Kam oto’s unit gain + 1 ATT and +1 DAM.
wonders, with the bloody ravages of the Clan War going on ATT: +3
all about them, if his daimyo will be able to guide his clan DAM: +3
#S: 2 Equipment: N aginata, Heavy A rm or
through the maelstrom. Profession: Toturi/Yoritomo G lo ry : 7 Honor: 3
Cost: 290 Samurai, Mantis

Z tu y u T suyu
Among the finest duelists produced by the Mantis bushi
Air: 4 Skills: Battle 3, L eadership 3, Defense 5, Iaijutsu 2 school, Tsuyu bears only animosity for the Great Clans. He
Earth: Special: Unique. sees them as petty and manipulative - great leeches who
Fire: Special Order: Twice per battle, when Tsuyu is engaged
benefit from the wealth of the island silk-producers but who
with an enemy unit, he may challenge a personality
Void: in that unit to a duel. If the enemy refuses, that conspire to prevent the minor clans from growing to be
personality is moved to the back rank until the something greater.
TN: engagement ends, and is dishonored. The personality
Wounds: is replaced in the front rank by a normal troop When it comes to bushido, Tsuyu does not bear his
ATT: model. The enemy personality and his unit may thoughts in silence. He finds the concept contemptible when
DAM: m ake use of his skills normally.
discussed by the ‘sycophants’ of the Great Clans, but will
#S: Equipment: N aginata, Light A rm or
entertain the notion when introduced by the ‘noble
Profession: Yoritomo Samurai, Glory: 6 Honor: 1
Cost: 212 Mantis retainers’ of the lesser clans.

T su ru ch i - E x p e r ie n c c d
Considered the single greatest bowman in Rokugan, m rn m M
Tsuruchi is renowned for his derogatory comments
regarding swords and other weapons of ‘butchery’. Early in Air: 5 Skills: Battle 3, L eadership 3, Defense 3, Iaijutsu 2,
his career he fought a ‘duel’ with a Lion samurai, starting Earth: 4 Stalw art D efender
Fire: 3 Special E x p e rie n c e d Unique
the duel from ten paces distance. Before the Lion had taken Water: 5 Y um i r a n g e )" extended (-2 ATTi
three steps, three arrows had pierced his body. Void: 3 When making Ranged Attack, Tsuruchi rolls Attack dice
Though Tsuruchi does not attack samurai directly with TN: 8
Special O rd e r O n c e battle, Tsuruchi m a y in s p ir e um L
Until end of the turn, any Ranged Attack m a d e
his views on bushido and kenjutsu, he often derides their Wounds: 4 um t gam s ATT a n d DAM This b o n u s does
way of life and their beliefs. ATT: +1/+2 apply an personalities vTkni um t

He was drawn to the banner of Toturi because of the DAM: + 1 /+ 2

#S: 2 E quipm ent: Yumi, Light Armor
Black Ronin’s reputation of avoiding butchery and Profession: Yoritomo Samurai, Glory: 5 Honor: 2
preserving life as much as possible during times of war. Cost: 170 Wasp

M' jéísí üí jm&sfi jui jü' §m

G enzo
Those who know Genzo speculate that he was once a
Crab samurai, but they do so in hushed whispers out of his Skills: Battle 4, Leadership 3, Defense 3, Counter-charge
presence. Genzo will not discuss his past with anyone, even Earth: 4 S pecial: Unique. Will join Crab w ith no cost increase.
Fire: 4 Special O rder: W hen engaged w ith a u n it th a t contains a l least one
those whom he serves. His hatred of the Shadowlands are Shadow lands m o d ef G enzo m ay expend one o r m ore Void. Each
Water: 5
well-known, however, as is his hatred of the Scorpion. He Void: 4
Void expended gives G enzo + 1 ATT or + 1 DAM until the end of
th e e n g a g e m en t (If G enzo expends 3 Void d u ring this Special
was recently sworn to fealty by the Falcon clan, a minor 8 order, h e m ay gain + 3 ATT, + 2 A TT/+1 DAM, + 1 A TT/+2 DAM,
or + 3 DAM.)
clan that serves within Yoritomo’s great alliance. Wounds: 4 W hen entering a duel w ith a S hadow lan ds m odel, G enzo m ay expend
ATT: +1 one o r m ore Void. Each Void expended gives G enzo + 1 to all
DAM: +2 D am age rolls until the end of the duel.

#S: 2 E q u ip m en t Katana, Heavy Armor

P rofession: Yoritomo Samurai, Glory: 5 Honor: 2
Cost: 162 Falcon

M u ka m i
One of Rokugan’s most feared archers, Mukami is a
Air: Skills: Battle 3, Leadership 3, Defense 4
Earth: 4 master of guerrilla tactics. He often leads skirmishing units
Special: Unique.
Fire: 3 Yumi range: 15" cióse, 30" extended (-2 ATT). of archers, taking them into positions of concealment and
Water: 5 When leading a unit of skirmishers, all models in M ukami’s launching deadly attacks from ambush, then fading back
Void: 3 unit have a 5 " movement.
M ukami’s unit m ay perform Reserve Movement during a
out of the enemy’s range for a counter attack.
TN: 7 turn in which they made a Ranged Attack, providing that Among the fanatical Wasp clan, Mukami is hesitant to
Wounds: 4 all models in the unit are at least 12" away from the even use a sword in combat - though he does carry the
ATT: +1/+2 nearest enem y unit.
DAM: +1/+2 traditional wakizashi, he has little knowledge with blades
#S: 2 E quipm ent: Yumi, Wakizashi and has never actually used it in combat.
P rofession: Yoritomo Samurai, Glory: 5 Honor: 1
Cost: 160 Wasp

K anbe
A ronin whose complete loyalty belongs only to koku, Air: Skills: Battle 2, Leadership 3, Defense 2, Iaijutsu 2,
Kanbe is a true mercenary. Though a member of the Mantis Earth: Counter-charge
clan, Kanbe regards the leadership of the clan more as Fire:
Water: Special: Kanbe m ay lead any unit, ignoring clan
paymasters than feudal lords, an attitude that has caused Void: affiliation, b u t m ust still m eet Honor and Glory
more than a little friction between Kanbe and other, less requirem ents.
cavalier followers of the Mantis clan. His skill in combat Kanbe m ay ignore clan or fam ily restrictions w hen
and his leadership abilities, however, cause his leaders to equipping a Special Item.
overlook some of his philosophical shortcomings. DAM:
#S: Equipment: Katana, Light A rm or
Profession: Yoritomo S am urai Glory: 4 Honor: 2
Cost: 121 Mantis
- ¿¿i,___

H yobe
Trained as a naval commander by the Mantis, Hyobe A c tu ó
moved rapidly into a position of leadership upon the
merchant vessels traveling to the north of Rokugan, and Air: 3 Skills: Magic 4, Battle 2, Leadership 2, Defense 2,
beyond. After many years escorting trade caravans, he Earth: 4 Iaijutsu 1
Fire: 4
graduated to his own military vessel, one of the few kobune
Water: 4 Special: Unique. May lead a com bat u n it
the Tortoise called their own, and began patrolling the seas Void: 3 Im m ediately after Nobuo casts a spell and its effects
outside Otosan Uchi. 7
have been determ ined, the spell scroll is
Hyobe’s love of the open ocean proved to be his undoing. 4 destroyed.
One day, several years ago, while far out beyond the normal ATT: +1
shipping routes, his ship was assaulted by an irresistible DAM: +1
#S: 2 Equipment: Scrolls, Katana, Light A rm or
current. The hull of the craft was battered and began to take Profession: Yoritomo Shugenja, Glory: 4 Honor: 1
on water. Hyobe ordered most of his men to abandon ship Cost: 116 Mantis
while he piloted it toward a nearby island.
Several of the men survived long enough to watch their
ship approach the island, then veer away as the land mass
sank into the waves. Reports vary about what followed, Nobuo
ranging from an attack of rival merchant ships to something Nobuo has made his life a testing ground for
enormous swatting at the vessel like a fly. Hyobe was not experimental magic, including extensive use of ñame and
seen for many months after th at eventually returning to the language-based effects. He is quite reclusive, only working
mainland bearing a gash upon his face where one eye with the Mantis during the Clan War out of necessity (he
should be, and an unyielding fear of the sea. believes that failure in this war may result in the loss of his
Today, he marshals troops in the Clan War, drawing on precious island home, where most of his research is
his natural command skills and unusual approach to field conducted). Nobuo’s greatest (and most violently effective)
combat to rally his troops to victory. His success against method as yet unleashed upon the enemies of the Mantis is
superior odds is measured by his famed track record. After a variation on the casting of spells, in which he performs a
only a short time under his leadership, most troops forge an ritual of his own during the invocation of a scroll effect. The
unwavering bond with him, refusing to back down, scroll is invariably destroyed in the process, but the end
regardless of the circumstances. result is amazing. Elemental ñame burns with greater
intensity, the earth rips open and closes at his whim, and
soldiers are buffeted by angry winds. Whatever his resource,
however, he refuses to discuss it It is quite possible that the
secret of his ritual may die with him.

Air: 3 Skills: Battle 4, Leadership 3, Defense 1, Charge

Earth: 4
Fire: 5
Water: 3 Special: W hen leading a unit of Tortoise M arines,
Void: 3 Hyobe’s un it will not rout as long as Hyobe is
honorable and unspent.
TN: 7
Wounds: 4
ATT: +2
DAM: +2
#S: 2 Equipment: No-dachi, Light A rm or
P rofession: Yoritomo Samurai, Glory: 4 Honor: 1
Cost: 118 Tortoise
K em m ei
“Naturally, I can procure that for you, There zvill be, of
course, a pnce. .. ”
Air: 4 Skills: Battle 1, L eadership 1, Defense 1
A student of the Mantis-Yasuki rivalry, Kemmei has Earth: 2 Special: May lead or associate w ith a com bat unit.
Fire: 2 May serve in any clan’s Com m and Group at a
learned well the advantages of leaving one’s options open.
Water: 4 cost of 70 koku. Kem mie is non-unique in a
Motivated by greed and a keen sense of opportunity, Kemmei Void: 2 Yoritomo arm y, but U nique in any other.
watches the various armies, commanders, courtiers, and Kemmei m ay attach up to tw o Tactical Cards.
TN: 6
daimyo involved in the Clan War, contacting those whose Wounds: 2 Special Order: Kem m ei’s player m ay rem ove one
need meet his “special talents”. Kemmei is an information ATT: +0 Tactical Card from Kem mei and place it in his
DAM: +0 hand.
broker and dealer in weapons, skills, and personnel. He will
#S: 1 Equipment: W akizashi
work for anyone who can pay his fees, providing them with
Profession: Yoritomo Courtier, Glory: 2 Honor: 1
what they desire, then vanish to work for their enemies. Cost: 50 Tortoise
The Tortoise are well aware of Kemmei’s work outside
their chain of command, and welcome the added influence
and funding he provides them. They have learned that the
survival of their clan relies upon the generosity of others, and
have placed Kemmei in a politically ambiguous position to
accommodate his efforts, so that they may reap the rewards.


R yosei
When Kitsune Ryosei was young, her father chided her,
calling her ‘daughter of Shinjo.’ Ryosei has not forgotten the
taunt, and resents its implications. In her mind, the Fox are
Air: 4 Skills: M agic 3, Battle 1, L eadership 2 a free people, born of a Kami but not enslaved by one.
Earth: 2 Ryosei has clung to that belief with an iron grip. In the
Fire: 3 last two years, she has seen change and hatred; anger and
Water: 3 Special: None
Void: 2
betrayal. Her own father has fallen victim to one of the
greatest of the Black Scrolls of Fu Leng, and now walks the
TN: 6
Wounds: 2
land as the Walking Horror of Fu Leng, slave to the evil of
ATT: +1 the Shadowlands.
DAM: +0 Equipment: Scrolls, W akizashi The title of daimyo that has fallen on her shoulders is a
#S: 1 terrible burden. She believes that it was her quest to find
Profession: Yoritomo Shugenja, Glory: 2 Honor: 1
Cost Fox the lost sword of the Fox Clan which caused her father to
fall into maho, and perhaps her anger hides some truth.
Whatever the final outcome, she swears, she will see that
the dead return to death, and that her father’s decayed and
blasphemous body is destroyed. It is her hope that this act
will free his soul; in reality, it may be the salvation of hers.
■__ íiÍH--------- á

M a n tis H ouse G ü a r d
A i a n t i f M o u a s (p u a tb The Mantis House Guard spend as much time upon
water as they do on land. With unprecedented balance and
TN: 7 Special: Yumi range: 15" cióse, 30" extended (-2 ATT).
acutely honed senses, they are a match for any other clans’
Wounds: 2 Will not rout while leader is alive and honorable. Will chosen warriors. Their ability with shipboard archery is
only serve in a Yoritomo arm y and m ay only be
ATT: +1/+ Ü
led by a personality with a Glory of at least 5.
equalled by their swift and deadly forcé with the katana,
DAM: + 2/+0 Máximum of one unit, 12 models total. and the two attack styles are often combined with
#S: 1
horrifying efficiency. Mantis forces are typically staged
TL: 6
Morale: 5 behind or within cover and used as long-range weapons
until an enemy closes, at which time they engage in cióse
Equipment: No-dachi, Yumi, Heavy A rm or

Cost/Model: 30 Affiliatíon: Yoritomo Honor: 1

S t o r m L e g ió n
The Storm Legión are a specialized forcé dedicated to
sweeping devastation. They march forward through an
TN: 8 Special: Yari attacks occur first during the first
enemy forcé, piercing it through the heart and leaving the
Wounds: 1 com bat phase of an engag em ent Casualties
stragglers behind for other units to finish off. Using their ATT: +1 are rem oved before enem y attacks are rolled
polearms as both a defensive barrier and a coordinated DAM: +1
offensive line, the Storm Legión are easily the most feared #S: 1 M áxim um of one unit, 20 m odels total.
unit among Yoritomo’s Alliance. Often, soldiers of this unit TL: 7
Morale: 4
set up complicated maneuvers between their ranks; for
instance, the front ranks use their weapons to draw Equipment: Yari, Heavy A rm or
opponents into the second rank behind them, where the rest
of the unit strikes at once, ripping at the samurai’s armor Cost/Model: 21 Affiliatíon: Yoritomo Honor: 2
and leaving their skewered corpses in their wake.

Z o ttc iw M a tin u i T o rto is e M a r in e s

Throughout the history of Rokugan, there have only
been two clans who have consistently supported their Minor
TN: 6 Special: Against enem y Crab, D ragón, Lion, and
Wounds: 2 Scorpion troops, this unit gains a +1 ATT in
brothers-in-arms - the Crane and the Unicorn. The favors of
ATT: +1 cióse com bat the past have not been forgotten by the Tortoise, who offer
DAM: +1 Against enem y Crane and Unicorn troops, this soldiers from their own ranks to support these two allies.
#S: 1 unit gains a -1 ATT in cióse com bat Drawing men from their kobune fleets and training them
TL: 6
M áxim um of one u n it 20 m odels total.
upon the shores north of Otosan Uchi, the Tortoise have
Morale: 6
created a small but effective forcé to offer them. Agents of
Equipment: No-dachi, L ight A rm or the Emperor have conscripted several more units of these
retrained sailors, and incorporated them into the forces of
Cost/Model: 17 Affiliatíon: Yoritomo Honor: : the other clans as well, much to the displeasure of the
W a sp S k ir m is h e r s
“We saw the arrows fly and our forces immediately
charged the location to fin d ... nothing.”
TN: 6 Special: Skirm ishers. This unit m ust skirm ish, at
Wounds: 1 no additional cost Trained to approach behind cover, strike their enemy
ATT: +0/+1 Yumi range: 15" cióse, 30 " extended (-2). from concealment, then waft away like smoke before the
DAM: -1/+1
#S: i M áxim um of two units, 8 m odels per unit.
winds of autumn, the Wasp skirmishers are a dangerous
TL: 7 breed of archer. Were they not so limited in number, their
Morale: 6 ability to glide around their enemy’s flank and strike at his
supply lines would cripple even the strongest of opponents.
Equipment: Yumi, Light A rm or

Cost/Model: 16 Affiliation: Yoritomo Honor: 1

M a n t is M e r c e n a r ie s
“We are among the dead already. We have nothing to
lose but the Uves of your people.”

It began with the Crane. They carne to the Mantis,

requesting aid in organizing their armies for the rigors of
the Clan War. Yoritomo offered them a number of his most TN: 7 Special: May be led by a personality of any
vicious warriors to help train their men, and win a few Wounds: l Clan.
battles. Today, the “broker of diplomacy” known as Kemmei ATT: +1 W hen recruited by an arm y other th an Crane or
DAM: +2 Yoritomo’s Alliance, the arm y m ust pay the
doles out mercenaries to whomever will dónate koku,
#S: 1 m inor clan (other) cost
weapons, information, or commanders to Clan Mantis. TL: 6
Outside of the Mantis and Crane, these mercenaries Morale: 7 M áxim um of tw o units, 40 m odels total.
draw looks of disdain and scowls of contempt They are the
Equipment Various Weapons, Heavy A rm or
point of much ridicule among “honorable” soldiers, who see
their freelance status as an affront to the Code of Bushido.
But their effectiveness cannot be questioned, so the demand Cost/Model: 15 Affiliation: Crane/Yoritomo Honor: 1
for their Services continúes, despite their reputation.
M a n tis B u shi
The Clan War is the first protracted engagement in
which Mantis bushi have been offered Wholesale to support
TN: 7 KSpecial: May be led by a personality oí any Clan. the efforts of the other clans. Fiercely loyal, Yoritomo’s finest
Wounds: 1 When led by a Mantis personality, this unit has ML are resentful of their present assignments, comparing their
ATT: +1 5.
Mantis Bushi add 2 to the Focus valué of a Tactical lot to that of the infamous Mantis Mercenaries. Yet they
DAM: +1 Card played as a Damage modifier. remain one of the most skilled fighting units upon the field
#S: i When recruited by an arm y other than Crane or
Yoritomo’s Alliance, the arm y m ust pay the m inor of battle today, and perform their duty to the Mantis daimyo
TL: 6
Morale: 7 clan (other) cost. with absolute dedication, knowing his commands to be the
M áximum of two units, 40 models total.
best for them and the rest of their people.
Equipment: Varíous W eapons, Heavy Arm or

Cost/Model: 14 Affiliation: Crane/Yoritomo Honor: 2

F o x C lan S t a l k e r s
“Our forces trudged through the paddies at a snail’s pace,
TN: 6 Special: 5" M ovem ent
but when we looked back at our pursuit, they moved Wounds: 1 Nage-yari range: 5" cióse, 8" extended (-2 ATT).
through the tom fields as if running along a road,” Once per battle, during the Special Orders phase (no
ATT: +0/+0
personality is required), the Fox Clan Flankers can
DAM: +0/+1 actívate the following ability:
#S: 1 Until the end of the tura, this unit ignores all
Familiar with most types of terrain, the stalkers move
TL: 6 movem ent penalties for brush and shrubs, bogs
quickly along enemy flanks to threaten the low-end units 6 and paddies, and wooded terrains.
often placed to hold lesser positions. When necessary, they Máximum of two units, 32 models total.

also serve as a threat to the flank of even the heaviest Equipment: Nage-yari, Light Arm or
enemy units.
Cost/Model: 13 Affiliation: Yoritomo Honor: 1

M a n tis Budoka
Budoka are commoners, peasants who have taken up
weapons and chosen to learn the way of Bushido, with or
TN: 6 Special: W hether or not this unit is led by a without the teachings of samurai. They may have been
Wounds: 1 personality, it may play use a Focus valué as a
ashigaru warriors who never wanted to see a farm again
ATT: +1 Dam age modifier during an engagement. Once
DAM: + 0 played, that Damage modifier applies to all
after a war. Or perhaps they were born with ambition
#S: 1 Dam age rolls until the end of this engagement. beyond their station and are now hidden warriors taking on
’I'L- 5 This unit m ay not apply another Focus valúes as a “better” roles. Despite the efforts of the budoka to subvert
Morale: 6 Dam age modifier during the engagement.
the Celestial Order, many bushi treat them with respect for
Máximum of two units, 40 models total. I
their desire to be greater than they actually are. Budoka are
Equipment: Nunchaku rare within the Seven Great Clans, but welcomed within the
ranks of the Mantis, whose rapidly depleted land units can
Cost/Model: 11 Affiliation: Yoritomo Honor: i
be bolstered with their numbers.
Product Order Form

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P ro d . Co d e D e s c r ip t io n P r ic e
P r o d . Co d e D e s c r ip t io n P r ic e 10-706 S corpion P erso n alities # 2 $7.95
10-707 Scorpion: B ayushi K achiko $5.95 99-001 E arth D ragón $29.95
12-001 C lan W ar Boxed S et $74.95
99-002 Kyoso no O ni (2) $24.95
12-002 In fan try E x p an sió n $34.95 10-708 Scorpion: B ayushi S hoju (2) $7.95
99-003 Fire D ragón $29.95
12-003 C alvary E x pansión $39.95 10-709 S corpion P erso n alities # 3 $7.95
99-004 O ni no T suburo (2) $29.95
12-004 C rab A rm y E x p an sió n $34.95 12-051 In fan try B ases (20) $3.95
12-052 C avalry B ases (12) $3.95 99-005 W ater D rag ó n $29.95
12-005 L ion A rm y E x p an sió n $34.95
99-006 E le m e n tal T errors # 1 $24.95
12-006 C ran e A rm y E x pansión $34.95 12-053 L arge In fan try B ases (10) $3.95
12-007 P h o en ix A rm y E x pansión $34.95 12-061 T actical D eck # 1 (50 cards) $6.95
12-008 D rag ó n A rm y E x p an sió n $34.95 12-062 Spell C ards (40 cards) $6.95
12-009 U n ico m A rm y E x p an sió n $49.95 12-063 Tactical D eck # 2 (4 0 + cards) $7.95
12-010 S h ad o w lan d s A rm y E x p an sió n $44.95 12-071 In fan try R einforcem ents (12) $29.95 Please send your order form to:
12-011 N aga A rm y E x p an sió n $44.95 12-073 G o b lin R aiding P arty (12) $29.95
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Alderac Entertainment Group
12-014 T oturi a n d Y oritom o A rm y E x pansión $34.95 12-103 U naligned: S h u g en ja (4) $11.95
12-104 U n aligned: Y ojim bo (4) $11.95 4045 Guasti Road #212
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U naligned: C ourtiers (2)
U naligned: G eish a (2)
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P ro d . Co d e D e s c r ip t io n P r ic e
12-109 U naligned: M édium R anged In fan try $11.95
10-101 C rab: K uni W itch H u n ters $11.95 Make checks and money orders
12-110 U naligned: M édium In fan try (4) $11.95
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13-101 S h ad ow lands: G oblin B erserk ers (4) $11.95
10-106 C rab P erso n alities # 2 $7.95
13-102 S h ad ow lands: G oblin M ob (4) $11.95
10-108 C rab P erso n alities # 1 $7.95
13-103 S h ad ow lands: O gre B ushi (2) $11.95
10-201 C rane: K akita A cadem y (4) $11.95
13-105 S h ad ow lands: O ni no K am u (2) $14.95
If paying with a credit card,
10-202 C ran e: D aid o ji Iro n W arrio r (4) $11.95
please be sure to sign the bottom of
13-106 S h ad ow lands: M agic M ud G o b lins (4) $11.95
10-203 C rane: C ran e Elite A rch ers (4) $11.95
13-107 S h ad ow lands: S h ad o w lan d s M ad m en $11.95
10-204 C ran e: D oji H o tu ri (1) $5.95
13-108 S h ad ow lands: O gre W arriors (4) $15.95
the form in the space provided.
10-205 C ran e P erso n alities # 2 $7.95
13-110 S h ad ow lands: G oblin L eaders (4) $11.95
10-206 C rane: K en sh in zen (4) $11.95
13-111 S h ad ow lands: Yogo Junzo $5.95
10-207 C ran e P erso n alities # 1 $7.95
13-112 S h ad ow lands: S k eleto n A rchers (12) $29.95
** Please be sure to add the
10-208 C ran e P erso n alities # 3 $11.95
10-301 D rag ó n : Ise Z u m i (4) $11.95
13-113 S h ad ow lands: L esser O ni (12) $29.95 following shipping and handling
13-114 S h ad ow lands: O ni P odlings (6) $13.95
10-302 D rag ó n : D rag o n ’s T alons (4) $11.95
13-116 S h ad ow lands: O ni no M izu $11.95
charges to your order before you total
10-303 D rag ó n : D rag o n sc ales (4) $11.95
10-304 D ragón: D rag ó n M éd iu m E lite (4) $11.95
13-117 S h ad ow lands: O ni H orde (4) $11.95 the amount due.
13-118 S h ad ow lands: M obbing G oblins (12) $29.95
10-305 D rag ó n : T ogashi Y okuni $9.95
15-101 N aga: N aga B ushi (3) $13.95
10-306 D rag ó n P erso n alities # 2 $7.95
15-102 N aga: N aga B ow m en (3) $13.95
Shipping and handling charges:
10-307 D rag ó n P erso n alities # 3 $11.95
10-308 D rag ó n P erso n alities # 1 $7.95
15-103 N aga: N aga S p earm en (3) $13.95 Continental US: $5.00
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15-106 N aga P erso n alities # 1 $11.95
Cañada: $15.00
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15-107 N aga: M ara $13.95 Overseas: $25.00
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